## Definition A release is mostly a git tag of http://github.com/wallabag/wallabag, following [semantic versioning](http://semver.org). ### Steps to release During this documentation, we assume the release is `$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE` (like 2.3.4). #### Prepare the release - Update these files with new information - `app/config/wallabag.yml` (`wallabag_core.version`) - `CHANGELOG.md` - Create a PR named "Prepare $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE release". - Wait for test to be ok, merge it. #### Create a new release on GitHub - Run these commands to create the tag: ``` git checkout master git pull origin master git checkout -b release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE composer up ``` - Then continue with these commands: ``` git add composer.lock git commit -m "Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE" git push origin release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE ``` - Create a new pull request with this title `Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE`. This pull request is used to launch builds on Travis-CI. - Once PR is green, merge it and delete the branch. - Run these command to create the package: ``` make release VERSION=$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE ``` - [Create the new release on GitHub](https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/releases/new) by targetting the `master` branch. You have to upload the package (generated previously). - Update the URL shortener (used on `wllbg.org` to update links like `https://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package` or `http://wllbg.org/latest-v2`) - Update Dockerfile https://github.com/wallabag/docker (and create a new tag) - Update wallabag.org website (downloads, MD5 sum, releases and new blog post) - Put the next patch version suffixed with `-dev` in `app/config/wallabag.yml` (`wallabag_core.version`) - Drink a :beer:!