import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE)
import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G
import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
import qualified Pipes.ByteString.Parse as PBP
import Pipes.Text.Parse (
nextChar, drawChar, unDrawChar, peekChar, isEndOfChars )
fromHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer' Text m ()
+#if MIN_VERSION_text(0,11,4)
+fromHandle h = PB.fromHandle h >-> pipeDecodeUtf8
+{-# INLINABLE fromHandle#-}
+-- bytestring fromHandle + streamDecodeUtf8 is 3 times as fast as
+-- the dedicated Text IO function 'hGetChunk' ;
+-- this way "runEffect $ PT.fromHandle hIn >-> PT.toHandle hOut"
+-- runs the same as the conduit equivalent, only slightly slower
+-- than "runEffect $ PB.fromHandle hIn >-> PB.toHandle hOut"
fromHandle h = go where
go = do txt <- liftIO (T.hGetChunk h)
unless (T.null txt) $ do yield txt
{-# INLINABLE fromHandle#-}
{-| Stream text from a file using Pipes.Safe
>>> runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "hello.hs" >-> toUpper >-> hoist lift Text.stdout