<p-selectButton [options]="pluginTypeOptions" [(ngModel)]="pluginType" (ngModelChange)="reloadPlugins()"></p-selectButton>
-<div class="no-results" i18n *ngIf="pagination.totalItems === 0">
+<div class="no-results" *ngIf="pagination.totalItems === 0">
{{ getNoResultMessage() }}
<my-edit-button *ngIf="pluginType !== PluginType.THEME" [routerLink]="getShowRouterLink(plugin)" label="Settings" i18n-label></my-edit-button>
- <my-button class="update-button" *ngIf="!isUpdateAvailable(plugin)" (click)="update(plugin)" [loading]="isUpdating(plugin)"
+ <my-button class="update-button" *ngIf="isUpdateAvailable(plugin)" (click)="update(plugin)" [loading]="isUpdating(plugin)"
[label]="getUpdateLabel(plugin)" icon="refresh" [attr.disabled]="isUpdating(plugin)"
@import '_variables';
@import '_mixins';
-.first-row {
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- .plugin-name {
- font-size: 16px;
- margin-right: 10px;
- font-weight: $font-semibold;
- }
- .plugin-version {
- opacity: 0.6;
- }
-.second-row {
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: space-between;
- .description {
- opacity: 0.8
- }
- .buttons {
- > *:not(:last-child) {
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- }
-.action-button {
- @include peertube-button-link;
- @include button-with-icon(21px, 0, -2px);
.update-button[disabled="true"] /deep/ .action-button {
cursor: default !important;
import { ConfirmService, Notifier } from '@app/core'
import { PeerTubePlugin } from '@shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin.model'
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'
-import { compareSemVer } from '@app/shared/misc/utils'
+import { compareSemVer } from '@shared/core-utils/miscs/miscs'
selector: 'my-plugin-list-installed',
templateUrl: './plugin-list-installed.component.html',
styleUrls: [
+ '../shared/plugin-list.component.scss',
+<div class="toggle-plugin-type">
+ <p-selectButton [options]="pluginTypeOptions" [(ngModel)]="pluginType" (ngModelChange)="reloadPlugins()"></p-selectButton>
+<div class="search-bar">
+ <input type="text" (input)="onSearchChange($event.target.value)" i18n-placeholder placeholder="Search..."/>
+<div class="result-title" *ngIf="!isSearching">
+ <ng-container *ngIf="!search">
+ <my-global-icon iconName="trending"></my-global-icon>
+ <ng-container i18n>Popular</ng-container>
+ </ng-container>
+ <ng-container i18n *ngIf="!!search">
+ <my-global-icon iconName="search"></my-global-icon>
+ <ng-container i18n>
+ {{ pagination.totalItems }} {pagination.totalItems, plural, =1 {result} other {results}} for "{{ search }}"
+ </ng-container>
+ </ng-container>
+<div class="no-results" i18n *ngIf="pagination.totalItems === 0">
+ No results.
+<div class="plugins" myInfiniteScroller (nearOfBottom)="onNearOfBottom()" [autoInit]="true">
+ <div class="card plugin" *ngFor="let plugin of plugins">
+ <div class="card-body">
+ <div class="first-row">
+ <span class="plugin-name">{{ plugin.name }}</span>
+ <span class="plugin-version">{{ plugin.latestVersion }}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="second-row">
+ <div class="description">{{ plugin.description }}</div>
+ <div class="buttons">
+ <a class="action-button action-button-edit grey-button" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
+ [href]="plugin.homepage" i18n-title title="Go to the plugin homepage"
+ >
+ <my-global-icon iconName="go"></my-global-icon>
+ <span i18n class="button-label">Homepage</span>
+ </a>
+ <my-button class="update-button" *ngIf="plugin.installed === false" (click)="install(plugin)" [loading]="isInstalling(plugin)"
+ label="Install" icon="cloud-download" [attr.disabled]="isInstalling(plugin)"
+ ></my-button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
@import '_variables';
@import '_mixins';
+.search-bar {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin: 30px 0;
+ input {
+ @include peertube-input-text(60%);
+ height: 35px;
+ }
+.result-title {
+ font-size: 22px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ my-global-icon {
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ }
-import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { Notifier } from '@app/core'
-import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/components/common/sortmeta'
-import { ConfirmService, ServerService } from '../../../core'
-import { RestPagination, RestTable, UserService } from '../../../shared'
+import { ConfirmService } from '../../../core'
import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill'
-import { User } from '../../../../../../shared'
-import { UserBanModalComponent } from '@app/shared/moderation'
-import { DropdownAction } from '@app/shared/buttons/action-dropdown.component'
import { PluginType } from '@shared/models/plugins/plugin.type'
import { PluginApiService } from '@app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service'
+import { ComponentPagination, hasMoreItems } from '@app/shared/rest/component-pagination.model'
+import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'
+import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '@shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model'
+import { Subject } from 'rxjs'
+import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators'
selector: 'my-plugin-search',
templateUrl: './plugin-search.component.html',
styleUrls: [
+ '../shared/plugin-list.component.scss',
export class PluginSearchComponent implements OnInit {
pluginTypeOptions: { label: string, value: PluginType }[] = []
+ pluginType: PluginType = PluginType.PLUGIN
+ pagination: ComponentPagination = {
+ currentPage: 1,
+ itemsPerPage: 10
+ }
+ sort = '-popularity'
+ search = ''
+ isSearching = false
+ plugins: PeerTubePluginIndex[] = []
+ installing: { [name: string]: boolean } = {}
+ private searchSubject = new Subject<string>()
constructor (
private i18n: I18n,
- private pluginService: PluginApiService
+ private pluginService: PluginApiService,
+ private notifier: Notifier,
+ private confirmService: ConfirmService,
+ private router: Router,
+ private route: ActivatedRoute
) {
this.pluginTypeOptions = this.pluginService.getPluginTypeOptions()
ngOnInit () {
+ const query = this.route.snapshot.queryParams
+ if (query['pluginType']) this.pluginType = parseInt(query['pluginType'], 10)
+ this.searchSubject.asObservable()
+ .pipe(
+ debounceTime(400),
+ distinctUntilChanged()
+ )
+ .subscribe(search => {
+ this.search = search
+ this.reloadPlugins()
+ })
+ this.reloadPlugins()
+ }
+ onSearchChange (search: string) {
+ this.searchSubject.next(search)
+ }
+ reloadPlugins () {
+ this.pagination.currentPage = 1
+ this.plugins = []
+ this.router.navigate([], { queryParams: { pluginType: this.pluginType } })
+ this.loadMorePlugins()
+ }
+ loadMorePlugins () {
+ this.isSearching = true
+ this.pluginService.searchAvailablePlugins(this.pluginType, this.pagination, this.sort, this.search)
+ .subscribe(
+ res => {
+ this.isSearching = false
+ this.plugins = this.plugins.concat(res.data)
+ this.pagination.totalItems = res.total
+ },
+ err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
+ )
+ }
+ onNearOfBottom () {
+ if (!hasMoreItems(this.pagination)) return
+ this.pagination.currentPage += 1
+ this.loadMorePlugins()
+ }
+ isInstalling (plugin: PeerTubePluginIndex) {
+ return !!this.installing[plugin.npmName]
+ }
+ async install (plugin: PeerTubePluginIndex) {
+ if (this.installing[plugin.npmName]) return
+ const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(
+ this.i18n('Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.'),
+ this.i18n('Install {{pluginName}}?', { pluginName: plugin.name })
+ )
+ if (res === false) return
+ this.installing[plugin.npmName] = true
+ this.pluginService.install(plugin.npmName)
+ .subscribe(
+ () => {
+ this.installing[plugin.npmName] = false
+ this.notifier.success(this.i18n('{{pluginName}} installed.', { pluginName: plugin.name }))
+ plugin.installed = true
+ },
+ err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
+ )
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'
import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { RegisterSettingOptions } from '@shared/models/plugins/register-setting.model'
-import { BuildFormArgument, BuildFormDefaultValues, FormReactive, FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared'
+import { BuildFormArgument, FormReactive, FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared'
selector: 'my-plugin-show-installed',
private buildSettingsForm () {
- const defaultValues: BuildFormDefaultValues = {}
const buildOptions: BuildFormArgument = {}
const settingsValues: any = {}
import { ManagePlugin } from '@shared/models/plugins/manage-plugin.model'
import { InstallOrUpdatePlugin } from '@shared/models/plugins/install-plugin.model'
import { RegisterSettingOptions } from '@shared/models/plugins/register-setting.model'
+import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '@shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model'
export class PluginApiService {
getPlugins (
- type: PluginType,
+ pluginType: PluginType,
componentPagination: ComponentPagination,
sort: string
) {
let params = new HttpParams()
params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort)
- params = params.append('type', type.toString())
+ params = params.append('pluginType', pluginType.toString())
return this.authHttp.get<ResultList<PeerTubePlugin>>(PluginApiService.BASE_APPLICATION_URL, { params })
.pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)))
+ searchAvailablePlugins (
+ pluginType: PluginType,
+ componentPagination: ComponentPagination,
+ sort: string,
+ search?: string
+ ) {
+ const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(componentPagination)
+ let params = new HttpParams()
+ params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort)
+ params = params.append('pluginType', pluginType.toString())
+ if (search) params = params.append('search', search)
+ return this.authHttp.get<ResultList<PeerTubePluginIndex>>(PluginApiService.BASE_APPLICATION_URL + '/available', { params })
+ .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)))
+ }
getPlugin (npmName: string) {
const path = PluginApiService.BASE_APPLICATION_URL + '/' + npmName
--- /dev/null
+@import '_variables';
+@import '_mixins';
+.first-row {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .plugin-name {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ font-weight: $font-semibold;
+ }
+ .plugin-version {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ }
+.second-row {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ .description {
+ opacity: 0.8
+ }
+ .buttons {
+ > *:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ }
+.action-button {
+ @include peertube-button-link;
+ @include button-with-icon(21px, 0, -2px);
'administration': require('../../../assets/images/menu/administration.html'),
'subscriptions': require('../../../assets/images/menu/subscriptions.html'),
'users': require('../../../assets/images/global/users.html'),
+ 'search': require('../../../assets/images/global/search.html'),
'refresh': require('../../../assets/images/global/refresh.html')
window.scroll(0, 0)
-// Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/16187766
-function compareSemVer (a: string, b: string) {
- const regExStrip0 = /(\.0+)+$/
- const segmentsA = a.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.')
- const segmentsB = b.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.')
- const l = Math.min(segmentsA.length, segmentsB.length)
- for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- const diff = parseInt(segmentsA[ i ], 10) - parseInt(segmentsB[ i ], 10)
- if (diff) return diff
- }
- return segmentsA.length - segmentsB.length
export {
- compareSemVer,
--- /dev/null
+<svg width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <defs></defs>
+ <g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
+ <g id="Artboard-4" transform="translate(-136.000000, -115.000000)" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2">
+ <g id="3" transform="translate(136.000000, 115.000000)">
+ <circle id="Oval-3" cx="10" cy="10" r="7"></circle>
+ <path d="M15,15 L21,21" id="Path-3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
max_age: -1
+ # The website PeerTube will ask for available PeerTube plugins
+ # This is an unmoderated plugin index, so only install plugins you trust
+ index:
+ enabled: true
+ url: 'https://packages.joinpeertube.org'
size: 500 # Max number of previews you want to cache
max_age: -1
+ # The website PeerTube will ask for available PeerTube plugins
+ # This is an unmoderated plugin index, so only install plugins you trust
+ index:
+ enabled: true
+ url: 'https://packages.joinpeertube.org'
} from '../../middlewares'
-import { pluginsSortValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators'
+import { availablePluginsSortValidator, pluginsSortValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators'
import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin'
import { UserRight } from '../../../shared/models/users'
import {
+ listAvailablePluginsValidator,
import { InstallOrUpdatePlugin } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/install-plugin.model'
import { ManagePlugin } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/manage-plugin.model'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
+import { listAvailablePluginsFromIndex } from '../../lib/plugins/plugin-index'
+import { PeertubePluginIndexList } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index-list.model'
const pluginRouter = express.Router()
+ authenticate,
+ ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_PLUGINS),
+ listAvailablePluginsValidator,
+ paginationValidator,
+ availablePluginsSortValidator,
+ setDefaultSort,
+ setDefaultPagination,
+ asyncMiddleware(listAvailablePlugins)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function listPlugins (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
- const type = req.query.type
+ const pluginType = req.query.pluginType
const resultList = await PluginModel.listForApi({
- type,
+ pluginType,
start: req.query.start,
count: req.query.count,
sort: req.query.sort
return res.sendStatus(204)
+async function listAvailablePlugins (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+ const query: PeertubePluginIndexList = req.query
+ const resultList = await listAvailablePluginsFromIndex(query)
+ return res.json(resultList)
+ INDEX: {
+ ENABLED: config.get<boolean>('plugins.index.enabled'),
+ URL: config.get<boolean>('plugins.index.url')
+ }
+ },
get EMAIL () { return config.get<string>('admin.email') }
VIDEO_PLAYLISTS: [ 'displayName', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
- PLUGINS: [ 'name', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ]
+ PLUGINS: [ 'name', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
+ AVAILABLE_PLUGINS: [ 'npmName', 'popularity' ]
removeOldJobs: 60000 * 60, // 1 hour
updateVideos: 60000, // 1 minute
youtubeDLUpdate: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
+ checkPlugins: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
removeOldViews: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
removeOldHistory: 60000 * 60 * 24 // 1 day
--- /dev/null
+import { doRequest } from '../../helpers/requests'
+import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config'
+import {
+ PeertubePluginLatestVersionRequest,
+ PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse
+} from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-latest-version.model'
+import { PeertubePluginIndexList } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index-list.model'
+import { ResultList } from '../../../shared/models'
+import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model'
+import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin'
+import { PluginManager } from './plugin-manager'
+import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
+const packageJSON = require('../../../../package.json')
+async function listAvailablePluginsFromIndex (options: PeertubePluginIndexList) {
+ const { start = 0, count = 20, search, sort = 'npmName', pluginType } = options
+ const qs: PeertubePluginIndexList = {
+ start,
+ count,
+ sort,
+ pluginType,
+ search,
+ currentPeerTubeEngine: packageJSON.version
+ }
+ const uri = CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.URL + '/api/v1/plugins'
+ const { body } = await doRequest({ uri, qs, json: true })
+ logger.debug('Got result from PeerTube index.', { body })
+ await addInstanceInformation(body)
+ return body as ResultList<PeerTubePluginIndex>
+async function addInstanceInformation (result: ResultList<PeerTubePluginIndex>) {
+ for (const d of result.data) {
+ d.installed = PluginManager.Instance.isRegistered(d.npmName)
+ d.name = PluginModel.normalizePluginName(d.npmName)
+ }
+ return result
+async function getLatestPluginsVersion (npmNames: string[]): Promise<PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse> {
+ const bodyRequest: PeertubePluginLatestVersionRequest = {
+ npmNames,
+ currentPeerTubeEngine: packageJSON.version
+ }
+ const uri = CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.URL + '/api/v1/plugins/latest-version'
+ const { body } = await doRequest({ uri, body: bodyRequest })
+ return body
+export {
+ listAvailablePluginsFromIndex,
+ getLatestPluginsVersion
// ###################### Getters ######################
+ isRegistered (npmName: string) {
+ return !!this.getRegisteredPluginOrTheme(npmName)
+ }
getRegisteredPluginOrTheme (npmName: string) {
return this.registeredPlugins[npmName]
--- /dev/null
+import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
+import { AbstractScheduler } from './abstract-scheduler'
+import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../helpers/database-utils'
+import { SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS } from '../../initializers/constants'
+import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config'
+import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin'
+import { chunk } from 'lodash'
+import { getLatestPluginsVersion } from '../plugins/plugin-index'
+import { compareSemVer } from '../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/miscs'
+export class PluginsCheckScheduler extends AbstractScheduler {
+ private static instance: AbstractScheduler
+ protected schedulerIntervalMs = SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.checkPlugins
+ private constructor () {
+ super()
+ }
+ protected async internalExecute () {
+ return retryTransactionWrapper(this.checkLatestPluginsVersion.bind(this))
+ }
+ private async checkLatestPluginsVersion () {
+ if (CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.ENABLED === false) return
+ logger.info('Checkin latest plugins version.')
+ const plugins = await PluginModel.listInstalled()
+ // Process 10 plugins in 1 HTTP request
+ const chunks = chunk(plugins, 10)
+ for (const chunk of chunks) {
+ // Find plugins according to their npm name
+ const pluginIndex: { [npmName: string]: PluginModel} = {}
+ for (const plugin of chunk) {
+ pluginIndex[PluginModel.buildNpmName(plugin.name, plugin.type)] = plugin
+ }
+ const npmNames = Object.keys(pluginIndex)
+ const results = await getLatestPluginsVersion(npmNames)
+ for (const result of results) {
+ const plugin = pluginIndex[result.npmName]
+ if (!result.latestVersion) continue
+ if (plugin.latestVersion !== result.latestVersion && compareSemVer(plugin.latestVersion, result.latestVersion) < 0) {
+ plugin.latestVersion = result.latestVersion
+ await plugin.save()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static get Instance () {
+ return this.instance || (this.instance = new this())
+ }
import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin'
import { InstallOrUpdatePlugin } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/install-plugin.model'
import { PluginType } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin.type'
+import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config'
const servePluginStaticDirectoryValidator = (pluginType: PluginType) => [
param('pluginName').custom(isPluginNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid plugin name'),
const listPluginsValidator = [
- query('type')
+ query('pluginType')
.custom(isPluginTypeValid).withMessage('Should have a valid plugin type'),
+const listAvailablePluginsValidator = [
+ query('sort')
+ .optional()
+ .exists().withMessage('Should have a valid sort'),
+ query('search')
+ .optional()
+ .exists().withMessage('Should have a valid search'),
+ query('pluginType')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isPluginTypeValid).withMessage('Should have a valid plugin type'),
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking enabledPluginValidator parameters', { parameters: req.query })
+ if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
+ return res.status(400)
+ .json({ error: 'Plugin index is not enabled' })
+ .end()
+ }
+ return next()
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
+ listAvailablePluginsValidator,
const usersSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_USERS_COLUMNS)
const accountsSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_ACCOUNTS_COLUMNS)
const userNotificationsSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_USER_NOTIFICATIONS_COLUMNS)
const videoPlaylistsSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_VIDEO_PLAYLISTS_COLUMNS)
const pluginsSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_PLUGINS_COLUMNS)
+const availablePluginsSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_AVAILABLE_PLUGINS_COLUMNS)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ availablePluginsSortValidator,
import { PluginType } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin.type'
import { PeerTubePlugin } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin.model'
import { FindAndCountOptions, json } from 'sequelize'
+import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model'
@DefaultScope(() => ({
attributes: {
static listForApi (options: {
- type?: PluginType,
+ pluginType?: PluginType,
uninstalled?: boolean,
start: number,
count: number,
- if (options.type) query.where['type'] = options.type
+ if (options.pluginType) query.where['type'] = options.pluginType
return PluginModel
- static normalizePluginName (name: string) {
- return name.replace(/^peertube-((theme)|(plugin))-/, '')
+ static listInstalled () {
+ const query = {
+ where: {
+ uninstalled: false
+ }
+ }
+ return PluginModel.findAll(query)
+ }
+ static normalizePluginName (npmName: string) {
+ return npmName.replace(/^peertube-((theme)|(plugin))-/, '')
static getTypeFromNpmName (npmName: string) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low) + low)
+// Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/16187766
+function compareSemVer (a: string, b: string) {
+ const regExStrip0 = /(\.0+)+$/
+ const segmentsA = a.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.')
+ const segmentsB = b.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.')
+ const l = Math.min(segmentsA.length, segmentsB.length)
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const diff = parseInt(segmentsA[ i ], 10) - parseInt(segmentsB[ i ], 10)
+ if (diff) return diff
+ }
+ return segmentsA.length - segmentsB.length
export {
- randomInt
+ randomInt,
+ compareSemVer
import { PluginType } from './plugin.type'
-export interface PeertubePluginList {
+export interface PeertubePluginIndexList {
start: number
count: number
sort: string
popularity: number
latestVersion: string
+ name?: string
+ installed?: boolean
-export interface PeertubePluginLatestVersion {
+export interface PeertubePluginLatestVersionRequest {
currentPeerTubeEngine?: string,
npmNames: string[]
+export type PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse = {
+ npmName: string
+ latestVersion: string | null