| disabledSeconds | Function | disabled second options | |
| hideDisabledOptions | Boolean | whether hide disabled options | |
| onChange | Function | null | called when select a different value |
+| addon | Function | nothing | called from timepicker panel to render some addon to its bottom, like an OK button. Receives panel instance as parameter, to be able to close it like `panel.close()`.|
| placement | String | bottomLeft | one of ['left','right','top','bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'] |
| transitionName | String | '' | |
-| autoComplete | String | 'yes' | one of ['yes', 'no'] |
+| name | String | nothing | sets the name of the generated input |
## Test Case
onChange: PropTypes.func,
onOpen: PropTypes.func,
onClose: PropTypes.func,
+ addon: PropTypes.func,
+ name: PropTypes.string,
+ autoComplete: PropTypes.string,
getDefaultProps() {
const {
prefixCls, placeholder, placement, align,
disabled, transitionName, style, className, showHour,
+ showMinute, showSecond, getPopupContainer, name,
+ showSecond, getPopupContainer, autoComplete,
} = this.props;
const { open, value } = this.state;
let popupClassName;