-Keep me logged in: 'Forbliv logget ind'
-Forgot your password?: 'Glemt adgangskoden?'
-Login: 'Log ind'
-Back to login: 'Tilbage til login'
-Send: 'Send'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Indtast din emailadresse nedenfor, så vil du modtage instrukser om at nulstille adgangskoden."
+ login:
+ # page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Forbliv logget ind'
+ forgot_password: 'Glemt adgangskoden?'
+ submit: 'Log ind'
+ # register: 'Register'
+ username: 'Brugernavn'
+ password: 'Adgangskode'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "Indtast din emailadresse nedenfor, så vil du modtage instrukser om at nulstille adgangskoden."
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'ulæst'
-starred: 'favoritter'
-archive: 'arkiv'
-all: 'alle artikler'
-tags: 'tags'
-config: 'Opsætning'
-howto: 'how-to'
-logout: 'log ud'
-Filtered: 'Filtreret'
-About: 'Om'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Ulæst'
+ starred: 'Favoritter'
+ archive: 'Arkiv'
+ all_articles: 'Alle artikler'
+ config: 'Opsætning'
+ tags: 'Tags'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ # import: 'Import'
+ howto: 'KUow-to'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'Log ud'
+ about: 'Om'
+ search: 'Søg'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Tilbage til de ulæste artikler'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Tilføj ny artikel'
+ search: 'Søg'
+ filter_entries: 'Filtrer artikler'
+ # export: 'Export'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Indtast søgning'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Tilbage til de ulæste artikler'
-Add a new entry: 'Tilføj ny artikel'
-Search: 'Søg'
-Filter entries: 'Filtrer artikler'
-Enter your search here: 'Indtast søgning'
-Save new entry: 'Gem ny artikel'
+ wallabag:
+ # elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
+ # social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'Om'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Indstillinger'
-User information: 'Brugeroplysninger'
-Password: 'Adgangskode'
-Add a user: 'Tilføj bruger'
-Theme: 'Tema'
-Items per page: 'Poster pr. side'
-Language: 'Sprog'
-Save: 'Gem'
-RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
-Name: 'Navn'
-Email: 'Emailadresse'
-No token: 'Intet token'
-Reset your token: 'Nulstil token'
-Create your token: 'Opret token'
-Rss limit: 'RSS-grænse'
-RSS links: 'RSS-Links'
-'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
-Old password: 'Gammel adgangskode'
-New password: 'Ny adgangskode'
-Repeat new password: 'Gentag adgangskode'
-Username: 'Brugernavn'
+ page_title: 'Opsætning'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'Indstillinger'
+ rss: 'RSS'
+ user_info: 'Brugeroplysninger'
+ password: 'Adgangskode'
+ # rules: 'Tagging rules'
+ new_user: 'Tilføj bruger'
+ form:
+ save: 'Gem'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Tema'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Poster pr. side'
+ language_label: 'Sprog'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
+ token_label: 'RSS-Token'
+ no_token: 'Intet token'
+ token_create: 'Opret token'
+ token_reset: 'Nulstil token'
+ rss_links: 'RSS-Links'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'ulæst'
+ starred: 'favoritter'
+ archive: 'arkiv'
+ # rss_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
+ form_user:
+ # two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
+ name_label: 'Navn'
+ email_label: 'Emailadresse'
+ # twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Gammel adgangskode'
+ new_password_label: 'Ny adgangskode'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ # rule_label: 'Rule'
+ # tags_label: 'Tags'
+ # faq:
+ # title: 'FAQ'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ # how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ # variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
+ # variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ # meaning: 'Meaning'
+ # variable_description:
+ # label: 'Variable'
+ # title: 'Title of the entry'
+ # url: 'URL of the entry'
+ # isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
+ # isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
+ # content: "The entry's content"
+ # language: "The entry's language"
+ # mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
+ # readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
+ # domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
+ # operator_description:
+ # label: 'Operator'
+ # less_than: 'Less than...'
+ # strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
+ # greater_than: 'Greater than...'
+ # strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
+ # equal_to: 'Equal to...'
+ # not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
+ # or: 'One rule OR another'
+ # and: 'One rule AND another'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Brugernavn'
+ password_label: 'Adgangskode'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'Emailadresse'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'estimeret læsetid'
-original: original
-Toggle mark as read: 'Marker som læst'
-Toggle favorite: 'Skift favoritstatus'
-Delete: 'Slet'
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
+ reading_time: 'estimeret læsetid'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'estimeret læsetid: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'estimeret læsetid: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Skift favoritstatus'
+ delete: 'Slet'
+ # export_title: 'Export'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filtre'
+ status_label: 'Status'
+ archived_label: 'Arkiveret'
+ starred_label: 'Favorit'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Har et vist billede'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Forhåndsvis billede'
+ language_label: 'Sprog'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Læsetid i minutter'
+ from: 'fra'
+ to: 'til'
+ domain_label: 'Domænenavn'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Oprettelsesdato'
+ from: 'fra'
+ to: 'til'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Ryd'
+ filter: 'Filter'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Tilbage'
+ set_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Marker som favorit'
+ view_original_article: 'Originalartikel'
+ # re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
+ delete: 'Slet'
+ add_a_tag: 'Tliføj et tag'
+ share_content: 'Deling'
+ # share_email_label: 'Email'
+ download: 'Download'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'Problemer?'
+ description: 'Vises artiklen forkert?'
+ edit_title: 'Rediger titel'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Gem ny artikel'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ # page_title: 'Edit an entry'
+ # title_label: 'Title'
+ url_label: 'Url'
+ # is_public_label: 'Public'
+ save_label: 'Gem'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filtre'
-Status: 'Status'
-Archived: 'Arkiveret'
-Starred: 'Favorit'
-Preview picture: 'Forhåndsvis billede'
-Has a preview picture: 'Har et vist billede'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Læsetid i minutter'
-from: 'fra'
-to: 'til'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'Domænenavn'
-Creation date: 'Oprettelsesdato'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd.mm.åååå'
-Clear: 'Ryd'
-Filter: 'Filter'
+ page_title: 'Om'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'Hvem står bag wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'Find hjælp'
+ helping: 'Hjælp wallabag'
+ contributors: 'Bidragsydere'
+ # third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Udviklet af'
+ website: 'Hjemmeside'
+ many_contributors: 'Og mange andre bidragsydere ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">på Github</a>'
+ project_website: 'Projektets hjemmeside'
+ license: 'Licens'
+ version: 'Version'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Dokumentation'
+ bug_reports: 'Bugs'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">På vor support-side</a> eller <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">på GitHub</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag er gratis og Open source. Du kan hjælpe os:'
+ by_contributing: 'ved at bidrage til projektet:'
+ by_contributing_2: 'et Github-issue fortæller om alt, hvad vi har brug for:'
+ by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'Licens'
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: "hvem står bag wallabag"
-Getting help: "Find hjælp"
-Helping wallabag: "hjælp wallabag"
-Developed by: "Udviklet af"
-website: "Hjemmeside"
-And many others contributors ♥: "Og mange andre bidragsydere ♥"
-on GitHub: "på GitHub"
-Project website: "Projektets hjemmeside"
-License: "Licens"
-Version: "Version"
-Documentation: "Dokumentation"
-Bug reports: "Bugs"
-On our support website: "På vor support-side"
-or: "eller"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag er gratis og Open source. Du kan hjælpe os:"
-"by contributing to the project:": "ved at bidrage til projektet:"
-an issue lists all our needs: "et Github-issue fortæller om alt, hvad vi har brug for:"
-via Paypal: "via PayPal"
+ page_title: 'How-to'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Browserudvidelser'
+ mobile_apps: 'Apps'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Tak gennem denne formular'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Standardudvidelse til Firefox'
+ chrome: 'Chrome-udvidelse'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
+ # ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
+ # windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'Træk dette link til din bogmærkeliste:'
-# Howto
-Form: Formular
-Thanks to this form: "Tak gennem denne formular"
-Browser addons: "Browserudvidelser"
-Mobile apps: "Apps"
-Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "Standardudvidelse til Firefox"
-Chrome Extension: "Chrome-udvidelse"
-download the application: "Download"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Træk dette link til din bogmærkeliste:"
+ # page_title: 'Quickstart'
+ # intro:
+ # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
+ # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
+ # configure:
+ # title: 'Configure the application'
+ # language: 'Change language and design'
+ # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ # admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ # first_steps:
+ # title: 'First steps'
+ # new_article: 'Save your first article'
+ # unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
+ # migrate:
+ # title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
+ # description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
+ # pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
+ # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
+ # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
+ # developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ # docs:
+ # title: 'Full documentation'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
+ # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ # all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
+ # support:
+ # title: 'Support'
+ # description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
+ # github: 'On GitHub'
+ # email: 'By email'
+ # gitter: 'On Gitter'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "Oplysninger opdateret"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Opsætning gemt. Visse ændringer vil først fremgå ved næste login."
-RSS information updated: "RSS-oplysninger opdateret"
-Password updated: "Adgangskode opdateret"
-Entry starred: "Artikel markeret som favorit"
-Entry unstarred: "Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit"
-Entry archived: "Artikel arkiveret"
-Entry unarchived: "Artikel ikke længere arkiveret"
-Entry deleted: "Artikel slettet"
+ page_title: 'Tags'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Marker som læst'
-Favorite: 'Marker som favorit'
-back: 'tilbage'
-original article: 'Originalartikel'
-Add a tag: 'Tliføj et tag'
-Share: 'Deling'
-Download: 'Download'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "Vises artiklen forkert?"
-Problems?: 'Problemer?'
-Edit title: "Rediger titel"
+ # page_title: 'Import'
+ # page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
+ # action:
+ # import_contents: 'Import contents'
+ # form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ # file_label: 'File'
+ # save_label: 'Upload file'
+ # pocket:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
+ # description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
+ # config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ # authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
+ # connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
+ # wallabag_v1:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
+ # how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
+ # wallabag_v2:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Back'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ password_must_match: 'De indtastede adgangskoder skal være ens'
+ password_too_short: 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 8 tegn'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Opsætning gemt. Visse ændringer vil først fremgå ved næste login.'
+ password_updated: 'Adgangskode opdateret'
+ # password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'Oplysninger opdateret'
+ rss_updated: 'RSS-oplysninger opdateret'
+ # tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ # tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ # user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ # rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Artikel arkiveret'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Artikel ikke længere arkiveret'
+ entry_starred: 'Artikel markeret som favorit'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit'
+ entry_deleted: 'Artikel slettet'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ # tag_added: 'Tag added'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
-Keep me logged in: 'Angemeldet bleiben'
-Forgot your password?: 'Kennwort vergessen?'
-Login: 'Anmelden'
-Back to login: 'Zurück zur Anmeldung'
-Send: 'Senden'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Gib unten deine E-Mail-Adresse ein und wir senden dir eine Anleitung für das Zurücksetzen deines Kennworts."
+ login:
+ # page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Angemeldet bleiben'
+ forgot_password: 'Kennwort vergessen?'
+ submit: 'Anmelden'
+ # register: 'Register'
+ username: 'Benutzername'
+ password: 'Kennwort'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "Gib unten deine E-Mail-Adresse ein und wir senden dir eine Anleitung für das Zurücksetzen deines Kennworts."
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'ungelesen'
-starred: 'favoriten'
-archive: 'archiv'
-all: 'alle artikel'
-tags: 'tags'
-config: 'konfiguration'
-howto: 'how-to'
-logout: 'abmelden'
-Filtered: 'Gefiltert'
-About: 'Über'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Ungelesen'
+ starred: 'Favoriten'
+ archive: 'Archiv'
+ all_articles: 'Alle artikel'
+ config: 'Konfiguration'
+ tags: 'Tags'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ # import: 'Import'
+ howto: 'How-to'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'Abmelden'
+ about: 'Über'
+ search: 'Suche'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Zurück zu ungelesenen Artikeln'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
+ search: 'Suche'
+ filter_entries: 'Artikel filtern'
+ # export: 'Export'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Suchbegriff hier eingeben'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Zurück zu ungelesenen Artikeln'
-Add a new entry: 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
-Search: 'Suche'
-Filter entries: 'Artikel filtern'
-Enter your search here: 'Suchbegriff hier eingeben'
-Save new entry: 'Neuen Artikel speichern'
+ wallabag:
+ # elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
+ # social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'Über'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Einstellungen'
-User information: 'Benutzer-Information'
-Password: 'Kennwort'
-Add a user: 'Benutzer hinzufügen'
-Theme: 'Theme'
-Items per page: 'Einträge pro Seite'
-Language: 'Sprache'
-Save: 'Speichern'
-RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
-Name: 'Name'
-Email: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
-No token: 'Kein Token'
-Reset your token: 'Token zurücksetzen'
-Create your token: 'Token erstellen'
-Rss limit: 'RSS-Limit'
-RSS links: 'RSS-Links'
-'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Die RSS-Feeds von wallabag erlauben es dir, deine gespeicherten Artikel mit deinem bevorzugten RSS-Reader zu lesen. Vorher musst du jedoch einen Token erstellen.'
-Old password: 'Altes Kennwort'
-New password: 'Neues Kennwort'
-Repeat new password: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
-Username: 'Benutzername'
+ page_title: 'Config'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'Einstellungen'
+ rss: 'RSS'
+ user_info: 'Benutzer-Information'
+ password: 'Kennwort'
+ # rules: 'Tagging rules'
+ new_user: 'Benutzer hinzufügen'
+ form:
+ save: 'Speichern'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Theme'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Einträge pro Seite'
+ language_label: 'Sprache'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'Die RSS-Feeds von wallabag erlauben es dir, deine gespeicherten Artikel mit deinem bevorzugten RSS-Reader zu lesen. Vorher musst du jedoch einen Token erstellen.'
+ token_label: 'RSS-token'
+ no_token: 'Kein Token'
+ token_create: 'Token erstellen'
+ token_reset: 'Token zurücksetzen'
+ rss_links: 'RSS-Links'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'ungelesen'
+ starred: 'favoriten'
+ archive: 'archiv'
+ # rss_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
+ form_user:
+ # two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
+ name_label: 'Name'
+ email_label: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
+ # twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Altes Kennwort'
+ new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ # rule_label: 'Rule'
+ # tags_label: 'Tags'
+ # faq:
+ # title: 'FAQ'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ # how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ # variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
+ # variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ # meaning: 'Meaning'
+ # variable_description:
+ # label: 'Variable'
+ # title: 'Title of the entry'
+ # url: 'URL of the entry'
+ # isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
+ # isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
+ # content: "The entry's content"
+ # language: "The entry's language"
+ # mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
+ # readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
+ # domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
+ # operator_description:
+ # label: 'Operator'
+ # less_than: 'Less than...'
+ # strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
+ # greater_than: 'Greater than...'
+ # strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
+ # equal_to: 'Equal to...'
+ # not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
+ # or: 'One rule OR another'
+ # and: 'One rule AND another'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Benutzername'
+ password_label: 'Kennwort'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'geschätzte Lesezeit'
-original: original
-Toggle mark as read: 'Gelesen-Status ändern'
-Toggle favorite: 'Favoriten-Status ändern'
-Delete: 'Löschen'
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
+ reading_time: 'geschätzte Lesezeit'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'geschätzte Lesezeit: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'geschätzte Lesezeit: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Gelesen-Status ändern'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Favoriten-Status ändern'
+ delete: 'Löschen'
+ # export_title: 'Export'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filters'
+ status_label: 'Status'
+ archived_label: 'Archiviert'
+ starred_label: 'Favorisiert'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Vorschaubild vorhanden'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Vorschaubild'
+ language_label: 'Sprache'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Lesezeit in Minuten'
+ from: 'von'
+ to: 'bis'
+ domain_label: 'Domain-Name'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Erstellungsdatum'
+ from: 'von'
+ to: 'bis'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Zurücksetzen'
+ filter: 'Filter'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Zurück'
+ set_as_read: 'Als gelesen markieren'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Favorisieren'
+ view_original_article: 'Original-Artikel'
+ # re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
+ delete: 'Löschen'
+ add_a_tag: 'Tag hinzufügen'
+ share_content: 'Teilen'
+ # share_email_label: 'Email'
+ download: 'Herunterladen'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'Probleme?'
+ description: 'Erscheint dieser Artikel falsch?'
+ edit_title: 'Titel ändern'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Neuen Artikel speichern'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ # page_title: 'Edit an entry'
+ # title_label: 'Title'
+ # url_label: 'Url'
+ # is_public_label: 'Public'
+ save_label: 'Speichern'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filter'
-Status: 'Status'
-Archived: 'Archiviert'
-Starred: 'Favorisiert'
-Preview picture: 'Vorschaubild'
-Has a preview picture: 'Vorschaubild vorhanden'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Lesezeit in Minuten'
-from: 'von'
-to: 'bis'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'Domain-Name'
-Creation date: 'Erstellungsdatum'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd.mm.yyyy'
-Clear: 'zurücksetzen'
-Filter: 'Filter'
+ page_title: 'Über'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'Wer steht hinter wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'Hilfe bekommen'
+ helping: 'wallabag unterstützen'
+ contributors: 'Contributors'
+ third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Entwickelt von'
+ website: 'Webseite'
+ many_contributors: 'Und vielen anderen Unterstützern ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">auf Github</a>'
+ project_website: 'Projektwebseite'
+ license: 'Lizenz'
+ version: 'Version'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Dokumentation'
+ bug_reports: 'Bugs'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">Auf unserer Support-Webseite</a> oder <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">auf GitHub</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag ist kostenlos und Open-Source. Du kannst uns helfen:'
+ by_contributing: 'indem du zu dem Projekt beiträgst:'
+ by_contributing_2: 'ein Issue listet alle unsere Bedürfnisse:'
+ by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'Lizenz'
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: "Wer steht hinter wallabag"
-Getting help: "Hilfe bekommen"
-Helping wallabag: "wallabag unterstützen"
-Developed by: "Entwickelt von"
-website: "Webseite"
-And many others contributors ♥: "Und vielen anderen Unterstützern ♥"
-on GitHub: "auf GitHub"
-Project website: "Projektwebseite"
-License: "Lizenz"
-Version: "Version"
-Documentation: "Dokumentation"
-Bug reports: "Bugs"
-On our support website: "Auf unserer Support-Webseite"
-or: "oder"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag ist kostenlos und Open-Source. Du kannst uns helfen:"
-"by contributing to the project:": "indem du zu dem Projekt beiträgst:"
-an issue lists all our needs: "ein Issue listet alle unsere Bedürfnisse:"
-via Paypal: "via PayPal"
+ page_title: 'How-to'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Browser-Addons'
+ mobile_apps: 'Apps'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Danke an dieses Formular'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Firefox-Erweiterung'
+ chrome: 'Chrome-Erweiterung'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
+ # ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
+ # windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'Ziehe diesen Link in deine Lesezeichenleiste:'
-# Howto
-Form: Formular
-Thanks to this form: "Danke an dieses Formular"
-Browser addons: "Browser-Addons"
-Mobile apps: "Apps"
-Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "Firefox-Erweiterung"
-Chrome Extension: "Chrome-Erweiterung"
-download the application: "herunterladen"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Ziehe diesen Link in deine Lesezeichenleiste:"
+ # page_title: 'Quickstart'
+ # intro:
+ # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
+ # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
+ # configure:
+ # title: 'Configure the application'
+ # language: 'Change language and design'
+ # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ # admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ # first_steps:
+ # title: 'First steps'
+ # new_article: 'Save your first article'
+ # unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
+ # migrate:
+ # title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
+ # description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
+ # pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
+ # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
+ # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
+ # developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ # docs:
+ # title: 'Full documentation'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
+ # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ # all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
+ # support:
+ # title: 'Support'
+ # description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
+ # github: 'On GitHub'
+ # email: 'By email'
+ # gitter: 'On Gitter'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "Information aktualisiert"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Konfiguration gespeichert. Einige Einstellungen werden erst nach einer erneuten Anmeldung übernommen."
-RSS information updated: "RSS-Informationen aktualisiert"
-Password updated: "Kennwort aktualisiert"
-Entry starred: "Artikel favorisiert"
-Entry unstarred: "Artikel defavorisiert"
-Entry archived: "Artikel archiviert"
-Entry unarchived: "Artikel dearchiviert"
-Entry deleted: "Artikel gelöscht"
+ page_title: 'Tags'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Als gelesen markieren'
-Favorite: 'Favorisieren'
-back: 'zurück'
-original article: 'Original-Artikel'
-Add a tag: 'Tag hinzufügen'
-Share: 'Teilen'
-Download: 'Herunterladen'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "Erscheint dieser Artikel falsch?"
-Problems?: 'Probleme?'
-Edit title: "Titel ändern"
+ # page_title: 'Import'
+ # page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
+ # action:
+ # import_contents: 'Import contents'
+ # form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ # file_label: 'File'
+ # save_label: 'Upload file'
+ # pocket:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
+ # description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
+ # config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ # authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
+ # connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
+ # wallabag_v1:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
+ # how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
+ # wallabag_v2:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Back'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # password_must_match: 'The password fields must match.'
+ # password_too_short: 'Password should by at least 8 chars long'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Konfiguration gespeichert. Einige Einstellungen werden erst nach einer erneuten Anmeldung übernommen.'
+ password_updated: 'Kennwort aktualisiert'
+ # password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'Information aktualisiert'
+ rss_updated: 'RSS-Informationen aktualisiert'
+ # tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ # tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ # user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ # rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Artikel archiviert'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Artikel dearchiviert'
+ entry_starred: 'Artikel favorisiert'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Artikel defavorisiert'
+ entry_deleted: 'Artikel gelöscht'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ # tag_added: 'Tag added'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
-Keep me logged in: 'Mantenme conectado'
-Forgot your password?: '¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?'
-Login: 'Conectarse'
-Back to login: 'Revenir au formulaire de connexion'
-Send: 'Envíar'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Introduce tu dirección de email y le enviaremos las instrucciones para resetear la contraseña"
-Register: 'Registrarse'
+ login:
+ page_title: 'Bienvenido a wallabag !'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Mantenme conectado'
+ forgot_password: '¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?'
+ submit: 'Conectarse'
+ register: 'Registrarse'
+ username: 'Nombre de usuario'
+ password: 'Contraseña'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "Introduce tu dirección de email y le enviaremos las instrucciones para resetear la contraseña"
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'Sin leer'
-starred: 'Favoritos'
-archive: 'Archivo'
-all: 'Todos los artículos'
-tags: 'Tags'
-config: 'Configuración'
-internal settings: 'Configuración interna'
-import: 'Importar'
-howto: 'Ayuda'
-logout: 'Desconectarse'
-Filtered: 'Articulos filtrados'
-About: 'Acerca de'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Sin leer'
+ starred: 'Favoritos'
+ archive: 'Archivo'
+ all_articles: 'Todos los artículos'
+ config: 'Configuración'
+ tags: 'Tags'
+ internal_settings: 'Configuración interna'
+ import: 'Importar'
+ howto: 'Ayuda'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'Desconectarse'
+ about: 'Acerca de'
+ search: 'Buscar'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Volver a los artículos sin leer'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Añadir un nuevo artículo'
+ search: 'Buscar'
+ filter_entries: 'Filtrar los artículos'
+ export: 'Exportar'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Introduce tu búsqueda aquí'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Volver a los artículos sin leer'
-Add a new entry: 'Añadir un nuevo artículo'
-Search: 'Buscar'
-Filter entries: 'Filtrar los artículos'
-Enter your search here: 'Introduce tu búsqueda aquí'
-Save new entry: 'Guardar un nuevo artículo'
-Export: 'Exportar'
+ wallabag:
+ elsewhere: 'Llevate wallabag contigo'
+ social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'Acerca de'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Configuración'
-User information: 'Información de usuario'
-Password: 'Contraseña'
-Add a user: 'Añadir un usuario'
-Theme: 'Tema'
-Items per page: "Número de artículos por página"
-Language: 'Idioma'
-Save: 'Enregistrer'
-RSS token: 'RSS token'
-RSS token updated: 'RSS token actualizado '
-Name: 'Nombre'
-Email: 'Direccion e-mail'
-No token: 'Aucun jeton généré'
-Reset your token: 'Resetear token'
-Create your token: 'Crear token'
-Rss limit: "Límite de artículos en feed RSS"
-RSS links: 'URL de su feed RSS'
-"RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.": "Los feeds RSS de wallabag permiten leer los artículos guardados con su lector RSS favorito. Necesita generar un token primero"
-Old password: 'Contraseña actual'
-New password: 'Nueva contraseña'
-Repeat new password: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
-Username: "Nombre de usuario"
-Two factor authentication: "Autentificación de dos factores"
-"Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion": "Con la autentificación de dos factores recibirá código mediante email en cada nueva conexión que no sea de confianza"
+ page_title: 'Configuración'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'Configuración'
+ rss: 'RSS'
+ user_info: 'Información de usuario'
+ password: 'Contraseña'
+ rules: 'Reglas de etiquetado automáticas'
+ new_user: 'Añadir un usuario'
+ form:
+ save: 'Guardar'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Tema'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Número de artículos por página'
+ language_label: 'Idioma'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'Los feeds RSS de wallabag permiten leer los artículos guardados con su lector RSS favorito. Necesita generar un token primero'
+ token_label: 'RSS token'
+ # no_token: 'No token'
+ token_create: 'Crear token'
+ token_reset: 'Resetear token'
+ rss_links: 'URL de su feed RSS'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'sin leer'
+ starred: 'favoritos'
+ archive: 'archivo'
+ rss_limit: 'Límite de artículos en feed RSS'
+ form_user:
+ two_factor_description: "Con la autentificación de dos factores recibirá código mediante email en cada nueva conexión que no sea de confianza"
+ name_label: 'Nombre'
+ email_label: 'Direccion e-mail'
+ twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Autentificación de dos factores'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Contraseña actual'
+ new_password_label: 'Nueva contraseña'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ rule_label: 'Regla'
+ tags_label: 'Tags'
+ faq:
+ title: 'FAQ'
+ tagging_rules_definition_title: '¿Qué significa reglas de etiquetado autómaticas?'
+ tagging_rules_definition_description: 'Son las reglas usadas por Wallabag para etiquetar automáticamente los nuevos artículos.<br />Cáda vez que un nuevo artículo es añadido, todas las reglas de etiquetado automáticas serán usadas para etiquetarlo, ayudandote a clasificar automáticamente los artículos.'
+ how_to_use_them_title: '¿Cómo se utilizan?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ variables_available_title: '¿Qué variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para escribir las reglas?'
+ variables_available_description: 'Las siguientes variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para crear las reglas de etiquetado automáticas:'
+ meaning: 'Significado'
+ variable_description:
+ label: 'Variable'
+ title: 'Titúlo del artículo'
+ url: 'URL del artículo'
+ isArchived: 'El artículo está guardado o no'
+ isStarred: 'Si el artículo es un favorito o no'
+ content: "El contenido del artículo"
+ language: "El idoma del artículo"
+ mimetype: "Tipo MIME del artículo"
+ readingTime: "El tiempo estimado de lectura del artículo, en minutos"
+ domainName: 'El dominio del artículo'
+ operator_description:
+ label: 'Operador'
+ less_than: 'Menos que…'
+ strictly_less_than: 'Estrictámente menos que…'
+ greater_than: 'Más que…'
+ strictly_greater_than: 'Estrictámente mas que…'
+ equal_to: 'Egual a…'
+ not_equal_to: 'Diferente de…'
+ or: 'Una regla O otra'
+ and: 'Una regla Y la otra'
+ matches: 'Prueba si un <i>sujeto</i> corresponde a una <i>busqueda</i> (insensible a mayusculas).<br />Ejemplo : <code>título coincide "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Nombre de usuario'
+ password_label: 'Contraseña'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'Email'
-# Tagging rules
-Tagging rules: "Reglas de etiquetado automáticas"
-What does « tagging rules » mean?: "¿Qué significa reglas de etiquetado autómaticas?"
-"They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.": "Son las reglas usadas por Wallabag para etiquetar automáticamente los nuevos artículos.<br />Cáda vez que un nuevo artículo es añadido, todas las reglas de etiquetado automáticas serán usadas para etiquetarlo, ayudandote a clasificar automáticamente los artículos."
-How do I use them?: "¿Cómo se utilizan?"
-"Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = \"github.com\"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »": "Imaginons que voulez attribuer aux nouveaux articles le tag « <i>lecture courte</i> » lorsque le temps de lecture est inférieur à 3 minutes.<br />Dans ce cas, vous devriez mettre « readingTime <= 3 » dans le champ <i>Règle</i> et « <i>lecture courte</i> » dans le champ <i>Tag</i>.<br />Plusieurs tags peuvent être ajoutés simultanément en les séparant par des virgules : « <i>lecture courte, à lire</i> »<br />Des règles complexes peuvent être créées en utilisant des opérateurs prédéfinis: si « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = \"github.com\"</i> » alors attribuer les tags « <i>lecteur longue, github </i> »"
-Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?: "¿Qué variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para escribir las reglas?"
-The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:: "Las siguientes variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para crear las reglas de etiquetado automáticas:"
-Variable: "Variable"
-Meaning: "Significado"
-Operator: "Operador"
-Title of the entry: "Titúlo del artículo"
-Less than…: "Menos que…"
-URL of the entry: "URL del artículo"
-Strictly less than…: "Estrictámente menos que…"
-Whether the entry is archived or not: "El artículo está guardado o no"
-Greater than…: "Más que…"
-Whether the entry is starred or not: "Si el artículo es un favorito o no"
-Strictly greater than…: "Estrictámente mas que…"
-The entry's content: "El contenido del artículo"
-Equal to…: "Egual a…"
-The entry's language: "El idoma del artículo"
-Not equal to…: "Diferente de…"
-The entry's mime-type: "Tipo MIME del artículo"
-One rule or another: "Una regla o otra"
-The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes: "El tiempo estimado de lectura del artículo, en minutos"
-One rule and another: "Una regla y la otra"
-The domain name of the entry: "El dominio del artículo"
-"Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches \"football\"</code>": "Prueba si un <i>sujeto</i> corresponde a una <i>busqueda</i> (insensible a mayusculas).<br />Ejemplo : <code>título coincide \"football\"</code>"
-Rule: "Regla"
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ number_on_the_page: '{0} No hay artículos.|{1} Hay un artículo.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% artículos.'
+ reading_time: 'tiempo estimado de lectura'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'tiempo estimado de lectura: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'tiempo estimado de lectura: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Marcar cómo leído/ no leído'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Marcar cómo favorito/ no favorito'
+ delete: 'Suprimir'
+ export_title: 'Exportar'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filtros'
+ status_label: 'Estatus'
+ archived_label: 'Archivado'
+ starred_label: 'Favorito'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Hay una foto'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Foto de preview'
+ language_label: 'Idioma'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Duración de lectura en minutos'
+ from: 'de'
+ to: 'a'
+ domain_label: 'Nombre de dominio'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Fecha de creación'
+ from: 'de'
+ to: 'a'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Limpiar'
+ filter: 'Filtrar'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Volver'
+ set_as_read: 'Marcar como leído'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito'
+ view_original_article: 'Artículo original'
+ re_fetch_content: 'Redescargar el contenido'
+ delete: 'Suprimir'
+ add_a_tag: 'Añadir una etiqueta'
+ share_content: 'Compartir'
+ share_email_label: 'Direccion e-mail'
+ download: 'Descargar'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: '¿Algún problema?'
+ description: '¿Este artículo no se muestra bien?'
+ edit_title: 'Modificar el título'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} Sin anotaciones|{1} Una anotación|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% anotaciones'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Guardar un nuevo artículo'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ page_title: 'Editar una artículo'
+ title_label: 'Título'
+ url_label: 'Url'
+ is_public_label: 'Es Público'
+ save_label: 'Guardar'
-# Entries
-"estimated reading time: %readingTime% min": "tiempo estimado de lectura: %readingTime% min"
-"estimated reading time: %inferior% 1 min": "tiempo estimado de lectura: %inferior% 1 min"
-original: "original"
-Toggle mark as read: 'Marcar cómo leído/ no leído'
-Toggle favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito/ no favorito'
-Delete: 'Suprimir'
-"{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.": "{0} No hay artículos.|{1} Hay un artículo.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% artículos."
-http://website: "http://website"
-"{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations": "{0} Sin anotaciones|{1} Una anotación|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% anotaciones"
+ page_title: 'Acerca de'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'Equipo de desarrollo de wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'Conseguir ayuda'
+ helping: 'Ayudar a wallabag'
+ contributors: 'Contribuidores'
+ third_party: 'Librerías de terceeros'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Desarrollado por'
+ website: 'Sitio web'
+ many_contributors: 'Y muchos otros contribuidores ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">en Github</a>'
+ project_website: 'Web del proyecto'
+ license: 'Licencia'
+ version: 'Version'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Documentación'
+ bug_reports: 'Reporte de errores'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">En nuestra web de soporte website</a> o <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">en GitHub</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag es libre y gratuito. Usted puede ayudarnos :'
+ by_contributing: 'contribuyendo al proyecto :'
+ by_contributing_2: 'nuestras necesidades están en un ticket'
+ by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ description: 'Gradias a los contribuidores de la aplicación web de wallabag'
+ third_party:
+ description: 'Aquí está la lista de las dependencias utilizadas por wallabag (con sus licencias) :'
+ package: 'Paquete'
+ license: 'Licencia'
-# Edit entry
-Edit an entry: "Editar una artículo"
-Title: "Título"
-Is public: "Es Público"
+ page_title: 'Ayuda'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Extensiones de navigador'
+ mobile_apps: 'Applicaciones para smartphone'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Gracias a este formulario'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Extensión Firefox'
+ chrome: 'Extensión Chrome'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
+ # ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
+ # windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'Desplazar y soltar este link en la barra de marcadores :'
-# tag
-Tags: Tags
-"{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.": "{0} No hay ningun tag.|{1} Hay un tag.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% tags."
+ page_title: 'Comienzo rápido'
+ intro:
+ title: 'Bienvenido a wallabag !'
+ paragraph_1: "Le acompañaremos a su visita de wallabag y le mostraremos algunas características que le pueden interesar."
+ paragraph_2: '¡Siganos!'
+ configure:
+ title: 'Configure la aplicación'
+ language: 'Cambie el idoma y el diseño de la aplicación'
+ rss: 'Activar los feeds RSS'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ first_steps:
+ title: 'Prieros pasos'
+ new_article: 'Guarde su primer artículo'
+ unread_articles: '¡Y clasifiquelo!'
+ migrate:
+ title: 'Migrar de un servicio existente'
+ description: "¿Está usando otro servicio? Le ayudaremos a migrar sus datos a wallabag."
+ pocket: 'Migrar desde Pocket'
+ wallabag_v1: 'Migrar desde wallabag v1'
+ wallabag_v2: 'Migrar desde wallabag v2'
+ developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ docs:
+ title: 'Documentación completa'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ export: 'Convierta sus artículos a ePub o a PDF'
+ search_filters: 'Aprenda a utilizar el buscador y los filtros para encontrar el artículo que le interese'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ all_docs: '¡Y muchos más artículos!'
+ support:
+ title: 'Soporte'
+ description: 'Sí necesita ayuda, estamos disponibles para usted.'
+ github: 'En GitHub'
+ email: 'Por email'
+ gitter: 'En Gitter'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filtros'
-Status: 'Estatus'
-Archived: 'Archivado'
-Starred: 'Favorito'
-Preview picture: 'Foto de preview'
-Has a preview picture: 'Hay una foto'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Duración de lectura en minutos'
-from: 'de'
-to: 'a'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'Nombre de dominio'
-Creation date: 'Fecha de creación'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd/mm/aaaa'
-Clear: 'Limpiar'
-Filter: 'Filtrar'
-website.com: "website.com"
+ page_title: 'Tags'
+ list:
+ number_on_the_page: '{0} No hay ningun tag.|{1} Hay un tag.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% tags.'
-# About
-About: "Acerca de"
-Who is behind wallabag: "Equipo de desarrollo de wallabag"
-Getting help: "Conseguir ayuda"
-Helping wallabag: "Ayudar a wallabag"
-Developed by: "Desarrollado por"
-website: "Sitio web"
-And many others contributors ♥: "Y muchos otros contribuidores ♥"
-on GitHub: "en GitHub"
-Project website: "Web del proyecto"
-License: "Licencia"
-Version: "Versión"
-Documentation: "Documentación"
-Bug reports: "Reporte de errores"
-On our support website: "En nuestra web de soporte"
-or: "o"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag es libre y gratuito. Usted puede ayudarnos :"
-"by contributing to the project:": "contribuyendo al proyecto :"
-an issue lists all our needs: "nuestras necesidades están en un ticket"
-via Paypal: "via Paypal"
-Take wallabag with you: "Llevate wallabag contigo"
-Social: "Social"
-powered by: "propulsé par"
-Contributors: "Contribuidores"
-Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application: "Gradias a los contribuidores de la aplicación web de wallabag"
-Third-party libraries: "Librerías de terceeros"
-"Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):": "Aquí está la lista de las dependencias utilizadas por wallabag (con sus licencias):"
-Package: Paquete
-License: Licencia
+ page_title: 'Importar'
+ page_description: 'Bienvenido al útil de migración de wallabag. Seleccione el servicio previo del que usted quiera migrar.'
+ action:
+ import_contents: 'Importar los contenidos'
+ form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ file_label: 'Fichero'
+ save_label: 'Importar el fichero'
+ pocket:
+ page_title: 'Importar > Pocket'
+ description: "Va a importar sus datos de Pocket. Pocket no nos permite descargar el contenido de su servicio, así que el contenido de cada artículo será redescargado por wallabag."
+ config_missing:
+ description: "La importación de Pocket no está configurada."
+ admin_message: 'Debe definir %keyurls%una clava del API Pocket%keyurle%.'
+ user_message: 'El administrador de vuestro servidor debe definir una clave API Pocket.'
+ authorize_message: 'Puedes importar sus datos desde su cuenta de Pocket. Sólo tienes que pulsar en el botón para autrizar que wallabag se conecte a getpocket.com.'
+ connect_to_pocket: 'Conectese a Pocket para importar los datos'
+ wallabag_v1:
+ page_title: 'Importar > Wallabag v1'
+ description: 'Va a importar sus artículos de wallabag v1. En su configuración de wallabag v1, pulse sobre "Exportar JSON" dentro de la sección "Exportar sus datos de wallabag". Usted tendrá un fichero "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json".'
+ how_to: 'Seleccione el fichero de su exportación de wallabag v1 y puelse en el botón para subirla y importarla.'
+ wallabag_v2:
+ page_title: 'Importar > Wallabag v2'
+ description: 'Va a importar sus artículos de otra instancia de wallabag v2. Vaya a Todos los artículos, entonces, en la barra lateral, clickee en "JSON". Usted tendrá un fichero "All articles.json"'
-# Howto
-Form: "Formulario"
-Thanks to this form: "Gracias a este formulario"
-Browser addons: "Extensiones de navigador"
-Mobile apps: "Applicaciones para smartphone"
-Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "Extensión Firefox"
-Chrome Extension: "Extensión Chrome"
-download the application: "descargar la aplicación"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Desplazar y soltar este link en la barra de marcadores :"
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Back'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Back'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "Su información personal ha sido actualizada"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Configuración guardada. Algunos parámetros serán recargados cuando se vuelva a conectar."
-RSS information updated: "La configuración de los feeds RSS ha sido actualizada"
-Password updated: "Contraseña actualizada"
-Entry starred: "Artículo guardado en los favoritos"
-Entry unstarred: "Artículo retirado de los favoritos"
-Entry archived: "Artículo archivado"
-Entry unarchived: "Artículo desarchivado"
-Entry deleted: "Artículo suprimido"
-Tagging rule deleted: "Regla de etiquetado borrada"
-Tagging rules updated: "Regla de etiquetado actualizada"
-User "%username%" added: 'Usuario "%username%" añadido'
-In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user.: 'En modo demo, no puedes cambiar la contraseña del usuario.'
+ password_must_match: 'Las contraseñas no coinciden'
+ password_too_short: 'La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Marcar como leído'
-Favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito'
-back: 'Volver'
-original article: 'Artículo original'
-Add a tag: 'Añadir una etiqueta'
-Share: 'Compartir'
-Download: 'Descargar'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "¿Este artículo no se muestra bien?"
-Problems?: '¿Algún problema?'
-Edit title: "Modificar el título"
-Re-fetch content: "Redescargar el contenido"
-Tag added: "Etiqueta añadida"
-# Import
-Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.: "Bienvenido al útil de migración de wallabag. Seleccione el servicio previo del que usted quiera migrar."
-"This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag.": "Va a importar sus datos de Pocket. Pocket no nos permite descargar el contenido de su servicio, así que el contenido de cada artículo será redescargado por wallabag."
-"This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on \"JSON export\" in the \"Export your wallabag data\" section. You will have a \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" file.": "Va a importar sus artículos de wallabag v1. En su configuración de wallabag v1, pulse sobre \"Exportar JSON\" dentro de la sección \"Exportar sus datos de wallabag\". Usted tendrá un fichero \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\"."
-"This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on \"JSON\". You will have a \"All articles.json\" file.": "Va a importar sus artículos de otra instancia de wallabag v2. Vaya a Todos los artículos, entonces, en la barra lateral, clickee en \"JSON\". Usted tendrá un fichero \"All articles.json\""
-"You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.": "Puedes importar sus datos desde su cuenta de Pocket. Sólo tienes que pulsar en el botón para autrizar que wallabag se conecte a getpocket.com."
-Import > Pocket: "Importar > Pocket"
-Pocket import isn't configured.: "La importación de Pocket no está configurada."
-You need to define %keyurls% a pocket_consumer_key %keyurle%.: "Debe definir %keyurls% una clava del API Pocket %keyurle%."
-Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.: "El administrador de vuestro servidor debe definir una clave API Pocket."
-Connect to Pocket and import data: "Conectese a Pocket para importar los datos"
-Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.: "Seleccione el fichero de su exportación de wallabag v1 y puelse en el botón para subirla y importarla."
-File: "Fichero"
-Upload file: "Importar el fichero"
-Import contents: "Importar los contenidos"
-Import: "Importar"
-Import > Wallabag v1: "Importar > Wallabag v1"
-Import > Wallabag v2: "Importar > Wallabag v2"
-# Quickstart
-Quickstart: Comienzo rápido
-Welcome to wallabag!: "Bienvenido a wallabag !"
-We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interess you.: "Le acompañaremos a su visita de wallabag y le mostraremos algunas características que le pueden interesar."
-Follow us!: "¡Siganos!"
-Configure the application: "Configure la aplicación"
-Change language and design: "Cambie el idoma y el diseño de la aplicación"
-Enable RSS feeds: "Activar los feeds RSS"
-First steps: "Prieros pasos"
-Save your first article: "Guarde su primer artículo"
-And classify it!: "¡Y clasifiquelo!"
-Migrate from an existing service: "Migrar de un servicio existente"
-You're using an other service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag.: "¿Está usando otro servicio? Le ayudaremos a migrar sus datos a wallabag."
-Migrate from Pocket: "Migrar desde Pocket"
-Migrate from wallabag v1: "Migrar desde wallabag v1"
-Full documentation: "Documentación completa"
-Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF: "Convierta sus artículos a ePub o a PDF"
-See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters: "Aprenda a utilizar el buscador y los filtros para encontrar el artículo que le interese"
-And so many other articles!: "¡Y muchos más artículos!"
-Support: "Soporte"
-If you need some help, we are here for you.: "Sí necesita ayuda, estamos disponibles para usted."
-On GitHub: "En GitHub"
-By email: "Por email"
-On Gitter: "On Gitter"
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Configuración guardada. Algunos parámetros serán recargados cuando se vuelva a conectar.'
+ password_updated: 'Contraseña actualizada'
+ password_not_updated_demo: "En modo demo, no puedes cambiar la contraseña del usuario."
+ user_updated: 'Su información personal ha sido actualizada'
+ rss_updated: 'La configuración de los feeds RSS ha sido actualizada'
+ tagging_rules_updated: 'Regla de etiquetado borrada'
+ tagging_rules_deleted: 'Regla de etiquetado actualizada'
+ user_added: 'Usuario "%username%" añadido'
+ rss_token_updated: 'RSS token actualizado'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Artículo archivado'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Artículo desarchivado'
+ entry_starred: 'Artículo guardado en los favoritos'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Artículo retirado de los favoritos'
+ entry_deleted: 'Artículo suprimido'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ tag_added: 'Etiqueta añadida'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
-Keep me logged in: 'مرا به خاطر بسپار'
-Forgot your password?: ' رمزتان را گم کردهاید؟'
-Login: 'ورود'
-Back to login: 'بازگشت به صفحهٔ ورود'
-Send: 'بفرست'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "نشانی ایمیل خود را بنویسید تا راهنمای تغییر رمز را برایتان بفرستیم."
+ login:
+ # page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ keep_logged_in: 'مرا به خاطر بسپار'
+ forgot_password: ' رمزتان را گم کردهاید؟'
+ submit: 'ورود'
+ # register: 'Register'
+ username: 'نام کاربری'
+ password: 'رمز'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "نشانی ایمیل خود را بنویسید تا راهنمای تغییر رمز را برایتان بفرستیم."
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'خواندهنشده'
-starred: 'برگزیده'
-archive: 'بایگانی'
-all: 'همه'
-tags: 'برچسبها'
-config: 'پیکربندی'
-howto: 'خودآموز'
-logout: 'خروج'
-Filtered: 'فیلترشده'
-About: 'درباره'
+ left:
+ unread: 'خواندهنشده'
+ starred: 'برگزیده'
+ archive: 'بایگانی'
+ all_articles: 'همه'
+ config: 'پیکربندی'
+ tags: 'برچسبها'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ # import: 'Import'
+ howto: 'خودآموز'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'خروج'
+ about: 'درباره'
+ search: 'جستجو'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'بازگشت به خواندهنشدهها'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'افزودن مقالهٔ تازه'
+ search: 'جستجو'
+ filter_entries: 'فیلترکردن مقالهها'
+ # export: 'Export'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'جستجوی خود را اینجا بنویسید:'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'بازگشت به خواندهنشدهها'
-Add a new entry: 'افزودن مقالهٔ تازه'
-Search: 'جستجو'
-Filter entries: 'فیلترکردن مقالهها'
-Enter your search here: 'جستجوی خود را اینجا بنویسید:'
-Save new entry: 'ذخیرهٔ مقالهٔ تازه'
+ wallabag:
+ # elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
+ # social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'درباره'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'تنظیمات'
-User information: 'اطلاعات کاربر'
-Password: 'رمز'
-RSS: 'آر-اس-اس'
-Add a user: 'افزودن کاربر'
-Theme: 'پوسته'
-Items per page: 'تعداد مقاله در هر صفحه'
-Language: 'زبان'
-Save: 'ذخیره'
-RSS token: 'کد آر-اس-اس'
-Name: 'نام'
-Email: 'نشانی ایمیل'
-No token: 'بدون کد'
-Reset your token: 'بازنشانی کد'
-Create your token: 'کد خود را بسازید'
-Rss limit: 'محدودیت آر-اس-اس'
-RSS links: 'پیوند آر-اس-اس'
-'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'با خوراک آر-اس-اس که wallabag در اختیارتان میگذارد، میتوانید مقالههای ذخیرهشده را در نرمافزار آر-اس-اس دلخواه خود بخوانید. برای این کار نخست باید یک کد بسازید.'
-Old password: 'رمز قدیمی'
-New password: 'رمز تازه'
-Repeat new password: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
-Username: 'نام کاربری'
+ page_title: 'پیکربندی'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'تنظیمات'
+ rss: 'آر-اس-اس'
+ user_info: 'اطلاعات کاربر'
+ password: 'رمز'
+ # rules: 'Tagging rules'
+ new_user: 'افزودن کاربر'
+ form:
+ save: 'ذخیره'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'پوسته'
+ items_per_page_label: 'تعداد مقاله در هر صفحه'
+ language_label: 'زبان'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'با خوراک آر-اس-اس که wallabag در اختیارتان میگذارد، میتوانید مقالههای ذخیرهشده را در نرمافزار آر-اس-اس دلخواه خود بخوانید. برای این کار نخست باید یک کد بسازید.'
+ token_label: 'کد آر-اس-اس'
+ no_token: 'بدون کد'
+ token_create: 'کد خود را بسازید'
+ token_reset: 'بازنشانی کد'
+ rss_links: 'پیوند آر-اس-اس'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'خواندهنشده'
+ starred: 'برگزیده'
+ archive: 'بایگانی'
+ rss_limit: 'محدودیت آر-اس-اس'
+ form_user:
+ # two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
+ name_label: 'نام'
+ email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
+ # twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'رمز قدیمی'
+ new_password_label: 'رمز تازه'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ # rule_label: 'Rule'
+ # tags_label: 'Tags'
+ # faq:
+ # title: 'FAQ'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ # how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ # variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
+ # variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ # meaning: 'Meaning'
+ # variable_description:
+ # label: 'Variable'
+ # title: 'Title of the entry'
+ # url: 'URL of the entry'
+ # isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
+ # isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
+ # content: "The entry's content"
+ # language: "The entry's language"
+ # mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
+ # readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
+ # domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
+ # operator_description:
+ # label: 'Operator'
+ # less_than: 'Less than...'
+ # strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
+ # greater_than: 'Greater than...'
+ # strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
+ # equal_to: 'Equal to...'
+ # not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
+ # or: 'One rule OR another'
+ # and: 'One rule AND another'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'نام کاربری'
+ password_label: 'رمز'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن'
-original: اصلی
-Toggle mark as read: 'خواندهشده/خواندهنشده'
-Toggle favorite: 'برگزیده/نابرگزیده'
-Delete: 'پاک کردن'
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
+ reading_time: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ toogle_as_read: 'خواندهشده/خواندهنشده'
+ toogle_as_star: 'برگزیده/نابرگزیده'
+ delete: 'پاک کردن'
+ # export_title: 'Export'
+ filters:
+ title: 'فیلتر'
+ status_label: 'وضعیت'
+ archived_label: 'بایگانیشده'
+ starred_label: 'برگزیده'
+ preview_picture_label: 'دارای عکس پیشنمایش'
+ preview_picture_help: 'پیشنمایش عکس'
+ language_label: 'زبان'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'زمان خواندن به دقیقه'
+ from: 'از'
+ to: 'تا'
+ domain_label: 'نام دامنه'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'زمان ساخت'
+ from: 'از'
+ to: 'تا'
+ action:
+ clear: 'از نو'
+ filter: 'فیلتر'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'بازگشت'
+ set_as_read: 'خواندهشده'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'برگزیده'
+ view_original_article: 'مقالهٔ اصلی'
+ # re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
+ delete: 'پاک کردن'
+ add_a_tag: 'افزودن برچسب'
+ share_content: 'همرسانی'
+ share_email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
+ download: 'بارگیری'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'مشکلات؟'
+ description: 'آیا مقاله نادرست نشان داده شده؟'
+ edit_title: 'ویرایش عنوان'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'ذخیرهٔ مقالهٔ تازه'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ # url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ # page_title: 'Edit an entry'
+ # title_label: 'Title'
+ # url_label: 'Url'
+ # is_public_label: 'Public'
+ save_label: 'ذخیره'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'فیلتر'
-Status: 'وضعیت'
-Archived: 'بایگانیشده'
-Starred: 'برگزیده'
-Preview picture: 'پیشنمایش عکس'
-Has a preview picture: 'دارای عکس پیشنمایش'
-Reading time in minutes: 'زمان خواندن به دقیقه'
-from: 'از'
-to: 'تا'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'نام دامنه'
-Creation date: 'زمان ساخت'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd.mm.yyyy'
-Clear: 'از نو'
-Filter: 'فیلتر'
+ page_title: 'درباره'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'سازندگان wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'گرفتن کمک'
+ helping: 'کمککردن به wallabag'
+ # contributors: 'Contributors'
+ # third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'ساختهٔ'
+ website: 'وبگاه'
+ many_contributors: 'و بسیاری دیگر از مشارکتکنندگان ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">روی Github</a>'
+ project_website: 'وبگاه پروژه'
+ license: 'پروانه'
+ version: 'نسخه'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'راهنما'
+ bug_reports: 'گزارش اشکالها'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">در وبگاه پشتیبانی</a> یا <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">روی GitHub</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag رایگان، آزاد، و متنباز است. شما میتوانید به ما کمک کنید:'
+ by_contributing: 'با مشارکت در پروژه:'
+ by_contributing_2: 'فهرست نیازمندیهای ما در این صفحه است:'
+ by_paypal: 'از راه Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'پروانه'
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: "سازندگان wallabag"
-Getting help: "گرفتن کمک"
-Helping wallabag: "کمککردن به wallabag"
-Developed by: "ساختهٔ"
-website: "وبگاه"
-And many others contributors ♥: "و بسیاری دیگر از مشارکتکنندگان ♥"
-on GitHub: "روی GitHub"
-Project website: "وبگاه پروژه"
-License: "پروانه"
-Version: "نسخه"
-Documentation: "راهنما"
-Bug reports: "گزارش اشکالها"
-On our support website: "در وبگاه پشتیبانی"
-or: "یا"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag رایگان، آزاد، و متنباز است. شما میتوانید به ما کمک کنید:"
-"by contributing to the project:": "با مشارکت در پروژه:"
-an issue lists all our needs: "فهرست نیازمندیهای ما در این صفحه است:"
-via Paypal: "از راه PayPal"
+ page_title: 'خودآموز'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'افزونه برای مرورگرها'
+ mobile_apps: 'برنامههای موبایل'
+ bookmarklet: 'ابزار علامتگذاری صفحهها'
+ form:
+ description: 'به کمک این فرم'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'افزونهٔ فایرفاکس'
+ chrome: 'افزونهٔ کروم'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'از راه F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'از راه Google Play'
+ ios: 'از راه iTunes Store'
+ windows: 'از راه Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'این پیوند را به نوار بوکمارک مرورگرتان بکشید:'
-# Howto
-Form: فرم
-Thanks to this form: "به کمک این فرم"
-Browser addons: "افزونه برای مرورگرها"
-Mobile apps: "برنامههای موبایل"
-Bookmarklet: "ابزار علامتگذاری صفحهها"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "افزونهٔ فایرفاکس"
-Chrome Extension: "افزونهٔ کروم"
-download the application: "برنامه را باربگیرید"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "این پیوند را به نوار بوکمارک مرورگرتان بکشید:"
+ # page_title: 'Quickstart'
+ # intro:
+ # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
+ # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
+ # configure:
+ # title: 'Configure the application'
+ # language: 'Change language and design'
+ # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ # admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ # first_steps:
+ # title: 'First steps'
+ # new_article: 'Save your first article'
+ # unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
+ # migrate:
+ # title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
+ # description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
+ # pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
+ # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
+ # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
+ # developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ # docs:
+ # title: 'Full documentation'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
+ # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ # all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
+ # support:
+ # title: 'Support'
+ # description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
+ # github: 'On GitHub'
+ # email: 'By email'
+ # gitter: 'On Gitter'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "اطلاعات بهروز شد"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "پیکربندی ذخیره شد. برخی از تنظیمات پس از این که قطع شدید اعمال میشود."
-RSS information updated: "اطلاعات آر-اس-اس بهروز شد"
-Password updated: "رمز بهروز شد"
-Entry starred: "مقاله برگزیده شد"
-Entry unstarred: "مقاله نابرگزیده شد"
-Entry archived: "مقاله بایگانی شد"
-Entry unarchived: "مقاله از بایگانی درآمد"
-Entry deleted: "مقاله پاک شد"
+ page_title: 'برچسبها'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'خواندهشده'
-Favorite: 'برگزیده'
-back: 'بازگشت'
-original article: 'مقالهٔ اصلی'
-Add a tag: 'افزودن برچسب'
-Share: 'همرسانی'
-Download: 'بارگیری'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "آیا مقاله نادرست نشان داده شده؟"
-Problems?: 'مشکلات؟'
-Edit title: "ویرایش عنوان"
+ # page_title: 'Import'
+ # page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
+ # action:
+ # import_contents: 'Import contents'
+ # form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ # file_label: 'File'
+ # save_label: 'Upload file'
+ # pocket:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
+ # description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
+ # config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ # authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
+ # connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
+ # wallabag_v1:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
+ # how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
+ # wallabag_v2:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'بازگشت'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'بازگشت'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'بازگشت'
+ password_must_match: 'رمزها باید یکی باشند'
+ password_too_short: 'رمز شما باید ۸ حرف یا بیشتر باشد'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'پیکربندی ذخیره شد. برخی از تنظیمات پس از این که قطع شدید اعمال میشود.'
+ password_updated: 'رمز بهروز شد'
+ # password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'اطلاعات بهروز شد'
+ rss_updated: 'اطلاعات آر-اس-اس بهروز شد'
+ # tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ # tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ # user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ # rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'مقاله بایگانی شد'
+ entry_unarchived: 'مقاله از بایگانی درآمد'
+ entry_starred: 'مقاله برگزیده شد'
+ entry_unstarred: 'مقاله نابرگزیده شد'
+ entry_deleted: 'مقاله پاک شد'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ # tag_added: 'Tag added'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
back: 'Retour'
- password_must_match: 'Les mots de passe doivent être identique'
- password_too_short: 'Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 8 caractères'
+ password_must_match: 'Les deux mots de passe doivent être les mêmes'
+ password_too_short: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères'
password_wrong_value: 'Votre mot de passe actuel est faux'
item_per_page_too_high: "Ca ne va pas plaire à l'application"
rss_limit_too_hight: "Ca ne va pas plaire à l'application"
-Keep me logged in: 'Zapamiętaj mnie'
-Forgot your password?: 'Zapomniałeś hasła'
-Login: 'Loguj'
-Back to login: 'Wróć do logowania'
-Send: 'Wyślij'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": 'Wpisz swój adres email poniżej. Wyślemy Ci instrukcję resetowania hasła'
+ login:
+ # page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Zapamiętaj mnie'
+ forgot_password: 'Zapomniałeś hasła'
+ submit: 'Loguj'
+ # register: 'Register'
+ username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
+ password: 'Hasło'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "Wpisz swój adres email poniżej. Wyślemy Ci instrukcję resetowania hasła"
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'nieprzeczytane'
-starred: 'oznaczone gwiazdką'
-archive: 'archiwum'
-all: 'wszystkie'
-tags: 'tagi'
-config: 'konfiguracja'
-howto: 'howto'
-logout: 'wyloguj'
-Filtered: 'Filtrowane'
-About: 'O nas'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Nieprzeczytane'
+ starred: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
+ archive: 'Archiwum'
+ all_articles: 'Wszystkie'
+ config: 'Konfiguracja'
+ tags: 'Tagi'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ # import: 'Import'
+ howto: 'Howto'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'Wyloguj'
+ about: 'O nas'
+ search: 'Szukaj'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Powrót do nieprzeczytanych artykułów'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Dodaj nowy wpis'
+ search: 'Szukaj'
+ filter_entries: 'Filtruj wpisy'
+ # export: 'Export'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Wpisz swoje zapytanie tutaj'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Powrót do nieprzeczytanych artykułów'
-Add a new entry: 'Dodaj nowy wpis'
-Search: 'Szukaj'
-Filter entries: 'Filtruj wpisy'
-Enter your search here: 'Wpisz swoje zapytanie tutaj:'
-Save new entry: 'Zapisz nowy wpis'
+ wallabag:
+ # elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
+ # social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'O nas'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Ustawienia'
-User information: 'Informacje o użytkowniku'
-Password: 'Hasło'
-RSS: 'Kanał RSS'
-Add a user: 'Dodaj użytkownika'
-Theme: 'Temat'
-Items per page: 'Ilość elementóœ na stronie'
-Language: 'Język'
-Save: 'Zapisz'
-RSS token: 'Token RSS'
-Name: 'Nazwa'
-Email: 'Adres email'
-No token: 'Brak tokena'
-Reset your token: 'Zresetuj swojego tokena'
-Create your token: 'Stwórz tokena'
-Rss limit: 'Limit RSS'
-RSS links: 'Link do RSS'
-RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Kanały RSS prowadzone przez wallabag pozwalają Ci na czytanie twoich zapisanych artykułów w twoium ulubionym czytniku RSS. Musisz najpierw wynegenerować tokena.'
-Old password: 'Stare hasło'
-New password: 'Nowe hasło'
-Repeat new password: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
-Username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
+ page_title: 'Konfiguracja'
+ tab_menu:
+ # settings: 'Settings'
+ rss: 'Kanał RSS'
+ user_info: 'Informacje o użytkowniku'
+ password: 'Hasło'
+ # rules: 'Tagging rules'
+ new_user: 'Dodaj użytkownika'
+ form:
+ save: 'Zapisz'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Temat'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Ilość elementóœ na stronie'
+ language_label: 'Język'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'Kanały RSS prowadzone przez wallabag pozwalają Ci na czytanie twoich zapisanych artykułów w twoium ulubionym czytniku RSS. Musisz najpierw wynegenerować tokena.'
+ token_label: 'Token RSS'
+ no_token: 'Brak tokena'
+ token_create: 'Stwórz tokena'
+ token_reset: 'Zresetuj swojego tokena'
+ rss_links: 'RSS links'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'nieprzeczytane'
+ starred: 'oznaczone gwiazdką'
+ archive: 'archiwum'
+ rss_limit: 'Link do RSS'
+ form_user:
+ # two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
+ name_label: 'Nazwa'
+ email_label: 'Adres email'
+ # twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Stare hasło'
+ new_password_label: 'Nowe hasło'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ delete_rule_label: 'usuń'
+ # rule_label: 'Rule'
+ # tags_label: 'Tags'
+ # faq:
+ # title: 'FAQ'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ # how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ # variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
+ # variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ # meaning: 'Meaning'
+ # variable_description:
+ # label: 'Variable'
+ # title: 'Title of the entry'
+ # url: 'URL of the entry'
+ # isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
+ # isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
+ # content: "The entry's content"
+ # language: "The entry's language"
+ # mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
+ # readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
+ # domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
+ # operator_description:
+ # label: 'Operator'
+ # less_than: 'Less than...'
+ # strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
+ # greater_than: 'Greater than...'
+ # strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
+ # equal_to: 'Equal to...'
+ # not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
+ # or: 'One rule OR another'
+ # and: 'One rule AND another'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
+ password_label: 'Hasło'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'Adres email'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'Szacunkowy czas czytania'
-original: 'oryginał'
-Toggle mark as read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
-Toggle favorite: 'Oznacz jako ulubione'
-Delete: 'Usuń'
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
+ reading_time: 'szacunkowy czas czytania'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'szacunkowy czas czytania: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'szacunkowy czas czytania: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'oryginał'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Oznacz jako ulubione'
+ delete: 'Usuń'
+ # export_title: 'Export'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filtry'
+ status_label: 'Status'
+ archived_label: 'Zarchiwizowane'
+ starred_label: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Posiada podgląd obrazu'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Podgląd obrazu'
+ language_label: 'Język'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Czas czytania w minutach'
+ from: 'od'
+ to: 'do'
+ domain_label: 'Nazwa domeny'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Czas stworzenia'
+ from: 'od'
+ to: 'do'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Wyczyść'
+ filter: 'Filtruj'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Cofnij'
+ set_as_read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Ulubione'
+ view_original_article: 'Oryginalny artykuł'
+ # re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
+ delete: 'Usuń'
+ add_a_tag: 'Dodaj tag'
+ share_content: 'Udostępnij'
+ share_email_label: 'Adres email'
+ download: 'Pobierz'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'Problemy'
+ description: 'Czy ten artykuł wygląda źle?'
+ edit_title: 'Edytuj tytuł'
+ original_article: 'oryginalny'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Zapisz nowy wpis'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ # page_title: 'Edit an entry'
+ # title_label: 'Title'
+ # url_label: 'Url'
+ # is_public_label: 'Public'
+ save_label: 'Zapisz'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filtry'
-Status: 'Status'
-Archived: 'Zarchiwizowane'
-Starred: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
-Preview picture: 'Podgląd obrazu'
-Has a preview picture: 'Posiada podgląd obrazu'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Czas czytania w minutach'
-from: 'od'
-to: 'do'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'Nazwa domeny'
-Creation date: 'Czas stworzenia'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd.mm.yyyy'
-Clear: 'Wyczyść'
-Filter: 'Filtruj'
+ page_title: 'O nas'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'Kto stoi za wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'Pomoc'
+ helping: 'Pomóż wallabag'
+ # contributors: 'Contributors'
+ # third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Stworzony przez'
+ website: 'strona internetowa'
+ many_contributors: 'i wielu innych ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">na GitHubie</a>'
+ project_website: 'Stona projektu'
+ license: 'Licencja'
+ version: 'Wersja'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Dokumentacja'
+ bug_reports: 'Raportuj błędy'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">Na naszeej stronie wsparcia technicznego</a> lub <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">na GitHubie</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag jest darmowy i otwartoźródłowy. Możesz nam pomóc:'
+ by_contributing: 'przez przyłączenie się do projektu:'
+ by_contributing_2: 'lista wszystkich naszych potrzeb'
+ by_paypal: 'przez Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'Licencja'
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: 'Kto stoi za wallabag'
-Getting help: 'Pomoc'
-Helping wallabag: 'Pomóż wallabag'
-Developed by: 'Stworzony przez'
-website: 'strona internetowa'
-And many others contributors ♥: ' i wielu innych ♥'
-on GitHub: 'na GitHubie'
-Project website: 'Stona projektu'
-License: 'Licencja'
-Version: 'Wersja'
-Documentation: 'Dokumentacja'
-Bug reports: 'Raportuj błędy'
-On our support website: 'Na naszeej stronie wsparcia technicznego'
-or: 'lub'
-'wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:': 'wallabag jest darmowy i otwartoźródłowy. Możesz nam pomóc: '
-'by contributing to the project:': 'przez przyłączenie się do projektu:'
-an issue lists all our needs: 'lista wszystkich naszych potrzeb'
-via Paypal: 'przez PayPal'
+ page_title: 'Howto'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Wtyczki dla przeglądarki'
+ mobile_apps: 'Aplikacje mobilne'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Podziękuj przez ten formularz'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Standardowe rozszerzenia dla Firefox'
+ chrome: 'Rozszerzenie dla Chrome'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'przez F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'przez Google Play'
+ ios: 'przez iTunes Store'
+ windows: 'przez Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'Przeciągnij i upuść ten link na swój pasek zakładek'
-# Howto
-Form: 'Od'
-Thanks to this form: 'Podziękuj przez ten formularz'
-Browser addons: 'Wtyczki dla przeglądarki'
-Mobile apps: 'Aplikacje mobilne'
-Bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
-Standard Firefox Add-On: 'Standardowe rozszerzenia dla Firefox'
-Chrome Extension: 'Rozszerzenie dla Chrome'
-download the application: 'Pobierz aplikację '
-'Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:': 'Przeciągnij i upuść ten link na swój pasek zakładek'
+ # page_title: 'Quickstart'
+ # intro:
+ # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
+ # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
+ # configure:
+ # title: 'Configure the application'
+ # language: 'Change language and design'
+ # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ # admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ # first_steps:
+ # title: 'First steps'
+ # new_article: 'Save your first article'
+ # unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
+ # migrate:
+ # title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
+ # description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
+ # pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
+ # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
+ # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
+ # developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ # docs:
+ # title: 'Full documentation'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
+ # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ # all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
+ # support:
+ # title: 'Support'
+ # description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
+ # github: 'On GitHub'
+ # email: 'By email'
+ # gitter: 'On Gitter'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: 'Informacje zaktualizowane'
-Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.': 'Konfiguracja zapisana. Niektóre parametry zostaną uznane po rozłączeniu'
-RSS information updated: 'Informacje RSS zaktualizowane'
-Password updated: 'Hasło zaktualizowane'
-Entry starred: 'Wpis oznaczony gwiazdką'
-Entry unstarred: 'Wpis odznaczony gwiazdką'
-Entry archived: 'Wpis dodany do archiwum'
-Entry unarchived: 'Wpis usunięty z archiwum'
-Entry deleted: 'Wpis usunięty'
+ page_title: 'Tagi'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
-Favorite: 'Ulubione'
-back: 'Cofnij'
-original article: 'Oryginalny artykuł'
-Add a tag: 'Dodaj tag'
-Share: 'Udostępnij'
-Download: 'Pobierz'
-Does this article appear wrong?: 'Czy ten artykuł wygląda źle?'
-Problems?: 'Problemy'
-Edit title: 'Edytuj tytuł'
+ # page_title: 'Import'
+ # page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
+ # action:
+ # import_contents: 'Import contents'
+ # form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ # file_label: 'File'
+ # save_label: 'Upload file'
+ # pocket:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
+ # description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
+ # config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ # authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
+ # connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
+ # wallabag_v1:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
+ # how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
+ # wallabag_v2:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Cofnij'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Cofnij'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Cofnij'
+ password_must_match: 'Hasło w polach musi być takie same'
+ password_too_short: 'Hasło powinno mieć minimum 8 znaków długości'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Konfiguracja zapisana. Niektóre parametry zostaną uznane po rozłączeniu'
+ password_updated: 'Hasło zaktualizowane'
+ password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'Informacje zaktualizowane'
+ rss_updated: 'Informacje RSS zaktualizowane'
+ # tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ # tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ # user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ # rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Wpis dodany do archiwum'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Wpis usunięty z archiwum'
+ entry_starred: 'Wpis oznaczony gwiazdką'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Wpis odznaczony gwiazdką'
+ entry_deleted: 'Wpis usunięty'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ # tag_added: 'Tag added'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
-Keep me logged in: 'Ține-mă logat'
-Forgot your password?: 'Ți-ai uitat parola?'
-Login: 'Logare'
-Back to login: 'Înapoi la logare'
-Send: 'Trimite'
-"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Introduceți adresa de e-mail, iar noi vă vom trimite instrucțiunile pentru resetarea parolei."
+ login:
+ # page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Ține-mă logat'
+ forgot_password: 'Ți-ai uitat parola?'
+ submit: 'Logare'
+ # register: 'Register'
+ username: 'Nume de utilizator'
+ password: 'Parolă'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ description: "Introduceți adresa de e-mail, iar noi vă vom trimite instrucțiunile pentru resetarea parolei."
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'necitite'
-starred: 'cu steluță'
-archive: 'arhivă'
-all: 'toate'
-tags: 'tag-uri'
-config: 'configurație'
-howto: 'cum să'
-logout: 'delogare'
-Filtered: 'Filtrate'
-About: 'Despre'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Necitite'
+ starred: 'Cu steluță'
+ archive: 'Arhivă'
+ all_articles: 'Toate'
+ config: 'Configurație'
+ tags: 'Tag-uri'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ # import: 'Import'
+ howto: 'Cum să'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'cum să'
+ about: 'Despre'
+ search: 'Căutare'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Înapoi la articolele necitite'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Introdu un nou articol'
+ search: 'Căutare'
+ filter_entries: 'Filtrează articolele'
+ # export: 'Export'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Introdu căutarea ta'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Înapoi la articolele necitite'
-Add a new entry: 'Introdu un nou articol'
-Search: 'Căutare'
-Filter entries: 'Filtrează articolele'
-Enter your search here: 'Introdu căutarea ta'
-Save new entry: 'Salvează un nou articol'
+ wallabag:
+ # elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
+ # social: 'Social'
+ # powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'Despre'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Setări'
-User information: 'Informații despre utilizator'
-Password: 'Parolă'
-Add a user: 'Crează un utilizator'
-Theme: 'Temă'
-Items per page: 'Articole pe pagină'
-Language: 'Limbă'
-Save: 'Salvează'
-RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
-Name: 'Nume'
-Email: 'E-mail'
-No token: 'Fără token'
-Reset your token: 'Resetează-ți token-ul'
-Create your token: 'Crează-ți token'
-Rss limit: 'Limită RSS'
-RSS links: 'Link-uri RSS'
-'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Feed-urile RSS oferite de wallabag îți permit să-ți citești articolele salvate în reader-ul tău preferat RSS.'
-Old password: 'Parola veche'
-New password: 'Parola nouă'
-Repeat new password: 'Repetă parola'
-Username: 'Nume de utilizator'
+ page_title: 'Configurație'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'Setări'
+ rss: 'RSS'
+ user_info: 'Informații despre utilizator'
+ password: 'Parolă'
+ # rules: 'Tagging rules'
+ new_user: 'Crează un utilizator'
+ form:
+ save: 'Salvează'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Temă'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Articole pe pagină'
+ language_label: 'Limbă'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'Feed-urile RSS oferite de wallabag îți permit să-ți citești articolele salvate în reader-ul tău preferat RSS.'
+ token_label: 'RSS-Token'
+ no_token: 'Fără token'
+ token_create: 'Crează-ți token'
+ token_reset: 'Resetează-ți token-ul'
+ rss_links: 'Link-uri RSS'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'unread'
+ starred: 'starred'
+ archive: 'archived'
+ rss_limit: 'Limită RSS'
+ form_user:
+ # two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
+ name_label: 'Nume'
+ email_label: 'E-mail'
+ # twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Parola veche'
+ new_password_label: 'Parola nouă'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ # rule_label: 'Rule'
+ # tags_label: 'Tags'
+ # faq:
+ # title: 'FAQ'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ # how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ # variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
+ # variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
+ # meaning: 'Meaning'
+ # variable_description:
+ # label: 'Variable'
+ # title: 'Title of the entry'
+ # url: 'URL of the entry'
+ # isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
+ # isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
+ # content: "The entry's content"
+ # language: "The entry's language"
+ # mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
+ # readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
+ # domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
+ # operator_description:
+ # label: 'Operator'
+ # less_than: 'Less than...'
+ # strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
+ # greater_than: 'Greater than...'
+ # strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
+ # equal_to: 'Equal to...'
+ # not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
+ # or: 'One rule OR another'
+ # and: 'One rule AND another'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Nume de utilizator'
+ password_label: 'Parolă'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'E-mail'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'timp estimat de citire'
-original: original
-Toggle mark as read: 'Comută marcat ca citit'
-Toggle favorite: 'Comută marcat ca favorit'
-Delete: 'Șterge'
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
+ reading_time: 'timp estimat de citire'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'timp estimat de citire: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'timp estimat de citire: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Comută marcat ca citit'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Comută marcat ca favorit'
+ delete: 'Șterge'
+ # export_title: 'Export'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filtre'
+ status_label: 'Status'
+ archived_label: 'Arhivat'
+ starred_label: 'Steluțe'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Are o imagine de previzualizare'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Previzualizare imagine'
+ language_label: 'Limbă'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Timp de citire în minute'
+ from: 'de la'
+ to: 'către'
+ domain_label: 'Nume domeniu'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Data creării'
+ from: 'de la'
+ to: 'către'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Șterge'
+ filter: 'Filtru'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Înapoi'
+ set_as_read: 'Marchează ca citit'
+ # set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Favorit'
+ view_original_article: 'Articol original'
+ # re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
+ delete: 'Șterge'
+ add_a_tag: 'Adaugă un tag'
+ share_content: 'Dă mai departe'
+ share_email_label: 'E-mail'
+ download: 'Descarcă'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'Probleme?'
+ description: 'Îți pare ciudat articolul?'
+ edit_title: 'Editează titlul'
+ original_article: 'original'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Salvează un nou articol'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ # page_title: 'Edit an entry'
+ # title_label: 'Title'
+ url_label: 'Url'
+ # is_public_label: 'Public'
+ save_label: 'Salvează'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filtre'
-Status: 'Status'
-Archived: 'Arhivat'
-Starred: 'Steluțe'
-Preview picture: 'Previzualizare imagine'
-Has a preview picture: 'Are o imagine de previzualizare'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Timp de citire în minute'
-from: 'de la'
-to: 'către'
-website.com: 'website.com'
-Domain name: 'Nume domeniu'
-Creation date: 'Data creării'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'zz/ll/aaaa'
-Clear: 'Șterge'
-Filter: 'Filtru'
+ page_title: 'Despre'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: 'Cine e în spatele wallabag'
+ getting_help: 'Ajutor'
+ helping: 'Cum să ajuți wallabag'
+ # contributors: 'Contributors'
+ # third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Dezvoltat de'
+ website: 'website'
+ many_contributors: 'Și mulți alți contribuitori ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">pe Github</a>'
+ project_website: 'Website-ul proiectului'
+ license: 'Licență'
+ version: 'Versiune'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Documentație'
+ bug_reports: 'Bug-uri'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">Pe site-ul nostru de suport</a> sau <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">pe GitHub</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag este gratis și Open-Source. Cum ne poți ajuta:'
+ by_contributing: 'contribuind la proiect:'
+ by_contributing_2: 'o problemă ne listează toate nevoile:'
+ by_paypal: 'prin Paypal'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'Licență'
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: "Cine e în spatele wallabag"
-Getting help: "Ajutor"
-Helping wallabag: "Cum să ajuți wallabag"
-Developed by: "Dezvoltat de"
-website: "website"
-And many others contributors ♥: "Și mulți alți contribuitori ♥"
-on GitHub: "pe GitHub"
-Project website: "Website-ul proiectului"
-License: "Licență"
-Version: "Versiune"
-Documentation: "Documentație"
-Bug reports: "Bug-uri"
-On our support website: "Pe site-ul nostru de suport"
-or: "sau"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag este gratis și Open-Source. Cum ne poți ajuta:"
-"by contributing to the project:": "contribuind la proiect:"
-an issue lists all our needs: "o problemă ne listează toate nevoile:"
-via Paypal: "prin PayPal"
+ page_title: 'Cum să'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Add-On-uri de Browser'
+ mobile_apps: 'Aplicații mobile'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Mulțumită acestui formular'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Add-On standard de Firefox'
+ chrome: 'Extensie Chrome'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ via_f_droid: 'prin F-Droid'
+ via_google_play: 'prin Google Play'
+ ios: 'prin iTunes Store'
+ windows: 'prin Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: 'Drag & drop acest link în bara de bookmark-uri:'
-# Howto
-Form: Formular
-Thanks to this form: "Mulțumită acestui formular"
-Browser addons: "Add-On-uri de Browser"
-Mobile apps: "Aplicații mobile"
-Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "Add-On standard de Firefox"
-Chrome Extension: "Extensie Chrome"
-download the application: "descarcă aplicația"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Drag & drop acest link în bara de bookmark-uri:"
+ # page_title: 'Quickstart'
+ # intro:
+ # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
+ # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
+ # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
+ # configure:
+ # title: 'Configure the application'
+ # language: 'Change language and design'
+ # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ # admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ # first_steps:
+ # title: 'First steps'
+ # new_article: 'Save your first article'
+ # unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
+ # migrate:
+ # title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
+ # description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
+ # pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
+ # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
+ # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
+ # developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ # docs:
+ # title: 'Full documentation'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
+ # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ # all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
+ # support:
+ # title: 'Support'
+ # description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
+ # github: 'On GitHub'
+ # email: 'By email'
+ # gitter: 'On Gitter'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "Informație actualizată"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "configurație salvată. Unii parametrii vor fi considerați după deconectare."
-RSS information updated: "Informație RSS actualizată"
-Password updated: "Parolă actualizată"
-Entry starred: "Articol adăugat la favorite"
-Entry unstarred: "Articol șters de la favorite"
-Entry archived: "Articol arhivat"
-Entry unarchived: "Articol dezarhivat"
-Entry deleted: "Articol șters"
+ page_title: 'Tag-uri'
+ list:
+ # number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Marchează ca citit'
-Favorite: 'Favorit'
-back: 'înapoi'
-original article: 'articol original'
-Add a tag: 'Adaugă un tag'
-Share: 'Dă mai departe'
-Download: 'Descarcă'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "Îți pare ciudat articolul?"
-Problems?: 'Probleme?'
-Edit title: "Editează titlul"
+ # page_title: 'Import'
+ # page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
+ # action:
+ # import_contents: 'Import contents'
+ # form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ # file_label: 'File'
+ # save_label: 'Upload file'
+ # pocket:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
+ # description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
+ # config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ # authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
+ # connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
+ # wallabag_v1:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
+ # how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
+ # wallabag_v2:
+ # page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Back'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ password_must_match: 'Câmpurile destinate parolelor trebuie să se potrivească'
+ password_too_short: 'Parola ar trebui să conțină cel puțin 8 caractere'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Configurație salvată. Unii parametrii vor fi considerați după deconectare.'
+ password_updated: 'Parolă actualizată'
+ password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'Informație actualizată'
+ rss_updated: 'Informație RSS actualizată'
+ # tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ # tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ # user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ # rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ # entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ # entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ # entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Articol arhivat'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Articol dezarhivat'
+ entry_starred: 'Articol adăugat la favorite'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Articol șters de la favorite'
+ entry_deleted: 'Articol șters'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ # tag_added: 'Tag added'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
-# Login
-Keep me logged in: 'Oturumumu açık tut'
-Forgot your password?: 'Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz?'
-Login: 'Giriş Yap'
-Back to login: 'Giriş yapma ekranına geri dön'
-Send: 'Gönder'
-Register: 'Kayıt Ol'
+ login:
+ page_title: 'wallabag'
+ keep_logged_in: 'Oturumumu açık tut'
+ forgot_password: 'Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz?'
+ submit: 'Giriş Yap'
+ register: 'Kayıt Ol'
+ username: 'Kullanıcı adı'
+ password: 'Şifre'
+ # cancel: 'Cancel'
+ resetting:
+ # description: "Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions."
+ register:
+ # page_title: 'Create an account'
+ # go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
-# Menu
-unread: 'Okunmayan'
-starred: 'Favoriler'
-archive: 'Arşiv'
-all: 'Hepsi'
-tags: 'Etiketler'
-config: 'Yapılandırma'
-import: 'İçe Aktar'
-howto: 'Yardım'
-logout: 'Çıkış Yap'
-Filtered: 'Filtreli'
-About: 'Hakkımızda'
+ left:
+ unread: 'Okunmayan'
+ starred: 'Favoriler'
+ archive: 'Arşiv'
+ all_articles: 'Hepsi'
+ config: 'Yapılandırma'
+ tags: 'Etiketler'
+ # internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
+ import: 'İçe Aktar'
+ howto: 'Yardım'
+ # developer: 'Developer'
+ logout: 'Çıkış Yap'
+ about: 'Hakkımızda'
+ search: 'Ara'
+ # save_link: 'Save a link'
+ back_to_unread: 'Okunmayan makalelere geri dön'
+ top:
+ add_new_entry: 'Yeni bir makale ekle'
+ search: 'Ara'
+ filter_entries: 'Filtrele'
+ export: 'Dışa Aktar'
+ search_form:
+ input_label: 'Aramak istediğiniz herhangi bir şey yazın'
-# Header
-Back to unread articles: 'Okunmayan makalelere geri dön'
-Add a new entry: 'Yeni bir makale ekle'
-Search: 'Ara'
-Filter entries: 'Filtrele'
-Enter your search here: 'Aramak istediğiniz herhangi bir şey yazın'
-Save new entry: 'Yeni makaleyi kaydet'
+ wallabag:
+ elsewhere: 'wallabag her an seninle'
+ social: 'Sosyal'
+ powered_by: 'powered by'
+ about: 'Hakkımızda'
-# Config screen
-Settings: 'Ayarlar'
-User information: 'Kullanıcı bilgileri'
-Tagging rules: "Etiketleme kuralları"
-Password: 'Şifre'
-Add a user: 'Bir kullanıcı ekle'
-Theme: 'Tema'
-Items per page: "Sayfa başına makale sayısı"
-Language: 'Dil'
-Save: 'Kaydet'
-RSS token: 'RSS belirteci (token)'
-Name: 'İsim'
-Email: 'E-posta'
-No token: 'Belirteç (token) yok'
-Reset your token: 'Belirteci (token) sıfırla'
-Create your token: 'Yeni belirteç (token) oluştur'
-Rss limit: "RSS içeriğinden talep edilecek makale limiti"
-RSS links: 'RSS akış bağlantıları'
-"RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.": "wallabag RSS akışı kaydetmiş olduğunuz makalelerini favori RSS okuyucunuzda görüntülemenizi sağlar. Bunu yapabilmek için öncelikle belirteç (token) oluşturmalısınız."
-Old password: 'Eski şifre'
-New password: 'Yeni şifre'
-Repeat new password: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
-Username: "Kullanıcı adı"
-Two factor authentication: "İki adımlı doğrulama"
-"Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion": "İki adımlı doğrulamayı aktifleştirdiğinizde, her yeni güvenilmeyen bağlantılarda size e-posta ile bir kod alacaksınız."
-Baggy: "Baggy"
-Material: "Material"
-English: "İngilizce"
-Français: "Fransızca"
-Deutsch: "Almanca"
-Türkçe: "Türkçe"
+ page_title: 'Yapılandırma'
+ tab_menu:
+ settings: 'Ayarlar'
+ rss: 'RSS'
+ user_info: 'Kullanıcı bilgileri'
+ password: 'Şifre'
+ rules: 'Etiketleme kuralları'
+ new_user: 'Bir kullanıcı ekle'
+ form:
+ save: 'Kaydet'
+ form_settings:
+ theme_label: 'Tema'
+ items_per_page_label: 'Sayfa başına makale sayısı'
+ language_label: 'Dil'
+ form_rss:
+ description: 'wallabag RSS akışı kaydetmiş olduğunuz makalelerini favori RSS okuyucunuzda görüntülemenizi sağlar. Bunu yapabilmek için öncelikle belirteç (token) oluşturmalısınız.'
+ token_label: 'RSS belirteci (token)'
+ no_token: 'Belirteç (token) yok'
+ token_create: 'Yeni belirteç (token) oluştur'
+ token_reset: 'Belirteci (token) sıfırla'
+ rss_links: 'RSS akış bağlantıları'
+ rss_link:
+ unread: 'okunmayan'
+ starred: 'favoriler'
+ archive: 'arşiv'
+ rss_limit: 'RSS içeriğinden talep edilecek makale limiti'
+ form_user:
+ two_factor_description: "İki adımlı doğrulamayı aktifleştirdiğinizde, her yeni güvenilmeyen bağlantılarda size e-posta ile bir kod alacaksınız."
+ name_label: 'İsim'
+ email_label: 'E-posta'
+ twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'İki adımlı doğrulama'
+ form_password:
+ old_password_label: 'Eski şifre'
+ new_password_label: 'Yeni şifre'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
+ form_rules:
+ # if_label: 'if'
+ # then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
+ # delete_rule_label: 'delete'
+ rule_label: 'Kural'
+ tags_label: 'Etiketler'
+ faq:
+ title: 'S.S.S.'
+ tagging_rules_definition_title: '« etiketleme kuralları » ne anlama geliyor?'
+ # tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
+ how_to_use_them_title: 'Bunu nasıl kullanırım?'
+ # how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
+ variables_available_title: 'Kurallar içerisinde hangi değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirim?'
+ variables_available_description: 'Etiket kuralı oluşturmak istediğinizde aşağıdaki değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirsin:'
+ meaning: 'Anlamı'
+ variable_description:
+ label: 'Değişken'
+ title: 'Makalenin başlığı'
+ url: 'Makalenin bağlantısı'
+ isArchived: 'Makale arşivlendi mi? Arşivlenmedi mi?'
+ isStarred: 'Makale favorilere eklendi mi? Eklenmedi mi?'
+ content: "Makalenin içeriği"
+ language: "Makalenin dili"
+ mimetype: "Makalenin mime türü"
+ readingTime: "Makalenin dakika cinsinden tahmini okuma süresi"
+ domainName: 'Makalenin bulunduğu internet sitesinin alan adı'
+ operator_description:
+ label: 'Operatör'
+ less_than: 'Küçüktür ve eşittir…'
+ strictly_less_than: 'Küçüktür…'
+ greater_than: 'Büyüktür ve eşittir…'
+ strictly_greater_than: 'Büyüktür…'
+ equal_to: 'Eşittir…'
+ not_equal_to: 'Eşit değildir…'
+ or: 'Bir kural veya birbaşkası'
+ and: 'Bir kural ve diğeri'
+ # matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
+ form_new_user:
+ username_label: 'Kullanıcı adı'
+ password_label: 'Şifre'
+ repeat_new_password_label: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
+ plain_password_label: '????'
+ email_label: 'E-posta'
-# Tagging rules
-Rule: "Kural"
-Tags: "Etiketler"
-FAQ: "S.S.S."
-Variable: "Değişken"
-Meaning: "Anlamı"
-Operator: "Operatör"
-"What does « tagging rules » mean?": "« etiketleme kuralları » ne anlama geliyor?"
-"How do I use them?": "Bunu nasıl kullanırım?"
-"Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?": "Kurallar içerisinde hangi değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirim?"
-"The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:": "Etiket kuralı oluşturmak istediğinizde aşağıdaki değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirsin:"
-Title of the entry: "Makalenin başlığı"
-URL of the entry: "Makalenin bağlantısı"
-The domain name of the entry: "Makalenin bulunduğu internet sitesinin alan adı"
-"The entry's content": "Makalenin içeriği"
-"The entry's language": "Makalenin dili"
-"The entry's mime-type": "Makalenin mime türü"
-"The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes": "Makalenin dakika cinsinden tahmini okuma süresi"
-"Whether the entry is archived or not": "Makale arşivlendi mi? Arşivlenmedi mi?"
-"Whether the entry is starred or not": "Makale favorilere eklendi mi? Eklenmedi mi?"
-"Less than…": "Küçüktür ve eşittir…"
-"Strictly less than…": "Küçüktür…"
-"Greater than…": "Büyüktür ve eşittir…"
-"Strictly greater than…": "Büyüktür…"
-"Equal to…": "Eşittir…"
-"Not equal to…": "Eşit değildir…"
-"One rule or another": "Bir kural veya birbaşkası"
-"One rule and another": "Bir kural ve diğeri"
+ page_titles:
+ # unread: 'Unread entries'
+ # starred: 'Starred entries'
+ # archive: 'Archived entries'
+ # filtered: 'Filtered entries'
+ list:
+ number_on_the_page: '{0} Herhangi bir makale yok.|{1} Burada bir adet makale var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet makale var.'
+ reading_time: 'tahmini okuma süresi'
+ reading_time_minutes: 'tahmini okuma süresi: %readingTime% min'
+ reading_time_less_one_minute: 'tahmini okuma süresi: <small class="inferieur"><</small> 1 min'
+ original_article: 'orijinal'
+ toogle_as_read: 'Okundu/okunmadı olarak işaretle'
+ toogle_as_star: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
+ delete: 'Sil'
+ export_title: 'Dışa Aktar'
+ filters:
+ title: 'Filtreler'
+ status_label: 'Durum'
+ archived_label: 'Arşiv'
+ starred_label: 'Favori'
+ preview_picture_label: 'Resim önizlemesi varsa'
+ preview_picture_help: 'Resim önizlemesi'
+ language_label: 'Dil'
+ reading_time:
+ label: 'Dakika cinsinden okuma süresi'
+ from: 'başlangıç'
+ to: 'bitiş'
+ domain_label: 'Alan adı'
+ created_at:
+ label: 'Oluşturulma tarihi'
+ from: 'başlangıç'
+ to: 'bitiş'
+ action:
+ clear: 'Temizle'
+ filter: 'Filtrele'
+ view:
+ left_menu:
+ # back_to_top: 'Back to top'
+ back_to_homepage: 'Back'
+ set_as_read: 'Okundu olarak işaretle'
+ set_as_unread: 'Okunmadı olarak işaretle'
+ set_as_favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
+ view_original_article: 'Orijinal makale'
+ re_fetch_content: 'İçeriği yenile'
+ delete: 'Sil'
+ add_a_tag: 'Bir etiket ekle'
+ share_content: 'Paylaş'
+ share_email_label: 'E-posta'
+ download: 'İndir'
+ # print: 'Print'
+ problem:
+ label: 'Bir sorun mu var?'
+ description: 'Bu makalede herhangi bir yanlışlık mı var?'
+ edit_title: 'Başlığı düzenle'
+ original_article: 'orijinal'
+ # annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
+ new:
+ page_title: 'Yeni makaleyi kaydet'
+ placeholder: 'http://website.com'
+ form_new:
+ url_label: Url
+ edit:
+ page_title: 'Makaleyi düzenle'
+ title_label: 'Başlık'
+ url_label: 'Url'
+ is_public_label: 'Herkes tarafından erişime açık olsun mu?'
+ save_label: 'Kaydet'
-# Entries
-'estimated reading time': 'tahmini okuma süresi'
-original: "orijinal"
-Toggle mark as read: 'Okundu/okunmadı olarak işaretle'
-Toggle favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
-Delete: 'Sil'
+ page_title: 'Hakkımızda'
+ top_menu:
+ who_behind_wallabag: "wallabag'in arkasındakiler"
+ getting_help: 'Yardım'
+ helping: 'wallabag destek olun'
+ # contributors: 'Contributors'
+ # third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
+ who_behind_wallabag:
+ developped_by: 'Geliştiriciler'
+ website: 'i̇nternet sitesi'
+ many_contributors: 'Ve katkıda bulunanlar ♥ <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">GitHub üzerinde</a>'
+ project_website: 'Proje internet sitesi'
+ license: 'Lisans'
+ version: 'Sürüm'
+ getting_help:
+ documentation: 'Dokümantasyon'
+ bug_reports: 'Sorun bildir'
+ support: '<a href="https://support.wallabag.org">Destek internet sitesinde</a> ya da <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">GitHub üzerinde</a>'
+ helping:
+ description: 'wallabag açık kaynak kodlu ve ücretsizdir. Bize destek ol :'
+ by_contributing: 'projemize katkıda bulunun :'
+ by_contributing_2: 'ihtiyacımız olanların listelendiği yapılacaklar listesi'
+ by_paypal: 'PayPal ile'
+ contributors:
+ # description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
+ third_party:
+ # description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
+ # package: 'Package'
+ license: 'Lisans'
-# Filters
-Filters: 'Filtreler'
-Status: 'Durum'
-Archived: 'Arşiv'
-Starred: 'Favori'
-Preview picture: 'Resim önizlemesi'
-Has a preview picture: 'Resim önizlemesi varsa'
-Reading time in minutes: 'Dakika cinsinden okuma süresi'
-from: 'başlangıç'
-to: 'bitiş'
-website.com: 'internet-sitesi.com'
-Domain name: 'Alan adı'
-Creation date: 'Oluşturulma tarihi'
-dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd/mm/aaaa'
-Clear: 'Temizle'
-Filter: 'Filtrele'
+ page_title: 'Yardım'
+ # page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
+ top_menu:
+ browser_addons: 'Tarayıcı eklentileri'
+ mobile_apps: 'Mobil uygulamalar'
+ bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
+ form:
+ description: 'Yeni makale kaydet'
+ browser_addons:
+ firefox: 'Standart Firefox Eklentisi'
+ chrome: 'Chrome Eklentisi'
+ mobile_apps:
+ android:
+ # via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
+ # via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
+ # ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
+ # windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
+ bookmarklet:
+ description: "Bu bağlantı ile yer imlerinizi sürükleyip bırakarak wallabag'e ekleyebilirsiniz:"
-# About
-Who is behind wallabag: "wallabag'in arkasındakiler"
-Getting help: "Yardım"
-Helping wallabag: "wallabag destek olun"
-Developed by: "Geliştiriciler:"
-website: "İnternet sitesi"
-And many others contributors ♥: "Ve katkıda bulunanlar ♥"
-on GitHub: "GitHub üzerinde"
-Project website: "Proje internet sitesi"
-License: "Lisans"
-Version: "Sürüm"
-Documentation: "Dokümantasyon"
-Bug reports: "Sorun bildir"
-On our support website: "Destek internet sitesinde"
-or: "ya da"
-"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag açık kaynak kodlu ve ücretsizdir. Bize destek ol :"
-"by contributing to the project:": "projemize katkıda bulunun :"
-an issue lists all our needs: "ihtiyacımız olanların listelendiği yapılacaklar listesi"
-via Paypal: "PayPal ile"
+ page_title: 'Hızlı başlangıç'
+ intro:
+ title: 'wallabag'
+ paragraph_1: "wallabag kurduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu sayfada biz size eşlik edecek ve ilginizi çekecek birkaç özellik göstereceğim."
+ paragraph_2: 'Bizi takip edin!'
+ configure:
+ title: 'Uygulamayı Yapılandırma'
+ language: 'Dili ve tasarımı değiştirme'
+ rss: 'RSS akışını aktifleştirme'
+ # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
+ admin:
+ # title: 'Administration'
+ # description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
+ # new_user: 'Create a new user'
+ # analytics: 'Configure analytics'
+ # sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
+ # export: 'Configure export'
+ # import: 'Configure import'
+ first_steps:
+ title: 'İlk adım'
+ new_article: 'İlk makalenizi kaydedin'
+ unread_articles: 'Ve bunu sınıflandırın!'
+ migrate:
+ title: 'Varolan servislerden veri aktarma'
+ description: "Kullanmakta olduğunuz farklı bir hizmet mi var? Biz size yardımcı olacak ve verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarmanıza yardımcı olacağız."
+ pocket: "Pocket üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın"
+ wallabag_v1: "wallabag v1 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
+ wallabag_v2: "wallabag v2 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
+ developer:
+ # title: 'Developers'
+ # create_application: 'Create your third application'
+ docs:
+ title: 'Dokümantasyon'
+ # annotate: 'Annotate your article'
+ export: 'Makalelerinizi ePUB ya da PDF formatına çevirme'
+ search_filters: 'Makaleleri görüntülemek için arama motorlarını ve filteri kullanma'
+ # fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
+ all_docs: 'Ve daha fazlası!'
+ support:
+ title: 'Destek'
+ description: 'Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, biz her daim senin için burada olacağız.'
+ github: 'GitHub'
+ email: 'E-posta'
+ gitter: 'Gitter'
-# Howto
-Form: "Form"
-Thanks to this form: "Yeni makale kaydet"
-Browser addons: "Tarayıcı eklentileri"
-Mobile apps: "Mobil uygulamalar"
-Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
-Standard Firefox Add-On: "Standart Firefox Eklentisi"
-Chrome Extension: "Chrome Eklentisi"
-download the application: "uygulamayı indir"
-"Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Bu bağlantı ile yer imlerinizi sürükleyip bırakarak wallabag'e ekleyebilirsiniz:"
-via F-Droid: "F-Droid"
-via Google Play: "Google Play"
-bag it!: "bag it!"
+ page_title: 'Etiketler'
+ list:
+ number_on_the_page: '{0} Herhangi bir etiket yok.|{1} Burada bir adet etiket var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet etiket var.'
-# Flash messages
-Information updated: "Bilgiler güncellendi"
-"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Yapılandırma ayarları kaydedildi. Bazı yapılandırmalar tekrar giriş yaptığınızda aktif olacaktır."
-RSS information updated: "RSS bilgiler güncellendi"
-Password updated: "Şifre güncellendi"
-Entry starred: "Makale favorilere eklendi"
-Entry unstarred: "Makale favorilerden çıkartıldı"
-Entry archived: "Makale arşivlendi"
-Entry unarchived: "Makale arşivden çıkartıldı"
-Entry reloaded: "Makale içeriği yenilendi"
-Entry deleted: "Makale silindi"
-Entry saved: "Makale kaydedildi"
-Tag added: "Etiket eklendi"
+ page_title: 'İçe Aktar'
+ page_description: 'wallabag içe aktarma aracına hoşgeldiniz. Lütfen içe aktarmak istediğiiz önceki servisinizi seçin.'
+ action:
+ import_contents: 'İçe Aktar contents'
+ form:
+ # mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
+ # mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
+ file_label: 'Dosya'
+ save_label: 'Dosyayı yükle'
+ pocket:
+ page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Pocket'
+ description: "Bu araç tüm Pocket verinizi içe aktarır. Pocket içeriklerin getirilmesine izin vermez, okunabilen içerikler wallabag tarafından yeniden getirilir."
+ config_missing:
+ # description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
+ # admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
+ # user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
+ authorize_message: 'Pocket hesabınızda verilerinizi içe aktarabilmemiz için öncelikle aşağıdaki butona tıklayın. Daha sonra, getpocket.com üzerindeki uygulamamıza gereken izinleri verin. Hepsi bu kadar!'
+ connect_to_pocket: "Pocket'a bağlanın ve verilerinizi içe aktarın"
+ wallabag_v1:
+ page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Wallabag v1'
+ description: 'Bu araç wallabag v1 üzerindeki tüm makalelerinizi içe aktarır. Yapılandırma sayfasında, "Export your wallabag data" sekmesinden "JSON export" adımını izleyin. Bu adım size "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" isimli bir dosya verecektir.'
+ how_to: 'Aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak wallabag v1 tarafından dışa aktarılmış dosyanızı yükleyin.'
+ wallabag_v2:
+ page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Wallabag v2'
+ # description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
-# Entry
-Mark as read: 'Okundu olarak işaretle'
-Mark as unread: 'Okunmadı olarak işaretle'
-Favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
-back: 'geri dön'
-original article: 'Orijinal makale'
-Add a tag: 'Bir etiket ekle'
-Share: 'Paylaş'
-Download: 'İndir'
-Does this article appear wrong?: "Bu makalede herhangi bir yanlışlık mı var?"
-Problems?: 'Bir sorun mu var?'
-Edit title: "Başlığı düzenle"
-"{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.": "{0} Herhangi bir makale yok.|{1} Burada bir adet makale var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet makale var."
-"{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.": "{0} Herhangi bir etiket yok.|{1} Burada bir adet etiket var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet etiket var."
-Reload content: "İçeriği yenile"
-Edit an entry: "Makaleyi düzenle"
-Title: "Başlık"
-Is public: "Herkes tarafından erişime açık olsun mu?"
+ # page_title: 'Developer'
+ # welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
+ # documentation: 'Documentation'
+ # how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
+ # full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
+ # clients:
+ # title: 'Clients'
+ # create_new: 'Create a new client'
+ # existing_clients:
+ # title: 'Existing clients'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
+ # no_client: 'No client yet.'
+ # remove:
+ # warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
+ # warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
+ # action: 'Remove this client'
+ # client:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > New client'
+ # page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
+ # form:
+ # redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
+ # save_label: 'Create a new client'
+ # action_back: 'Back'
+ # client_parameter:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
+ # page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
+ # field_id: 'Client ID'
+ # field_secret: 'Client secret'
+ # back: 'Back'
+ # read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
+ # howto:
+ # page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
+ # description:
+ # paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
+ # paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
+ # paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
+ # paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
+ # paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
+ # paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
+ # paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
+ # paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
+ # back: 'Back'
-# Import
-Import: "İçe Aktar"
-"Import > Pocket": "İçe Aktar > Pocket"
-"Import > Wallabag v1": "İçe Aktar > Wallabag v1"
-Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.: "wallabag içe aktarma aracına hoşgeldiniz. Lütfen içe aktarmak istediğiiz önceki servisinizi seçin."
-"This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag.": "Bu araç tüm Pocket verinizi içe aktarır. Pocket içeriklerin getirilmesine izin vermez, okunabilen içerikler wallabag tarafından yeniden getirilir."
-"This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on \"JSON export\" in the \"Export your wallabag data\" section. You will have a \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" file.": "Bu araç wallabag v1 üzerindeki tüm makalelerinizi içe aktarır. Yapılandırma sayfasında, \"Export your wallabag data\" sekmesinden \"JSON export\" adımını izleyin. Bu adım size \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" isimli bir dosya verecektir."
-"You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.": "Pocket hesabınızda verilerinizi içe aktarabilmemiz için öncelikle aşağıdaki butona tıklayın. Daha sonra, getpocket.com üzerindeki uygulamamıza gereken izinleri verin. Hepsi bu kadar!"
-Connect to Pocket and import data: "Pocket'a bağlanın ve verilerinizi içe aktarın"
-Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.: "Aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak wallabag v1 tarafından dışa aktarılmış dosyanızı yükleyin."
-File: "Dosya"
-Upload file: "Dosyayı yükle"
-Import contents: "İçerikleri içe aktar"
+ # password_must_match: 'The password fields must match.'
+ # password_too_short: 'Password should by at least 8 chars long'
+ # password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
+ # item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
+ # rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
-# Quickstart
-Welcome to wallabag!: "wallabag"
-Quickstart: "Hızlı başlangıç"
-We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interess you.: "wallabag kurduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu sayfada biz size eşlik edecek ve ilginizi çekecek birkaç özellik göstereceğim."
-Follow us!: "Bizi takip edin!"
-Configure the application: "Uygulamayı Yapılandırma"
-Change language and design: "Dili ve tasarımı değiştirme"
-Enable RSS feeds: "RSS akışını aktifleştirme"
-First steps: "İlk adım"
-Save your first article: "İlk makalenizi kaydedin"
-And classify it!: "Ve bunu sınıflandırın!"
-Migrate from an existing service: "Varolan servislerden veri aktarma"
-You're using an other service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag.: "Kullanmakta olduğunuz farklı bir hizmet mi var? Biz size yardımcı olacak ve verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarmanıza yardımcı olacağız."
-Migrate from Pocket: "Pocket üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın"
-Migrate from wallabag v1: "wallabag v1 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
-Full documentation: "Dokümantasyon"
-Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF: "Makalelerinizi ePUB ya da PDF formatına çevirme"
-See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters: "Makaleleri görüntülemek için arama motorlarını ve filteri kullanma"
-And so many other articles!: "Ve daha fazlası!"
-Support: "Destek"
-Social: "Sosyal"
-If you need some help, we are here for you.: "Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, biz her daim senin için burada olacağız."
-On GitHub: "GitHub"
-By email: "E-posta"
-On Gitter: "Gitter"
-Export: "Dışa Aktar"
-"http://website": "http://internet-sitesi"
-Take wallabag with you: "wallabag her an seninle"
-about: "hakkımızda"
-powered by: "powered by"
+ config:
+ notice:
+ config_saved: 'Yapılandırma ayarları kaydedildi. Bazı yapılandırmalar tekrar giriş yaptığınızda aktif olacaktır.'
+ password_updated: 'Şifre güncellendi'
+ password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
+ user_updated: 'Bilgiler güncellendi'
+ rss_updated: 'RSS bilgiler güncellendi'
+ tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
+ tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
+ user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
+ rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
+ entry:
+ notice:
+ entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
+ entry_saved: 'Makale kaydedildi'
+ # entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
+ entry_reloaded: 'Makale içeriği yenilendi'
+ # entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
+ entry_archived: 'Makale arşivlendi'
+ entry_unarchived: 'Makale arşivden çıkartıldı'
+ entry_starred: 'Makale favorilere eklendi'
+ entry_unstarred: 'Makale favorilerden çıkartıldı'
+ entry_deleted: 'Makale silindi'
+ tag:
+ notice:
+ tag_added: 'Etiket eklendi'
+ import:
+ notice:
+ # failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
+ # failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
+ # summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
+ developer:
+ notice:
+ # client_created: 'New client created.'
+ # client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'De indtastede adgangskoder skal være ens'
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 8 tegn'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'Las contraseñas no coinciden'
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'رمزها باید یکی باشند'
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'رمز شما باید ۸ حرف یا بیشتر باشد'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'Les deux mots de passe doivent être les mêmes'
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'Hasło w polach musi być takie same '
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Hasło powinno mieć minimum 8 znaków długości'
+++ /dev/null
-# Config screen
-The password fields must match: 'Câmpurile destinate parolelor trebuie să se potrivească'
-Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Parola ar trebui să conțină cel puțin 8 caractere'