// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup:
if (isset($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet') { echo '<script language="JavaScript">self.close();</script>'; exit; }
$returnurl = ( isset($_POST['returnurl']) ? $_POST['returnurl'] : '?' );
+ $returnurl .= '#'.smallHash($linkdate); // Scroll to the link which has been edited.
header('Location: '.$returnurl); // After saving the link, redirect to the page the user was on.
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup;
if (isset($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet') { echo '<script language="JavaScript">self.close();</script>'; exit; }
$returnurl = ( isset($_POST['returnurl']) ? $_POST['returnurl'] : '?' );
+ $returnurl .= '#'.smallHash($_POST['lf_linkdate']); // Scroll to the link which has been edited.
header('Location: '.$returnurl); // After canceling, redirect to the page the user was on.
<li{if="$value.class"} class="{$value.class}"{/if}>
+ <a name="{$value.linkdate|smallHash}" id="{$value.linkdate|smallHash}"></a>
<div class="thumbnail">{$value.url|thumbnail}</div>
<div class="linkcontainer">