--- /dev/null
+FROM arm32v7/alpine:3.11
+COPY ./ /www/
+ENV USER darkhttpd
+ENV GROUP darkhttpd
+ENV GID 911
+ENV UID 911
+RUN addgroup -S ${GROUP} -g ${GID} && adduser -D -S -u ${UID} ${USER} ${GROUP} && \
+ apk add -U darkhttpd
+USER darkhttpd
+ENTRYPOINT ["darkhttpd","/www/"]
--- /dev/null
+FROM arm64v8/alpine:3.11
+COPY ./ /www/
+ENV USER darkhttpd
+ENV GROUP darkhttpd
+ENV GID 911
+ENV UID 911
+RUN addgroup -S ${GROUP} -g ${GID} && adduser -D -S -u ${UID} ${USER} ${GROUP} && \
+ apk add -U darkhttpd
+USER darkhttpd
+ENTRYPOINT ["darkhttpd","/www/"]
--- /dev/null
+docker manifest push --purge b4bz/homer:latest
+docker manifest create b4bz/homer:latest b4bz/homer:latest-amd64 b4bz/homer:latest-arm32v7 b4bz/homer:latest-arm64v8
+docker manifest annotate b4bz/homer:latest b4bz/homer:latest-arm32v7 --os linux --arch arm
+docker manifest annotate b4bz/homer:latest b4bz/homer:latest-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
+docker manifest push --purge b4bz/homer:latest
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Update to docker-ee 18.x for manifests
+apt-get -y update
+apt-get -y --only-upgrade install docker-ee
+# Register qemu-*-static for all supported processors except the
+# current one, but also remove all registered binfmt_misc before
+docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset
\ No newline at end of file