private serverService: ServerService
) {}
- importVideo (targetUrl: string, video: VideoUpdate): Observable<VideoImport> {
+ importVideoUrl (targetUrl: string, video: VideoUpdate): Observable<VideoImport> {
const url = VideoImportService.BASE_VIDEO_IMPORT_URL
+ const body = this.buildImportVideoObject(video)
+ body.targetUrl = targetUrl
+ const data = objectToFormData(body)
+ return<VideoImport>(url, data)
+ .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)))
+ }
+ importVideoTorrent (target: string | Blob, video: VideoUpdate): Observable<VideoImport> {
+ const url = VideoImportService.BASE_VIDEO_IMPORT_URL
+ const body: VideoImportCreate = this.buildImportVideoObject(video)
+ if (typeof target === 'string') body.magnetUri = target
+ else body.torrentfile = target
+ const data = objectToFormData(body)
+ return<VideoImport>(url, data)
+ .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)))
+ }
+ getMyVideoImports (pagination: RestPagination, sort: SortMeta): Observable<ResultList<VideoImport>> {
+ let params = new HttpParams()
+ params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort)
+ return this.authHttp
+ .get<ResultList<VideoImport>>(UserService.BASE_USERS_URL + '/me/videos/imports', { params })
+ .pipe(
+ switchMap(res => this.extractVideoImports(res)),
+ map(res => this.restExtractor.convertResultListDateToHuman(res)),
+ catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err))
+ )
+ }
+ private buildImportVideoObject (video: VideoUpdate): VideoImportCreate {
const language = video.language || null
const licence = video.licence || null
const category = video.category || null
const support = || null
const scheduleUpdate = video.scheduleUpdate || null
- const body: VideoImportCreate = {
- targetUrl,
+ return {
previewfile: video.previewfile,
- const data = objectToFormData(body)
- return<VideoImport>(url, data)
- .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)))
- }
- getMyVideoImports (pagination: RestPagination, sort: SortMeta): Observable<ResultList<VideoImport>> {
- let params = new HttpParams()
- params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort)
- return this.authHttp
- .get<ResultList<VideoImport>>(UserService.BASE_USERS_URL + '/me/videos/imports', { params })
- .pipe(
- switchMap(res => this.extractVideoImports(res)),
- map(res => this.restExtractor.convertResultListDateToHuman(res)),
- catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err))
- )
private extractVideoImports (result: ResultList<VideoImport>): Observable<ResultList<VideoImport>> {
--- /dev/null
+<div *ngIf="!hasImportedVideo" class="upload-video-container">
+ <div class="import-video-torrent">
+ <div class="icon icon-upload"></div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label i18n for="magnetUri">Magnet URI</label>
+ <my-help
+ helpType="custom" i18n-customHtml
+ customHtml="You can import any torrent file that points to a mp4 file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance."
+ ></my-help>
+ <input type="text" id="magnetUri" [(ngModel)]="magnetUri" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label i18n for="first-step-channel">Channel</label>
+ <div class="peertube-select-container">
+ <select id="first-step-channel" [(ngModel)]="firstStepChannelId">
+ <option *ngFor="let channel of userVideoChannels" [value]="">{{ channel.label }}</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label i18n for="first-step-privacy">Privacy</label>
+ <div class="peertube-select-container">
+ <select id="first-step-privacy" [(ngModel)]="firstStepPrivacyId">
+ <option *ngFor="let privacy of videoPrivacies" [value]="">{{ privacy.label }}</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <input
+ type="button" i18n-value value="Import"
+ [disabled]="!isMagnetUrlValid() || isImportingVideo" (click)="importVideo()"
+ />
+ </div>
+<div *ngIf="hasImportedVideo" class="alert alert-info" i18n>
+ Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video.
+<!-- Hidden because we want to load the component -->
+<form [hidden]="!hasImportedVideo" novalidate [formGroup]="form">
+ <my-video-edit
+ [form]="form" [formErrors]="formErrors" [videoCaptions]="videoCaptions" [schedulePublicationPossible]="false"
+ [validationMessages]="validationMessages" [videoPrivacies]="videoPrivacies" [userVideoChannels]="userVideoChannels"
+ ></my-video-edit>
+ <div class="submit-container">
+ <div class="submit-button"
+ (click)="updateSecondStep()"
+ [ngClass]="{ disabled: !form.valid || isUpdatingVideo === true }"
+ >
+ <span class="icon icon-validate"></span>
+ <input type="button" i18n-value value="Update" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
--- /dev/null
+@import 'variables';
+@import 'mixins';
+$width-size: 190px;
+.peertube-select-container {
+ @include peertube-select-container($width-size);
+.import-video-torrent {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ .icon.icon-upload {
+ @include icon(90px);
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ cursor: default;
+ background-image: url('../../../../assets/images/video/upload.svg');
+ }
+ input[type=text] {
+ @include peertube-input-text($width-size);
+ display: block;
+ }
+ input[type=button] {
+ @include peertube-button;
+ @include orange-button;
+ width: $width-size;
+ margin-top: 30px;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import { Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core'
+import { Router } from '@angular/router'
+import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications'
+import { VideoPrivacy, VideoUpdate } from '../../../../../../shared/models/videos'
+import { AuthService, ServerService } from '../../../core'
+import { VideoService } from '../../../shared/video/video.service'
+import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill'
+import { LoadingBarService } from '@ngx-loading-bar/core'
+import { VideoSend } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-send'
+import { CanComponentDeactivate } from '@app/shared/guards/can-deactivate-guard.service'
+import { VideoEdit } from '@app/shared/video/video-edit.model'
+import { FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared'
+import { VideoCaptionService } from '@app/shared/video-caption'
+import { VideoImportService } from '@app/shared/video-import'
+ selector: 'my-video-import-torrent',
+ templateUrl: './video-import-torrent.component.html',
+ styleUrls: [
+ '../shared/video-edit.component.scss',
+ './video-import-torrent.component.scss'
+ ]
+export class VideoImportTorrentComponent extends VideoSend implements OnInit, CanComponentDeactivate {
+ @Output() firstStepDone = new EventEmitter<string>()
+ videoFileName: string
+ magnetUri = ''
+ isImportingVideo = false
+ hasImportedVideo = false
+ isUpdatingVideo = false
+ video: VideoEdit
+ protected readonly DEFAULT_VIDEO_PRIVACY = VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE
+ constructor (
+ protected formValidatorService: FormValidatorService,
+ protected loadingBar: LoadingBarService,
+ protected notificationsService: NotificationsService,
+ protected authService: AuthService,
+ protected serverService: ServerService,
+ protected videoService: VideoService,
+ protected videoCaptionService: VideoCaptionService,
+ private router: Router,
+ private videoImportService: VideoImportService,
+ private i18n: I18n
+ ) {
+ super()
+ }
+ ngOnInit () {
+ super.ngOnInit()
+ }
+ canDeactivate () {
+ return { canDeactivate: true }
+ }
+ isMagnetUrlValid () {
+ return !!this.magnetUri
+ }
+ importVideo () {
+ this.isImportingVideo = true
+ const videoUpdate: VideoUpdate = {
+ privacy: this.firstStepPrivacyId,
+ waitTranscoding: false,
+ commentsEnabled: true,
+ channelId: this.firstStepChannelId
+ }
+ this.loadingBar.start()
+ this.videoImportService.importVideoTorrent(this.magnetUri, videoUpdate).subscribe(
+ res => {
+ this.loadingBar.complete()
+ this.firstStepDone.emit(
+ this.isImportingVideo = false
+ this.hasImportedVideo = true
+ = new VideoEdit(Object.assign(, {
+ commentsEnabled: videoUpdate.commentsEnabled,
+ support: null,
+ thumbnailUrl: null,
+ previewUrl: null
+ }))
+ this.hydrateFormFromVideo()
+ },
+ err => {
+ this.loadingBar.complete()
+ this.isImportingVideo = false
+ this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), err.message)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ updateSecondStep () {
+ if (this.checkForm() === false) {
+ return
+ }
+ this.isUpdatingVideo = true
+ // Update the video
+ this.updateVideoAndCaptions(
+ .subscribe(
+ () => {
+ this.isUpdatingVideo = false
+ this.notificationsService.success(this.i18n('Success'), this.i18n('Video to import updated.'))
+ this.router.navigate([ '/my-account', 'video-imports' ])
+ },
+ err => {
+ this.isUpdatingVideo = false
+ this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), err.message)
+ console.error(err)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ private hydrateFormFromVideo () {
+ this.form.patchValue(
+ }
<div *ngIf="!hasImportedVideo" class="upload-video-container">
- <div class="import-video">
+ <div class="import-video-url">
<div class="icon icon-upload"></div>
<div class="form-group">
@include peertube-select-container($width-size);
-.import-video {
+.import-video-url {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
- this.videoImportService.importVideo(this.targetUrl, videoUpdate).subscribe(
+ this.videoImportService.importVideoUrl(this.targetUrl, videoUpdate).subscribe(
res => {
<my-video-upload #videoUpload (firstStepDone)="onFirstStepDone('upload', $event)"></my-video-upload>
- <tab *ngIf="isVideoImportEnabled()" i18n-heading heading="Import with URL">
+ <tab *ngIf="isVideoImportHttpEnabled()" i18n-heading heading="Import with URL">
<my-video-import-url #videoImportUrl (firstStepDone)="onFirstStepDone('import-url', $event)"></my-video-import-url>
+ <tab *ngIf="isVideoImportTorrentEnabled()" i18n-heading heading="Import with torrent">
+ <my-video-import-torrent #videoImportTorrent (firstStepDone)="onFirstStepDone('import-torrent', $event)"></my-video-import-torrent>
+ </tab>
import { VideoImportUrlComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component'
import { VideoUploadComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component'
import { ServerService } from '@app/core'
+import { VideoImportTorrentComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component'
selector: 'my-videos-add',
export class VideoAddComponent implements CanComponentDeactivate {
@ViewChild('videoUpload') videoUpload: VideoUploadComponent
@ViewChild('videoImportUrl') videoImportUrl: VideoImportUrlComponent
+ @ViewChild('videoImportTorrent') videoImportTorrent: VideoImportTorrentComponent
- secondStepType: 'upload' | 'import-url'
+ secondStepType: 'upload' | 'import-url' | 'import-torrent'
videoName: string
constructor (
private serverService: ServerService
) {}
- onFirstStepDone (type: 'upload' | 'import-url', videoName: string) {
+ onFirstStepDone (type: 'upload' | 'import-url' | 'import-torrent', videoName: string) {
this.secondStepType = type
this.videoName = videoName
canDeactivate () {
if (this.secondStepType === 'upload') return this.videoUpload.canDeactivate()
if (this.secondStepType === 'import-url') return this.videoImportUrl.canDeactivate()
+ if (this.secondStepType === 'import-torrent') return this.videoImportTorrent.canDeactivate()
return { canDeactivate: true }
- isVideoImportEnabled () {
+ isVideoImportHttpEnabled () {
+ return this.serverService.getConfig().import.videos.http.enabled
+ }
+ isVideoImportTorrentEnabled () {
return this.serverService.getConfig().import.videos.http.enabled
import { CanDeactivateGuard } from '../../shared/guards/can-deactivate-guard.service'
import { VideoUploadComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component'
import { VideoImportUrlComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component'
+import { VideoImportTorrentComponent } from '@app/videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component'
imports: [
declarations: [
- VideoImportUrlComponent
+ VideoImportUrlComponent,
+ VideoImportTorrentComponent
exports: [
"uuid": "^3.1.0",
"validator": "^10.2.0",
"webfinger.js": "^2.6.6",
+ "webtorrent": "^0.100.0",
"winston": "3.0.0",
"ws": "^5.0.0",
"youtube-dl": "^1.12.2"
"tslint": "^5.7.0",
"tslint-config-standard": "^7.0.0",
"typescript": "^2.5.2",
- "webtorrent": "^0.100.0",
"xliff": "^3.0.1"
"scripty": {
+import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
import * as express from 'express'
import { auditLoggerFactory, VideoImportAuditView } from '../../../helpers/audit-logger'
import { asyncMiddleware, asyncRetryTransactionMiddleware, authenticate, videoImportAddValidator } from '../../../middlewares'
import { JobQueue } from '../../../lib/job-queue/job-queue'
import { processImage } from '../../../helpers/image-utils'
import { join } from 'path'
+import { isArray } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/misc'
+import { FilteredModelAttributes } from 'sequelize-typescript/lib/models/Model'
+import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../../models/video/video-channel'
+import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
const auditLogger = auditLoggerFactory('video-imports')
const videoImportsRouter = express.Router()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-async function addVideoImport (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+function addVideoImport (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+ if (req.body.targetUrl) return addYoutubeDLImport(req, res)
+ if (req.body.magnetUri) return addTorrentImport(req, res)
+async function addTorrentImport (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+ const body: VideoImportCreate = req.body
+ const magnetUri = body.magnetUri
+ const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(magnetUri)
+ const magnetName = isArray( ?[0] : as string
+ const video = buildVideo(, body, { name: magnetName })
+ await processThumbnail(req, video)
+ await processPreview(req, video)
+ const tags = null
+ const videoImportAttributes = {
+ magnetUri,
+ state: VideoImportState.PENDING
+ }
+ const videoImport: VideoImportModel = await insertIntoDB(video, res.locals.videoChannel, tags, videoImportAttributes)
+ // Create job to import the video
+ const payload = {
+ type: 'magnet-uri' as 'magnet-uri',
+ videoImportId:,
+ magnetUri
+ }
+ await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-import', payload })
+ auditLogger.create(res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account.Actor.getIdentifier(), new VideoImportAuditView(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()))
+ return res.json(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()).end()
+async function addYoutubeDLImport (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const body: VideoImportCreate = req.body
const targetUrl = body.targetUrl
- // Create video DB object
+ const video = buildVideo(, body, youtubeDLInfo)
+ const downloadThumbnail = !await processThumbnail(req, video)
+ const downloadPreview = !await processPreview(req, video)
+ const tags = body.tags || youtubeDLInfo.tags
+ const videoImportAttributes = {
+ targetUrl,
+ state: VideoImportState.PENDING
+ }
+ const videoImport: VideoImportModel = await insertIntoDB(video, res.locals.videoChannel, tags, videoImportAttributes)
+ // Create job to import the video
+ const payload = {
+ type: 'youtube-dl' as 'youtube-dl',
+ videoImportId:,
+ thumbnailUrl: youtubeDLInfo.thumbnailUrl,
+ downloadThumbnail,
+ downloadPreview
+ }
+ await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-import', payload })
+ auditLogger.create(res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account.Actor.getIdentifier(), new VideoImportAuditView(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()))
+ return res.json(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()).end()
+function buildVideo (channelId: number, body: VideoImportCreate, importData: YoutubeDLInfo) {
const videoData = {
- name: ||,
+ name: || || 'Unknown name',
remote: false,
- category: body.category || youtubeDLInfo.category,
- licence: body.licence || youtubeDLInfo.licence,
+ category: body.category || importData.category,
+ licence: body.licence || importData.licence,
language: body.language || undefined,
commentsEnabled: body.commentsEnabled || true,
waitTranscoding: body.waitTranscoding || false,
state: VideoState.TO_IMPORT,
- nsfw: body.nsfw || youtubeDLInfo.nsfw || false,
- description: body.description || youtubeDLInfo.description,
+ nsfw: body.nsfw || importData.nsfw || false,
+ description: body.description || importData.description,
support: || null,
privacy: body.privacy || VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE,
duration: 0, // duration will be set by the import job
- channelId:
+ channelId: channelId
const video = new VideoModel(videoData)
video.url = getVideoActivityPubUrl(video)
- // Process thumbnail file?
+ return video
+async function processThumbnail (req: express.Request, video: VideoModel) {
const thumbnailField = req.files ? req.files['thumbnailfile'] : undefined
- let downloadThumbnail = true
if (thumbnailField) {
const thumbnailPhysicalFile = thumbnailField[ 0 ]
await processImage(thumbnailPhysicalFile, join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, video.getThumbnailName()), THUMBNAILS_SIZE)
- downloadThumbnail = false
+ return true
- // Process preview file?
+ return false
+async function processPreview (req: express.Request, video: VideoModel) {
const previewField = req.files ? req.files['previewfile'] : undefined
- let downloadPreview = true
if (previewField) {
const previewPhysicalFile = previewField[0]
await processImage(previewPhysicalFile, join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, video.getPreviewName()), PREVIEWS_SIZE)
- downloadPreview = false
+ return true
- const videoImport: VideoImportModel = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
+ return false
+function insertIntoDB (
+ video: VideoModel,
+ videoChannel: VideoChannelModel,
+ tags: string[],
+ videoImportAttributes: FilteredModelAttributes<VideoImportModel>
+): Bluebird<VideoImportModel> {
+ return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t }
// Save video object in database
const videoCreated = await
- videoCreated.VideoChannel = res.locals.videoChannel
+ videoCreated.VideoChannel = videoChannel
// Set tags to the video
- const tags = body.tags ? body.tags : youtubeDLInfo.tags
if (tags !== undefined) {
const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t)
// Create video import object in database
- const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.create({
- targetUrl,
- state: VideoImportState.PENDING,
- videoId:
- }, sequelizeOptions)
+ const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.create(
+ Object.assign({ videoId: }, videoImportAttributes),
+ sequelizeOptions
+ )
videoImport.Video = videoCreated
return videoImport
- // Create job to import the video
- const payload = {
- type: 'youtube-dl' as 'youtube-dl',
- videoImportId:,
- thumbnailUrl: youtubeDLInfo.thumbnailUrl,
- downloadThumbnail,
- downloadPreview
- }
- await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-import', payload })
- auditLogger.create(res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account.Actor.getIdentifier(), new VideoImportAuditView(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()))
- return res.json(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()).end()
import { exists, isArray, isFileValid } from './misc'
import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../models/video/video-channel'
import { UserModel } from '../../models/account/user'
+import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.FILE_SIZE)
+function isVideoMagnetUriValid (value: string) {
+ if (!exists(value)) return false
+ const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(value)
+ return parsed && isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash)
function checkUserCanManageVideo (user: UserModel, video: VideoModel, right: UserRight, res: Response) {
// Retrieve the user who did the request
if (video.isOwned() === false) {
+ isVideoMagnetUriValid,
import { pseudoRandomBytesPromise, unlinkPromise } from './core-utils'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { isArray } from './custom-validators/misc'
+import * as crypto from "crypto"
+import { join } from "path"
const isCidr = require('is-cidr')
return Promise.resolve(serverActor)
+function generateVideoTmpPath (id: string) {
+ const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(id).digest('hex')
+ return join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, hash + '-import.mp4')
type SortType = { sortModel: any, sortValue: string }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- SortType
+ SortType,
+ generateVideoTmpPath
--- /dev/null
+import { logger } from './logger'
+import { generateVideoTmpPath } from './utils'
+import * as WebTorrent from 'webtorrent'
+import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
+function downloadWebTorrentVideo (target: string) {
+ const path = generateVideoTmpPath(target)
+'Importing torrent video %s', target)
+ return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => {
+ const webtorrent = new WebTorrent()
+ const torrent = webtorrent.add(target, torrent => {
+ if (torrent.files.length !== 1) throw new Error('The number of files is not equal to 1 for ' + target)
+ const file = torrent.files[ 0 ]
+ file.createReadStream().pipe(createWriteStream(path))
+ })
+ torrent.on('done', () => res(path))
+ torrent.on('error', err => rej(err))
+ })
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export {
+ downloadWebTorrentVideo
import * as youtubeDL from 'youtube-dl'
import { truncate } from 'lodash'
-import { CONFIG, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, VIDEO_CATEGORIES } from '../initializers'
-import { join } from 'path'
-import * as crypto from 'crypto'
+import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, VIDEO_CATEGORIES } from '../initializers'
import { logger } from './logger'
+import { generateVideoTmpPath } from './utils'
export type YoutubeDLInfo = {
- name: string
- description: string
- category: number
- licence: number
- nsfw: boolean
- tags: string[]
- thumbnailUrl: string
+ name?: string
+ description?: string
+ category?: number
+ licence?: number
+ nsfw?: boolean
+ tags?: string[]
+ thumbnailUrl?: string
function getYoutubeDLInfo (url: string): Promise<YoutubeDLInfo> {
function downloadYoutubeDLVideo (url: string) {
- const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(url).digest('hex')
- const path = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, hash + '-import.mp4')
+ const path = generateVideoTmpPath(url)
-'Importing video %s', url)
+'Importing youtubeDL video %s', url)
const options = [ '-f', 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best', '-o', path ]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length
+ URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length
+ TORRENT_NAME: { min: 3, max: 255 }, // Length
NAME: { min: 3, max: 120 }, // Length
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { Migration } from '../../models/migrations'
+import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../index'
+async function up (utils: {
+ transaction: Sequelize.Transaction
+ queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface
+ sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize
+}): Promise<any> {
+ {
+ const data = {
+ type: Sequelize.STRING,
+ allowNull: true,
+ defaultValue: null
+ } as Migration.String
+ await utils.queryInterface.changeColumn('videoImport', 'targetUrl', data)
+ }
+ {
+ const data = {
+ allowNull: true,
+ defaultValue: null
+ }
+ await utils.queryInterface.addColumn('videoImport', 'magnetUri', data)
+ }
+ {
+ const data = {
+ allowNull: true,
+ defaultValue: null
+ }
+ await utils.queryInterface.addColumn('videoImport', 'torrentName', data)
+ }
+function down (options) {
+ throw new Error('Not implemented.')
+export { up, down }
import { JobQueue } from '../index'
import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../../activitypub'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
+import { downloadWebTorrentVideo } from '../../../helpers/webtorrent'
-export type VideoImportPayload = {
+type VideoImportYoutubeDLPayload = {
type: 'youtube-dl'
videoImportId: number
thumbnailUrl: string
downloadThumbnail: boolean
downloadPreview: boolean
+type VideoImportTorrentPayload = {
+ type: 'magnet-uri'
+ videoImportId: number
+export type VideoImportPayload = VideoImportYoutubeDLPayload | VideoImportTorrentPayload
async function processVideoImport (job: Bull.Job) {
const payload = as VideoImportPayload
-'Processing video import in job %d.',
- const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.loadAndPopulateVideo(payload.videoImportId)
+ if (payload.type === 'youtube-dl') return processYoutubeDLImport(job, payload)
+ if (payload.type === 'magnet-uri') return processTorrentImport(job, payload)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export {
+ processVideoImport
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function processTorrentImport (job: Bull.Job, payload: VideoImportTorrentPayload) {
+'Processing torrent video import in job %d.',
+ const videoImport = await getVideoImportOrDie(payload.videoImportId)
+ const options = {
+ videoImportId: payload.videoImportId,
+ downloadThumbnail: false,
+ downloadPreview: false,
+ generateThumbnail: true,
+ generatePreview: true
+ }
+ return processFile(() => downloadWebTorrentVideo(videoImport.magnetUri), videoImport, options)
+async function processYoutubeDLImport (job: Bull.Job, payload: VideoImportYoutubeDLPayload) {
+'Processing youtubeDL video import in job %d.',
+ const videoImport = await getVideoImportOrDie(payload.videoImportId)
+ const options = {
+ videoImportId:,
+ downloadThumbnail: payload.downloadThumbnail,
+ downloadPreview: payload.downloadPreview,
+ thumbnailUrl: payload.thumbnailUrl,
+ generateThumbnail: false,
+ generatePreview: false
+ }
+ return processFile(() => downloadYoutubeDLVideo(videoImport.targetUrl), videoImport, options)
+async function getVideoImportOrDie (videoImportId: number) {
+ const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.loadAndPopulateVideo(videoImportId)
if (!videoImport || !videoImport.Video) {
throw new Error('Cannot import video %s: the video import or video linked to this import does not exist anymore.')
+ return videoImport
+type ProcessFileOptions = {
+ videoImportId: number
+ downloadThumbnail: boolean
+ downloadPreview: boolean
+ thumbnailUrl?: string
+ generateThumbnail: boolean
+ generatePreview: boolean
+async function processFile (downloader: () => Promise<string>, videoImport: VideoImportModel, options: ProcessFileOptions) {
let tempVideoPath: string
let videoDestFile: string
let videoFile: VideoFileModel
try {
// Download video from youtubeDL
- tempVideoPath = await downloadYoutubeDLVideo(videoImport.targetUrl)
+ tempVideoPath = await downloader()
// Get information about this video
const { videoFileResolution } = await getVideoFileResolution(tempVideoPath)
tempVideoPath = null // This path is not used anymore
// Process thumbnail
- if (payload.downloadThumbnail) {
- if (payload.thumbnailUrl) {
+ if (options.downloadThumbnail) {
+ if (options.thumbnailUrl) {
const destThumbnailPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, videoImport.Video.getThumbnailName())
- await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: payload.thumbnailUrl }, destThumbnailPath)
+ await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: options.thumbnailUrl }, destThumbnailPath)
} else {
await videoImport.Video.createThumbnail(videoFile)
+ } else if (options.generateThumbnail) {
+ await videoImport.Video.createThumbnail(videoFile)
// Process preview
- if (payload.downloadPreview) {
- if (payload.thumbnailUrl) {
+ if (options.downloadPreview) {
+ if (options.thumbnailUrl) {
const destPreviewPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, videoImport.Video.getPreviewName())
- await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: payload.thumbnailUrl }, destPreviewPath)
+ await doRequestAndSaveToFile({ method: 'GET', uri: options.thumbnailUrl }, destPreviewPath)
} else {
await videoImport.Video.createPreview(videoFile)
+ } else if (options.generatePreview) {
+ await videoImport.Video.createPreview(videoFile)
// Create torrent
throw err
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- processVideoImport
'video-import': processVideoImport
-const jobsWithRequestTimeout: { [ id in JobType ]?: boolean } = {
- 'activitypub-http-broadcast': true,
- 'activitypub-http-unicast': true,
- 'activitypub-http-fetcher': true,
- 'activitypub-follow': true
const jobTypes: JobType[] = [
import { getCommonVideoAttributes } from './videos'
import { isVideoImportTargetUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/video-imports'
import { cleanUpReqFiles } from '../../helpers/utils'
-import { isVideoChannelOfAccountExist, isVideoNameValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
+import { isVideoChannelOfAccountExist, isVideoMagnetUriValid, isVideoNameValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/constants'
const videoImportAddValidator = getCommonVideoAttributes().concat([
- body('targetUrl').custom(isVideoImportTargetUrlValid).withMessage('Should have a valid video import target URL'),
.custom(isIdValid).withMessage('Should have correct video channel id'),
+ body('targetUrl')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isVideoImportTargetUrlValid).withMessage('Should have a valid video import target URL'),
+ body('magnetUri')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isVideoMagnetUriValid).withMessage('Should have a valid video magnet URI'),
.custom(isVideoNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid name'),
if (!await isVideoChannelOfAccountExist(req.body.channelId, user, res)) return cleanUpReqFiles(req)
+ // Check we have at least 1 required param
+ if (!req.body.targetUrl && !req.body.magnetUri) {
+ cleanUpReqFiles(req)
+ return res.status(400)
+ .json({ error: 'Should have a magnetUri or a targetUrl.' })
+ .end()
+ }
return next()
import { VideoChannelModel } from './video-channel'
import { AccountModel } from '../account/account'
import { TagModel } from './tag'
+import { isVideoMagnetUriValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
include: [
updatedAt: Date
- @AllowNull(false)
+ @AllowNull(true)
+ @Default(null)
@Is('VideoImportTargetUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoImportTargetUrlValid, 'targetUrl'))
targetUrl: string
+ @AllowNull(true)
+ @Default(null)
+ @Is('VideoImportMagnetUri', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoMagnetUriValid, 'magnetUri'))
+ @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_IMPORTS.URL.max)) // Use the same constraints than URLs
+ magnetUri: string
+ @AllowNull(true)
+ @Default(null)
+ torrentName: string
@Is('VideoImportState', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoImportStateValid, 'state'))
import { VideoUpdate } from './video-update.model'
export interface VideoImportCreate extends VideoUpdate {
- targetUrl: string
+ targetUrl?: string
+ magnetUri?: string
+ torrentfile?: Blob
channelId: number // Required