fromLazy = foldrChunks (\e a -> yield e >> a) (return ())
{-# INLINABLE fromLazy #-}
--- | Stream bytes from 'stdin'
+-- | Stream text from 'stdin'
stdin :: MonadIO m => Producer' Text m ()
stdin = fromHandle IO.stdin
{-# INLINABLE stdin #-}
null = P.all T.null
{-# INLINABLE null #-}
--- | Count the number of bytes
+-- | Count the number of characters in the stream
length :: (Monad m, Num n) => Producer Text m () -> m n
length = P.fold (\n txt -> n + fromIntegral (T.length txt)) 0 id
{-# INLINABLE length #-}
all predicate = P.all (T.all predicate)
{-# INLINABLE all #-}
--- | Return the maximum 'Char' within a byte stream
+-- | Return the maximum 'Char' within a text stream
maximum :: (Monad m) => Producer Text m () -> m (Maybe Char)
maximum = P.fold step Nothing id
Just c -> max c (T.maximum txt)
{-# INLINABLE maximum #-}
--- | Return the minimum 'Char' within a byte stream
+-- | Return the minimum 'Char' within a text stream (surely very useful!)
minimum :: (Monad m) => Producer Text m () -> m (Maybe Char)
minimum = P.fold step Nothing id
find predicate p = head (p >-> filter predicate)
{-# INLINABLE find #-}
--- | Index into a byte stream
+-- | Index into a text stream
:: (Monad m, Integral a)
=> a-> Producer Text m () -> m (Maybe Char)
return (yield suffix >> p')
{-# INLINABLE span #-}
-{-| Split a byte stream in two, where the first byte stream is the longest
- consecutive group of bytes that don't satisfy the predicate
+{-| Split a text stream in two, where the first text stream is the longest
+ consecutive group of characters that don't satisfy the predicate
:: (Monad m)
break predicate = span (not . predicate)
{-# INLINABLE break #-}
-{-| Split a byte stream into sub-streams delimited by bytes that satisfy the
+{-| Split a text stream into sub-streams delimited by characters that satisfy the
split c = splitWith (c ==)
{-# INLINABLE split #-}
-{-| Group a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited byte streams using the supplied
+{-| Group a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited text streams using the supplied
equality predicate
return $ PP.FreeT (go p'')
{-# INLINABLE groupBy #-}
--- | Group a byte stream into 'FreeT'-delimited byte streams of identical bytes
+-- | Group a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited text streams of identical characters
:: (Monad m) => Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
group = groupBy (==)
{-# INLINABLE group #-}
-{-| Split a byte stream into 'FreeT'-delimited lines
- Note: This function is purely for demonstration purposes since it assumes a
- particular encoding. You should prefer the 'Data.Text.Text' equivalent of
- this function from the upcoming @pipes-text@ library.
+{-| Split a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited lines
:: (Monad m) => Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
return (removeEmpty f')
{-# INLINABLE words #-}
--- | Intersperse a 'Char' in between the bytes of the byte stream
+-- | Intersperse a 'Char' in between the characters of the text stream
:: (Monad m) => Char -> Producer Text m r -> Producer Text m r
intersperse c = go0
go1 f'
{-# INLINABLE intercalate #-}
-{-| Join 'FreeT'-delimited lines into a byte stream
+{-| Join 'FreeT'-delimited lines into a text stream
:: (Monad m) => FreeT (Producer Text m) m r -> Producer Text m r