- job_result.stderr is defined
- job_result.stderr is search("Failed to read git object")
+- name: Restart app on clever-cloud when error asks to restart
+ include_tasks: restart.yml
+ when:
+ - not job_result.finished or not job_result.rc == 0
+ - job_result.stderr is defined
+ - job_result.stderr is search("clever restart")
- name: Deploy logs (stdout)
var: job_result.stdout_lines
+- name: Get current HEAD commit revision
+ command: "git rev-parse HEAD" # noqa 303
+ register: git_head_revision
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
+ changed_when: false
- name: Restart app on Clever-Cloud
- shell: "clever restart"
+ shell: "clever restart --commit {{ git_head_revision.stdout_lines | first }}"
chdir: "{{ clever_app_root }}"
+echo "${1}" >> "${binary}-commands"
if [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "--version" ]; then
echo "2.6.1"
echo "2020-02-02T20:20:02+02:00 OK DEPLOY ${remoteCommit} Git"
elif [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "status" ]; then
echo "test-app: running (1*pico, Commit: ${remoteCommit})"
+elif [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "deploy" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${uptodateDeployment}" ]; then
+ echo "Clever deploy done."
+ else
+ # Mimic the current behavior until https://github.com/CleverCloud/clever-tools/issues/422 is solved
+ >&2 echo "The clever-cloud application is up-to-date. Try this command to restart the application:"
+ >&2 echo " clever restart"
+ exit 1
+ fi
elif [ "${binary}" = "git" ]; then
echo "${localCommit}"
echo "${binary} called with arguments: ${*}"
-echo "${1}" >> "${binary}-commands"
- import_playbook: ./test-configure-app.yml
- import_playbook: ./test-haskell-app.yml
- import_playbook: ./test-noop-deploy.yml
+- import_playbook: ./test-restart-deploy.yml
- import_playbook: ./test-scalability.yml
- import_playbook: ./test-service-deps.yml
- import_playbook: ./test-restart-app.yml
--- /dev/null
+- name: Launch a restart when commit is already up-to-date on clever
+ hosts: localhost
+ remote_user: root
+ pre_tasks:
+ - file:
+ state: absent
+ path: ../clever-commands
+ roles:
+ - role: clever
+ vars:
+ clever_token: 123abc
+ clever_secret: cba321
+ clever_app: app_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ environment:
+ post_tasks:
+ - name: Check stubbed commands
+ shell: "{{ item.cmd }}"
+ ignore_errors: true
+ with_list:
+ - cmd: "grep deploy ../clever-commands"
+ display: "Expected 'clever deploy' command to be called"
+ - cmd: "grep restart ../clever-commands"
+ display: "Expected 'clever restart' command to be called"
+ vars:
+ display: "{{ item.display }}"
+ register: tests_results
+ - name: show results
+ debug:
+ msg:
+ - "failed_results: {{ failed_results }}"
+ - "success_results: {{ success_results }}"
+ failed_when: tests_results is failed
+ vars:
+ failed_results: "{{ tests_results.results | selectattr('failed') | map(attribute='item.display') | list }}"
+ success_results: "{{ tests_results.results | rejectattr('failed') | map(attribute='item.display') | list }}"