-import { join } from 'path'
-import { readdir } from 'fs-extra'
-import { CONFIG, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '../server/initializers/constants'
-import { getVideoFileResolution, getVideoFileBitrate, getVideoFileFPS } from '../server/helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
+import { VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '../server/initializers/constants'
+import { getVideoFileBitrate, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution } from '../server/helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
import { getMaxBitrate } from '../shared/models/videos'
-import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../server/models/redundancy/video-redundancy'
import { VideoModel } from '../server/models/video/video'
-import { getUUIDFromFilename } from '../server/helpers/utils'
import { optimizeVideofile } from '../server/lib/video-transcoding'
async function run () {
- const files = await readdir(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR)
- for (const file of files) {
- const inputPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, file)
- const videoBitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(inputPath)
- const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(inputPath)
- const resolution = await getVideoFileResolution(inputPath)
- const uuid = getUUIDFromFilename(file)
+ const localVideos = await VideoModel.listLocal()
- const isLocalVideo = await VideoRedundancyModel.isLocalByVideoUUIDExists(uuid)
- const isMaxBitrateExceeded =
- videoBitrate > getMaxBitrate(resolution.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
- if (uuid && isLocalVideo && isMaxBitrateExceeded) {
- const videoModel = await VideoModel.loadByUUIDWithFile(uuid)
- await optimizeVideofile(videoModel, inputPath)
+ for (const video of localVideos) {
+ for (const file of video.VideoFiles) {
+ const inputPath = video.getVideoFilename(file)
+ const [ videoBitrate, fps, resolution ] = await Promise.all([
+ getVideoFileBitrate(inputPath),
+ getVideoFileFPS(inputPath),
+ getVideoFileResolution(inputPath)
+ ])
+ const isMaxBitrateExceeded = videoBitrate > getMaxBitrate(resolution.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
+ if (isMaxBitrateExceeded) {
+ await optimizeVideofile(video, file)
+ }
console.log('Finished optimizing videos')
import { CONFIG } from '../initializers'
-import { join, extname, basename } from 'path'
+import { extname, join } from 'path'
import { getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution, transcode } from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
import { copy, remove, rename, stat } from 'fs-extra'
import { logger } from '../helpers/logger'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video'
-async function optimizeVideofile (video: VideoModel, videoInputPath?: string) {
+async function optimizeVideofile (video: VideoModel, inputVideoFileArg?: VideoFileModel) {
const videosDirectory = CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR
const newExtname = '.mp4'
- let inputVideoFile = null
- if (videoInputPath == null) {
- inputVideoFile = video.getOriginalFile()
- videoInputPath = join(videosDirectory, video.getVideoFilename(inputVideoFile))
- } else {
- inputVideoFile = basename(videoInputPath)
- }
+ const inputVideoFile = inputVideoFileArg ? inputVideoFileArg : video.getOriginalFile()
+ const videoInputPath = join(videosDirectory, video.getVideoFilename(inputVideoFile))
const videoTranscodedPath = join(videosDirectory, video.id + '-transcoded' + newExtname)
const transcodeOptions = {