## Install
-Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader)
+Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader).
+This loader works in conjunction with the [PureScript webpack plugin](https://npmjs.org/package/purescript-webpack-plugin). Ensure the plugin is installed and configured accordingly.
npm install purs-loader --save-dev
## Options
-###### `noPrelude` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--no-prelude` that omits the Prelude.
-###### `noTco` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--no-tco` that disables tail-call optimizations.
-###### `noMagicDo` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--no-magic-do` that disables optimizations overloading the do keyword generating efficient code for the `Eff` monad.
-###### `noOpts` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--no-opts` that skips the optimization phase.
-###### `verboseErrors` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--verbose-errors` that displays verbose error messages.
-###### `comments` (Boolean)
+###### `pscBundle` (String)
-Toggles `--comments` that includes comments in generated code.
-###### `output` (String)
-Sets `--output=<string>` the specifies the output directory, `output` by default.
-###### `noPrefix` (Boolean)
-Toggles `--no-prefix` that does not include the comment header.
-###### `ffi` (String Array)
-Specifies the PureScript FFI files setting `--ffi=<string>`. Glob syntax is supported. This option is specified as `ffi[]=path`.
-###### `src` (String Array)
-Specifies the PureScript source files. Glob syntax is supported. This option is specified as `src[]=path`.
+Relative path to the bundled JavaScript file generated by the `PurescriptWebpackPlugin`. The default value is `output/bundle.js`.
## Example
// webpack.config.js
+'use strict';
-var path = require('path');
-var srcs = ['src[]=bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs', 'src[]=src/**/*.purs'];
+var PurescriptWebpackPlugin = require('purescript-webpack-plugin');
-var ffis = ['ffi[]=bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.js'];
+var src = ['bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs', 'src/**/*.purs'];
-var output = 'output';
+var ffi = ['bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*FFI.js'];
var modulesDirectories = [
- // The bower component for purescript-prelude is specified here to
- // allow JavaScript files to require the 'Prelude' module globally.
- 'bower_components/purescript-prelude/src'
+ 'bower_components'
var config
, filename: 'bundle.js'
, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.purs$/
- , loader: 'purs-loader?output=' + output + '&' + srcs.concat(ffis).join('&')
+ , loader: 'purs-loader'
} ] }
- , resolve: { modulesDirectories: modulesDirectories
- , extensions: ['', '.js', '.purs']
- }
- , resolveLoader: { root: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules') }
+ , resolve: { modulesDirectories: modulesDirectories }
+ , plugins: [ new PurescriptWebpackPlugin({src: src, ffi: ffi}) ]
See the [example](https://github.com/ethul/purs-loader/tree/master/example) directory for a complete example.
-## Notes
-A `.psci` file is generated during each run of the loader.
"name": "purs-loader",
"private": true,
- "devDependencies": {
+ "dependencies": {
"purescript-aff": "^0.13.0",
"purescript-strings": "^0.7.0",
- "purescript-foreign": "^0.7.0"
+ "purescript-foreign": "^0.7.0",
+ "purescript-unsafe-coerce": "~0.1.0"
+++ /dev/null
-## Module PursLoader.ChildProcess
-#### `ChildProcess`
-``` purescript
-data ChildProcess :: !
-#### `spawn`
-``` purescript
-spawn :: forall eff. String -> Array String -> Aff (cp :: ChildProcess | eff) String
+++ /dev/null
-## Module PursLoader.FS
-#### `FS`
-``` purescript
-data FS :: !
-#### `writeFileUtf8`
-``` purescript
-writeFileUtf8 :: forall eff. String -> String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit
-#### `findFileUtf8`
-``` purescript
-findFileUtf8 :: forall eff. Regex -> Array String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) (Maybe String)
+++ /dev/null
-## Module PursLoader.Glob
-#### `Glob`
-``` purescript
-data Glob :: !
-#### `globAll`
-``` purescript
-globAll :: forall eff. Array String -> Aff (glob :: Glob | eff) (Array (Array String))
#### `Effects`
``` purescript
-type Effects eff = (cp :: ChildProcess, fs :: FS, glob :: Glob, loader :: Loader, err :: EXCEPTION | eff)
+type Effects eff = (loader :: Loader | eff)
#### `loader`
## Module PursLoader.LoaderRef
+#### `AsyncCallback`
+``` purescript
+type AsyncCallback eff = Maybe Error -> String -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit
#### `LoaderRef`
``` purescript
#### `async`
``` purescript
-async :: forall eff a. LoaderRef -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (Maybe Error -> a -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit)
+async :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (Maybe Error -> String -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit)
#### `cacheable`
##### Instances
``` purescript
-instance isForeignOptions :: IsForeign Options
+IsForeign Options
-#### `output`
+#### `runOptions`
``` purescript
-output :: Options -> String
-#### `pscOptions`
-``` purescript
-pscOptions :: Options -> Array String
-#### `loaderSrcOption`
-``` purescript
-loaderSrcOption :: Foreign -> Maybe (Array String)
-#### `loaderFFIOption`
-``` purescript
-loaderFFIOption :: Foreign -> Maybe (Array String)
+runOptions :: Options -> Options_
--- /dev/null
+## Module PursLoader.Path
+#### `relative`
+``` purescript
+relative :: String -> String -> String
+#### `resolve`
+``` purescript
+resolve :: String -> String
+#### `dirname`
+``` purescript
+dirname :: String -> String
+#### `joinPath`
+``` purescript
+joinPath :: String -> String -> String
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run-script build:compile && npm run-script build:docs && npm run-script build:package",
- "build:compile": "pulp build -o build",
+ "build:compile": "pulp build -o build --force",
"build:docs": "pulp docs",
"build:package": "webpack --progress --colors --profile --bail",
- "build:watch": "pulp -w build -o build",
+ "build:watch": "pulp -w build -o build --force",
"build:json": "webpack --progress --colors --profile --bail --json > index.json",
"prepublish": "npm run-script build"
"devDependencies": {
- "pulp": "^4.3.0",
"webpack": "^1.8.4"
"dependencies": {
+++ /dev/null
-'use strict';
-// module PursLoader.ChildProcess
-var child_process = require('child_process');
-var chalk = require('chalk');
-function spawnFn(command, args, errback, callback) {
- return function(){
- var process = child_process.spawn(command, args);
- var stdout = new Buffer(0);
- var stderr = new Buffer(0);
- process.stdout.on('data', function(data){
- stdout = Buffer.concat([stdout, new Buffer(data)]);
- });
- process.stderr.on('data', function(data){
- stderr = Buffer.concat([stderr, new Buffer(data)]);
- });
- process.on('close', function(code){
- var output = stdout.toString('utf-8');
- var error = stderr.toString('utf-8');
- if (error.length > 0) {
- console.error('\n' + chalk.red('*') + ' ' + error);
- }
- if (code !== 0) errback(new Error('Process terminated with code ' + code))();
- else callback(output)();
- });
- };
-exports.spawnFn = spawnFn;
+++ /dev/null
-module PursLoader.ChildProcess
- ( ChildProcess()
- , spawn
- ) where
-import Prelude (Unit(), ($))
-import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), makeAff)
-import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
-import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error())
-import Data.Function
-foreign import data ChildProcess :: !
-spawn :: forall eff. String -> Array String -> Aff (cp :: ChildProcess | eff) String
-spawn command args = makeAff $ runFn4 spawnFn command args
-foreign import spawnFn :: forall eff. Fn4 String
- (Array String)
- (Error -> Eff (cp :: ChildProcess | eff) Unit)
- (String -> Eff (cp :: ChildProcess | eff) Unit)
- (Eff (cp :: ChildProcess | eff) Unit)
+++ /dev/null
-'use strict';
-// module PursLoader.FS
-var fs = require('fs');
-var async = require('async');
-function writeFileUtf8Fn(filepath, contents, errback, callback) {
- return function(){
- fs.writeFile(filepath, contents, function(error){
- if (error) errback(error)();
- else callback()();
- });
- };
-function findFileUtf8Fn(nothing, just, regex, filepaths, errback, callback) {
- return function(){
- function findFile(filepath, callback) {
- fs.readFile(filepath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, function(error, result){
- if (error) callback(false);
- else callback(regex.test(result));
- });
- }
- async.detect(filepaths, findFile, function(result){
- if (!result) callback(nothing)();
- else callback(just(result))();
- });
- };
-exports.writeFileUtf8Fn = writeFileUtf8Fn;
-exports.findFileUtf8Fn = findFileUtf8Fn;
+++ /dev/null
-module PursLoader.FS
- ( FS()
- , writeFileUtf8
- , findFileUtf8
- ) where
-import Prelude (Unit(), ($))
-import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), makeAff)
-import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
-import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error())
-import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
-import Data.String.Regex (Regex())
-import Data.Function
-foreign import data FS :: !
-writeFileUtf8 :: forall eff. String -> String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit
-writeFileUtf8 filepath contents = makeAff $ runFn4 writeFileUtf8Fn filepath contents
-foreign import writeFileUtf8Fn :: forall eff. Fn4 String
- String
- (Error -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
- (Unit -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
- (Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
-findFileUtf8 :: forall eff. Regex -> Array String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) (Maybe String)
-findFileUtf8 regexp filepaths = makeAff $ runFn6 findFileUtf8Fn Nothing Just regexp filepaths
-foreign import findFileUtf8Fn :: forall eff. Fn6 (Maybe String)
- (String -> Maybe String)
- Regex
- (Array String)
- (Error -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
- (Maybe String -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
- (Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
+++ /dev/null
-'use strict';
-// module PursLoader.Glob
-var glob = require('glob');
-var async = require('async');
-function globAllFn(patterns, errback, callback) {
- return function(){
- async.map(patterns, glob, function(error, result){
- if (error) errback(new Error(error))();
- else callback(result)();
- });
- };
-exports.globAllFn = globAllFn;
+++ /dev/null
-module PursLoader.Glob
- ( Glob()
- , globAll
- ) where
-import Prelude (Unit(), ($))
-import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), makeAff)
-import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
-import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error())
-import Data.Function
-foreign import data Glob :: !
-globAll :: forall eff. Array String -> Aff (glob :: Glob | eff) (Array (Array String))
-globAll patterns = makeAff $ runFn3 globAllFn patterns
-foreign import globAllFn :: forall eff. Fn3 (Array String)
- (Error -> Eff (glob :: Glob | eff) Unit)
- ((Array (Array String)) -> Eff (glob :: Glob | eff) Unit)
- (Eff (glob :: Glob | eff) Unit)
, loaderFn
) where
-import Prelude (Unit(), ($), (<>), (>>=), (<$>), (++), bind, flip, id, pure, return, unit, show)
+import Prelude (Unit(), ($), (>>=), (<$>), (<*>), (<<<), (++), bind, const)
-import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), runAff)
+import Control.Bind (join)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
-import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
-import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (throwException, error, EXCEPTION())
+import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error(), error)
-import Data.Array ((!!), concat)
+import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Function (Fn2(), mkFn2)
-import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
-import Data.Either (Either(..))
-import Data.String (joinWith)
-import Data.String.Regex (Regex(), match, noFlags, regex, test)
-import Data.Traversable (sequence)
-import Data.Foreign (F())
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
+import Data.Either (either)
+import Data.Foreign (Foreign())
import Data.Foreign.Class (read)
+import Data.Foreign.Null (runNull)
+import Data.String.Regex (Regex(), match, noFlags, regex)
+import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
+import PursLoader.LoaderRef
+ ( LoaderRef()
+ , Loader()
+ , async
+ , cacheable
+ , query
+ , clearDependencies
+ , addDependency
+ , resourcePath
+ )
-import PursLoader.ChildProcess (ChildProcess(), spawn)
-import PursLoader.FS (FS(), writeFileUtf8, findFileUtf8)
-import PursLoader.Glob (Glob(), globAll)
-import PursLoader.LoaderRef (LoaderRef(), Loader(), async, cacheable, query, clearDependencies, addDependency, resourcePath)
import PursLoader.LoaderUtil (parseQuery)
-import PursLoader.Options (loaderFFIOption, loaderSrcOption, pscOptions, Options(), output)
+import PursLoader.Options (runOptions)
+import PursLoader.Path (dirname, relative)
-type Effects eff = (cp :: ChildProcess, fs :: FS, glob :: Glob, loader :: Loader, err :: EXCEPTION | eff)
+type Effects eff = (loader :: Loader | eff)
-moduleRegex :: Regex
-moduleRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
+type PurescriptWebpackPluginContext eff = { compile :: (Foreign -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit) -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit }
-foreignRegex :: Regex
-foreignRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)\\s*foreign import\\s+" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
-pscCommand :: String
-pscCommand = "psc"
-psciCommand :: String
-psciCommand = "psci"
-psciFilename :: String
-psciFilename = ".psci"
-(!!!) :: forall a. Int -> Array a -> Maybe a
-(!!!) = flip (!!)
-foreign import cwd :: String
-foreign import relative :: String -> String -> String
-foreign import resolve :: String -> String
-foreign import dirname :: String -> String
-foreign import joinPath :: String -> String -> String
-mkPsci :: Array (Array String) -> Array (Array String) -> String
-mkPsci srcs ffis = joinWith "\n" ((loadModule <$> concat srcs) <> (loadForeign <$> concat ffis))
- where
- loadModule :: String -> String
- loadModule a = ":m " ++ relative cwd a
- loadForeign :: String -> String
- loadForeign a = ":f " ++ relative cwd a
-findFFI :: forall eff. Array (Array String) -> String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) (Maybe String)
-findFFI ffiss name = findFileUtf8 re (concat ffiss)
- where
- re = regex ("(?:^|\\n)//\\s*module\\s*" ++ name ++ "\\s*\\n") noFlags
+loader :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
+loader ref source = do
+ callback <- async ref
-loader' :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Aff (Effects eff) (Maybe String)
-loader' ref source = do
- liftEff $ cacheable ref
+ cacheable ref
let parsed = parseQuery $ query ref
- srcs = fromMaybe [] (loaderSrcOption parsed)
- ffis = fromMaybe [] (loaderFFIOption parsed)
- case read parsed :: F Options of
- Left e -> liftEff (throwException (error (show e)))
- Right opts -> do
- let pscOpts = pscOptions opts
+ options = either (const Nothing) (Just <<< runOptions) (read parsed)
- srcss <- globAll srcs
- ffiss <- globAll ffis
+ moduleName = join $ match moduleRegex source >>= \as -> as !! 1
- let psciFile = mkPsci srcss ffiss
+ resourceDir = dirname (resourcePath ref)
- writeFileUtf8 psciFilename psciFile
+ modulePath = (\opts -> relative resourceDir opts.pscBundle) <$> options
- let moduleName = match moduleRegex source >>= (!!!) 1 >>= id
- hasForeign = test foreignRegex source
- outputDir = resolve (output opts)
- resourceDir = dirname (resourcePath ref)
- result = (\a -> "module.exports = require('" ++ relative resourceDir (joinPath outputDir a) ++ "');") <$> moduleName
+ result = (\path name -> "module.exports = require('" ++ path ++ "')['" ++ name ++ "'];") <$> modulePath <*> moduleName
- liftEff do
- clearDependencies ref
- addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
- sequence $ (\src -> addDependency ref (resolve src)) <$> concat srcss
+ clearDependencies ref
- foreignPath <- if hasForeign
- then fromMaybe (pure Nothing) (findFFI ffiss <$> moduleName)
- else pure Nothing
+ addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
- fromMaybe (pure unit) ((\path -> liftEff (addDependency ref path)) <$> foreignPath)
- spawn pscCommand (srcs <> pscOpts)
+ pluginContext.compile (\err -> maybe (callback (Just $ error "Failed to run loader") "")
+ (callback (compileError err)) result)
+ where
+ moduleRegex :: Regex
+ moduleRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
- return result
+ pluginContext :: PurescriptWebpackPluginContext eff
+ pluginContext = (unsafeCoerce ref).purescriptWebpackPluginContext
-loader :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
-loader ref source = do
- callback <- async ref
- runAff (\e -> callback (Just e) "")
- (maybe (callback (Just (error "Loader has failed to run")) "")
- (callback Nothing))
- (loader' ref source)
+ compileError :: Foreign -> Maybe Error
+ compileError value = either (const $ Just (error "Failed to compile")) ((<$>) error) (runNull <$> read value)
loaderFn :: forall eff. Fn2 LoaderRef String (Eff (Effects eff) Unit)
loaderFn = mkFn2 loader
module PursLoader.LoaderRef
( LoaderRef()
, Loader()
+ , AsyncCallback()
, async
, cacheable
, query
import Data.Function (Fn3(), runFn3)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(), fromMaybe, isJust)
+type AsyncCallback eff = Maybe Error -> String -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit
data LoaderRef
foreign import data Loader :: !
-foreign import asyncFn :: forall eff a. Fn3 (Maybe Error -> Boolean)
- (Error -> Maybe Error -> Error)
- LoaderRef
- (Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (Maybe Error -> a -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit))
+foreign import asyncFn :: forall eff. Fn3 (Maybe Error -> Boolean)
+ (Error -> Maybe Error -> Error)
+ LoaderRef
+ (Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (AsyncCallback eff))
-async :: forall eff a. LoaderRef -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (Maybe Error -> a -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit)
+async :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) (Maybe Error -> String -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit)
async ref = runFn3 asyncFn isJust fromMaybe ref
foreign import cacheable :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit
module PursLoader.Options
- ( pscOptions
- , loaderSrcOption
- , loaderFFIOption
- , Options()
- , output
+ ( Options()
+ , runOptions
) where
-import Prelude ((<>), (<$>), (<<<), (++), (<*>), ($), const, id)
+import Prelude ((<$>), (<<<), id)
-import Data.Array (concat)
-import Data.Either (either)
+import Data.Foreign.Class (IsForeign, readProp)
+import Data.Foreign.NullOrUndefined (runNullOrUndefined)
+import Data.Maybe (maybe)
-import Data.Foreign (Foreign())
-import Data.Foreign.Class (IsForeign, read, readProp)
-import Data.Foreign.NullOrUndefined (NullOrUndefined(..), runNullOrUndefined)
+import PursLoader.Path (joinPath)
-import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromMaybe)
+newtype Options = Options { pscBundle :: String }
-noPreludeOpt :: String
-noPreludeOpt = "no-prelude"
+type Options_ = { pscBundle :: String }
-noOptsOpt :: String
-noOptsOpt = "no-opts"
-noMagicDoOpt :: String
-noMagicDoOpt = "no-magic-do"
-noTcoOpt :: String
-noTcoOpt = "no-tco"
-verboseErrorsOpt :: String
-verboseErrorsOpt = "verbose-errors"
-outputOpt :: String
-outputOpt = "output"
-commentsOpt :: String
-commentsOpt = "comments"
-noPrefixOpt :: String
-noPrefixOpt = "no-prefix"
-requirePathOpt :: String
-requirePathOpt = "require-path"
-srcOpt :: String
-srcOpt = "src"
-ffiOpt :: String
-ffiOpt = "ffi"
-newtype Options
- = Options { noPrelude :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , noOpts :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , noMagicDo :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , noTco :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , verboseErrors :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , comments :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , output :: String
- , noPrefix :: NullOrUndefined Boolean
- , requirePath :: String
- , src :: NullOrUndefined (Array String)
- , ffi :: NullOrUndefined (Array String)
- }
-output :: Options -> String
-output (Options o) = o.output
+runOptions :: Options -> Options_
+runOptions (Options options) = options
instance isForeignOptions :: IsForeign Options where
- read obj = Options <$> ({ noPrelude: _
- , noOpts: _
- , noMagicDo: _
- , noTco: _
- , verboseErrors: _
- , comments: _
- , output: _
- , noPrefix: _
- , requirePath: "../"
- , src: _
- , ffi: _
- } <$> readProp noPreludeOpt obj
- <*> readProp noOptsOpt obj
- <*> readProp noMagicDoOpt obj
- <*> readProp noTcoOpt obj
- <*> readProp verboseErrorsOpt obj
- <*> readProp commentsOpt obj
- <*> (maybe "output" id <<< runNullOrUndefined <$> readProp outputOpt obj)
- <*> readProp noPrefixOpt obj
- <*> readProp srcOpt obj
- <*> readProp ffiOpt obj)
-class LoaderOption a where
- opt :: String -> NullOrUndefined a -> Array String
-instance booleanLoaderOption :: LoaderOption Boolean where
- opt key val = maybe [] (\a -> if a then ["--" ++ key] else []) (runNullOrUndefined val)
-instance stringLoaderOption :: LoaderOption String where
- opt key val = maybe [] (\a -> ["--" ++ key ++ "=" ++ a]) (runNullOrUndefined val)
-instance arrayLoaderOption :: (LoaderOption a) => LoaderOption (Array a) where
- opt key val = concat (opt key <$> (NullOrUndefined <<< Just)
- <$> (fromMaybe [] (runNullOrUndefined val)))
-pscOptions :: Options -> Array String
-pscOptions (Options a) = opt noPreludeOpt a.noPrelude <>
- opt noOptsOpt a.noOpts <>
- opt noMagicDoOpt a.noMagicDo <>
- opt noTcoOpt a.noTco <>
- opt verboseErrorsOpt a.verboseErrors <>
- opt commentsOpt a.comments <>
- opt outputOpt (NullOrUndefined $ Just a.output) <>
- opt noPrefixOpt a.noPrefix <>
- opt requirePathOpt (NullOrUndefined $ Just a.requirePath) <>
- opt ffiOpt a.ffi
-loaderSrcOption :: Foreign -> Maybe (Array String)
-loaderSrcOption query = either (const Nothing) (\(Options a) -> runNullOrUndefined a.src) (read query)
-loaderFFIOption :: Foreign -> Maybe (Array String)
-loaderFFIOption query = either (const Nothing) (\(Options a) -> runNullOrUndefined a.ffi) (read query)
+ read obj =
+ Options <$> ({ pscBundle: _ }
+ <$> (maybe pscBundleDefault id <<< runNullOrUndefined <$> readProp pscBundle obj))
+ where
+ pscBundle :: String
+ pscBundle = "pscBundle"
+ pscBundleDefault :: String
+ pscBundleDefault = joinPath "output" "bundle.js"
'use strict'
-// module PursLoader.Loader
+// module PursLoader.Path
var path = require('path');
-var cwd = process.cwd();
function relative(from) {
return function(to){
return path.relative(from, to);
+exports.relative = relative;
function joinPath(a) {
return function(b) {
return path.join(a, b);
-exports.cwd = cwd;
-exports.relative = relative;
exports.joinPath = joinPath;
exports.resolve = path.resolve;
--- /dev/null
+module PursLoader.Path
+ ( relative
+ , resolve
+ , dirname
+ , joinPath
+ ) where
+foreign import relative :: String -> String -> String
+foreign import resolve :: String -> String
+foreign import dirname :: String -> String
+foreign import joinPath :: String -> String -> String