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This role aims at creating, on a remote kong, a list of services, routes and plugins needed by an app. The API calls are made from the ansible target host. If you use `hosts: localhost` as a target from within your playbook then all API calls will be done from your local machine.
Example Playbook
- - hosts: localhost
- roles:
- - { role: kong-app,
- kong_servers:
- - kong_app_admin_url: http://localhost:8001,
- services:
- - name: example,
- url: http://example.com,
- plugins: [],
- routes: [ { hosts: [my.kong.example], paths: [/] } ]
- }
+- hosts: localhost
+ roles:
+ - role: kong-app,
+ kong_servers:
+ - kong_app_admin_url: http://localhost:8001,
+ services:
+ - name: example,
+ url: http://example.com,
+ plugins: [],
+ routes: [ { hosts: [my.kong.example], paths: [/] } ]