* Slim controller used to handle Shaarli create or edit bookmarks.
-class PostBookmarkController extends ShaarliAdminController
+class ManageShaareController extends ShaarliAdminController
* GET /admin/add-shaare - Displays the form used to create a new bookmark from an URL
* GET /admin/shaare - Displays the bookmark form for creation.
- * Note that if the URL is found in existing bookmarks, then it will be in edit mode.
+ * Note that if the URL is found in existing bookmarks, then it will be in edit mode.
public function displayCreateForm(Request $request, Response $response): Response
public function displayEditForm(Request $request, Response $response, array $args): Response
- $id = $args['id'];
+ $id = $args['id'] ?? '';
try {
if (false === ctype_digit($id)) {
throw new BookmarkNotFoundException();
- $bookmark = $this->container->bookmarkService->get($id); // Read database
+ $bookmark = $this->container->bookmarkService->get((int) $id); // Read database
} catch (BookmarkNotFoundException $e) {
- $this->saveErrorMessage(t('Bookmark not found'));
+ $this->saveErrorMessage(sprintf(
+ t('Bookmark with identifier %s could not be found.'),
+ $id
+ ));
return $this->redirect($response, '/');
- $ids = escape(trim($request->getParam('id')));
- if (strpos($ids, ' ') !== false) {
+ $ids = escape(trim($request->getParam('id') ?? ''));
+ if (empty($ids) || strpos($ids, ' ') !== false) {
// multiple, space-separated ids provided
- $ids = array_values(array_filter(preg_split('/\s+/', $ids), 'strlen'));
+ $ids = array_values(array_filter(preg_split('/\s+/', $ids), 'ctype_digit'));
} else {
$ids = [$ids];
$formatter = $this->container->formatterFactory->getFormatter('raw');
+ $count = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
- $id = (int) $id;
- // TODO: check if it exists
- $bookmark = $this->container->bookmarkService->get($id);
+ try {
+ $bookmark = $this->container->bookmarkService->get((int) $id);
+ } catch (BookmarkNotFoundException $e) {
+ $this->saveErrorMessage(sprintf(
+ t('Bookmark with identifier %s could not be found.'),
+ $id
+ ));
+ continue;
+ }
$data = $formatter->format($bookmark);
$this->container->pluginManager->executeHooks('delete_link', $data);
$this->container->bookmarkService->remove($bookmark, false);
+ ++ $count;
- $this->container->bookmarkService->save();
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->save();
+ }
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup:
if ($request->getParam('source') === 'bookmarklet') {
return $this->redirect($response, '/');
+ /**
+ * Helper function used to display the shaare form whether it's a new or existing bookmark.
+ *
+ * @param array $link data used in template, either from parameters or from the data store
+ */
protected function displayForm(array $link, bool $isNew, Request $request, Response $response): Response
$tags = $this->container->bookmarkService->bookmarksCountPerTag();
$this->post('/admin/configure', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ConfigureController:save');
$this->get('/admin/tags', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageTagController:index');
$this->post('/admin/tags', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageTagController:save');
- $this->get('/admin/add-shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\PostBookmarkController:addShaare');
- $this->get('/admin/shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\PostBookmarkController:displayCreateForm');
- $this->get('/admin/shaare/{id:[0-9]+}', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\PostBookmarkController:displayEditForm');
- $this->post('/admin/shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\PostBookmarkController:save');
- $this->get('/admin/shaare/delete', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\PostBookmarkController:deleteBookmark');
+ $this->get('/admin/add-shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController:addShaare');
+ $this->get('/admin/shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController:displayCreateForm');
+ $this->get('/admin/shaare/{id:[0-9]+}', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController:displayEditForm');
+ $this->post('/admin/shaare', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController:save');
+ $this->get('/admin/shaare/delete', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController:deleteBookmark');
$this->get('/links-per-page', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\SessionFilterController:linksPerPage');
$this->get('/visibility/{visibility}', '\Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\SessionFilterController:visibility');
--- /dev/null
+namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareControllerTest;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController;
+use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+class AddShaareTest extends TestCase
+ use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+ /** @var ManageShaareController */
+ protected $controller;
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ $this->createContainer();
+ $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
+ $this->controller = new ManageShaareController($this->container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying add link page
+ */
+ public function testAddShaare(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $result = $this->controller->addShaare($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('addlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('Shaare a new link - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareControllerTest;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException;
+use Shaarli\Formatter\BookmarkFormatter;
+use Shaarli\Formatter\FormatterFactory;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController;
+use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
+use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+class DeleteBookmarkTest extends TestCase
+ use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+ /** @var ManageShaareController */
+ protected $controller;
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ $this->createContainer();
+ $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
+ $this->controller = new ManageShaareController($this->container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Single bookmark with valid parameters
+ */
+ public function testDeleteSingleBookmark(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['id' => '123'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->setId(123)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 123');
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::once())->method('get')->with(123)->willReturn($bookmark);
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::once())->method('remove')->with($bookmark, false);
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::once())->method('save');
+ $this->container->formatterFactory = $this->createMock(FormatterFactory::class);
+ $this->container->formatterFactory
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getFormatter')
+ ->with('raw')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function () use ($bookmark): BookmarkFormatter {
+ $formatter = $this->createMock(BookmarkFormatter::class);
+ $formatter->expects(static::once())->method('format')->with($bookmark);
+ return $formatter;
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->with('delete_link')
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Multiple bookmarks with valid parameters
+ */
+ public function testDeleteMultipleBookmarks(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['id' => '123 456 789'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $bookmarks = [
+ (new Bookmark())->setId(123)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 123'),
+ (new Bookmark())->setId(456)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 456'),
+ (new Bookmark())->setId(789)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 789'),
+ ];
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::exactly(3))
+ ->method('get')
+ ->withConsecutive([123], [456], [789])
+ ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(...$bookmarks)
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::exactly(3))
+ ->method('remove')
+ ->withConsecutive(...array_map(function (Bookmark $bookmark): array {
+ return [$bookmark, false];
+ }, $bookmarks))
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::once())->method('save');
+ $this->container->formatterFactory = $this->createMock(FormatterFactory::class);
+ $this->container->formatterFactory
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getFormatter')
+ ->with('raw')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function () use ($bookmarks): BookmarkFormatter {
+ $formatter = $this->createMock(BookmarkFormatter::class);
+ $formatter
+ ->expects(static::exactly(3))
+ ->method('format')
+ ->withConsecutive(...array_map(function (Bookmark $bookmark): array {
+ return [$bookmark];
+ }, $bookmarks))
+ ;
+ return $formatter;
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::exactly(3))
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->with('delete_link')
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Single bookmark not found in the data store
+ */
+ public function testDeleteSingleBookmarkNotFound(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['id' => '123'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->willThrowException(new BookmarkNotFoundException())
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('remove');
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('save');
+ $this->container->formatterFactory = $this->createMock(FormatterFactory::class);
+ $this->container->formatterFactory
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getFormatter')
+ ->with('raw')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (): BookmarkFormatter {
+ $formatter = $this->createMock(BookmarkFormatter::class);
+ $formatter->expects(static::never())->method('format');
+ return $formatter;
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is not triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::never())
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->with('delete_link')
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Multiple bookmarks with one not found in the data store
+ */
+ public function testDeleteMultipleBookmarksOneNotFound(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['id' => '123 456 789'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $bookmarks = [
+ (new Bookmark())->setId(123)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 123'),
+ (new Bookmark())->setId(789)->setUrl('http://domain.tld')->setTitle('Title 789'),
+ ];
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::exactly(3))
+ ->method('get')
+ ->withConsecutive([123], [456], [789])
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (int $id) use ($bookmarks): Bookmark {
+ if ($id === 123) {
+ return $bookmarks[0];
+ }
+ if ($id === 789) {
+ return $bookmarks[1];
+ }
+ throw new BookmarkNotFoundException();
+ })
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::exactly(2))
+ ->method('remove')
+ ->withConsecutive(...array_map(function (Bookmark $bookmark): array {
+ return [$bookmark, false];
+ }, $bookmarks))
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::once())->method('save');
+ $this->container->formatterFactory = $this->createMock(FormatterFactory::class);
+ $this->container->formatterFactory
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getFormatter')
+ ->with('raw')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function () use ($bookmarks): BookmarkFormatter {
+ $formatter = $this->createMock(BookmarkFormatter::class);
+ $formatter
+ ->expects(static::exactly(2))
+ ->method('format')
+ ->withConsecutive(...array_map(function (Bookmark $bookmark): array {
+ return [$bookmark];
+ }, $bookmarks))
+ ;
+ return $formatter;
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is not triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::exactly(2))
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->with('delete_link')
+ ;
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Bookmark with identifier 456 could not be found.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Invalid ID
+ */
+ public function testDeleteInvalidId(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['id' => 'nope not an ID'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Invalid bookmark ID provided.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - Empty ID
+ */
+ public function testDeleteEmptyId(): void
+ {
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Invalid bookmark ID provided.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete bookmark - from bookmarklet
+ */
+ public function testDeleteBookmarkFromBookmarklet(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = [
+ 'id' => '123',
+ 'source' => 'bookmarklet',
+ ];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->formatterFactory = $this->createMock(FormatterFactory::class);
+ $this->container->formatterFactory
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getFormatter')
+ ->willReturn($this->createMock(BookmarkFormatter::class))
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->deleteBookmark($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('<script>self.close();</script>', (string) $result->getBody('location'));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareControllerTest;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
+use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController;
+use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+class DisplayCreateFormTest extends TestCase
+ use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+ /** @var ManageShaareController */
+ protected $controller;
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ $this->createContainer();
+ $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
+ $this->controller = new ManageShaareController($this->container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * Ensure that every step of the standard workflow works properly.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormWithUrl(): void
+ {
+ $this->container->environment = [
+ 'HTTP_REFERER' => $referer = 'http://shaarli/subfolder/controller/?searchtag=abc'
+ ];
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $url = 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash';
+ $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $url);
+ $remoteTitle = 'Remote Title';
+ $remoteDesc = 'Sometimes the meta description is relevant.';
+ $remoteTags = 'abc def';
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request->method('getParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
+ return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
+ });
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->httpAccess
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getCurlDownloadCallback')
+ ->willReturnCallback(
+ function (&$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags) use (
+ $remoteTitle,
+ $remoteDesc,
+ $remoteTags
+ ): callable {
+ return function () use (
+ &$charset,
+ &$title,
+ &$description,
+ &$tags,
+ $remoteTitle,
+ $remoteDesc,
+ $remoteTags
+ ): void {
+ $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
+ $title = $remoteTitle;
+ $description = $remoteDesc;
+ $tags = $remoteTags;
+ };
+ }
+ )
+ ;
+ $this->container->httpAccess
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('getHttpResponse')
+ ->with($expectedUrl, 30, 4194304)
+ ->willReturnCallback(function($url, $timeout, $maxBytes, $callback): void {
+ $callback();
+ })
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('bookmarksCountPerTag')
+ ->willReturn($tags = ['tag1' => 2, 'tag2' => 1])
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::at(0))
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($remoteTitle, $remoteDesc): array {
+ static::assertSame('render_editlink', $hook);
+ static::assertSame($remoteTitle, $data['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame($remoteDesc, $data['link']['description']);
+ return $data;
+ })
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
+ static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertSame($remoteTitle, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame($remoteDesc, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
+ static::assertSame($remoteTags, $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
+ static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ static::assertSame($referer, $assignedVariables['http_referer']);
+ static::assertSame($tags, $assignedVariables['tags']);
+ static::assertArrayHasKey('source', $assignedVariables);
+ static::assertArrayHasKey('default_private_links', $assignedVariables);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * Ensure all available query parameters are handled properly.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormWithFullParameters(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $parameters = [
+ 'post' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash',
+ 'title' => 'Provided Title',
+ 'description' => 'Provided description.',
+ 'tags' => 'abc def',
+ 'private' => '1',
+ 'source' => 'apps',
+ ];
+ $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $parameters['post']);
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ });
+ $response = new Response();
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
+ static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['title'], $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['description'], $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['tags'], $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['source'], $assignedVariables['source']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * Without any parameter.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormEmpty(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertSame('Note: ', $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
+ static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
+ static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * URL not using HTTP protocol: do not try to retrieve the title
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormNotHttp(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $url = 'magnet://kubuntu.torrent';
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
+ return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
+ });
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame($url, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * When markdown formatter is enabled, the no markdown tag should be added to existing tags.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormWithMarkdownEnabled(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $this->container->conf = $this->createMock(ConfigManager::class);
+ $this->container->conf
+ ->expects(static::atLeastOnce())
+ ->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key): ?string {
+ if ($key === 'formatter') {
+ return 'markdown';
+ }
+ return $key;
+ })
+ ;
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame(['nomarkdown' => 1], $assignedVariables['tags']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark create form
+ * When an existing URL is submitted, we want to edit the existing link.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayCreateFormWithExistingUrl(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $url = 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash';
+ $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $url);
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
+ return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
+ });
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('findByUrl')
+ ->with($expectedUrl)
+ ->willReturn(
+ (new Bookmark())
+ ->setId($id = 23)
+ ->setUrl($expectedUrl)
+ ->setTitle($title = 'Bookmark Title')
+ ->setDescription($description = 'Bookmark description.')
+ ->setTags($tags = ['abc', 'def'])
+ ->setPrivate(true)
+ ->setCreated($createdAt = new \DateTime('2020-06-10 18:45:44'))
+ )
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('Edit Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
+ static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ static::assertSame($id, $assignedVariables['link']['id']);
+ static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertSame($title, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame($description, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
+ static::assertSame(implode(' ', $tags), $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
+ static::assertSame($createdAt, $assignedVariables['link']['created']);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareControllerTest;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController;
+use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
+use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+class DisplayEditFormTest extends TestCase
+ use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+ /** @var ManageShaareController */
+ protected $controller;
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ $this->createContainer();
+ $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
+ $this->controller = new ManageShaareController($this->container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark edit form
+ * When an existing ID is provided, ensure that default workflow works properly.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayEditFormDefault(): void
+ {
+ $assignedVariables = [];
+ $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
+ $id = 11;
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
+ $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with($id)
+ ->willReturn(
+ (new Bookmark())
+ ->setId($id)
+ ->setUrl($url = 'http://domain.tld')
+ ->setTitle($title = 'Bookmark Title')
+ ->setDescription($description = 'Bookmark description.')
+ ->setTags($tags = ['abc', 'def'])
+ ->setPrivate(true)
+ ->setCreated($createdAt = new \DateTime('2020-06-10 18:45:44'))
+ )
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayEditForm($request, $response, ['id' => (string) $id]);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
+ static::assertSame('Edit Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
+ static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
+ static::assertSame($id, $assignedVariables['link']['id']);
+ static::assertSame($url, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
+ static::assertSame($title, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
+ static::assertSame($description, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
+ static::assertSame(implode(' ', $tags), $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
+ static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
+ static::assertSame($createdAt, $assignedVariables['link']['created']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark edit form
+ * Invalid ID provided.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayEditFormInvalidId(): void
+ {
+ $id = 'invalid';
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Bookmark with identifier invalid could not be found.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayEditForm($request, $response, ['id' => $id]);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark edit form
+ * ID not provided.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayEditFormIdNotProvided(): void
+ {
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Bookmark with identifier could not be found.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayEditForm($request, $response, []);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test displaying bookmark edit form
+ * Bookmark not found.
+ */
+ public function testDisplayEditFormBookmarkNotFound(): void
+ {
+ $id = 123;
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with($id)
+ ->willThrowException(new BookmarkNotFoundException())
+ ;
+ $this->container->sessionManager
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('setSessionParameter')
+ ->with(SessionManager::KEY_ERROR_MESSAGES, ['Bookmark with identifier 123 could not be found.'])
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->displayEditForm($request, $response, ['id' => (string) $id]);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame(['/subfolder/'], $result->getHeader('location'));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareControllerTest;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
+use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+use Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin\ManageShaareController;
+use Shaarli\Front\Exception\WrongTokenException;
+use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
+use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager;
+use Shaarli\Thumbnailer;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+class SaveBookmarkTest extends TestCase
+ use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
+ /** @var ManageShaareController */
+ protected $controller;
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ $this->createContainer();
+ $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
+ $this->controller = new ManageShaareController($this->container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test save a new bookmark
+ */
+ public function testSaveBookmark(): void
+ {
+ $id = 21;
+ $parameters = [
+ 'lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash',
+ 'lf_title' => 'Provided Title',
+ 'lf_description' => 'Provided description.',
+ 'lf_tags' => 'abc def',
+ 'lf_private' => '1',
+ 'returnurl' => 'http://shaarli.tld/subfolder/admin/add-shaare'
+ ];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $checkBookmark = function (Bookmark $bookmark) use ($parameters) {
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $bookmark->getUrl());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $bookmark->getTitle());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $bookmark->getDescription());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $bookmark->getTagsString());
+ static::assertTrue($bookmark->isPrivate());
+ };
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('addOrSet')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
+ static::assertFalse($save);
+ $checkBookmark($bookmark);
+ $bookmark->setId($id);
+ })
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('set')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
+ static::assertTrue($save);
+ $checkBookmark($bookmark);
+ static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::at(0))
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($parameters, $id): array {
+ static::assertSame('save_link', $hook);
+ static::assertSame($id, $data['id']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $data['url']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $data['title']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $data['description']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $data['tags']);
+ static::assertTrue($data['private']);
+ return $data;
+ })
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertRegExp('@/subfolder/#[\w\-]{6}@', $result->getHeader('location')[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test save an existing bookmark
+ */
+ public function testSaveExistingBookmark(): void
+ {
+ $id = 21;
+ $parameters = [
+ 'lf_id' => (string) $id,
+ 'lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash',
+ 'lf_title' => 'Provided Title',
+ 'lf_description' => 'Provided description.',
+ 'lf_tags' => 'abc def',
+ 'lf_private' => '1',
+ 'returnurl' => 'http://shaarli.tld/subfolder/?page=2'
+ ];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $checkBookmark = function (Bookmark $bookmark) use ($parameters, $id) {
+ static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $bookmark->getUrl());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $bookmark->getTitle());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $bookmark->getDescription());
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $bookmark->getTagsString());
+ static::assertTrue($bookmark->isPrivate());
+ };
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::atLeastOnce())->method('exists')->willReturn(true);
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->willReturn((new Bookmark())->setId($id)->setUrl('http://other.url'))
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('addOrSet')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
+ static::assertFalse($save);
+ $checkBookmark($bookmark);
+ })
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('set')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
+ static::assertTrue($save);
+ $checkBookmark($bookmark);
+ static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
+ })
+ ;
+ // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
+ $this->container->pluginManager
+ ->expects(static::at(0))
+ ->method('executeHooks')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($parameters, $id): array {
+ static::assertSame('save_link', $hook);
+ static::assertSame($id, $data['id']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $data['url']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $data['title']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $data['description']);
+ static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $data['tags']);
+ static::assertTrue($data['private']);
+ return $data;
+ })
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertRegExp('@/subfolder/\?page=2#[\w\-]{6}@', $result->getHeader('location')[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test save a bookmark - try to retrieve the thumbnail
+ */
+ public function testSaveBookmarkWithThumbnail(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->container->conf = $this->createMock(ConfigManager::class);
+ $this->container->conf->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key, $default) {
+ return $key === 'thumbnails.mode' ? Thumbnailer::MODE_ALL : $default;
+ });
+ $this->container->thumbnailer = $this->createMock(Thumbnailer::class);
+ $this->container->thumbnailer
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with($parameters['lf_url'])
+ ->willReturn($thumb = 'http://thumb.url')
+ ;
+ $this->container->bookmarkService
+ ->expects(static::once())
+ ->method('addOrSet')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($thumb): void {
+ static::assertSame($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
+ })
+ ;
+ $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change the password with a wrong existing password
+ */
+ public function testSaveBookmarkFromBookmarklet(): void
+ {
+ $parameters = ['source' => 'bookmarklet'];
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $request
+ ->method('getParam')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
+ return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
+ })
+ ;
+ $response = new Response();
+ $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
+ static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
+ static::assertSame('<script>self.close();</script>', (string) $result->getBody());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change the password with a wrong existing password
+ */
+ public function testSaveBookmarkWrongToken(): void
+ {
+ $this->container->sessionManager = $this->createMock(SessionManager::class);
+ $this->container->sessionManager->method('checkToken')->willReturn(false);
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('addOrSet');
+ $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('set');
+ $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
+ $response = new Response();
+ $this->expectException(WrongTokenException::class);
+ $this->controller->save($request, $response);
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
-use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
-use Shaarli\Front\Exception\WrongTokenException;
-use Shaarli\Http\HttpAccess;
-use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager;
-use Shaarli\Thumbnailer;
-use Slim\Http\Request;
-use Slim\Http\Response;
-class PostBookmarkControllerTest extends TestCase
- use FrontAdminControllerMockHelper;
- /** @var PostBookmarkController */
- protected $controller;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->createContainer();
- $this->container->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class);
- $this->controller = new PostBookmarkController($this->container);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying add link page
- */
- public function testAddShaare(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $response = new Response();
- $result = $this->controller->addShaare($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('addlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('Shaare a new link - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * Ensure that every step of the standard workflow works properly.
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormWithUrl(): void
- {
- $this->container->environment = [
- 'HTTP_REFERER' => $referer = 'http://shaarli/subfolder/controller/?searchtag=abc'
- ];
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $url = 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash';
- $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $url);
- $remoteTitle = 'Remote Title';
- $remoteDesc = 'Sometimes the meta description is relevant.';
- $remoteTags = 'abc def';
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request->method('getParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
- return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
- });
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->httpAccess
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('getCurlDownloadCallback')
- ->willReturnCallback(
- function (&$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags) use (
- $remoteTitle,
- $remoteDesc,
- $remoteTags
- ): callable {
- return function () use (
- &$charset,
- &$title,
- &$description,
- &$tags,
- $remoteTitle,
- $remoteDesc,
- $remoteTags
- ): void {
- $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
- $title = $remoteTitle;
- $description = $remoteDesc;
- $tags = $remoteTags;
- };
- }
- )
- ;
- $this->container->httpAccess
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('getHttpResponse')
- ->with($expectedUrl, 30, 4194304)
- ->willReturnCallback(function($url, $timeout, $maxBytes, $callback): void {
- $callback();
- })
- ;
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('bookmarksCountPerTag')
- ->willReturn($tags = ['tag1' => 2, 'tag2' => 1])
- ;
- // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
- $this->container->pluginManager
- ->expects(static::at(0))
- ->method('executeHooks')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($remoteTitle, $remoteDesc): array {
- static::assertSame('render_editlink', $hook);
- static::assertSame($remoteTitle, $data['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame($remoteDesc, $data['link']['description']);
- return $data;
- })
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
- static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertSame($remoteTitle, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame($remoteDesc, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
- static::assertSame($remoteTags, $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
- static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- static::assertSame($referer, $assignedVariables['http_referer']);
- static::assertSame($tags, $assignedVariables['tags']);
- static::assertArrayHasKey('source', $assignedVariables);
- static::assertArrayHasKey('default_private_links', $assignedVariables);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * Ensure all available query parameters are handled properly.
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormWithFullParameters(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $parameters = [
- 'post' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash',
- 'title' => 'Provided Title',
- 'description' => 'Provided description.',
- 'tags' => 'abc def',
- 'private' => '1',
- 'source' => 'apps',
- ];
- $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $parameters['post']);
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
- return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
- });
- $response = new Response();
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
- static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['title'], $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['description'], $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['tags'], $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['source'], $assignedVariables['source']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * Without any parameter.
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormEmpty(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertSame('Note: ', $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
- static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
- static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * URL not using HTTP protocol: do not try to retrieve the title
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormNotHttp(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $url = 'magnet://kubuntu.torrent';
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
- return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
- });
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame($url, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * When markdown formatter is enabled, the no markdown tag should be added to existing tags.
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormWithMarkdownEnabled(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $this->container->conf = $this->createMock(ConfigManager::class);
- $this->container->conf
- ->expects(static::atLeastOnce())
- ->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key): ?string {
- if ($key === 'formatter') {
- return 'markdown';
- }
- return $key;
- })
- ;
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $response = new Response();
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame(['nomarkdown' => 1], $assignedVariables['tags']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark create form
- * When an existing URL is submitted, we want to edit the existing link.
- */
- public function testDisplayCreateFormWithExistingUrl(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $url = 'http://url.tld/other?part=3&utm_ad=pay#hash';
- $expectedUrl = str_replace('&utm_ad=pay', '', $url);
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($url): ?string {
- return $key === 'post' ? $url : null;
- });
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('findByUrl')
- ->with($expectedUrl)
- ->willReturn(
- (new Bookmark())
- ->setId($id = 23)
- ->setUrl($expectedUrl)
- ->setTitle($title = 'Bookmark Title')
- ->setDescription($description = 'Bookmark description.')
- ->setTags($tags = ['abc', 'def'])
- ->setPrivate(true)
- ->setCreated($createdAt = new \DateTime('2020-06-10 18:45:44'))
- )
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->displayCreateForm($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('Edit Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
- static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- static::assertSame($id, $assignedVariables['link']['id']);
- static::assertSame($expectedUrl, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertSame($title, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame($description, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
- static::assertSame(implode(' ', $tags), $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
- static::assertSame($createdAt, $assignedVariables['link']['created']);
- }
- /**
- * Test displaying bookmark edit form
- * When an existing ID is provided, ensure that default workflow works properly.
- */
- public function testDisplayEditFormDefault(): void
- {
- $assignedVariables = [];
- $this->assignTemplateVars($assignedVariables);
- $id = 11;
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getHttpResponse');
- $this->container->httpAccess->expects(static::never())->method('getCurlDownloadCallback');
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('get')
- ->with($id)
- ->willReturn(
- (new Bookmark())
- ->setId($id)
- ->setUrl($url = 'http://domain.tld')
- ->setTitle($title = 'Bookmark Title')
- ->setDescription($description = 'Bookmark description.')
- ->setTags($tags = ['abc', 'def'])
- ->setPrivate(true)
- ->setCreated($createdAt = new \DateTime('2020-06-10 18:45:44'))
- )
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->displayEditForm($request, $response, ['id' => (string) $id]);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('editlink', (string) $result->getBody());
- static::assertSame('Edit Shaare - Shaarli', $assignedVariables['pagetitle']);
- static::assertFalse($assignedVariables['link_is_new']);
- static::assertSame($id, $assignedVariables['link']['id']);
- static::assertSame($url, $assignedVariables['link']['url']);
- static::assertSame($title, $assignedVariables['link']['title']);
- static::assertSame($description, $assignedVariables['link']['description']);
- static::assertSame(implode(' ', $tags), $assignedVariables['link']['tags']);
- static::assertTrue($assignedVariables['link']['private']);
- static::assertSame($createdAt, $assignedVariables['link']['created']);
- }
- /**
- * Test save a new bookmark
- */
- public function testSaveBookmark(): void
- {
- $id = 21;
- $parameters = [
- 'lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash',
- 'lf_title' => 'Provided Title',
- 'lf_description' => 'Provided description.',
- 'lf_tags' => 'abc def',
- 'lf_private' => '1',
- 'returnurl' => 'http://shaarli.tld/subfolder/admin/add-shaare'
- ];
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
- return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
- })
- ;
- $response = new Response();
- $checkBookmark = function (Bookmark $bookmark) use ($parameters) {
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $bookmark->getUrl());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $bookmark->getTitle());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $bookmark->getDescription());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $bookmark->getTagsString());
- static::assertTrue($bookmark->isPrivate());
- };
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('addOrSet')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
- static::assertFalse($save);
- $checkBookmark($bookmark);
- $bookmark->setId($id);
- })
- ;
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('set')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
- static::assertTrue($save);
- $checkBookmark($bookmark);
- static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
- })
- ;
- // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
- $this->container->pluginManager
- ->expects(static::at(0))
- ->method('executeHooks')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($parameters, $id): array {
- static::assertSame('save_link', $hook);
- static::assertSame($id, $data['id']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $data['url']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $data['title']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $data['description']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $data['tags']);
- static::assertTrue($data['private']);
- return $data;
- })
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertRegExp('@/subfolder/#[\w\-]{6}@', $result->getHeader('location')[0]);
- }
- /**
- * Test save an existing bookmark
- */
- public function testSaveExistingBookmark(): void
- {
- $id = 21;
- $parameters = [
- 'lf_id' => (string) $id,
- 'lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash',
- 'lf_title' => 'Provided Title',
- 'lf_description' => 'Provided description.',
- 'lf_tags' => 'abc def',
- 'lf_private' => '1',
- 'returnurl' => 'http://shaarli.tld/subfolder/?page=2'
- ];
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
- return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
- })
- ;
- $response = new Response();
- $checkBookmark = function (Bookmark $bookmark) use ($parameters, $id) {
- static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $bookmark->getUrl());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $bookmark->getTitle());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $bookmark->getDescription());
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $bookmark->getTagsString());
- static::assertTrue($bookmark->isPrivate());
- };
- $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::atLeastOnce())->method('exists')->willReturn(true);
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('get')
- ->willReturn((new Bookmark())->setId($id)->setUrl('http://other.url'))
- ;
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('addOrSet')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
- static::assertFalse($save);
- $checkBookmark($bookmark);
- })
- ;
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('set')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($checkBookmark, $id): void {
- static::assertTrue($save);
- $checkBookmark($bookmark);
- static::assertSame($id, $bookmark->getId());
- })
- ;
- // Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
- $this->container->pluginManager
- ->expects(static::at(0))
- ->method('executeHooks')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data) use ($parameters, $id): array {
- static::assertSame('save_link', $hook);
- static::assertSame($id, $data['id']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_url'], $data['url']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_title'], $data['title']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_description'], $data['description']);
- static::assertSame($parameters['lf_tags'], $data['tags']);
- static::assertTrue($data['private']);
- return $data;
- })
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertRegExp('@/subfolder/\?page=2#[\w\-]{6}@', $result->getHeader('location')[0]);
- }
- /**
- * Test save a bookmark - try to retrieve the thumbnail
- */
- public function testSaveBookmarkWithThumbnail(): void
- {
- $parameters = ['lf_url' => 'http://url.tld/other?part=3#hash'];
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
- return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
- })
- ;
- $response = new Response();
- $this->container->conf = $this->createMock(ConfigManager::class);
- $this->container->conf->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key, $default) {
- return $key === 'thumbnails.mode' ? Thumbnailer::MODE_ALL : $default;
- });
- $this->container->thumbnailer = $this->createMock(Thumbnailer::class);
- $this->container->thumbnailer
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('get')
- ->with($parameters['lf_url'])
- ->willReturn($thumb = 'http://thumb.url')
- ;
- $this->container->bookmarkService
- ->expects(static::once())
- ->method('addOrSet')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save) use ($thumb): void {
- static::assertSame($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
- })
- ;
- $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(302, $result->getStatusCode());
- }
- /**
- * Change the password with a wrong existing password
- */
- public function testSaveBookmarkFromBookmarklet(): void
- {
- $parameters = ['source' => 'bookmarklet'];
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $request
- ->method('getParam')
- ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($parameters): ?string {
- return $parameters[$key] ?? null;
- })
- ;
- $response = new Response();
- $result = $this->controller->save($request, $response);
- static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
- static::assertSame('<script>self.close();</script>', (string) $result->getBody());
- }
- /**
- * Change the password with a wrong existing password
- */
- public function testSaveBookmarkWrongToken(): void
- {
- $this->container->sessionManager = $this->createMock(SessionManager::class);
- $this->container->sessionManager->method('checkToken')->willReturn(false);
- $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('addOrSet');
- $this->container->bookmarkService->expects(static::never())->method('set');
- $request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
- $response = new Response();
- $this->expectException(WrongTokenException::class);
- $this->controller->save($request, $response);
- }