--- /dev/null
+## 1.1.0
+* Get rid of nodegit, not being used anymore by clever-tools.
+* Fix harcoded binary offsets used by `zeit/pkg` (which bundle the executable).
+## 0.9.3
+* Use patchelf to make the binaries nix-compliant.
+* Introduce custom `nodegit` derivation.
Nix derivation to install clever-tools - see https://github.com/CleverCloud/clever-tools
-## What's in it
-2 derivations to install
-- nodegit.node 0.20.3 for node v51, from prebuilt archive
-- clever-tools 0.9.3, from prebuilt archive
-Main job of those derivations is to use patchelf to make it nix compliant.
## How to use it
[See the example.nix](https://github.com/fretlink/clever-tools-nix/blob/master/example.nix)