-- $lenses
, decode
+ , eof
-- * \'Viewing\' the Text in a byte stream
-- $codecs
, utf8
decode :: ((b -> Constant b b) -> (a -> Constant b a)) -> a -> b
decode codec a = getConstant (codec Constant a)
+{- | 'eof' tells you explicitly when decoding stops due to bad bytes or instead
+ reaches end-of-file happily. (Without it one just makes an explicit test
+ for emptiness of the resulting bytestring production using 'next')
+ Thus
+> decode (utf8 . eof) p = view (utf8 . eof) p = p^.utf8.eof
+ will be a text producer. If we hit undecodable bytes, the remaining
+ bytestring producer will be returned as a 'Left' value;
+ in the happy case, a 'Right' value is returned with the anticipated
+ return value for the original bytestring producer.
+ )
+eof :: Monad m => Lens' (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
+ (Producer Text m (Either (Producer ByteString m r) r))
+eof k p = fmap fromEither (k (toEither p)) where
+ fromEither = liftM (either id return)
+ toEither pp = do p <- pp
+ check p
+ check p = do e <- lift (next p)
+ case e of
+ Left r -> return (Right r)
+ Right (bs,pb) -> if B.null bs
+ then check pb
+ else return (Left (do yield bs
+ pb))
{- $codecs
{-# INLINABLE decodeStream#-}
{- $decoders
These are functions with the simple type:
-- * Special types: @Producer Text m (Producer Text m r)@ and @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@
-- $special
) where
import Pipes
import Pipes.Text
import Pipes.Text.IO
import Pipes.Text.Encoding
{- $intro
This package provides @pipes@ utilities for /character streams/,
realized as streams of 'Text' chunks. The individual chunks are uniformly /strict/,