* /I. Effectful Text/
- This package provides @pipes@ utilities for /text streams/, understood as
- streams of 'Text' chunks. The individual chunks are uniformly /strict/, and thus you
- will generally want @Data.Text@ in scope. But the type @Producer Text m r@ as we
- are using it is a sort of pipes equivalent of the lazy @Text@ type.
+ This package provides @pipes@ utilities for /text streams/ or /character streams/,
+ realized as streams of 'Text' chunks. The individual chunks are uniformly /strict/,
+ and thus you will generally want @Data.Text@ in scope. But the type
+ @Producer Text m r@ ,as we are using it, is a sort of /pipes/ equivalent of the lazy @Text@ type.
This particular module provides many functions equivalent in one way or another to
the pure functions in
would drop the leading white space from each line.
The lenses in this library are marked as /improper/; this just means that
- they don't admit all the operations of an ideal lens, but only "getting" and "focussing".
+ they don't admit all the operations of an ideal lens, but only /getting/ and /focusing/.
Just for this reason, though, the magnificent complexities of the lens libraries
are a distraction. The lens combinators to keep in mind, the ones that make sense for
our lenses, are @view@ \/ @(^.)@), @over@ \/ @(%~)@ , and @zoom@.
contain at the start. Then we might write something like this:
> obey :: Monad m => Producer Text m b -> Producer Text m b
-> obey p = do (ts, p') <- lift $ runStateT (zoom (Text.splitAt 8) drawAll) p
+> obey p = do (ts, p') <- lift $ runStateT (zoom (Text.splitAt 7) drawAll) p
> let seven = T.concat ts
> case T.toUpper seven of
> "TOUPPER" -> p' >-> Text.toUpper
> _ -> do yield seven
> p'
+> >>> let doc = each ["toU","pperTh","is document.\n"]
+> >>> runEffect $ obey doc >-> Text.stdout
The purpose of exporting lenses is the mental economy achieved with this three-way
applicability. That one expression, e.g. @lines@ or @splitAt 17@ can have these
three uses is no more surprising than that a pipe can act as a function modifying
> join :: Monad m => Producer Text m (Producer m r) -> Producer m r
- The return type of 'lines', 'words', 'chunksOf' and the other "splitter" functions,
+ The return type of 'lines', 'words', 'chunksOf' and the other /splitter/ functions,
@FreeT (Producer m Text) m r@ -- our @Texts m r@ -- is the type of (effectful)
lists of (effectful) texts. The type @([Text],r)@ might be seen to gather
together things of the forms:
of @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@ is simply the 'effectful' version of this.
The @Pipes.Group@ module, which can generally be imported without qualification,
- provides many functions for working with things of type @FreeT (Producer a m) m r@
+ provides many functions for working with things of type @FreeT (Producer a m) m r@.
In particular it conveniently exports the constructors for @FreeT@ and the associated
@FreeF@ type -- a fancy form of @Either@, namely