module.exports = function (grunt) { require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.initConfig({ appDir: 'app/Resources/static', buildDir: 'web/bundles/wallabagcore', postcss: { material: { options: { map: { inline: false, }, processors: [ require('pixrem')(), require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: 'last 2 versions' }), require('cssnano')(), ], }, src: '<%= buildDir %>/material.css', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material/css/style.min.css', }, baggy: { options: { map: { inline: false, }, processors: [ require('pixrem')(), require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: 'last 2 versions' }), require('cssnano')(), ], }, src: '<%= buildDir %>/baggy.css', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/baggy/css/style.min.css', }, }, concat: { options: { separator: ';', }, cssMaterial: { src: [ 'node_modules/materialize-css/bin/materialize.css', '<%= appDir %>/themes/material/css/*.css', ], dest: '<%= buildDir %>/material.css', }, cssBaggy: { src: [ '<%= appDir %>/themes/baggy/css/*.css', ], dest: '<%= buildDir %>/baggy.css', }, }, browserify: { dist: { files: { '<%= buildDir %>/material.browser.js': ['<%= appDir %>/themes/material/js/init.js'], '<%= buildDir %>/baggy.browser.js': ['<%= appDir %>/themes/baggy/js/init.js'] } }, options: { sourceType: "module", transform: [ ["babelify", { presets: ["es2015"] }], ["browserify-shim", { "jquery": { "exports": "$" }, "materialize": "materialize", "jquery-ui": { "depends": "jquery", "exports": null } }] ], browserifyOptions: { browser: { "jQuery": "./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js", "jquery.tinydot": "./node_modules/jquery.tinydot/src/jquery.tinydot.js", "jquery.ui": "./node_modules/jquery-ui-browserify/dist/jquery-ui.js" } } } }, uglify: { material: { files: { '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material/js/material.min.js': ['<%= buildDir %>/material.browser.js'], }, options: { sourceMap: true, }, }, baggy: { files: { '<%= buildDir %>/themes/baggy/js/baggy.min.js': ['<%= buildDir %>/baggy.browser.js'], }, options: { sourceMap: true, }, }, }, copy: { pickerjs: { expand: true, cwd: 'node_modules/pickadate/lib', src: 'picker.js', dest: '<%= buildDir %>', }, annotator: { expand: true, cwd: 'node_modules/annotator/pkg', src: 'annotator.min.js', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/_global/js/', }, }, symlink: { baggyfonts: { files: [ { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/lib/icomoon-bower/', src: 'fonts', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/baggy/', }, { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/lib/bower-pt-sans/fonts', src: '*', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/baggy/fonts/', }, ], }, materialfonts: { files: [ { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/lib/icomoon-bower/', src: 'fonts', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material/', }, { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: 'node_modules/materialize-css/', src: 'font', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material', }, { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/lib/roboto-fontface/fonts/', src: '*', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material/fonts/roboto/', }, { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/lib/material-design-icons-iconfont/dist/fonts/', src: '*', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/material/fonts/', }, ], }, pics: { files: [ { expand: true, overwrite: true, cwd: '<%= appDir %>/themes/_global/', src: 'img', dest: '<%= buildDir %>/themes/_global/', }, ], }, }, clean: { css: { src: ['<%= buildDir %>/**/*.css'], }, js: { src: ['<%= buildDir %>/**/*.js', '<%= buildDir %>/**/*.map'], }, all: { src: ['./<%= buildDir %>'], }, }, }); grunt.registerTask( 'fonts', 'Install fonts', ['symlink:baggyfonts', 'symlink:materialfonts'] ); grunt.registerTask( 'js', 'Build and install js files', ['clean:js', 'copy:pickerjs', 'browserify', 'uglify'] ); grunt.registerTask( 'default', 'Build and install everything', ['clean', 'copy:pickerjs', 'concat', 'browserify', 'uglify', 'postcss', 'symlink'] ); grunt.registerTask( 'css', 'Compiles the stylesheets.', ['clean:css', 'concat:cssMaterial', 'concat:cssBaggy', 'postcss'] ); };