"Public": "Poblach",
"Unlisted": "Falaichte o liostaichean",
"Private": "Prìobhaideach",
- "Internal": "Internal",
+ "Internal": "Inntearnail",
"Published": "Foillsichear",
"To transcode": "Ri thar-chòdachadh",
"To import": "Ri ion-phortadh",
- "Waiting for livestream": "Waiting for livestream",
- "Livestream ended": "Livestream ended",
+ "Waiting for livestream": "A’ feitheamh air an t-sruth bheò",
+ "Livestream ended": "Thàinig an sruth beò gu crìoch",
"Pending": "Ri dhèanamh",
"Success": "Deiseil",
"Failed": "Dh’fhàillig leis",
- "Rejected": "Rejected",
+ "Rejected": "Chaidh a dhiùltadh",
"Regular": "Àbhaisteach",
"Watch later": "Coimhead air uaireigin eile",
"This video does not exist.": "Chan eil a’ video seo ann.",
"We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ video fhaighinn. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.",
"Sorry": "Duilich",
"This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Chan eil a’ video ri fhaighinn o nach eil an ionstans cèin a’ freagairt.",
- "This playlist does not exist": "This playlist does not exist",
- "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.",
+ "This playlist does not exist": "Chan eil an liosta-chluich seo ann",
+ "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an liosta-chluich fhaighinn. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.",
"Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
"By {1}": "By {1}",
- "Unavailable video": "Unavailable video",
+ "Unavailable video": "Chan eil a’ video ri fhaighinn",
"Misc": "Measgaichte",
"Unknown": "Chan eil fhios",
"Afar": "Afar",
"Chinese": "Sìnis",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"Normal mode": "Normal mode",
- "Theater mode": "Theater mode"
+ "Theater mode": "Modh taigh-chluich"