, drawChar
, unDrawChar
, peekChar
- , isEndOfChars,
+ , isEndOfChars
-- * Parsing Lenses
- splitAt
+ , splitAt
, span
, break
, groupBy
, group
- -- , word
- -- , line
+ , word
+ , line
, decodeUtf8
, decode
-- * Transformations
, intersperse
--- , packChars
+ , packChars
-- * Joiners
, intercalate
, unlines
, unwords
-- * Re-exports
-- $reexports
, module Data.ByteString
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (liftM, unless, join)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(..))
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(..), modify)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
import qualified Pipes.Text.Internal as PE
import Pipes.Text.Internal (Codec(..))
-import Pipes.Text.Parse (nextChar, drawChar, unDrawChar, peekChar, isEndOfChars )
+-- import Pipes.Text.Parse (nextChar, drawChar, unDrawChar, peekChar, isEndOfChars )
import Pipes.Core (respond, Server')
import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
-import Pipes.Parse (Parser, concats, intercalates, FreeT)
+import Pipes.Parse (Parser, concats, intercalates, FreeT(..))
import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Safe
import qualified Pipes.Safe as Safe
import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), Base(..))
count c p = P.fold (+) 0 id (p >-> P.map (fromIntegral . T.count c))
{-# INLINABLE count #-}
+{-| Consume the first character from a stream of 'Text'
+ 'next' either fails with a 'Left' if the 'Producer' has no more characters or
+ succeeds with a 'Right' providing the next character and the remainder of the
+ 'Producer'.
+ :: (Monad m)
+ => Producer Text m r
+ -> m (Either r (Char, Producer Text m r))
+nextChar = go
+ where
+ go p = do
+ x <- next p
+ case x of
+ Left r -> return (Left r)
+ Right (txt, p') -> case (T.uncons txt) of
+ Nothing -> go p'
+ Just (c, txt') -> return (Right (c, yield txt' >> p'))
+{-# INLINABLE nextChar #-}
+{-| Draw one 'Char' from a stream of 'Text', returning 'Left' if the
+ 'Producer' is empty
+drawChar :: (Monad m) => Parser Text m (Maybe Char)
+drawChar = do
+ x <- PP.draw
+ case x of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just txt -> case (T.uncons txt) of
+ Nothing -> drawChar
+ Just (c, txt') -> do
+ PP.unDraw txt'
+ return (Just c)
+{-# INLINABLE drawChar #-}
+-- | Push back a 'Char' onto the underlying 'Producer'
+unDrawChar :: (Monad m) => Char -> Parser Text m ()
+unDrawChar c = modify (yield (T.singleton c) >>)
+{-# INLINABLE unDrawChar #-}
+{-| 'peekChar' checks the first 'Char' in the stream, but uses 'unDrawChar' to
+ push the 'Char' back
+> peekChar = do
+> x <- drawChar
+> case x of
+> Left _ -> return ()
+> Right c -> unDrawChar c
+> return x
+peekChar :: (Monad m) => Parser Text m (Maybe Char)
+peekChar = do
+ x <- drawChar
+ case x of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just c -> unDrawChar c
+ return x
+{-# INLINABLE peekChar #-}
+{-| Check if the underlying 'Producer' has no more characters
+ Note that this will skip over empty 'Text' chunks, unlike
+ 'PP.isEndOfInput' from @pipes-parse@, which would consider
+ an empty 'Text' a valid bit of input.
+> isEndOfChars = liftM isLeft peekChar
+isEndOfChars :: (Monad m) => Parser Text m Bool
+isEndOfChars = do
+ x <- peekChar
+ return (case x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just _-> False )
+{-# INLINABLE isEndOfChars #-}
-- | Transform a Pipe of 'ByteString's expected to be UTF-8 encoded into a Pipe of Text
-- returning a Pipe of ByteStrings that begins at the point of failure.
-decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
-decodeUtf8 = go B.empty PE.streamDecodeUtf8 where
+decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Lens' (Producer ByteString m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
+decodeUtf8 k p0 = fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . TE.encodeUtf8)))
+ (k (go B.empty PE.streamDecodeUtf8 p0)) where
go !carry dec0 p = do
x <- lift (next p)
case x of Left r -> if B.null carry
:: (Monad m, Integral n)
=> n
- -> Producer Text m r
- -> Producer' Text m (Producer Text m r)
-splitAt = go
+ -> Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+splitAt n0 k p0 = fmap join (k (go n0 p0))
go 0 p = return p
go n p = do
-- | Split a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited text streams of fixed size
:: (Monad m, Integral n)
- => n -> Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
-chunksOf n p0 = PP.FreeT (go p0)
+ => n -> Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (FreeT (Producer Text m) m r)
+chunksOf n k p0 = fmap concats (k (FreeT (go p0)))
go p = do
x <- next p
return $ case x of
Left r -> PP.Pure r
Right (txt, p') -> PP.Free $ do
- p'' <- splitAt n (yield txt >> p')
+ p'' <- (yield txt >> p') ^. splitAt n
return $ PP.FreeT (go p'')
{-# INLINABLE chunksOf #-}
:: (Monad m)
=> (Char -> Bool)
- -> Producer Text m r
- -> Producer' Text m (Producer Text m r)
-span predicate = go
+ -> Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+span predicate k p0 = fmap join (k (go p0))
go p = do
x <- lift (next p)
:: (Monad m)
=> (Char -> Bool)
- -> Producer Text m r
- -> Producer Text m (Producer Text m r)
+ -> Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
break predicate = span (not . predicate)
{-# INLINABLE break #-}
+{-| Improper lens that splits after the first group of equivalent Chars, as
+ defined by the given equivalence relation
+ :: (Monad m)
+ => (Char -> Char -> Bool)
+ -> Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+groupBy equals k p0 = fmap join (k ((go p0))) where
+ go p = do
+ x <- lift (next p)
+ case x of
+ Left r -> return (return r)
+ Right (txt, p') -> case T.uncons txt of
+ Nothing -> go p'
+ Just (c, _) -> (yield txt >> p') ^. span (equals c)
+{-# INLINABLE groupBy #-}
+-- | Improper lens that splits after the first succession of identical 'Char' s
+group :: Monad m
+ => Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+group = groupBy (==)
+{-# INLINABLE group #-}
+{-| Improper lens that splits a 'Producer' after the first word
+ Unlike 'words', this does not drop leading whitespace
+word :: (Monad m)
+ => Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+word k p0 = fmap join (k (to p0))
+ where
+ to p = do
+ p' <- p^.span isSpace
+ p'^.break isSpace
+{-# INLINABLE word #-}
+line :: (Monad m)
+ => Lens' (Producer Text m r)
+ (Producer Text m (Producer Text m r))
+line = break (== '\n')
+{-# INLINABLE line #-}
+-- | Intersperse a 'Char' in between the characters of stream of 'Text'
+ :: (Monad m) => Char -> Producer Text m r -> Producer Text m r
+intersperse c = go0
+ where
+ go0 p = do
+ x <- lift (next p)
+ case x of
+ Left r -> return r
+ Right (txt, p') -> do
+ yield (T.intersperse c txt)
+ go1 p'
+ go1 p = do
+ x <- lift (next p)
+ case x of
+ Left r -> return r
+ Right (txt, p') -> do
+ yield (T.singleton c)
+ yield (T.intersperse c txt)
+ go1 p'
+{-# INLINABLE intersperse #-}
+-- | Improper isomorphism between a 'Producer' of 'ByteString's and 'Word8's
+packChars :: Monad m => Iso' (Producer Char m x) (Producer Text m x)
+packChars = Data.Profunctor.dimap to (fmap from)
+ where
+ -- to :: Monad m => Producer Char m x -> Producer Text m x
+ to p = PP.folds step id done (p^.PP.chunksOf defaultChunkSize)
+ step diffAs c = diffAs . (c:)
+ done diffAs = T.pack (diffAs [])
+ -- from :: Monad m => Producer Text m x -> Producer Char m x
+ from p = for p (each . T.unpack)
+{-# INLINABLE packChars #-}
{-| Split a text stream into sub-streams delimited by characters that satisfy the
if (T.null txt)
then go0 p'
else return $ PP.Free $ do
- p'' <- span (not . predicate) (yield txt >> p')
+ p'' <- (yield txt >> p') ^. span (not . predicate)
return $ PP.FreeT (go1 p'')
go1 p = do
x <- nextChar p
return $ case x of
Left r -> PP.Pure r
Right (_, p') -> PP.Free $ do
- p'' <- span (not . predicate) p'
+ p'' <- p' ^. span (not . predicate)
return $ PP.FreeT (go1 p'')
{-# INLINABLE splitsWith #-}
split c = splitsWith (c ==)
{-# INLINABLE split #-}
-{-| Group a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited text streams using the supplied
- equality predicate
- :: (Monad m)
- => (Char -> Char -> Bool)
- -> Producer Text m r
- -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
-groupBy equal p0 = PP.FreeT (go p0)
- where
- go p = do
- x <- next p
- case x of
- Left r -> return (PP.Pure r)
- Right (txt, p') -> case (T.uncons txt) of
- Nothing -> go p'
- Just (c, _) -> do
- return $ PP.Free $ do
- p'' <- span (equal c) (yield txt >> p')
- return $ PP.FreeT (go p'')
-{-# INLINABLE groupBy #-}
--- | Group a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited text streams of identical characters
- :: (Monad m) => Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
-group = groupBy (==)
-{-# INLINABLE group #-}
{-| Split a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited lines
then go0 p'
else return $ PP.Free $ go1 (yield txt >> p')
go1 p = do
- p' <- break ('\n' ==) p
+ p' <- p ^. break ('\n' ==)
return $ PP.FreeT $ do
x <- nextChar p'
case x of
return $ case x of
Left r -> PP.Pure r
Right (bs, p') -> PP.Free $ do
- p'' <- break isSpace (yield bs >> p')
+ p'' <- (yield bs >> p') ^. break isSpace
return (go p'')
{-# INLINABLE words #-}
--- | Intersperse a 'Char' in between the characters of the text stream
- :: (Monad m) => Char -> Producer Text m r -> Producer Text m r
-intersperse c = go0
- where
- go0 p = do
- x <- lift (next p)
- case x of
- Left r -> return r
- Right (txt, p') -> do
- yield (T.intersperse c txt)
- go1 p'
- go1 p = do
- x <- lift (next p)
- case x of
- Left r -> return r
- Right (txt, p') -> do
- yield (T.singleton c)
- yield (T.intersperse c txt)
- go1 p'
-{-# INLINABLE intersperse #-}
{-| 'intercalate' concatenates the 'FreeT'-delimited text streams after
interspersing a text stream in between them