* **server**: contains server strings (privacies, licences...)
* **iso639**: contains iso639 (languages) strings used by PeerTube to describe the audio language of a particular video.
It's the reason why these strings should be translated too. There are many strings so do not hesitate to translate only main audio languages.
+## Tips
+You must not translate special tags like `<x id="INTERPOLATION" ... />`.
+For example:
+```<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views```
+should be in french
+```<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> vues```
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