import Pipes.Text.IO (fromHandle)
import Pipes.Attoparsec (parsed)
import qualified System.IO as IO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text
+import Control.Applicative
data Test = Test {
a :: Int,
b :: Int
return $ Test a b
main = IO.withFile "./testfile" IO.ReadMode $ \handle -> runEffect $
- for test_parser (lift . print)
- where (parsed (testParser <* endOfLine) (fromHandle handle))
\ No newline at end of file
+ for (parsed testParser (fromHandle handle))
+ (lift . print)
+-- >>> :! cat testfile
+-- 1 1
+-- 2 2
+-- 3 3
+-- 4 4
+-- 5 5
+-- 6 6
+-- 7 7
+-- 8 8
+-- 9 9
+-- 10 10
+-- >>> main
+-- Test {a = 1, b = 1}
+-- Test {a = 2, b = 2}
+-- Test {a = 3, b = 3}
+-- Test {a = 4, b = 4}
+-- Test {a = 5, b = 5}
+-- Test {a = 6, b = 6}
+-- Test {a = 7, b = 7}
+-- Test {a = 8, b = 8}
+-- Test {a = 9, b = 9}
+-- Test {a = 10, b = 10}
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Lens.Family.State.Strict (zoom)
import Pipes
import Pipes.Parse
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as ByteString
-import qualified Pipes.Text as Text
+import qualified Pipes.Text as Text
+import qualified Pipes.Text.Encoding as Text
-- Retrieve all `Text` chunks up to 10 characters
parser :: Monad m => Parser ByteString m [Text]
-parser = zoom (Text.decodeUtf8 . Text.splitAt 10) drawAll
+parser = zoom (Text.utf8 . Text.splitAt 10) drawAll
main = do
(textChunks, leftovers) <- runStateT parser ByteString.stdin
import qualified Pipes.Text as Txt
import Pipes.Text.Encoding (utf8)
-import Control.Lens
-import Control.Lens.Internal.Zoom
+import Control.Lens -- we use 'zoom' with MonadState, not just StateT
import Control.Monad
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State.Class
main :: IO ()
-main = do -- S.writeFile fp $ contents 10000 -- 10000 cannot be handled fileParser0 and 1
+main = do S.writeFile fp $ contents 10000 -- 10000 cannot be handled fileParser0 and 1
-- parse_file fileParser0 -- pathological
-- parse_file fileParser1 -- programs
parse_file fileParser2 -- good program
contents <- zoom (Bytes.splitAt contentLength) (lift drawAll)
return (File (T.concat names) (S.concat contents))
--- this is the good program; be reflecting on the fact that file names
+-- This is the good program; by reflecting on the fact that file names
-- should not be a 1000 bytes long, and binary files longer than e.g. 10 ^ 10
-- we can restrict the length of the byte stream to which we apply `zoom utf8`
-fileParser2 = do nameLength <- Bytes.splitAt 3 ~~> utf8 ~~> parseNumber
- names <- Bytes.splitAt nameLength ~~> utf8 ~~> lift drawAll
- len <- Bytes.splitAt 10 ~~> utf8 ~~> parseNumber
- contents <- Bytes.splitAt len ~~> lift drawAll
+fileParser2 = do nameLength <- zoom (Bytes.splitAt 3 . utf8) parseNumber
+ names <- zoom (Bytes.splitAt nameLength . utf8) (lift drawAll)
+ len <- zoom (Bytes.splitAt 10 . utf8) parseNumber
+ contents <- zoom (Bytes.splitAt len) (lift drawAll)
return (File (T.concat names) (S.concat contents))
--- infix lens nonsense
-infixr 1 ~~>
-(~~>) :: Zoom m n s t
- => ((s -> Zoomed n c s) -> t -> Zoomed n c t)
- -> m c -> n c
-(~~>) = zoom
-{-# INLINE (~~>) #-}
parseNumber :: Monad m => MaybeT (StateT (Producer Text m x) m) Int
parseNumber = loop 0 where
--- This desperate scheme actually has some efficacy, if used before `utf8` in a zoom
--- but not much
-chunk :: Monad m => Int -> Lens' (Producer ByteString m r) (Producer ByteString m r)
-chunk n = lens (chunkyN n) (\_ b -> b) where
- chunkyN :: Monad m => Int -> Producer ByteString m r -> Producer ByteString m r
- chunkyN n = prod_loop where
- prod_loop p = do mbs <- lift $ next p
- case mbs of Left r -> return r
- Right (bs, p') -> do bs_loop bs
- prod_loop p'
- bs_loop bs = unless (S.null bs) $ do yield fore
- unless (S.null aft) (bs_loop aft)
- where (fore, aft) = S.splitAt n bs