name: pipes-text
synopsis: properly streaming text
-description: New in version 0.0.2/: A new module @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ exports line-based @Text@ producers and consumers as a drop-in replacement for the @String@ material in @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@. They can be used as one uses @Pipes.Prelude@ without reference to the rest of this package. See the caveats in the documentation for that module.
+description: /New in version 0.0.2.x/: The new module @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ exports line-based @Text@ producers and consumers as a drop-in replacement for the @String@ material in @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@. They can be used as one uses @Pipes.Prelude@ without reference to the rest of this package. See the caveats in the documentation for that module.
The organization of this package follows the rule:
* @pipes-text : pipes-bytestring :: text : bytestring@
- Familiarity with the other three packages should give one an idea what to expect where. The package has three principal modules, @Pipes.Text@ , @Pipes.Text.Encoding@ and @Pipes.Text.IO@; the division has more or less the significance it has in the @text@ library. A fourth module @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ is explained below.
+ Familiarity with the other three packages should give one an idea what to expect where. The package has three principal modules, @Pipes.Text@ , @Pipes.Text.Encoding@ and @Pipes.Text.IO@; the division has more or less the significance it has in the @text@ library.
- The module @Pipes.Text.IO@ is present as a convenience. Official pipes IO would use @Pipes.ByteString@ together with the bytestring decoding functions in @Pipes.Text.Encoding@. In particular, the @Pipes.Text.IO@ functions use Text exceptions.
+ The module @Pipes.Text.IO@ is present as a convenience. Official pipes IO uses @Pipes.ByteString@ together with the bytestring decoding functions in @Pipes.Text.Encoding@. In particular, the @Pipes.Text.IO@ functions use Text exceptions, while @Pipes.Text@ uses the standard pipes practice of breaking with a failed parse. Thus, for example, the type of @decodeUtf8@ is
- @Pipes.Text.IO@ and @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ use version 0.11.3 or later of the @text@ library. To use a (very) old version of @text@, install with the flag @-fnoio@
+ * @decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)@
+ .
+ where any unparsed bytes are returned.
+ .
+ @Pipes.Text.IO@ and @Pipes.Prelude.Text@ use version 0.11.3 or later of the @text@ library; older versions of @text@ can be used with the flag @-fnoio@