// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export async function updateVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
- const videoInstance = res.locals.videoAll
- const videoFieldsSave = videoInstance.toJSON()
- const oldVideoAuditView = new VideoAuditView(videoInstance.toFormattedDetailsJSON())
+ const videoFromReq = res.locals.videoAll
+ const videoFieldsSave = videoFromReq.toJSON()
+ const oldVideoAuditView = new VideoAuditView(videoFromReq.toFormattedDetailsJSON())
const videoInfoToUpdate: VideoUpdate = req.body
- const wasConfidentialVideo = videoInstance.isConfidential()
- const hadPrivacyForFederation = videoInstance.hasPrivacyForFederation()
+ const wasConfidentialVideo = videoFromReq.isConfidential()
+ const hadPrivacyForFederation = videoFromReq.hasPrivacyForFederation()
const [ thumbnailModel, previewModel ] = await buildVideoThumbnailsFromReq({
- video: videoInstance,
+ video: videoFromReq,
files: req.files,
fallback: () => Promise.resolve(undefined),
automaticallyGenerated: false
try {
const videoInstanceUpdated = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
+ // Refresh video since thumbnails to prevent concurrent updates
+ const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(videoFromReq.id, t)
const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t }
- const oldVideoChannel = videoInstance.VideoChannel
+ const oldVideoChannel = video.VideoChannel
const keysToUpdate: (keyof VideoUpdate & FilteredModelAttributes<VideoModel>)[] = [
for (const key of keysToUpdate) {
- if (videoInfoToUpdate[key] !== undefined) videoInstance.set(key, videoInfoToUpdate[key])
+ if (videoInfoToUpdate[key] !== undefined) video.set(key, videoInfoToUpdate[key])
if (videoInfoToUpdate.originallyPublishedAt !== undefined && videoInfoToUpdate.originallyPublishedAt !== null) {
- videoInstance.originallyPublishedAt = new Date(videoInfoToUpdate.originallyPublishedAt)
+ video.originallyPublishedAt = new Date(videoInfoToUpdate.originallyPublishedAt)
// Privacy update?
let isNewVideo = false
if (videoInfoToUpdate.privacy !== undefined) {
- isNewVideo = await updateVideoPrivacy({ videoInstance, videoInfoToUpdate, hadPrivacyForFederation, transaction: t })
+ isNewVideo = await updateVideoPrivacy({ videoInstance: video, videoInfoToUpdate, hadPrivacyForFederation, transaction: t })
// Force updatedAt attribute change
- if (!videoInstance.changed()) {
- await videoInstance.setAsRefreshed()
+ if (!video.changed()) {
+ await video.setAsRefreshed()
- const videoInstanceUpdated = await videoInstance.save(sequelizeOptions) as MVideoFullLight
+ const videoInstanceUpdated = await video.save(sequelizeOptions) as MVideoFullLight
// Thumbnail & preview updates?
if (thumbnailModel) await videoInstanceUpdated.addAndSaveThumbnail(thumbnailModel, t)
new VideoAuditView(videoInstanceUpdated.toFormattedDetailsJSON()),
- logger.info('Video with name %s and uuid %s updated.', videoInstance.name, videoInstance.uuid, lTags(videoInstance.uuid))
+ logger.info('Video with name %s and uuid %s updated.', video.name, video.uuid, lTags(video.uuid))
return videoInstanceUpdated
// Force fields we want to update
// If the transaction is retried, sequelize will think the object has not changed
// So it will skip the SQL request, even if the last one was ROLLBACKed!
- resetSequelizeInstance(videoInstance, videoFieldsSave)
+ resetSequelizeInstance(videoFromReq, videoFieldsSave)
throw err