example, the following program copies a document from one file to another:
> import Pipes
-> import qualified Data.Text.Pipes as Text
+> import qualified Pipes.Text as Text
+> import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as Text
> import System.IO
> main =
To stream from files, the following is perhaps more Prelude-like (note that it uses Pipes.Safe):
> import Pipes
-> import qualified Data.Text.Pipes as Text
+> import qualified Pipes.Text as Text
+> import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as Text
> import Pipes.Safe
> main = runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "inFile.txt" >-> Text.writeFile "outFile.txt"
module Pipes.Text (
-- * Producers
- , stdin
- , fromHandle
- , readFile
+ -- , stdin
+ -- , fromHandle
+ -- , readFile
-- * Consumers
- , stdout
- , toHandle
- , writeFile
+ -- , stdout
+ -- , toHandle
+ -- , writeFile
-- * Pipes
, map
, dropWhile
, filter
, scan
- , encodeUtf8
+-- , encodeUtf8
, pack
, unpack
, toCaseFold
, word
, line
- -- * Decoding Lenses
- , decodeUtf8
- , codec
- -- * Codecs
- , utf8
- , utf16_le
- , utf16_be
- , utf32_le
- , utf32_be
- -- * Other Decoding/Encoding Functions
- , decodeIso8859_1
- , decodeAscii
- , encodeIso8859_1
- , encodeAscii
+ -- -- * Decoding Lenses
+ -- , decodeUtf8
+ -- , codec
+ --
+ -- -- * Codecs
+ -- , utf8
+ -- , utf16_le
+ -- , utf16_be
+ -- , utf32_le
+ -- , utf32_be
+ --
+ -- -- * Other Decoding/Encoding Functions
+ -- , decodeIso8859_1
+ -- , decodeAscii
+ -- , encodeIso8859_1
+ -- , encodeAscii
-- * FreeT Splitters
, chunksOf
-- * Re-exports
-- $reexports
- , Decoding(..)
- , streamDecodeUtf8
- , decodeSomeUtf8
- , Codec(..)
- , TextException(..)
+ -- , DecodeResult(..)
+ -- , Codec
+ -- , TextException(..)
, module Data.ByteString
, module Data.Text
, module Data.Profunctor
, module Pipes.Group
) where
-import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import Control.Monad (liftM, unless, join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(..), modify)
import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor)
import qualified Data.Profunctor
import qualified Data.List as List
-import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE)
-import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
-import qualified Pipes.Text.Internal as PI
-import Pipes.Text.Internal
+-- import Pipes.Text.Decoding
import Pipes.Core (respond, Server')
import Pipes.Group (concats, intercalates, FreeT(..), FreeF(..))
import qualified Pipes.Group as PG
import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
import Pipes.Parse (Parser)
-import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Safe
-import qualified Pipes.Safe as Safe
-import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), Base(..))
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Word (Word8)
+import Data.Text.StreamDecoding
import Prelude hiding (
fromLazy = foldrChunks (\e a -> yield e >> a) (return ())
{-# INLINE fromLazy #-}
--- | Stream text from 'stdin'
-stdin :: MonadIO m => Producer Text m ()
-stdin = fromHandle IO.stdin
-{-# INLINE stdin #-}
-{-| Convert a 'IO.Handle' into a text stream using a text size
- determined by the good sense of the text library; note that this
- is distinctly slower than @decideUtf8 (Pipes.ByteString.fromHandle h)@
- but uses the system encoding and has other `Data.Text.IO` features
-fromHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer Text m ()
-fromHandle h = go where
- go = do txt <- liftIO (T.hGetChunk h)
- unless (T.null txt) ( do yield txt
- go )
-{-# INLINABLE fromHandle#-}
-{-| Stream text from a file in the simple fashion of @Data.Text.IO@
->>> runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "hello.hs" >-> Text.map toUpper >-> hoist lift Text.stdout
-readFile :: MonadSafe m => FilePath -> Producer Text m ()
-readFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandle
-{-# INLINE readFile #-}
-{-| Stream text to 'stdout'
- Unlike 'toHandle', 'stdout' gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe.
- Note: For best performance, it might be best just to use @(for source (liftIO . putStr))@
- instead of @(source >-> stdout)@ .
-stdout :: MonadIO m => Consumer' Text m ()
-stdout = go
- where
- go = do
- txt <- await
- x <- liftIO $ try (T.putStr txt)
- case x of
- Left (G.IOError { G.ioe_type = G.ResourceVanished
- , G.ioe_errno = Just ioe })
- | Errno ioe == ePIPE
- -> return ()
- Left e -> liftIO (throwIO e)
- Right () -> go
-{-# INLINABLE stdout #-}
-{-| Convert a text stream into a 'Handle'
- Note: again, for best performance, where possible use
- @(for source (liftIO . hPutStr handle))@ instead of @(source >-> toHandle handle)@.
-toHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Consumer' Text m r
-toHandle h = for cat (liftIO . T.hPutStr h)
-{-# INLINABLE toHandle #-}
-{-# RULES "p >-> toHandle h" forall p h .
- p >-> toHandle h = for p (\txt -> liftIO (T.hPutStr h txt))
- #-}
--- | Stream text into a file. Uses @pipes-safe@.
-writeFile :: (MonadSafe m) => FilePath -> Consumer' Text m ()
-writeFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.WriteMode toHandle
-{-# INLINE writeFile #-}
type Lens' a b = forall f . Functor f => (b -> f b) -> (a -> f a)
{-# INLINABLE isEndOfChars #-}
-{- | An improper lens into a stream of 'ByteString' expected to be UTF-8 encoded; the associated
- stream of Text ends by returning a stream of ByteStrings beginning at the point of failure.
- -}
-decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Lens' (Producer ByteString m r)
- (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
-decodeUtf8 k p0 = fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . TE.encodeUtf8)))
- (k (go B.empty PI.streamDecodeUtf8 p0)) where
- go !carry dec0 p = do
- x <- lift (next p)
- case x of Left r -> return (if B.null carry
- then return r -- all bytestring input was consumed
- else (do yield carry -- a potentially valid fragment remains
- return r))
- Right (chunk, p') -> case dec0 chunk of
- PI.Some text carry2 dec -> do yield text
- go carry2 dec p'
- PI.Other text bs -> do yield text
- return (do yield bs -- an invalid blob remains
- p')
-{-# INLINABLE decodeUtf8 #-}
-- | Splits a 'Producer' after the given number of characters
@Pipes.Parse@ re-exports 'input', 'concat', 'FreeT' (the type) and the 'Parse' synonym.
-{- | Use a 'Codec' as a pipes-style 'Lens' into a byte stream; the available 'Codec' s are
- 'utf8', 'utf16_le', 'utf16_be', 'utf32_le', 'utf32_be' . The 'Codec' concept and the
- individual 'Codec' definitions follow the enumerator and conduit libraries.
- Utf8 is handled differently in this library -- without the use of 'unsafePerformIO' &co
- to catch 'Text' exceptions; but the same 'mypipe ^. codec utf8' interface can be used.
- 'mypipe ^. decodeUtf8' should be the same, but has a somewhat more direct and thus perhaps
- better implementation.
- -}
-codec :: Monad m => Codec -> Lens' (Producer ByteString m r) (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
-codec (Codec _ enc dec) k p0 = fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . fst . enc)))
- (k (decoder (dec B.empty) p0) ) where
- decoder :: Monad m => PI.Decoding -> Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
- decoder !d p0 = case d of
- PI.Other txt bad -> do yield txt
- return (do yield bad
- p0)
- PI.Some txt extra dec -> do yield txt
- x <- lift (next p0)
- case x of Left r -> return (do yield extra
- return r)
- Right (chunk,p1) -> decoder (dec chunk) p1
-{- | ascii and latin encodings only represent a small fragment of 'Text'; thus we cannot
- use the pipes 'Lens' style to work with them. Rather we simply define functions
- each way.
- 'encodeAscii' : Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is ascii to a byte stream,
- returning the rest of the 'Text' at the first non-ascii 'Char'
-encodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
-encodeAscii = go where
- go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
- case echunk of
- Left r -> return (return r)
- Right (chunk, p') ->
- if T.null chunk
- then go p'
- else let (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0x7F) chunk
- in do yield (B8.pack (T.unpack safe))
- if T.null unsafe
- then go p'
- else return $ do yield unsafe
- p'
-{- | Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is iso8859 or latin1 to a byte stream,
- returning the rest of the 'Text' upon hitting any non-latin 'Char'
- -}
-encodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
-encodeIso8859_1 = go where
- go p = do etxt <- lift (next p)
- case etxt of
- Left r -> return (return r)
- Right (txt, p') ->
- if T.null txt
- then go p'
- else let (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0xFF) txt
- in do yield (B8.pack (T.unpack safe))
- if T.null unsafe
- then go p'
- else return $ do yield unsafe
- p'
-{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
- unused 'ByteString' upon hitting an un-ascii byte.
- -}
-decodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
-decodeAscii = go where
- go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
- case echunk of
- Left r -> return (return r)
- Right (chunk, p') ->
- if B.null chunk
- then go p'
- else let (safe, unsafe) = B.span (<= 0x7F) chunk
- in do yield (T.pack (B8.unpack safe))
- if B.null unsafe
- then go p'
- else return $ do yield unsafe
- p'
-{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
- unused 'ByteString' upon hitting the rare un-latinizable byte.
- -}
-decodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
-decodeIso8859_1 = go where
- go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
- case echunk of
- Left r -> return (return r)
- Right (chunk, p') ->
- if B.null chunk
- then go p'
- else let (safe, unsafe) = B.span (<= 0xFF) chunk
- in do yield (T.pack (B8.unpack safe))
- if B.null unsafe
- then go p'
- else return $ do yield unsafe
- p'
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, BangPatterns #-}
+-- |
+-- Copyright: 2014 Michael Thompson
+-- This module uses the stream decoding functions from the text-stream-decoding package
+-- to define pipes decoding functions and lenses.
+module Pipes.Text.Encoding
+ ( DecodeResult (..)
+ , Codec
+ , decodeUtf8
+ , decodeUtf8Pure
+ , decodeUtf16LE
+ , decodeUtf16BE
+ , decodeUtf32LE
+ , decodeUtf32BE
+ , utf8
+ , utf8Pure
+ , utf16LE
+ , utf16BE
+ , utf32LE
+ , utf32BE
+ , encodeAscii
+ , decodeAscii
+ , encodeIso8859_1
+ , decodeIso8859_1
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.ByteString.Internal as B
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
+import Data.Text.StreamDecoding
+import GHC.Word (Word8, Word32)
+import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
+import Control.Monad
+import Pipes
+import Pipes.Core
+{- | A 'Codec' is just an improper lens into a byte stream that is expected to contain text.
+ They are named in accordance with the expected encoding, 'utf8', 'utf16LE' etc.
+ The stream of text they 'see' in a bytestream ends by returning the original byte stream
+ beginning at the point of failure, or the empty bytestream with its return value.
+ -}
+type Codec = forall f m r . (Functor f , Monad m ) =>
+ (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r) -> f (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)))
+ -> Producer ByteString m r -> f (Producer ByteString m r )
+decodeStream :: Monad m
+ => (B.ByteString -> DecodeResult)
+ -> Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeStream = loop where
+ loop dec0 p =
+ do x <- lift (next p)
+ case x of Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (chunk, p') -> case dec0 chunk of
+ DecodeResultSuccess text dec -> do yield text
+ loop dec p'
+ DecodeResultFailure text bs -> do yield text
+ return (do yield bs
+ p')
+{-# INLINABLE decodeStream#-}
+decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf8 = decodeStream streamUtf8
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf8 #-}
+decodeUtf8Pure :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf8Pure = decodeStream streamUtf8Pure
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf8Pure #-}
+decodeUtf16LE :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf16LE = decodeStream streamUtf16LE
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf16LE #-}
+decodeUtf16BE :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf16BE = decodeStream streamUtf16BE
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf16BE #-}
+decodeUtf32LE :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf32LE = decodeStream streamUtf32LE
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf32LE #-}
+decodeUtf32BE :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeUtf32BE = decodeStream streamUtf32BE
+{-# INLINE decodeUtf32BE #-}
+mkCodec :: (forall r m . Monad m =>
+ Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r ))
+ -> (Text -> ByteString)
+ -> Codec
+mkCodec dec enc = \k p0 -> fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . enc))) (k (dec p0))
+{- | An improper lens into a byte stream expected to be UTF-8 encoded; the associated
+ text stream ends by returning the original bytestream beginning at the point of failure,
+ or the empty bytestring for a well-encoded text.
+ -}
+utf8 :: Codec
+utf8 = mkCodec decodeUtf8 TE.encodeUtf8
+utf8Pure :: Codec
+utf8Pure = mkCodec decodeUtf8Pure TE.encodeUtf8
+utf16LE :: Codec
+utf16LE = mkCodec decodeUtf16LE TE.encodeUtf16LE
+utf16BE :: Codec
+utf16BE = mkCodec decodeUtf16BE TE.encodeUtf16BE
+utf32LE :: Codec
+utf32LE = mkCodec decodeUtf32LE TE.encodeUtf32LE
+utf32BE :: Codec
+utf32BE = mkCodec decodeUtf32BE TE.encodeUtf32BE
+{- | ascii and latin encodings only use a small number of the characters 'Text'
+ recognizes; thus we cannot use the pipes 'Lens' style to work with them.
+ Rather we simply define functions each way.
+ 'encodeAscii' : Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is ascii to a byte stream,
+ returning the rest of the 'Text' at the first non-ascii 'Char'
+encodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
+encodeAscii = go where
+ go p = do e <- lift (next p)
+ case e of
+ Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (chunk, p') ->
+ if T.null chunk
+ then go p'
+ else let (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0x7F) chunk
+ in do yield (B8.pack (T.unpack safe))
+ if T.null unsafe
+ then go p'
+ else return $ do yield unsafe
+ p'
+{- | Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is iso8859 or latin1 to a byte stream,
+ returning the rest of the 'Text' upon hitting any non-latin 'Char'
+ -}
+encodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
+encodeIso8859_1 = go where
+ go p = do e <- lift (next p)
+ case e of
+ Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (txt, p') ->
+ if T.null txt
+ then go p'
+ else let (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0xFF) txt
+ in do yield (B8.pack (T.unpack safe))
+ if T.null unsafe
+ then go p'
+ else return $ do yield unsafe
+ p'
+{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
+ unused 'ByteString' upon hitting an un-ascii byte.
+ -}
+decodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeAscii = go where
+ go p = do e <- lift (next p)
+ case e of
+ Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (chunk, p') ->
+ if B.null chunk
+ then go p'
+ else let (safe, unsafe) = B.span (<= 0x7F) chunk
+ in do yield (T.pack (B8.unpack safe))
+ if B.null unsafe
+ then go p'
+ else return (do yield unsafe
+ p')
+{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
+ unused 'ByteString' upon hitting the rare un-latinizable byte.
+ -}
+decodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+decodeIso8859_1 = go where
+ go p = do e <- lift (next p)
+ case e of
+ Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (chunk, p') ->
+ if B.null chunk
+ then go p'
+ else do let (safe, unsafe) = B.span (<= 0xFF) chunk
+ yield (T.pack (B8.unpack safe))
+ if B.null unsafe
+ then go p'
+ else return (do yield unsafe
+ p')
--- /dev/null
+{-#LANGUAGE RankNTypes#-}
+module Pipes.Text.IO
+ ( stdin
+ , stdout
+ , fromHandle
+ , toHandle
+ , readFile
+ , writeFile
+ ) where
+import qualified System.IO as IO
+import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
+import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE)
+import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Safe
+import qualified Pipes.Safe as Safe
+import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), Base(..))
+import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile)
+-- | Stream text from 'stdin'
+stdin :: MonadIO m => Producer Text m ()
+stdin = fromHandle IO.stdin
+{-# INLINE stdin #-}
+{-| Convert a 'IO.Handle' into a text stream using a text size
+ determined by the good sense of the text library; note that this
+ is distinctly slower than @decideUtf8 (Pipes.ByteString.fromHandle h)@
+ but uses the system encoding and has other `Data.Text.IO` features
+fromHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer Text m ()
+fromHandle h = go where
+ go = do txt <- liftIO (T.hGetChunk h)
+ if T.null txt then return ()
+ else do yield txt
+ go
+{-# INLINABLE fromHandle#-}
+{-| Stream text from a file in the simple fashion of @Data.Text.IO@
+>>> runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "hello.hs" >-> Text.map toUpper >-> hoist lift Text.stdout
+readFile :: MonadSafe m => FilePath -> Producer Text m ()
+readFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandle
+{-# INLINE readFile #-}
+{-| Stream text to 'stdout'
+ Unlike 'toHandle', 'stdout' gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe.
+ Note: For best performance, it might be best just to use @(for source (liftIO . putStr))@
+ instead of @(source >-> stdout)@ .
+stdout :: MonadIO m => Consumer' Text m ()
+stdout = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ txt <- await
+ x <- liftIO $ try (T.putStr txt)
+ case x of
+ Left (G.IOError { G.ioe_type = G.ResourceVanished
+ , G.ioe_errno = Just ioe })
+ | Errno ioe == ePIPE
+ -> return ()
+ Left e -> liftIO (throwIO e)
+ Right () -> go
+{-# INLINABLE stdout #-}
+{-| Convert a text stream into a 'Handle'
+ Note: again, for best performance, where possible use
+ @(for source (liftIO . hPutStr handle))@ instead of @(source >-> toHandle handle)@.
+toHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Consumer' Text m r
+toHandle h = for cat (liftIO . T.hPutStr h)
+{-# INLINABLE toHandle #-}
+{-# RULES "p >-> toHandle h" forall p h .
+ p >-> toHandle h = for p (\txt -> liftIO (T.hPutStr h txt))
+ #-}
+-- | Stream text into a file. Uses @pipes-safe@.
+writeFile :: (MonadSafe m) => FilePath -> Consumer' Text m ()
+writeFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.WriteMode toHandle
+{-# INLINE writeFile #-}
+++ /dev/null
-module Pipes.Text.Internal
- (module Pipes.Text.Internal.Codec
- , module Pipes.Text.Internal.Decoding
- ) where
-import Pipes.Text.Internal.Codec
-import Pipes.Text.Internal.Decoding
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes, BangPatterns #-}
--- |
--- Copyright: 2014 Michael Thompson, 2011 Michael Snoyman, 2010-2011 John Millikin
--- License: MIT
--- This Parts of this code were taken from enumerator and conduits, and adapted for pipes
--- This module follows the model of the enumerator and conduits libraries, and defines
--- 'Codec' s for various encodings. Note that we do not export a 'Codec' for ascii and
--- iso8859_1. A 'Lens' in the sense of the pipes library cannot be defined for these, so
--- special functions appear in @Pipes.Text@
-module Pipes.Text.Internal.Codec
- ( Codec(..)
- , TextException(..)
- , utf8
- , utf16_le
- , utf16_be
- , utf32_le
- , utf32_be
- ) where
-import Data.Bits ((.&.))
-import Data.Char (ord)
-import Data.ByteString as B
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.ByteString.Internal as B
-import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import Data.Text.Encoding.Error ()
-import GHC.Word (Word8, Word32)
-import qualified Data.Text.Array as A
-import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
-import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
-import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL)
-import Data.Typeable
-import Control.Arrow (first)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
-import Pipes.Text.Internal.Decoding
-import Pipes
--- | A specific character encoding.
-data Codec = Codec
- { codecName :: Text
- , codecEncode :: Text -> (ByteString, Maybe (TextException, Text))
- , codecDecode :: ByteString -> Decoding
- }
-instance Show Codec where
- showsPrec d c = showParen (d > 10) $
- showString "Codec " . shows (codecName c)
-data TextException = DecodeException Codec Word8
- | EncodeException Codec Char
- | LengthExceeded Int
- | TextException Exc.SomeException
- deriving (Show, Typeable)
-instance Exc.Exception TextException
-toDecoding :: (ByteString -> (Text, Either (TextException, ByteString) ByteString))
- -> (ByteString -> Decoding)
-toDecoding op = loop B.empty where
- loop !extra bs0 = case op (B.append extra bs0) of
- (txt, Right bs) -> Some txt bs (loop bs)
- (txt, Left (_,bs)) -> Other txt bs
--- To do: toDecoding should be inlined in each of the 'Codec' definitions
--- or else Codec changed to the conduit/enumerator definition. We have
--- altered it to use 'streamDecodeUtf8'
-splitSlowly :: (ByteString -> Text)
- -> ByteString
- -> (Text, Either (TextException, ByteString) ByteString)
-splitSlowly dec bytes = valid where
- valid:_ = catMaybes $ Prelude.map decFirst $ splits (B.length bytes)
- splits 0 = [(B.empty, bytes)]
- splits n = B.splitAt n bytes : splits (n - 1)
- decFirst (a, b) = case tryEvaluate (dec a) of
- Left _ -> Nothing
- Right text -> let trouble = case tryEvaluate (dec b) of
- Left exc -> Left (TextException exc, b)
- Right _ -> Right B.empty
- in Just (text, trouble) -- this case shouldn't occur,
- -- since splitSlowly is only called
- -- when parsing failed somewhere
-utf8 :: Codec
-utf8 = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "UTF-8"
- enc text = (TE.encodeUtf8 text, Nothing)
- dec bytes = case decodeSomeUtf8 bytes of (t,b) -> (t, Right b)
--- -- Whether the given byte is a continuation byte.
--- isContinuation byte = byte .&. 0xC0 == 0x80
--- -- The number of continuation bytes needed by the given
--- -- non-continuation byte. Returns -1 for an illegal UTF-8
--- -- non-continuation byte and the whole split quickly must fail so
--- -- as the input is passed to TE.decodeUtf8, which will issue a
--- -- suitable error.
--- required x0
--- | x0 .&. 0x80 == 0x00 = 0
--- | x0 .&. 0xE0 == 0xC0 = 1
--- | x0 .&. 0xF0 == 0xE0 = 2
--- | x0 .&. 0xF8 == 0xF0 = 3
--- | otherwise = -1
--- splitQuickly bytes
--- | B.null l || req == -1 = Nothing
--- | req == B.length r = Just (TE.decodeUtf8 bytes, B.empty)
--- | otherwise = Just (TE.decodeUtf8 l', r')
--- where
--- (l, r) = B.spanEnd isContinuation bytes
--- req = required (B.last l)
--- l' = B.init l
--- r' = B.cons (B.last l) r
-utf16_le :: Codec
-utf16_le = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "UTF-16-LE"
- enc text = (TE.encodeUtf16LE text, Nothing)
- dec bytes = case splitQuickly bytes of
- Just (text, extra) -> (text, Right extra)
- Nothing -> splitSlowly TE.decodeUtf16LE bytes
- splitQuickly bytes = maybeDecode (loop 0) where
- maxN = B.length bytes
- loop n | n == maxN = decodeAll
- | (n + 1) == maxN = decodeTo n
- loop n = let
- req = utf16Required
- (B.index bytes n)
- (B.index bytes (n + 1))
- decodeMore = loop $! n + req
- in if n + req > maxN
- then decodeTo n
- else decodeMore
- decodeTo n = first TE.decodeUtf16LE (B.splitAt n bytes)
- decodeAll = (TE.decodeUtf16LE bytes, B.empty)
-utf16_be :: Codec
-utf16_be = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "UTF-16-BE"
- enc text = (TE.encodeUtf16BE text, Nothing)
- dec bytes = case splitQuickly bytes of
- Just (text, extra) -> (text, Right extra)
- Nothing -> splitSlowly TE.decodeUtf16BE bytes
- splitQuickly bytes = maybeDecode (loop 0) where
- maxN = B.length bytes
- loop n | n == maxN = decodeAll
- | (n + 1) == maxN = decodeTo n
- loop n = let
- req = utf16Required
- (B.index bytes (n + 1))
- (B.index bytes n)
- decodeMore = loop $! n + req
- in if n + req > maxN
- then decodeTo n
- else decodeMore
- decodeTo n = first TE.decodeUtf16BE (B.splitAt n bytes)
- decodeAll = (TE.decodeUtf16BE bytes, B.empty)
-utf16Required :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Int
-utf16Required x0 x1 = if x >= 0xD800 && x <= 0xDBFF then 4 else 2 where
- x :: Word16
- x = (fromIntegral x1 `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral x0
-utf32_le :: Codec
-utf32_le = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "UTF-32-LE"
- enc text = (TE.encodeUtf32LE text, Nothing)
- dec bs = case utf32SplitBytes TE.decodeUtf32LE bs of
- Just (text, extra) -> (text, Right extra)
- Nothing -> splitSlowly TE.decodeUtf32LE bs
-utf32_be :: Codec
-utf32_be = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "UTF-32-BE"
- enc text = (TE.encodeUtf32BE text, Nothing)
- dec bs = case utf32SplitBytes TE.decodeUtf32BE bs of
- Just (text, extra) -> (text, Right extra)
- Nothing -> splitSlowly TE.decodeUtf32BE bs
-utf32SplitBytes :: (ByteString -> Text)
- -> ByteString
- -> Maybe (Text, ByteString)
-utf32SplitBytes dec bytes = split where
- split = maybeDecode (dec toDecode, extra)
- len = B.length bytes
- lenExtra = mod len 4
- lenToDecode = len - lenExtra
- (toDecode, extra) = if lenExtra == 0
- then (bytes, B.empty)
- else B.splitAt lenToDecode bytes
-tryEvaluate :: a -> Either Exc.SomeException a
-tryEvaluate = unsafePerformIO . Exc.try . Exc.evaluate
-maybeDecode :: (a, b) -> Maybe (a, b)
-maybeDecode (a, b) = case tryEvaluate a of
- Left _ -> Nothing
- Right _ -> Just (a, b)
+++ /dev/null
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MagicHash, UnliftedFFITypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes #-}
--- This module lifts assorted materials from Brian O'Sullivan's text package
--- especially @Data.Text.Encoding@ in order to define a pipes-appropriate
--- 'streamDecodeUtf8'
-module Pipes.Text.Internal.Decoding
- ( Decoding(..)
- , streamDecodeUtf8
- , decodeSomeUtf8
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe (unsafeIOToST, unsafeSTToIO)
-import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
-import Data.Bits ((.&.))
-import Data.ByteString as B
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.ByteString.Internal as B
-import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import Data.Text.Encoding.Error ()
-import Data.Text.Internal (Text, textP)
-import Foreign.C.Types (CSize)
-import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
-import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, minusPtr, nullPtr, plusPtr)
-import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke)
-import GHC.Base (Char(..), Int(..), MutableByteArray#, ord#, iShiftRA#)
-import GHC.Word (Word8, Word32)
-import qualified Data.Text.Array as A
-import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
-import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
-import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL)
-import Data.Typeable
-import Control.Arrow (first)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
-#include "pipes_text_cbits.h"
--- A stream oriented decoding result. Distinct from the similar type in Data.Text.Encoding
-data Decoding = Some Text ByteString (ByteString -> Decoding)
- -- Text, continuation and any undecoded fragment.
- | Other Text ByteString
- -- Text followed by an undecodable ByteString
-instance Show Decoding where
- showsPrec d (Some t bs _) = showParen (d > prec) $
- showString "Some " . showsPrec prec' t .
- showChar ' ' . showsPrec prec' bs .
- showString " _"
- where prec = 10; prec' = prec + 1
- showsPrec d (Other t bs) = showParen (d > prec) $
- showString "Other " . showsPrec prec' t .
- showChar ' ' . showsPrec prec' bs .
- showString " _"
- where prec = 10; prec' = prec + 1
-newtype CodePoint = CodePoint Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Storable)
-newtype DecoderState = DecoderState Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Storable)
--- Resolve a 'ByteString' into 'Text' and a continuation that can handle further 'ByteStrings'.
-streamDecodeUtf8 :: ByteString -> Decoding
-streamDecodeUtf8 = decodeChunkUtf8 B.empty 0 0
- where
- decodeChunkUtf8 :: ByteString -> CodePoint -> DecoderState -> ByteString -> Decoding
- decodeChunkUtf8 old codepoint0 state0 bs@(PS fp off len) =
- runST $ do marray <- A.new (len+1)
- unsafeIOToST (decodeChunkToBuffer marray)
- where
- decodeChunkToBuffer :: A.MArray s -> IO Decoding
- decodeChunkToBuffer dest = withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr ->
- with (0::CSize) $ \destOffPtr ->
- with codepoint0 $ \codepointPtr ->
- with state0 $ \statePtr ->
- with nullPtr $ \curPtrPtr ->
- do let end = ptr `plusPtr` (off + len)
- curPtr = ptr `plusPtr` off
- poke curPtrPtr curPtr
- c_decode_utf8_with_state (A.maBA dest) destOffPtr curPtrPtr end codepointPtr statePtr
- state <- peek statePtr
- lastPtr <- peek curPtrPtr
- codepoint <- peek codepointPtr
- n <- peek destOffPtr
- chunkText <- mkText dest n
- let left = lastPtr `minusPtr` curPtr
- remaining = B.drop left bs
- accum = if T.null chunkText then B.append old remaining else remaining
- return $! case state of
- UTF8_REJECT -> Other chunkText accum -- We encountered an encoding error
- _ -> Some chunkText accum (decodeChunkUtf8 accum codepoint state)
- {-# INLINE decodeChunkToBuffer #-}
- {-# INLINE decodeChunkUtf8 #-}
-{-# INLINE streamDecodeUtf8 #-}
--- Resolve a ByteString into an initial segment of intelligible 'Text' and whatever is unintelligble
-decodeSomeUtf8 :: ByteString -> (Text, ByteString)
-decodeSomeUtf8 bs@(PS fp off len) = runST $ do
- dest <- A.new (len+1)
- unsafeIOToST $
- withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr ->
- with (0::CSize) $ \destOffPtr ->
- with (0::CodePoint) $ \codepointPtr ->
- with (0::DecoderState) $ \statePtr ->
- with nullPtr $ \curPtrPtr ->
- do let end = ptr `plusPtr` (off + len)
- curPtr = ptr `plusPtr` off
- poke curPtrPtr curPtr
- c_decode_utf8_with_state (A.maBA dest) destOffPtr
- curPtrPtr end codepointPtr statePtr
- state <- peek statePtr
- lastPtr <- peek curPtrPtr
- codepoint <- peek codepointPtr
- n <- peek destOffPtr
- chunkText <- unsafeSTToIO $ do arr <- A.unsafeFreeze dest
- return $! textP arr 0 (fromIntegral n)
- let left = lastPtr `minusPtr` curPtr
- remaining = B.drop left bs
- return $! (chunkText, remaining)
-{-# INLINE decodeSomeUtf8 #-}
-mkText :: A.MArray s -> CSize -> IO Text
-mkText dest n = unsafeSTToIO $ do arr <- A.unsafeFreeze dest
- return $! textP arr 0 (fromIntegral n)
-{-# INLINE mkText #-}
-ord :: Char -> Int
-ord (C# c#) = I# (ord# c#)
-{-# INLINE ord #-}
-unsafeWrite :: A.MArray s -> Int -> Char -> ST s Int
-unsafeWrite marr i c
- | n < 0x10000 = do A.unsafeWrite marr i (fromIntegral n)
- return 1
- | otherwise = do A.unsafeWrite marr i lo
- A.unsafeWrite marr (i+1) hi
- return 2
- where n = ord c
- m = n - 0x10000
- lo = fromIntegral $ (m `shiftR` 10) + 0xD800
- hi = fromIntegral $ (m .&. 0x3FF) + 0xDC00
- shiftR (I# x#) (I# i#) = I# (x# `iShiftRA#` i#)
- {-# INLINE shiftR #-}
-{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
-foreign import ccall unsafe "_hs_pipes_text_decode_utf8_state" c_decode_utf8_with_state
- :: MutableByteArray# s -> Ptr CSize
- -> Ptr (Ptr Word8) -> Ptr Word8
- -> Ptr CodePoint -> Ptr DecoderState -> IO (Ptr Word8)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>.
- *
- * Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Björn Höhrmann <bjoern@hoehrmann.de>.
- *
- * See http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de/utf-8/decoder/dfa/ for details.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pipes_text_cbits.h"
-#define UTF8_ACCEPT 0
-#define UTF8_REJECT 12
-static const uint8_t utf8d[] = {
- /*
- * The first part of the table maps bytes to character classes that
- * to reduce the size of the transition table and create bitmasks.
- */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,
- 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
- 8,8,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
- 10,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,3, 11,6,6,6,5,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,
- /*
- * The second part is a transition table that maps a combination of
- * a state of the automaton and a character class to a state.
- */
- 0,12,24,36,60,96,84,12,12,12,48,72, 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,
- 12, 0,12,12,12,12,12, 0,12, 0,12,12, 12,24,12,12,12,12,12,24,12,24,12,12,
- 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,24,12,12,12,12, 12,24,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,24,12,12,
- 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,36,12,36,12,12, 12,36,12,12,12,12,12,36,12,36,12,12,
- 12,36,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,
-static inline uint32_t
-decode(uint32_t *state, uint32_t* codep, uint32_t byte) {
- uint32_t type = utf8d[byte];
- *codep = (*state != UTF8_ACCEPT) ?
- (byte & 0x3fu) | (*codep << 6) :
- (0xff >> type) & (byte);
- return *state = utf8d[256 + *state + type];
- * A best-effort decoder. Runs until it hits either end of input or
- * the start of an invalid byte sequence.
- *
- * At exit, we update *destoff with the next offset to write to, *src
- * with the next source location past the last one successfully
- * decoded, and return the next source location to read from.
- *
- * Moreover, we expose the internal decoder state (state0 and
- * codepoint0), allowing one to restart the decoder after it
- * terminates (say, due to a partial codepoint).
- *
- * In particular, there are a few possible outcomes,
- *
- * 1) We decoded the buffer entirely:
- * In this case we return srcend
- * state0 == UTF8_ACCEPT
- *
- * 2) We met an invalid encoding
- * In this case we return the address of the first invalid byte
- * state0 == UTF8_REJECT
- *
- * 3) We reached the end of the buffer while decoding a codepoint
- * In this case we return a pointer to the first byte of the partial codepoint
- * state0 != UTF8_ACCEPT, UTF8_REJECT
- *
- */
- #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
- static inline uint8_t const *
- _hs_pipes_text_decode_utf8_int(uint16_t *const dest, size_t *destoff,
- const uint8_t const **src, const uint8_t const *srcend,
- uint32_t *codepoint0, uint32_t *state0)
- __attribute((always_inline));
- #endif
-static inline uint8_t const *
-_hs_pipes_text_decode_utf8_int(uint16_t *const dest, size_t *destoff,
- const uint8_t const **src, const uint8_t const *srcend,
- uint32_t *codepoint0, uint32_t *state0)
- uint16_t *d = dest + *destoff;
- const uint8_t *s = *src, *last = *src;
- uint32_t state = *state0;
- uint32_t codepoint = *codepoint0;
- while (s < srcend) {
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- /*
- * This code will only work on a little-endian system that
- * supports unaligned loads.
- *
- * It gives a substantial speed win on data that is purely or
- * partly ASCII (e.g. HTML), at only a slight cost on purely
- * non-ASCII text.
- */
- if (state == UTF8_ACCEPT) {
- while (s < srcend - 4) {
- codepoint = *((uint32_t *) s);
- if ((codepoint & 0x80808080) != 0)
- break;
- s += 4;
- /*
- * Tried 32-bit stores here, but the extra bit-twiddling
- * slowed the code down.
- */
- *d++ = (uint16_t) (codepoint & 0xff);
- *d++ = (uint16_t) ((codepoint >> 8) & 0xff);
- *d++ = (uint16_t) ((codepoint >> 16) & 0xff);
- *d++ = (uint16_t) ((codepoint >> 24) & 0xff);
- }
- last = s;
- }
- if (decode(&state, &codepoint, *s++) != UTF8_ACCEPT) {
- if (state != UTF8_REJECT)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if (codepoint <= 0xffff)
- *d++ = (uint16_t) codepoint;
- else {
- *d++ = (uint16_t) (0xD7C0 + (codepoint >> 10));
- *d++ = (uint16_t) (0xDC00 + (codepoint & 0x3FF));
- }
- last = s;
- }
- *destoff = d - dest;
- *codepoint0 = codepoint;
- *state0 = state;
- *src = last;
- return s;
-uint8_t const *
-_hs_pipes_text_decode_utf8_state(uint16_t *const dest, size_t *destoff,
- const uint8_t const **src,
- const uint8_t const *srcend,
- uint32_t *codepoint0, uint32_t *state0)
- uint8_t const *ret = _hs_pipes_text_decode_utf8_int(dest, destoff, src, srcend,
- codepoint0, state0);
- if (*state0 == UTF8_REJECT)
- ret -=1;
- return ret;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>.
- */
-#ifndef _pipes_text_cbits_h
-#define _pipes_text_cbits_h
-#define UTF8_ACCEPT 0
-#define UTF8_REJECT 12
name: pipes-text
synopsis: Text pipes.
description: Many of the pipes and other operations defined here mirror those in
the `pipes-bytestring` library. Folds like `length` and grouping
type: git
location: https://github.com/michaelt/text-pipes
+flag noio
+ default: False
+ Description: Use a version of text earlier than 0.11.3
- c-sources: cbits/cbits.c
- include-dirs: include
- exposed-modules: Pipes.Text, Pipes.Text.Internal
- other-modules: Pipes.Text.Internal.Decoding, Pipes.Text.Internal.Codec
- other-extensions: RankNTypes
- build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 ,
- bytestring >=0.10 && < 0.11,
- text >=0.11.3 && < 1.2,
- profunctors >= 3.1.1 && < 4.1 ,
- pipes >=4.0 && < 4.2,
- pipes-group >= 1.0.0 && < 1.1 ,
- pipes-parse >=2.0 && < 3.1,
+ exposed-modules: Pipes.Text, Pipes.Text.Encoding
+ build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 ,
+ bytestring >= 0.9 ,
+ text >=0.11.3 && < 1.2,
+ text-stream-decode >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
+ profunctors >= 3.1.1 && < 4.1,
+ pipes >=4.0 && < 4.2,
+ pipes-group >= 1.0.0 && < 1.1,
+ pipes-parse >=2.0 && < 3.1,
- pipes-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 2.1,
- transformers >= && < 0.4
- -- hs-source-dirs:
+ pipes-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 2.1,
+ transformers >= && < 0.4
+ other-extensions: RankNTypes
default-language: Haskell2010
- ghc-options: -O2
+ ghc-options: -O2
+ if !flag(noio)
+ exposed-modules: Pipes.Text.IO
+ build-depends: text >=0.11.3 && < 1.2