name: hmacaroons
synopsis: Haskell implementation of macaroons
Hmacaroons is a pure haskell implementation of macaroons. It aims to
exposed-modules: Crypto.Macaroon
- Crypto.Macaroon.Binder
+ -- Crypto.Macaroon.Binder
other-modules: Crypto.Macaroon.Internal
+ Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal
build-depends: base >=4 && < 5,
attoparsec >=0.12,
transformers >= 0.4,
test-suite test
default-language: Haskell2010
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- hs-source-dirs: test
+ hs-source-dirs: src, test
main-is: main.hs
build-depends: base >= 4 && <5,
attoparsec >=0.12,
tasty-hunit >= 0.9,
tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8,
QuickCheck >= 2.8,
- hmacaroons
+ deepseq >= 1.1,
+ transformers >= 0.4
-- * Types
, Caveat
+ , Secret
, Key
, Location
, Sig
, caveats
, signature
-- ** Caveats
- , caveatLoc
- , caveatId
- , caveatVId
+ , cl
+ , cid
+ , vid
-- * Create Macaroons
, create
import Crypto.Macaroon.Internal
-- | Create a Macaroon from its key, identifier and location
-create :: Key -> Key -> Location -> Macaroon
+create :: Secret -> Key -> Location -> Macaroon
create secret ident loc = MkMacaroon loc ident [] (toBytes (hmac derivedKey ident :: HMAC SHA256))
derivedKey = toBytes (hmac "macaroons-key-generator" secret :: HMAC SHA256)
--- | Caveat target location
-caveatLoc :: Caveat -> Location
-caveatLoc = cl
--- | Caveat identifier
-caveatId :: Caveat -> Key
-caveatId = cid
--- | Caveat verification identifier
-caveatVId :: Caveat -> Key
-caveatVId = vid
-- | Inspect a macaroon's contents. For debugging purposes.
inspect :: Macaroon -> String
inspect = show
import Data.Hex
import Data.List
--- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat keys and identifiers
+-- |Type alias for Macaroons secret keys
+type Secret = BS.ByteString
+-- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat and identifiers
type Key = BS.ByteString
-- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat locations
-- (.>=) :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Parsable a) => Key -> m a -> Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError Caveat))
-- (.>=) = verifyOpBool "Strictly less" (>=) ">="
-verify :: MonadIO m => Key -> [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError Caveat))] -> Macaroon -> m (Either ValidationError Macaroon)
+-- | Verify a Macaroon's signature and caveats, given the corresponding Secret
+-- and verifiers.
+-- A verifier is a function of type
+-- @'MonadIO' m => 'Caveat' -> m ('Maybe' ('Either' 'ValidatorError' 'Caveat'))@.
+-- It should return:
+-- * 'Nothing' if the caveat is not related to the verifier
+-- (for instance a time verifier is given an action caveat);
+-- * 'Just' ('Left' ('ParseError' reason)) if the verifier is related to the
+-- caveat, but failed to parse it completely;
+-- * 'Just' ('Left' ('ValidatorError' reason)) if the verifier is related to the
+-- caveat, parsed it and invalidated it;
+-- * 'Just' ('Right' '()') if the verifier has successfully verified the
+-- given caveat
+verify :: MonadIO m => Secret -> [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError ()))] -> Macaroon -> m (Either ValidationError Macaroon)
verify secret verifiers m = join <$> forM (verifySig secret m) (verifyCavs verifiers)
-- where
-- valueParser = string op *> skipSpace *> takeByteString
-verifyParser :: (MonadIO m) => Key -> Parser a -> (a -> m (Either ValidationError Win)) -> Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError Caveat))
-verifyParser k p f c = case parseOnly keyParser . cid $ c of
- Left _ -> return Nothing
- Right bs -> Just <$> case parseOnly p bs of
- Left err -> return $ Left $ ParseError err
- Right a -> fmap (const c) <$> f a
- where
- keyParser = string k *> skipSpace *> takeByteString
+-- verifyParser :: (MonadIO m) => Key -> Parser a -> (a -> m (Either ValidationError Win)) -> Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError Caveat))
+-- verifyParser k p f c = case parseOnly keyParser . cid $ c of
+-- Left _ -> return Nothing
+-- Right bs -> Just <$> case parseOnly p bs of
+-- Left err -> return $ Left $ ParseError err
+-- Right a -> fmap (const c) <$> f a
+-- where
+-- keyParser = string k *> skipSpace *> takeByteString
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
Module : Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal
Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Bool
import Data.Byteable
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either
import Data.Either.Validation
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Monoid
import Crypto.Macaroon.Internal
-data Win = Win
-data ValidationError = SigMismatch
- | NoVerifier
- | ParseError String
- | ValidatorError String
- deriving Show
+-- | Type representing different validation errors.
+-- Only 'ParseError' and 'ValidatorError' are exported, 'SigMismatch' and
+-- 'NoVerifier' are used internally and should not be used by the user
+data ValidationError = SigMismatch -- ^ Signatures do not match
+ | NoVerifier -- ^ No verifier can handle a given caveat
+ | ParseError String -- ^ A verifier had a parse error
+ | ValidatorError String -- ^ A verifier failed
+ deriving (Show,Eq)
+-- | The 'Monoid' instance is written so 'SigMismatch' is an annihilator,
+-- and 'NoVerifier' is the identity element
instance Monoid ValidationError where
mempty = NoVerifier
NoVerifier `mappend` e = e
hash s c = toBytes (hmac s (vid c `BS.append` cid c) :: HMAC SHA256)
derivedKey = toBytes (hmac "macaroons-key-generator" k :: HMAC SHA256)
+-- | Given a list of verifiers, verify each caveat of the given macaroon
verifyCavs :: MonadIO m
- => [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError Caveat))]
+ => [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError ()))]
-> Macaroon
-> m (Either ValidationError Macaroon)
verifyCavs verifiers m = gatherEithers <$> mapM validateCaveat (caveats m)
- starting value for the foldM. We are guaranteed to have a `Just something`
- from it.
- validateCaveat c = fromJust <$> foldM (\res v -> mappend res . fmap eitherToValidation <$> v c) (defErr c) verifiers
+ validateCaveat c = fmap (const c) . fromJust <$> foldM (\res v -> mappend res . fmap eitherToValidation <$> v c) (defErr c) verifiers
-- defErr :: Caveat -> Maybe (Validation String Caveat)
defErr c = Just $ Failure NoVerifier
-- gatherEithers :: [Validation String Caveat] -> Either String Caveat
domain <- elements [".com",".net"]
return . Url . B8.pack $ (protocol ++ name ++ domain)
-newtype Secret = Secret { unSecret :: BS.ByteString } deriving (Show)
+newtype BSSecret = BSSecret { unSecret :: BS.ByteString } deriving (Show)
-instance Arbitrary Secret where
- arbitrary = Secret . B8.pack <$> scale (*3) arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary BSSecret where
+ arbitrary = BSSecret . B8.pack <$> scale (*3) arbitrary
newtype Identifier = Identifier { unIdent :: BS.ByteString } deriving (Show)
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer :
+This test suite is based on the pymacaroons test suite:
+module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal.Tests where
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
+import Data.List
+import Test.Tasty
+-- import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Data.Either
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Failure, Success)
+import Crypto.Macaroon
+import Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal
+import Crypto.Macaroon.Instances
+tests :: TestTree
+tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal" [ sigs
+ ]
+sigs = testProperty "Signatures" $ \sm -> verifySig (secret sm) (macaroon sm) == Right (macaroon sm)
module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Tests where
-import Data.List
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
-import Test.Tasty
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
+import Data.List
+import Test.Tasty
-- import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Success, Failure)
-import Data.Either
+import Data.Either
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Failure, Success)
import Crypto.Macaroon
import Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier
-import Crypto.Macaroon.Instances
+import Crypto.Macaroon.Instances
tests :: TestTree
-tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier" [ sigs
- ]
+tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier" [ ]
- Test fixtures
m3 :: Macaroon
m3 = addFirstPartyCaveat "value = 42" m2
--- exTC = verifyExact "test" "caveat" (many' letter_ascii)
--- exTZ = verifyExact "test" "bleh" (many' letter_ascii)
--- exV42 = verifyExact "value" 42 decimal
--- exV43 = verifyExact "value" 43 decimal
--- funTCPre = verifyFun "test" (string "test = " *> many' letter_ascii)
--- (\e -> if "cav" `isPrefixOf` e then Right e else Left "Does not start with cav" )
--- funTV43lte = verifyFun "value" (string "value = " *> decimal)
--- (\v -> if v <= 43 then Right v else Left "Greater than 43")
--- allvs = [exTC, exTZ, exV42, exV43, funTCPre, funTV43lte]
- Tests
-sigs = testProperty "Signatures" $ \sm -> verifySig (secret sm) (macaroon sm) == Right (macaroon sm)
-- TODO: Re-do tests
module Main where
-import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-import qualified Sanity
-import qualified Crypto.Macaroon.Tests
import qualified Crypto.Macaroon.Serializer.Base64.Tests
+import qualified Crypto.Macaroon.Tests
+import qualified Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal.Tests
import qualified Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Tests
+import qualified Sanity
main = defaultMain tests
, Crypto.Macaroon.Tests.tests
, Crypto.Macaroon.Serializer.Base64.Tests.tests
, Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Tests.tests
+ , Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal.Tests.tests