@Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@ - a final \-@Ln@ being added where necessary.
In using them, one is producing and consuming semantically significant individual texts,
understood as lines, just as one would produce or pipe 'Int's or 'Char's or anything else.
- Thus, the standard materials from @Pipes@ and @Pipes.Prelude@ and
+ The standard materials from @Pipes@ and @Pipes.Prelude@ and
@Data.Text@ are all you need to work with them, and
you can use these operations without using any of the other modules in this package.
<http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/09/perfect-streaming-using-pipes-bytestring.html perfect streaming>
to see why @pipes-bytestring@ and this package, outside this module, take a different approach.
Furthermore, the line-based operations,
- like those in @Data.Text.IO@, use the system encoding (and @T.hGetLine@)
+ like those in @Data.Text.IO@, use the system encoding (and @T.hGetLine@, @T.hPutLine@ etc.)
and thus are slower than the \'official\' route, which would use the very fast
bytestring IO operations from @Pipes.ByteString@ and
encoding and decoding functions in @Pipes.Text.Encoding@. Finally, the line-based
Note that the module @Pipes.Text.IO@ is present as a convenience (as is @Data.Text.IO@). Official pipes IO would use @Pipes.ByteString@ together with the bytestring decoding functions in @Pipes.Text.Encoding@. In particular, the @Pipes.Text.IO@ functions use Text exceptions.
- The fourth module @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ just exports line-based Text producers and consumers as a drop-in replacement for the String material in @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@. They can be used as one uses @Pipes.Prelude@ without reference to the rest of this package. See the caveats in the documentation for the module.
+ The fourth module @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ exports line-based Text producers and consumers as a drop-in replacement for the String material in @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@. They can be used as one uses @Pipes.Prelude@ without reference to the rest of this package. See the caveats in the documentation for that module.
- @Pipes.Text.IO@ and @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ use version 0.11.3 or later of the @text@ library. It thus works with the version of @text@ that came with the 2013 Haskell Platform. To use an older @text@, install with the flag @-fnoio@
+ @Pipes.Text.IO@ and @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ use version 0.11.3 or later of the @text@ library. To use a (very) old version of @text@, install with the flag @-fnoio@