"Unlisted": "Falaichte o liostaichean",
"Private": "Prìobhaideach",
"Internal": "Ionadail",
- "Password protected": "Password protected",
+ "Password protected": "'Ga dhìon le facal-faire",
"Published": "Foillsichear",
"To transcode": "Ri thar-chòdachadh",
"To import": "Ri ion-phortadh",
"Regular": "Àbhaisteach",
"Watch later": "Coimhead air uaireigin eile",
"Administrator": "Administrator",
- "Moderator": "Moderator",
+ "Moderator": "Maor",
"User": "User",
- "Waiting first run": "Waiting first run",
- "Synchronized": "Synchronized",
- "Accepted": "Accepted",
- "Completed": "Completed",
- "Errored": "Errored",
- "Waiting for parent job to finish": "Waiting for parent job to finish",
- "Parent job failed": "Parent job failed",
- "Parent job cancelled": "Parent job cancelled",
- "Completing": "Completing",
+ "Waiting first run": "A’ feitheamh air a’ chiad ruith",
+ "Synchronized": "Air a shioncronachadh",
+ "Accepted": "Air a ghabhail ris",
+ "Completed": "Coileanta",
+ "Errored": "Mearachd",
+ "Waiting for parent job to finish": "A’ feitheamh gus am bith obair pàrant deiseil",
+ "Parent job failed": "Dh’fhàillig an obair pàrant",
+ "Parent job cancelled": "Chaidh sgur dhen obair pàrant",
+ "Completing": "’Ga choileanadh",
"This video does not exist.": "Chan eil a’ video seo ann.",
"We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ video fhaighinn. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.",
"Sorry": "Duilich",
"Aragonese": "Aragonais",
"American Sign Language": "Cainnt-shanais Aimeireagaidh",
"Assamese": "Asamais",
- "Austrian Sign Language": "Austrian Sign Language",
+ "Austrian Sign Language": "Cainnt-shanais na h-Ostaire",
"Avaric": "Avarais",
"Kotava": "Kotava",
"Aymara": "Aymara",