window: 10 minutes
max: 10
+ token_lifetime:
+ access_token: '1 day'
+ refresh_token: '2 weeks'
# Proxies to trust to get real client IP
# If you run PeerTube just behind a local proxy (nginx), keep 'loopback'
# If you run PeerTube behind a remote proxy, add the proxy IP address (or subnet)
window: 10 minutes
max: 10
+ token_lifetime:
+ access_token: '1 day'
+ refresh_token: '2 weeks'
# Proxies to trust to get real client IP
# If you run PeerTube just behind a local proxy (nginx), keep 'loopback'
# If you run PeerTube behind a remote proxy, add the proxy IP address (or subnet)
'webserver.https', 'webserver.hostname', 'webserver.port',
+ 'oauth2.token_lifetime.access_token', 'oauth2.token_lifetime.refresh_token',
'database.hostname', 'database.port', 'database.username', 'database.password', 'database.pool.max',
'smtp.hostname', 'smtp.port', 'smtp.username', 'smtp.password', 'smtp.tls', 'smtp.from_address',
'email.body.signature', 'email.subject.prefix',
HOSTNAME: config.get<string>('webserver.hostname'),
PORT: config.get<number>('webserver.port')
+ OAUTH2: {
+ ACCESS_TOKEN: parseDurationToMs(config.get<string>('oauth2.token_lifetime.access_token')),
+ REFRESH_TOKEN: parseDurationToMs(config.get<string>('oauth2.token_lifetime.refresh_token'))
+ }
+ },
API: {
WINDOW_MS: parseDurationToMs(config.get<string>('rates_limit.api.window')),
- ACCESS_TOKEN: 3600 * 24, // 1 day, for upload
- REFRESH_TOKEN: 1209600 // 2 weeks
FEEDS: '15 minutes',
ROBOTS: '2 hours',
} from '@node-oauth/oauth2-server'
import { randomBytesPromise } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { isOTPValid } from '@server/helpers/otp'
+import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { MOAuthClient } from '@server/types/models'
import { sha1 } from '@shared/extra-utils'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models'
-import { OAUTH_LIFETIME, OTP } from '../../initializers/constants'
+import { OTP } from '../../initializers/constants'
import { BypassLogin, getClient, getRefreshToken, getUser, revokeToken, saveToken } from './oauth-model'
class MissingTwoFactorError extends Error {
const oAuthServer = new OAuth2Server({
+ // Wants seconds
// See for the model specifications
model: require('./oauth-model')
function getTokenExpiresAt (type: 'access' | 'refresh') {
const lifetime = type === 'access'
- return new Date( + lifetime * 1000)
+ return new Date( + lifetime)
async function buildToken () {
const token = this.userHavingToken.get(userId)
if (token !== undefined) {
- this.accessTokenCache.del(token)
- this.userHavingToken.del(userId)
+ this.accessTokenCache.delete(token)
+ this.userHavingToken.delete(userId)
const tokenModel = this.accessTokenCache.get(token)
if (tokenModel !== undefined) {
- this.userHavingToken.del(tokenModel.userId)
- this.accessTokenCache.del(token)
+ this.userHavingToken.delete(tokenModel.userId)
+ this.accessTokenCache.delete(token)
+import './oauth'
import './two-factor'
import './user-subscriptions'
import './user-videos'
--- /dev/null
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */
+import { expect } from 'chai'
+import { wait } from '@shared/core-utils'
+import { HttpStatusCode, OAuth2ErrorCode, PeerTubeProblemDocument } from '@shared/models'
+import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, killallServers, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers } from '@shared/server-commands'
+describe('Test oauth', function () {
+ let server: PeerTubeServer
+ before(async function () {
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ server = await createSingleServer(1, {
+ rates_limit: {
+ login: {
+ max: 30
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ])
+ })
+ describe('OAuth client', function () {
+ function expectInvalidClient (body: PeerTubeProblemDocument) {
+ expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
+ expect(body.error).to.contain('client is invalid')
+ expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
+ expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
+ }
+ it('Should create a new client')
+ it('Should return the first client')
+ it('Should remove the last client')
+ it('Should not login with an invalid client id', async function () {
+ const client = { id: 'client', secret: }
+ const body = await server.login.login({ client, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ expectInvalidClient(body)
+ })
+ it('Should not login with an invalid client secret', async function () {
+ const client = { id:, secret: 'coucou' }
+ const body = await server.login.login({ client, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ expectInvalidClient(body)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Login', function () {
+ function expectInvalidCredentials (body: PeerTubeProblemDocument) {
+ expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
+ expect(body.error).to.contain('credentials are invalid')
+ expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
+ expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
+ }
+ it('Should not login with an invalid username', async function () {
+ const user = { username: 'captain crochet', password: }
+ const body = await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ expectInvalidCredentials(body)
+ })
+ it('Should not login with an invalid password', async function () {
+ const user = { username:, password: 'mew_three' }
+ const body = await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ expectInvalidCredentials(body)
+ })
+ it('Should be able to login', async function () {
+ await server.login.login({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
+ })
+ it('Should be able to login with an insensitive username', async function () {
+ const user = { username: 'RoOt', password: }
+ await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
+ const user2 = { username: 'rOoT', password: }
+ await server.login.login({ user: user2, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
+ const user3 = { username: 'ROOt', password: }
+ await server.login.login({ user: user3, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Logout', function () {
+ it('Should logout (revoke token)', async function () {
+ await server.login.logout({ token: server.accessToken })
+ })
+ it('Should not be able to get the user information', async function () {
+ await server.users.getMyInfo({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
+ })
+ it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () {
+ await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
+ })
+ it('Should be able to login again', async function () {
+ const body = await server.login.login()
+ server.accessToken = body.access_token
+ server.refreshToken = body.refresh_token
+ })
+ it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () {
+ await server.users.getMyInfo()
+ })
+ it('Should have an expired access token', async function () {
+ this.timeout(60000)
+ await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'accessTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString())
+ await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString())
+ await killallServers([ server ])
+ await
+ await server.users.getMyInfo({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
+ })
+ it('Should not be able to refresh an access token with an expired refresh token', async function () {
+ await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken: server.refreshToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ })
+ it('Should refresh the token', async function () {
+ this.timeout(50000)
+ const futureDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60).toISOString()
+ await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', futureDate)
+ await killallServers([ server ])
+ await
+ const res = await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken: server.refreshToken })
+ server.accessToken = res.body.access_token
+ server.refreshToken = res.body.refresh_token
+ })
+ it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () {
+ await server.users.getMyInfo()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Custom token lifetime', function () {
+ before(async function () {
+ this.timeout(120_000)
+ await server.kill()
+ await{
+ oauth2: {
+ token_lifetime: {
+ access_token: '2 seconds',
+ refresh_token: '2 seconds'
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should have a very short access token lifetime', async function () {
+ this.timeout(50000)
+ const { access_token: accessToken } = await server.login.login()
+ await server.users.getMyInfo({ token: accessToken })
+ await wait(3000)
+ await server.users.getMyInfo({ token: accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
+ })
+ it('Should have a very short refresh token lifetime', async function () {
+ this.timeout(50000)
+ const { refresh_token: refreshToken } = await server.login.login()
+ await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken })
+ await wait(3000)
+ await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
+ })
+ })
+ after(async function () {
+ await cleanupTests([ server ])
+ })
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { testImage } from '@server/tests/shared'
-import { AbuseState, HttpStatusCode, OAuth2ErrorCode, UserAdminFlag, UserRole, VideoPlaylistType } from '@shared/models'
-import {
- cleanupTests,
- createSingleServer,
- killallServers,
- makePutBodyRequest,
- PeerTubeServer,
- setAccessTokensToServers
-} from '@shared/server-commands'
+import { AbuseState, HttpStatusCode, UserAdminFlag, UserRole, VideoPlaylistType } from '@shared/models'
+import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers } from '@shared/server-commands'
describe('Test users', function () {
let server: PeerTubeServer
await server.plugins.install({ npmName: 'peertube-theme-background-red' })
- describe('OAuth client', function () {
- it('Should create a new client')
- it('Should return the first client')
- it('Should remove the last client')
- it('Should not login with an invalid client id', async function () {
- const client = { id: 'client', secret: }
- const body = await server.login.login({ client, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
- expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
- expect(body.error).to.contain('client is invalid')
- expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
- expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
- })
- it('Should not login with an invalid client secret', async function () {
- const client = { id:, secret: 'coucou' }
- const body = await server.login.login({ client, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
- expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
- expect(body.error).to.contain('client is invalid')
- expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
- expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT)
- })
- })
- describe('Login', function () {
- it('Should not login with an invalid username', async function () {
- const user = { username: 'captain crochet', password: }
- const body = await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
- expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
- expect(body.error).to.contain('credentials are invalid')
- expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
- expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
- })
- it('Should not login with an invalid password', async function () {
- const user = { username:, password: 'mew_three' }
- const body = await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
- expect(body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
- expect(body.error).to.contain('credentials are invalid')
- expect(body.type.startsWith('https://'))
- expect(body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT)
- })
- it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () {
- token = 'my_super_token'
- await server.videos.upload({ token, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
- })
- it('Should not be able to follow', async function () {
- token = 'my_super_token'
- await server.follows.follow({
- hosts: [ '' ],
- token,
- expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401
- })
- })
- it('Should not be able to unfollow')
- it('Should be able to login', async function () {
- const body = await server.login.login({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
- token = body.access_token
- })
- it('Should be able to login with an insensitive username', async function () {
- const user = { username: 'RoOt', password: }
- await server.login.login({ user, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
- const user2 = { username: 'rOoT', password: }
- await server.login.login({ user: user2, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
- const user3 = { username: 'ROOt', password: }
- await server.login.login({ user: user3, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
- })
- })
- describe('Logout', function () {
- it('Should logout (revoke token)', async function () {
- await server.login.logout({ token: server.accessToken })
- })
- it('Should not be able to get the user information', async function () {
- await server.users.getMyInfo({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
- })
- it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () {
- await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
- })
- it('Should not be able to rate a video', async function () {
- const path = '/api/v1/videos/'
- const data = {
- rating: 'likes'
- }
- const options = {
- url: server.url,
- path: path + videoId,
- token: 'wrong token',
- fields: data,
- expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401
- }
- await makePutBodyRequest(options)
- })
- it('Should be able to login again', async function () {
- const body = await server.login.login()
- server.accessToken = body.access_token
- server.refreshToken = body.refresh_token
- })
- it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () {
- await server.users.getMyInfo()
- })
- it('Should have an expired access token', async function () {
- this.timeout(60000)
- await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'accessTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString())
- await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString())
- await killallServers([ server ])
- await
- await server.users.getMyInfo({ expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 })
- })
- it('Should not be able to refresh an access token with an expired refresh token', async function () {
- await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken: server.refreshToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 })
- })
- it('Should refresh the token', async function () {
- this.timeout(50000)
- const futureDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60).toISOString()
- await server.sql.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', futureDate)
- await killallServers([ server ])
- await
- const res = await server.login.refreshToken({ refreshToken: server.refreshToken })
- server.accessToken = res.body.access_token
- server.refreshToken = res.body.refresh_token
- })
- it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () {
- await server.users.getMyInfo()
- })
- })
describe('Creating a user', function () {
it('Should be able to create a new user', async function () {
describe('Updating another user', function () {
it('Should be able to update another user', async function () {
await server.users.update({
- describe('Video blacklists', function () {
- it('Should be able to list my video blacklist', async function () {
- await server.blacklist.list({ token: userToken })
- })
- })
describe('Remove a user', function () {
before(async function () {
describe('User blocking', function () {
- let user16Id
- let user16AccessToken
+ let user16Id: number
+ let user16AccessToken: string
const user16 = {
username: 'user_16',
password: 'my super password'
return req.expect((res) => {
if (options.expectedStatus && res.status !== options.expectedStatus) {
throw new Error(`Expected status ${options.expectedStatus}, got ${res.status}. ` +
- `\nThe server responded this error: "${res.body?.error ?? res.text}".\n` +
+ `\nThe server responded: "${res.body?.error ?? res.text}".\n` +
'You may take a closer look at the logs. To see how to do so, check out this page: ' +