- `clever_build_flavor`: an optional text value used to configure the size of the dedicated build instance (for instance `S` or `XL`). If not defined, it delegates to clever cloud default behaviour. Setting `disabled` disables the dedicated build instance altogether.
Variables specific to deployment, default should be fine:
-- `clever_cli_version`: Version of clever cli tools, default to `0.9.3`.
+- `clever_cli_version`: Version of clever cli tools, default to `2.6.1`.
- `clever_user_path`: Path relative to ansible_user home dir where cli tools and helpers are installed default to `.local/bin`.
- `clever_app_root`: Path of the application to deploy, default to `app_root` if defined or `"{{ playbook_dir }}/.."`, ie ansible directory in the root of the application.
- `clever_app_confdir`: Path where to store clever cloud data specific to this application, default to `"{{ clever_app_root }}/.clever_cloud"`