return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
const self = this
+ let aggregatedLogs = '' = fork(join(root(), 'dist', 'server.js'), options.peertubeArgs || [], forkOptions)
- const onPeerTubeExit = () => rej(new Error('Process exited'))
+ const onPeerTubeExit = () => rej(new Error('Process exited:\n' + aggregatedLogs))
const onParentExit = () => {
if (! || ! return'data', function onStdout (data) {
let dontContinue = false
+ const log: string = data.toString()
+ aggregatedLogs += log
// Capture things if we want to
for (const key of Object.keys(regexps)) {
const regexp = regexps[key]
- const matches = data.toString().match(regexp)
+ const matches = log.match(regexp)
if (matches !== null) {
if (key === 'client_id') = matches[1]
else if (key === 'client_secret') = matches[1]
// Check if all required sentences are here
for (const key of Object.keys(serverRunString)) {
- if (data.toString().indexOf(key) !== -1) serverRunString[key] = true
+ if (log.includes(key)) serverRunString[key] = true
if (serverRunString[key] === false) dontContinue = true
if (dontContinue === true) return
if (options.hideLogs === false) {
- console.log(data.toString())
+ console.log(log)
} else {
process.removeListener('exit', onParentExit)'data', onStdout)