import { keyBy } from 'lodash'
import 'mocha'
import { join } from 'path'
+import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
import {
- webtorrentAdd
-} from '../../utils/index'
-import { viewVideo } from '../../utils/videos/videos'
+ webtorrentAdd,
+ viewVideo, completeVideoCheck, immutableAssign
+} from '../../utils'
const expect = chai.expect
let videoUUID = ''
let videosListBase: any[] = null
+ const getCheckAttributes = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ category: 2,
+ licence: 6,
+ language: 3,
+ nsfw: true,
+ description: 'my super description',
+ host: 'localhost:9001',
+ account: 'root',
+ isLocal: true,
+ tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3' ],
+ privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
+ channel: {
+ name: 'Default root channel',
+ isLocal: true
+ },
+ fixture: 'video_short.webm',
+ files: [
+ {
+ resolution: 720,
+ size: 218910
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ const updateCheckAttributes = {
+ name: 'my super video updated',
+ category: 4,
+ licence: 2,
+ language: 5,
+ nsfw: true,
+ description: 'my super description updated',
+ host: 'localhost:9001',
+ account: 'root',
+ isLocal: true,
+ tags: [ 'tagup1', 'tagup2' ],
+ privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
+ channel: {
+ name: 'Default root channel',
+ isLocal: true
+ },
+ fixture: 'video_short3.webm',
+ files: [
+ {
+ resolution: 720,
+ size: 292677
+ }
+ ]
+ }
before(async function () {
+ videoId =
+ videoUUID =
- it('Should seed the uploaded video', async function () {
+ it('Should get and seed the uploaded video', async function () {
// Yes, this could be long
const video =[0]
- expect('my super name')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Films')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(6)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(3)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Mandarin')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- const res2 = await getVideo(server.url,[0].id)
- const videoDetails = res2.body
- expect(videoDetails.files).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- const file = videoDetails.files[0]
- const magnetUri = file.magnetUri
- expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
- expect(file.torrentUrl).to.equal(`${server.url}/static/torrents/${videoDetails.uuid}-${file.resolution}.torrent`)
- expect(file.fileUrl).to.equal(`${server.url}/static/webseed/${videoDetails.uuid}-${file.resolution}.webm`)
- expect(file.resolution).to.equal(720)
- expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal('720p')
- expect(file.size).to.equal(218910)
- const test = await testVideoImage(server.url, 'video_short.webm', videoDetails.thumbnailPath)
- expect(test).to.equal(true)
- videoId =
- videoUUID = videoDetails.uuid
- const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(magnetUri)
- expect(torrent.files)'array')
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- })
- it('Should get the video', async function () {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(60000)
- const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoId)
- const video = res.body
- expect('my super name')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Films')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(6)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(3)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Mandarin')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- expect('Default root channel')
- expect(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(video.files).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- const file = video.files[0]
- expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
- expect(file.resolution).to.equal(720)
- expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal('720p')
- expect(file.size).to.equal(218910)
- const test = await testVideoImage(server.url, 'video_short.webm', video.thumbnailPath)
- expect(test).to.equal(true)
- // Wait the async views increment
- await wait(500)
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, getCheckAttributes)
it('Should get the video by UUID', async function () {
const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID)
const video = res.body
- expect('my super name')
- // Wait the async views increment
- await wait(500)
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, getCheckAttributes)
it('Should have the views updated', async function () {
const video =[0]
- expect('my super name')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Films')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(6)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(3)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Mandarin')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- const test = await testVideoImage(server.url, 'video_short.webm', video.thumbnailPath)
- expect(test).to.equal(true)
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, getCheckAttributes)
// Not implemented yet
it('Should remove the video', async function () {
await removeVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, videoId)
- const files1 = await readdirPromise(join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'test1/videos/'))
+ const files1 = await readdirPromise(join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'test1', 'videos'))
- const files2 = await readdirPromise(join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'test1/thumbnails/'))
+ const files2 = await readdirPromise(join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'test1', 'thumbnails'))
const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoId)
const video = res.body
- expect('my super video updated')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(4)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Art')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Share Alike')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(5)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Arabic')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description updated')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(video.tags).to.deep.equal([ 'tagup1', 'tagup2' ])
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- expect('Default root channel')
- expect(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(video.files).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- const file = video.files[0]
- const magnetUri = file.magnetUri
- expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
- expect(file.resolution).to.equal(720)
- expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal('720p')
- expect(file.size).to.equal(292677)
- const test = await testVideoImage(server.url, 'video_short3.webm', video.thumbnailPath)
- expect(test).to.equal(true)
- const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(magnetUri)
- expect(torrent.files)'array')
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, updateCheckAttributes)
it('Should update only the tags of a video', async function () {
const attributes = {
- tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2', 'supertag' ]
+ tags: [ 'supertag', 'tag1', 'tag2' ]
await updateVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, videoId, attributes)
const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoId)
const video = res.body
- expect('my super video updated')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(4)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Art')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Share Alike')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(5)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Arabic')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description updated')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(video.tags).to.deep.equal([ 'supertag', 'tag1', 'tag2' ])
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- expect('Default root channel')
- expect(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(video.files).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- const file = video.files[0]
- expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
- expect(file.resolution).to.equal(720)
- expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal('720p')
- expect(file.size).to.equal(292677)
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, Object.assign(updateCheckAttributes, attributes))
it('Should update only the description of a video', async function () {
const attributes = {
description: 'hello everybody'
await updateVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, videoId, attributes)
const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoId)
const video = res.body
- expect('my super video updated')
- expect(video.category).to.equal(4)
- expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal('Art')
- expect(video.licence).to.equal(2)
- expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal('Attribution - Share Alike')
- expect(video.language).to.equal(5)
- expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal('Arabic')
- expect(video.nsfw)
- expect(video.description).to.equal('hello everybody')
- expect(video.serverHost).to.equal('localhost:9001')
- expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
- expect(video.isLocal)
- expect(video.tags).to.deep.equal([ 'supertag', 'tag1', 'tag2' ])
- expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
- expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
- expect('Default root channel')
- expect(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(dateIsValid(
- expect(video.files).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- const file = video.files[0]
- expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
- expect(file.resolution).to.equal(720)
- expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal('720p')
- expect(file.size).to.equal(292677)
+ await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, Object.assign(updateCheckAttributes, attributes))
it('Should like a video', async function () {
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */
+import { expect } from 'chai'
import { readFile } from 'fs'
import * as parseTorrent from 'parse-torrent'
import { isAbsolute, join } from 'path'
import * as request from 'supertest'
import { getMyUserInformation, makeGetRequest, readFilePromise, ServerInfo } from '../'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
+import { dateIsValid, webtorrentAdd } from '../index'
type VideoAttributes = {
name?: string
+async function completeVideoCheck (
+ url: string,
+ video: any,
+ attributes: {
+ name: string
+ category: number
+ licence: number
+ language: number
+ nsfw: boolean
+ description: string
+ host: string
+ account: string
+ isLocal: boolean,
+ tags: string[],
+ privacy: number,
+ channel: {
+ name: string,
+ isLocal: boolean
+ }
+ fixture: string,
+ files: {
+ resolution: number
+ size: number
+ }[]
+ }
+) {
+ expect(
+ expect(video.category).to.equal(attributes.category)
+ expect(video.categoryLabel).to.equal(VIDEO_CATEGORIES[attributes.category])
+ expect(video.licence).to.equal(attributes.licence)
+ expect(video.licenceLabel).to.equal(VIDEO_LICENCES[attributes.licence])
+ expect(video.language).to.equal(attributes.language)
+ expect(video.languageLabel).to.equal(VIDEO_LANGUAGES[attributes.language])
+ expect(video.nsfw).to.equal(attributes.nsfw)
+ expect(video.description).to.equal(attributes.description)
+ expect(video.serverHost).to.equal(
+ expect(video.accountName).to.equal(attributes.account)
+ expect(video.isLocal).to.equal(attributes.isLocal)
+ expect(dateIsValid(video.createdAt))
+ expect(dateIsValid(video.updatedAt))
+ const res = await getVideo(url,
+ const videoDetails = res.body
+ expect(videoDetails.files).to.have.lengthOf(attributes.files.length)
+ expect(videoDetails.tags).to.deep.equal(attributes.tags)
+ expect(videoDetails.privacy).to.deep.equal(attributes.privacy)
+ expect(videoDetails.privacyLabel).to.deep.equal(VIDEO_PRIVACIES[attributes.privacy])
+ expect(
+ expect(
+ expect(
+ expect(dateIsValid(
+ expect(dateIsValid(
+ for (const attributeFile of attributes.files) {
+ const file = videoDetails.files.find(f => f.resolution === attributeFile.resolution)
+ expect(file)
+ const magnetUri = file.magnetUri
+ expect(file.magnetUri).to.have.lengthOf.above(2)
+ expect(file.torrentUrl).to.equal(`${url}/static/torrents/${videoDetails.uuid}-${file.resolution}.torrent`)
+ expect(file.fileUrl).to.equal(`${url}/static/webseed/${videoDetails.uuid}-${file.resolution}.webm`)
+ expect(file.resolution).to.equal(attributeFile.resolution)
+ expect(file.resolutionLabel).to.equal(attributeFile.resolution + 'p')
+ expect(file.size).to.equal(attributeFile.size)
+ const test = await testVideoImage(url, attributes.fixture, videoDetails.thumbnailPath)
+ expect(test).to.equal(true)
+ const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(magnetUri, true)
+ expect(torrent.files)'array')
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- parseTorrentVideo
+ parseTorrentVideo,
+ completeVideoCheck