test: ## Launch wallabag testsuite
+ @if [ ! -d "vendor/phpunit" ]; then composer install; fi
@ant prepare && vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -v
release: ## Create a package. Need a VERSION parameter (eg: `make release VERSION=master`).
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
-cd wallabag
-php bin/console server:run --env=prod
+cd wallabag && make install
+make run
# License
- Run these commands to create the tag:
- ```
- git checkout master
- git pull origin master
- git checkout -b release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
- SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer up --no-dev
- git add --force composer.lock
- git commit -m "Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE"
- git push origin release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
- ```
+git checkout master
+git pull origin master
+git checkout -b release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
+SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer up --no-dev
+git add --force composer.lock
+git commit -m "Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE"
+git push origin release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
- Create a new pull request with this title `DON'T MERGE Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE`. This pull request is used to launch builds on Travis-CI.
-- Run these commands to create the package (you need to clone `https://github.com/wallabag/releaser`) :
+- Run these command to create the package:
- ```
- cd releaser/
- ./releaser.sh $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
- ```
+make releas emaster /tmp wllbg-release prod
- [Create the new release on GitHub](https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/releases/new). You have to upload on this page the package.
- Delete the `release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE` branch and close the pull request (**DO NOT MERGE IT**).
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
- cd wallabag
- ./install.sh
+ cd wallabag && make install
Um PHPs eingebauten Server zu starten und zu testen, ob alles korrekt installiert wurde, kannst du folgendes Kommando ausführen:
- php bin/console server:run --env=prod
+ make run
und wallabag unter http://deineserverip:8000 erreichen.
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
- cd wallabag
- ./install.sh
+ cd wallabag && make install
To start PHP's build-in server and test if everything did install correctly, you can do:
- php bin/console server:run --env=prod
+ make run
And access wallabag at http://yourserverip:8000
Test environment
-When we just want to test wallabag, we just run the command ``php bin/console server:run --env=prod`` to start our wallabag instance and everything will go smoothly because the user who started the project can access to the current folder naturally, without any problem.
+When we just want to test wallabag, we just run the command ``make run`` to start our wallabag instance and everything will go smoothly because the user who started the project can access to the current folder naturally, without any problem.
Production environment
-As soon as we use Apache or Nginx to access to our wallabag instance, and not from the command ``php bin/console server:run --env=prod`` to start it, we should take care to grant the good rights on the good folders to keep safe all the folders of the project.
+As soon as we use Apache or Nginx to access to our wallabag instance, and not from the command ``make run`` to start it, we should take care to grant the good rights on the good folders to keep safe all the folders of the project.
To do so, the folder name, known as ``DocumentRoot`` (for apache) or ``root`` (for Nginx), has to be absolutely accessible by the Apache/Nginx user. Its name is generally ``www-data``, ``apache`` or ``nobody`` (depending on linux system used).
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
- cd wallabag
- ./install.sh
+ cd wallabag && make install
Pour démarrer le serveur interne à php et vérifier que tout s'est installé correctement, vous pouvez exécuter :
- php bin/console server:run --env=prod
+ make run
Et accéder wallabag à l'adresse http://lipdevotreserveur:8000
#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# You can execute this file to install wallabag
+# eg: `sh install.sh prod`
TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# You can execute this file to create a new package for wallabag
+# eg: `sh release.sh master /tmp wllbg-release prod`
#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# You can execute this file to update wallabag
+# eg: `sh update.sh prod`
TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))