]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blame_incremental - composer.json
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[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / composer.json
... / ...
2 "name": "shaarli/shaarli",
3 "description": "The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database-free bookmarking service",
4 "type": "project",
5 "license": "MIT",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli",
7 "support": {
8 "issues": "https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues",
9 "wiki": "https://shaarli.readthedocs.io"
10 },
11 "keywords": ["bookmark", "link", "share", "web"],
12 "config": {
13 "platform": {
14 "php": "5.6.31"
15 }
16 },
17 "require": {
18 "php": ">=5.6",
19 "ext-json": "*",
20 "ext-zlib": "*",
21 "shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser": "^2.1",
22 "erusev/parsedown": "^1.6",
23 "slim/slim": "^3.0",
24 "arthurhoaro/web-thumbnailer": "^1.1",
25 "pubsubhubbub/publisher": "dev-master",
26 "gettext/gettext": "^4.4"
27 },
28 "require-dev": {
29 "phpunit/phpcov": "*",
30 "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.0",
31 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.*"
32 },
33 "suggest": {
34 "ext-curl": "Allows fetching web pages and thumbnails in a more robust way",
35 "ext-gd": "Required for thumbnail generation",
36 "ext-gettext": "Enables faster translation system in gettext mode",
37 "ext-intl": "Provides localized text sorting",
38 "ext-mbstring": "Provides multibyte (Unicode) string support"
39 },
40 "autoload": {
41 "psr-4": {
42 "Shaarli\\": "application",
43 "Shaarli\\Api\\": "application/api/",
44 "Shaarli\\Api\\Controllers\\": "application/api/controllers",
45 "Shaarli\\Api\\Exceptions\\": "application/api/exceptions",
46 "Shaarli\\Bookmark\\": "application/bookmark",
47 "Shaarli\\Bookmark\\Exception\\": "application/bookmark/exception",
48 "Shaarli\\Config\\": "application/config/",
49 "Shaarli\\Config\\Exception\\": "application/config/exception",
50 "Shaarli\\Exceptions\\": "application/exceptions",
51 "Shaarli\\Feed\\": "application/feed",
52 "Shaarli\\Http\\": "application/http",
53 "Shaarli\\Netscape\\": "application/netscape",
54 "Shaarli\\Plugin\\": "application/plugin",
55 "Shaarli\\Plugin\\Exception\\": "application/plugin/exception",
56 "Shaarli\\Plugin\\Wallabag\\": "plugins/wallabag",
57 "Shaarli\\Render\\": "application/render",
58 "Shaarli\\Security\\": "application/security",
59 "Shaarli\\Updater\\": "application/updater",
60 "Shaarli\\Updater\\Exception\\": "application/updater/exception"
61 }
62 }