- OS: Debian (jessie, wheezy), Ubuntu (xenial, trusty, precise), CentOS (7, 6), Alpine (3).
-- Ansible: four series -
+- Ansible: four variants -
- 1. the most recent *stable* version;
- 2. old 1.9 version;
- 3. the *experimental* version;
- 4. for building *minimal* images from playbooks; i.e., the Ansible body will be removed when mission completed.
+ 1. provides the most recent *stable* version of Ansible; suitable for most people.
+ 2. this variant is designed for building *minimal* images out of playbooks; i.e., the Ansible body will be removed when mission completed.
+ 3. provides the old 1.9 version of Ansible.
+ 4. provides the *experimental* version of Ansible.
## Images and tags
- `williamyeh/ansible:centos6-onbuild`
- `williamyeh/ansible:alpine3-onbuild`
+### Minimal configuration (the Ansible body will be removed when mission completed):
+- Onbuild series:
+ - `williamyeh/ansible:mini-alpine3`
+ - `williamyeh/ansible:mini-debian8`
### Old 1.9 version:
- Normal series:
- `williamyeh/ansible:1.9-centos6-onbuild`
- `williamyeh/ansible:1.9-alpine3-onbuild`
### Experimental version (building directly from the git `master` source tree; use at your own risk!):
- Normal series:
- `williamyeh/ansible:master-centos6-onbuild`
-### Minimal series (the Ansible body will be removed when mission completed):
-- Onbuild series:
- - `williamyeh/ansible:mini-alpine3`
- - `williamyeh/ansible:mini-debian8`
## For the impatient