--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -ueo pipefail
+function cleverActivity {
+ lastCleverActivity=$(clever activity)
+function ensure {
+ if [ "$?" == "1" ]
+ then
+ echo "✗ Deployment failed!"
+ fi
+ VERBOSE=true
+ verbose
+trap ensure EXIT ERR
+function deploying {
+ checkStatus "$1" "IN PROGRESS"
+function deployed {
+ checkStatus "$1" "OK"
+function inactive {
+ checkStatus "$1" "" "-v"
+function checkStatus {
+ local commit="$1"
+ local status="$2"
+ cleverActivity
+ echo "${lastCleverActivity}" | tail -n1 | grep ${3:+ "${3}"} -q -E "${status}.*DEPLOY.*${commit}"
+function verbose {
+ if [ -n "${VERBOSE}" ]; then
+ echo -e "\\nLast clever activity:"
+ echo -e "${lastCleverActivity}\\n"
+ fi
+function check {
+ local commit="$1"
+ local samplingTime=5
+ echo "️▫ Waiting for deployment to start..."
+ while inactive "$commit"
+ do
+ verbose
+ sleep $samplingTime
+ done
+ # Wait for completion
+ echo "▪ Deployment in progress..."
+ while deploying "$commit"
+ do
+ verbose
+ sleep $samplingTime
+ done
+ deployed "$commit"
+ echo "✓ Deployment done."
+function getHeadRev {
+ local chdir="$1/.git"
+ git --git-dir="$chdir" rev-parse HEAD
+check "$(getHeadRev "${workdir}")"
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Deploy to Clever-Cloud
- shell: "clever deploy --force"
+ command: "git push --force git+ssh://git@push-par-clevercloud-customers.services.clever-cloud.com/{{ clever_app }}.git HEAD:refs/heads/master"
chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
- environment:
- CONFIGURATION_FILE: "{{ clever_login_file }}"
register: clever_deploy
- async: 900 # 15 minutes timeout
- poll: 30
ignore_errors: true
- skip_ansible_lint
+# Re-deploy only if its the first clever deploy for that project #
- name: First time push to Clever-Cloud needs a full git clone
command: "git fetch --unshallow"
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Deploy to Clever-Cloud
- shell: "clever deploy --force"
+ command: "git push --force git+ssh://git@push-par-clevercloud-customers.services.clever-cloud.com/{{ clever_app }}.git HEAD:refs/heads/master"
chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
- environment:
- CONFIGURATION_FILE: "{{ clever_login_file }}"
- when: clever_deploy is failed
+ when:
+ - clever_deploy is failed
+ - clever_deploy.stderr is defined
+ - clever_deploy.stderr is search("Failed to read git object")
register: clever_deploy
- async: 900 # 15 minutes timeout
- poll: 30
- ignore_errors: true
- skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Return deployment logs
- debug:
- var: clever_deploy.stdout
- when: clever_deploy.stdout is defined
-- name: Return deployment errors
- debug:
- var: clever_deploy.stderr
- when:
- - clever_deploy is failed
- - clever_deploy.stderr is defined
+# Poll deployment status from 'clever activity' command. #
+# 'clever deploy' command is not yet 100% reliable to get a blocking command #
+# until the deployment is over. Hence the need for a custom waiting script. #
-- name: Retrieve clever activity
- command: clever activity
+- name: Watch deployment status
+ command: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/{{ clever_user_path }}/clever-wait-deploy.sh"
chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
CONFIGURATION_FILE: "{{ clever_login_file }}"
- changed_when: false
- register: clever_activity_result
-- name: Display clever activity
- debug:
- var: clever_activity_result.stdout_lines
+ async: 2400 # 40 minutes
+ poll: 0
+ register: long_command
+ changed_when: False
-- name: Get current commit sha
- command: git show -q --format=format:%H HEAD
- args:
- chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
- warn: False
- changed_when: false
- register: current_commit_sha
+- name: Wait 40 minutes for deployment completion
+ async_status:
+ jid: "{{ long_command.ansible_job_id }}"
+ register: job_result
+ until: job_result.finished
+ delay: 30
+ retries: 80 # 40 minutes (80 * 30 secs delay)
-# ####
-# Expects all configuration to be located in the project's repository.
-# Making a git commit bound to the same *configuration* and *executable* version.
-# ##
-- name: Fail if current commit is not the last deployed one
- fail:
- msg: "The clever deployment failed! Please check latest deploy activity logs above."
- when:
- - clever_deploy is failed
- - clever_deploy.stderr is defined
- - clever_deploy.stderr is search("application is up-to-date")
- - |
- (current_commit_sha.stdout_lines[-1] not in clever_activity_result.stdout_lines[-1])
- or
- (clever_activity_valid_deploy_keyword not in clever_activity_result.stdout_lines[-1])
-- name: Fail on any other deployment errors
- fail:
- msg: "The clever deployment failed! Please check logs above."
- when:
- - clever_deploy is failed
- - clever_deploy.stderr is defined
- - clever_deploy.stderr is not search("application is up-to-date")
+# Output of waiting script stdout
+- name: Output waiting script logs
+ debug:
+ var: job_result.stdout_lines