- name: Add standby clone from barman script
include: postgres-standby-barman.yml
- when: postgres_barman_server is defined
+ when: postgres_barman_server is defined and postgres_primary.restore_barman_directory is defined
+- name: Add standby clone from pg_basebackup
+ include: postgres-standby-basebackup.yml
+ when: postgres_primary and postgres_primary.pg_basebackup is defined
- name: Determine SSD or rotational disks
raw: 'lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --raw --output=rota | grep -q 1'
path: "{{ postgres_barman_path_prefix | default('~') }}"
rsync_password_file: "{{ postgres_barman_rsync_enabled | ternary(' --password-file=/var/lib/postgresql/.rsync_pass ', '') }}"
-- name: Copy secondary script
- template: src=standby-clone.sh.j2 dest=/root/standby-clone-{{ postgres_version }}-{{ postgres_cluster_name }}.sh mode=0755
+- name: Copy secondary barman clone script
+ template: src=standby-barman-clone.sh.j2 dest=/root/standby-clone-{{ postgres_version }}-{{ postgres_cluster_name }}.sh mode=0755
- name: Copy rsync password file
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# {{ ansible_managed }}
+set -eo pipefail
+CLUSTER_VERSION="{{ postgres_version }}"
+CLUSTER_NAME="{{ postgres_cluster_name }}"
+PRIMARY_CLUSTER_HOST="{{ postgres_primary.host }}"
+PRIMARY_CLUSTER_PORT="{{ postgres_primary.port }}"
+PRIMARY_CLUSTER_USER="{{ postgres_primary.replication_user }}"
+PRIMARY_CLUSTER_PASSWORD="{{ postgres_primary.replication_password }}"
+{% if postgres_primary.replication_dbname is defined %}
+PRIMARY_CLUSTER_DBNAME=" dbname='{{ postgres_primary.replication_dbname }}'"
+{% endif %}
+read -p "You are about to clone the primary cluster (${PRIMARY_CLUSTER_HOST}:${PRIMARY_CLUSTER_PORT}) with pg_basebackup. This will replace the local ${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME} cluster. Are you sure? [y/n] " -r go
+if [ "$go" != "y" ]; then
+ echo "Aborted."
+ exit 1
+BACKUP_DATE=$(date +%s)
+echo "Stopping PostgreSQL"
+pg_ctlcluster "${CLUSTER_VERSION}" "${CLUSTER_NAME}" stop || true
+echo "Cleaning up old cluster directory"
+sudo -u postgres mv "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}"{,"_${BACKUP_DATE}"}
+echo "Creating new directory"
+sudo -u postgres mkdir -p "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}"
+echo "Get backup from primary server"
+sudo -u postgres \
+ time "/usr/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/bin/pg_basebackup" --format=p -R \
+ -D "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/"
+echo "Restoring .conf and server certificate"
+sudo -u postgres cp -a "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}_${BACKUP_DATE}/"{*.conf,server.crt,server.key} "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/"
+echo "Ensure rights are correcly set"
+chown -R postgres:postgres "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/"
+chmod 0700 "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/"
+chmod -R o-rwx "/var/lib/postgresql/${CLUSTER_VERSION}/"
+echo "Starting PostgreSQL"
+sudo pg_ctlcluster "${CLUSTER_VERSION}" "${CLUSTER_NAME}" start