* `kong_app_admin_apikey` the apikey to use kong admin api. Default to ""
* `services` an array of services to setup (default to [])
* `name` the name of the service to create for this app, mandatory
- * `url` the url of the backend of the app, mandatory
- * `upstream` if the url reference an upstream a dict with the configuration
- * `conf` the configuration as expected by kong for an upstream creataion
+ * `url` the url of the backend of the app, mandatory. May refer to an upstream by its name (https://upstream\_name/path)
+ * `upstream` if the url reference an upstream a dict with the configuration, optional
+ * `conf` the configuration as expected by kong for an upstream creation
+ * `name` mandatory name for the upstream
+ * `healthchecks` optional healthchecks configuration as expected by kong api
* `targets` an array of dict defining a target for kong
- * `target` the host:port to reach the target
- * `weight` the weight of the target
+ * `target` the host:port to reach the target (mandatory)
+ * `weight` the weight of the target (optional)
* `plugins` An array of plugins to activate with their name and config in a dict
* `name`
* `config`