// add psc warnings to webpack compilation warnings
this._compiler.plugin('after-compile', function (compilation, callback) {
- if (options.warnings && cache.warnings && cache.warnings.length) {
- compilation.warnings.unshift('PureScript compilation:\n' + cache.warnings.join(''));
+ if (options.warnings && cache.warnings) {
+ compilation.warnings.unshift('PureScript compilation:\n' + cache.warnings);
- if (cache.errors && cache.errors.length) {
- compilation.errors.unshift('PureScript compilation:\n' + cache.errors.join('\n'));
+ if (cache.errors) {
+ compilation.errors.unshift('PureScript compilation:\n' + cache.errors);
cache: cache
+ debug('loader called', psModule.name);
if (options.bundle) {
return connectIdeServer(psModule).then(rebuild).then(toJavaScript).then(psModule.load).catch(psModule.reject);
- if (cache.compilation && cache.compilation.length) {
+ if (cache.compilationFinished) {
return toJavaScript(psModule).then(psModule.load).catch(psModule.reject);
// references to compiled output are valid.
- if (!cache.compilation) {
+ if (!cache.compilationStarted) {
return compile(psModule).then(function () {
return Promise.map(cache.deferred, function (psModule) {
if (_typeof(cache.ideServer) === 'object') cache.ideServer.kill();
var bundlePath = path.resolve(options.bundleOutput);
var jsPath = cache.bundle ? bundlePath : psModule.jsPath;
- debug('loading JavaScript for', psModule.srcPath);
+ debug('loading JavaScript for', psModule.name);
return Promise.props({
js: fs.readFileAsync(jsPath, 'utf8'),
var cache = psModule.cache;
var stderr = [];
- if (cache.compilation) return Promise.resolve(cache.compilation);
+ if (cache.compilationStarted) return Promise.resolve(psModule);
- cache.compilation = [];
- cache.warnings = [];
- cache.errors = [];
+ cache.compilationStarted = true;
var args = dargs(Object.assign({
_: options.src,
var compilation = spawn(options.psc, args);
+ compilation.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ return stderr.push(data.toString());
+ });
compilation.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
return stderr.push(data.toString());
compilation.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('Finished compiling PureScript.');
+ cache.compilationFinished = true;
if (code !== 0) {
- cache.compilation = cache.errors = stderr;
+ cache.errors = stderr.join('');
} else {
- cache.compilation = cache.warnings = stderr;
+ cache.warnings = stderr.join('');
return reject('psc-ide rebuild failed');
- cache.errors = compileMessages;
+ cache.errors = compileMessages.join('\n');
reject('psc-ide rebuild failed');
} else {
- cache.warnings = compileMessages;
+ cache.warnings = compileMessages.join('\n');
compilation.on('close', function (code) {
if (code !== 0) {
- cache.errors.concat(stderr);
+ cache.errors = (cache.errors || '') + stderr.join('');
return reject(true);
cache.bundle = stderr;
return args.push(arg, v);
});else args.push(arg, obj[key]);
- return args;
+ return args.filter(function (arg) {
+ return typeof arg !== 'boolean';
+ });
}, []);