{-# INLINABLE toHandle #-}
{-# RULES "p >-> toHandle h" forall p h .
- p >-> toHandle h = for p (\bs -> liftIO (T.hPutStr h bs))
+ p >-> toHandle h = for p (\txt -> liftIO (T.hPutStr h txt))
map f = P.map (T.map f)
{-# INLINABLE map #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> map f" forall p f .
+ p >-> map f = for p (\txt -> yield (T.map f txt))
+ #-}
-- | Map a function over the characters of a text stream and concatenate the results
:: (Monad m) => (Char -> Text) -> Pipe Text Text m r
concatMap f = P.map (T.concatMap f)
{-# INLINABLE concatMap #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> concatMap f" forall p f .
+ p >-> concatMap f = for p (\txt -> yield (T.concatMap f txt))
+ #-}
-- | Transform a Pipe of 'Text' into a Pipe of 'ByteString's using UTF-8
-- encoding; @encodeUtf8 = Pipes.Prelude.map TE.encodeUtf8@ so more complex
encodeUtf8 = P.map TE.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINEABLE encodeUtf8 #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> encodeUtf8" forall p .
+ p >-> encodeUtf8 = for p (\txt -> yield (TE.encodeUtf8 txt))
+ #-}
-- | Transform a Pipe of 'String's into one of 'Text' chunks
pack :: Monad m => Pipe String Text m r
pack = P.map T.pack
{-# INLINEABLE pack #-}
--- | Transforma a Pipes of 'Text' chunks into one of 'String's
+{-# RULES "p >-> pack" forall p .
+ p >-> pack = for p (\txt -> yield (T.pack txt))
+ #-}
+-- | Transform a Pipes of 'Text' chunks into one of 'String's
unpack :: Monad m => Pipe Text String m r
unpack = for cat (\t -> yield (T.unpack t))
{-# INLINEABLE unpack #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> unpack" forall p .
+ p >-> unpack = for p (\txt -> yield (T.unpack txt))
+ #-}
-- | @toCaseFold@, @toLower@, @toUpper@ and @stripStart@ are standard 'Text' utility,
-- here acting on a 'Text' pipe, rather as they would on a lazy text
toCaseFold = P.map T.toCaseFold
{-# INLINEABLE toCaseFold #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> toCaseFold" forall p .
+ p >-> toCaseFold = for p (\txt -> yield (T.toCaseFold txt))
+ #-}
-- | lowercase incoming 'Text'
toLower :: Monad m => Pipe Text Text m ()
toLower = P.map T.toLower
{-# INLINEABLE toLower #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> toLower" forall p .
+ p >-> toLower = for p (\txt -> yield (T.toLower txt))
+ #-}
-- | uppercase incoming 'Text'
toUpper :: Monad m => Pipe Text Text m ()
toUpper = P.map T.toUpper
{-# INLINEABLE toUpper #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> toUpper" forall p .
+ p >-> toUpper = for p (\txt -> yield (T.toUpper txt))
+ #-}
-- | Remove leading white space from an incoming succession of 'Text's
stripStart :: Monad m => Pipe Text Text m r
stripStart = do
filter predicate = P.map (T.filter predicate)
{-# INLINABLE filter #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> filter q" forall p q .
+ p >-> filter q = for p (\txt -> yield (T.filter q txt))
+ #-}
-- | Strict left scan over the characters
:: (Monad m)