= Macaroons: Pure haskell implementation of macaroons
+ .
Macaroons is a pure haskell implementation of macaroons. It aims to
provide compatibility at a serialized level with the
< reference implementation> and
the < python implementation>
+ .
__WARNING: This library has not been audited by security experts.__
- __There is no error handling at the moment, everyhting is silently
- accepted__
+ __There is no error handling at the moment, everyhting is silently accepted__
+ .
It is developed in the purpose of exploration purposes, and would need
much more attention if it were to be used in production.
+ .
= References
+ .
== Papers and articles
+ .
- < Google paper on macaroons>
- < Macaroons at Mozilla>
- < Time for better security in NoSQL>
+ .
== Implementations
+ .
- < C>
- < Java>
- < Node.js>
- < Python>
- < Rust>
- = TODO
- #todo#
- - Third party caveats
- - Verify Macaroons
- - Discharge Macaroons
- - JSON serialization
- - Quickcheck tests
- - Error handling
- - FFI\'s for testing and benchmarking purposes
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Julien Tanguy
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
source-repository head