label: VideoModel.getPrivacyLabel(video.privacy)
nsfw: video.nsfw,
- description: options && options.completeDescription === true ? video.description : video.getTruncatedDescription(),
+ description: options && options.completeDescription === true
+ ? video.description
+ : video.getTruncatedDescription(),
isLocal: video.isOwned(),
duration: video.duration,
views: video.views,
if (options.withFiles === true) {
- and.push('EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" WHERE "videoFile"."videoId" = "video"."id")')
+ and.push(
+ '(' +
+ ' EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" WHERE "videoFile"."videoId" = "video"."id") ' +
+ ' OR EXISTS (' +
+ ' SELECT 1 FROM "videoStreamingPlaylist" ' +
+ ' INNER JOIN "videoFile" ON "videoFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" ' +
+ ' WHERE "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" = "video"."id"' +
+ ' )' +
+ ')'
+ )
if (options.tagsOneOf) {
if (options.withFiles) {
- joins.push('INNER JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoFiles" ON "VideoFiles"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
+ joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoFiles" ON "VideoFiles"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
+ joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" AS "VideoStreamingPlaylists" ON "VideoStreamingPlaylists"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
+ joins.push(
+ 'LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles" ' +
+ 'ON "VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "VideoStreamingPlaylists"."id"'
+ )
Object.assign(attributes, {
'"VideoFiles"."id"': '""',
'"VideoFiles"."extname"': '"VideoFiles.extname"',
'"VideoFiles"."infoHash"': '"VideoFiles.infoHash"',
'"VideoFiles"."fps"': '"VideoFiles.fps"',
- '"VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoFiles.videoId"'
+ '"VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoFiles.videoId"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."createdAt"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.createdAt"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."updatedAt"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.updatedAt"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."resolution"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.resolution"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."size"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.size"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."extname"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.extname"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."infoHash"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.infoHash"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."fps"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.fps"',
+ '"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.videoId"'
} from '../../types/models'
import { MThumbnail } from '../../types/models/video/thumbnail'
-import { MVideoFile, MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo } from '../../types/models/video/video-file'
+import { MVideoFile, MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideoFileRedundanciesOpt } from '../../types/models/video/video-file'
import { VideoAbuseModel } from '../abuse/video-abuse'
import { AccountModel } from '../account/account'
import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../account/account-video-rate'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from './video-streaming-playlist'
import { VideoTagModel } from './video-tag'
import { VideoViewModel } from './video-view'
+import { stream } from 'winston'
export enum ScopeNames {
private static buildAPIResult (rows: any[]) {
- const memo: { [ id: number ]: VideoModel } = {}
+ const videosMemo: { [ id: number ]: VideoModel } = {}
+ const videoStreamingPlaylistMemo: { [ id: number ]: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } = {}
const thumbnailsDone = new Set<number>()
const historyDone = new Set<number>()
const videoFilesDone = new Set<number>()
+ const videoStreamingPlaylistsDone = new Set<number>()
const videos: VideoModel[] = []
const actorKeys = [ 'id', 'preferredUsername', 'url', 'serverId', 'avatarId' ]
const serverKeys = [ 'id', 'host' ]
const videoFileKeys = [ 'id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'resolution', 'size', 'extname', 'infoHash', 'fps', 'videoId' ]
+ const videoStreamingPlaylistKeys = [ 'id' ]
const videoKeys = [
for (const row of rows) {
- if (!memo[]) {
+ if (!videosMemo[]) {
// Build Channel
const channel = row.VideoChannel
const channelModel = new VideoChannelModel(pick(channel, [ 'id', 'name', 'description', 'actorId' ]))
videoModel.UserVideoHistories = []
videoModel.Thumbnails = []
videoModel.VideoFiles = []
+ videoModel.VideoStreamingPlaylists = []
- memo[] = videoModel
+ videosMemo[] = videoModel
// Don't take object value to have a sorted array
- const videoModel = memo[]
+ const videoModel = videosMemo[]
if (row.userVideoHistory?.id && !historyDone.has( {
const historyModel = new UserVideoHistoryModel(pick(row.userVideoHistory, [ 'id', 'currentTime' ]))
+ if (row.VideoFiles?.id && !videoFilesDone.has( {
+ const videoFileModel = new VideoFileModel(pick(row.VideoFiles, videoFileKeys))
+ videoModel.VideoFiles.push(videoFileModel)
+ videoFilesDone.add(
+ }
+ if (row.VideoStreamingPlaylists?.id && !videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[]) {
+ const streamingPlaylist = new VideoStreamingPlaylistModel(pick(row.VideoStreamingPlaylists, videoStreamingPlaylistKeys))
+ streamingPlaylist.VideoFiles = []
+ videoModel.VideoStreamingPlaylists.push(streamingPlaylist)
+ videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[] = streamingPlaylist
+ }
+ if (row.VideoStreamingPlaylists?.VideoFiles?.id && !videoFilesDone.has( {
+ const streamingPlaylist = videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[]
+ const videoFileModel = new VideoFileModel(pick(row.VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles, videoFileKeys))
+ streamingPlaylist.VideoFiles.push(videoFileModel)
+ videoFilesDone.add(
+ }
return videos
getFormattedVideoFilesJSON (): VideoFile[] {
const { baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs } = this.getBaseUrls()
- return videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(this, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, this.VideoFiles)
+ let files: MVideoFileRedundanciesOpt[] = []
+'coucou', { files })
+ if (Array.isArray(this.VideoFiles)) {
+ files = files.concat(this.VideoFiles)
+ }
+ for (const p of (this.VideoStreamingPlaylists || [])) {
+ files = files.concat(p.VideoFiles || [])
+ }
+'coucou', { files, video: this.VideoStreamingPlaylists })
+ return videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(this, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, files)
toActivityPubObject (this: MVideoAP): VideoTorrentObject {
- userLogin
+ userLogin,
+ flushAndRunServer
} from '../../../shared/extra-utils'
import { waitJobs } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs'
import { addVideoCommentThread } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/videos/video-comments'
describe('Test syndication feeds', () => {
let servers: ServerInfo[] = []
+ let serverHLSOnly: ServerInfo
let userAccessToken: string
let rootAccountId: number
let rootChannelId: number
// Run servers
servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2)
+ serverHLSOnly = await flushAndRunServer(3, {
+ transcoding: {
+ enabled: true,
+ webtorrent: { enabled: false },
+ hls: { enabled: true }
+ }
+ })
- await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
+ await setAccessTokensToServers([ ...servers, serverHLSOnly ])
await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1])
describe('Videos feed', function () {
it('Should contain a valid enclosure (covers RSS 2.0 endpoint)', async function () {
for (const server of servers) {
const rss = await getXMLfeed(server.url, 'videos')
+ it('Should correctly have videos feed with HLS only', async function () {
+ this.timeout(120000)
+ await uploadVideo(serverHLSOnly.url, serverHLSOnly.accessToken, { name: 'hls only video' })
+ await waitJobs([ serverHLSOnly ])
+ const json = await getJSONfeed(serverHLSOnly.url, 'videos')
+ const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text)
+ expect(jsonObj.items.length)
+ expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments).to.exist
+ expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments.length)
+ for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].mime_type)'application/x-bittorrent')
+ expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].size_in_bytes)
+ expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].url).to.exist
+ }
+ })
describe('Video comments feed', function () {
after(async function () {
- await cleanupTests(servers)
+ await cleanupTests([ ...servers, serverHLSOnly ])