mkdir -p "./dist/server/tools"
cp -r "./server/tools/node_modules" "./dist/server/tools"
-npm run tsc -- --watch --project ./server/tools/tsconfig.json
+npm run tsc -- --watch --sourceMap --project ./server/tools/tsconfig.json
import * as ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
import { readFile, remove, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
-import { getTargetBitrate, VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos'
+import { FFMPEG_NICE, VIDEO_LIVE, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_ENCODERS, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '@server/initializers/constants'
+import { VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos'
import { checkFFmpegEncoders } from '../initializers/checker-before-init'
import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config'
import { getAudioStream, getClosestFramerateStandard, getVideoFileFPS } from './ffprobe-utils'
import { processImage } from './image-utils'
import { logger } from './logger'
input: string
resolution: VideoResolution
fps?: number
+ streamNum?: number
}) => Promise<EncoderOptions> | EncoderOptions
// Options types
export interface EncoderOptions {
+ copy?: boolean
outputOptions: string[]
export type AvailableEncoders = {
[ id in 'live' | 'vod' ]: {
- [ encoder in 'libx264' | 'aac' | 'libfdkAAC' ]: EncoderProfile<EncoderOptionsBuilder>
+ [ encoder in 'libx264' | 'aac' | 'libfdk_aac' ]?: EncoderProfile<EncoderOptionsBuilder>
// Live muxing/transcoding functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function getLiveTranscodingCommand (rtmpUrl: string, outPath: string, resolutions: number[], fps: number, deleteSegments: boolean) {
- const command = getFFmpeg(rtmpUrl)
+async function getLiveTranscodingCommand (options: {
+ rtmpUrl: string
+ outPath: string
+ resolutions: number[]
+ fps: number
+ deleteSegments: boolean
+ availableEncoders: AvailableEncoders
+ profile: string
+}) {
+ const { rtmpUrl, outPath, resolutions, fps, deleteSegments, availableEncoders, profile } = options
+ const input = rtmpUrl
+ const command = getFFmpeg(input)
command.inputOption('-fflags nobuffer')
const varStreamMap: string[] = []
- addEncoderDefaultParams(command, 'libx264', fps)
command.outputOption('-preset superfast')
for (let i = 0; i < resolutions.length; i++) {
const resolution = resolutions[i]
+ const baseEncoderBuilderParams = { input, availableEncoders, profile, fps, resolution, streamNum: i, videoType: 'live' as 'live' }
+ {
+ const builderResult = await getEncoderBuilderResult(Object.assign({}, baseEncoderBuilderParams, { streamType: 'VIDEO' }))
+ if (!builderResult) {
+ throw new Error('No available live video encoder found')
+ }
+ command.outputOption(`-map [vout${resolution}]`)
+ addDefaultEncoderParams({ command, encoder: builderResult.encoder, fps, streamNum: i })
+ logger.debug('Apply ffmpeg live video params from %s.', builderResult.encoder, builderResult)
- command.outputOption(`-map [vout${resolution}]`)
- command.outputOption(`-c:v:${i} libx264`)
- command.outputOption(`-b:v:${i} ${getTargetBitrate(resolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)}`)
+ command.outputOption(`${buildStreamSuffix('-c:v', i)} ${builderResult.encoder}`)
+ command.addOutputOptions(builderResult.result.outputOptions)
+ }
+ {
+ const builderResult = await getEncoderBuilderResult(Object.assign({}, baseEncoderBuilderParams, { streamType: 'AUDIO' }))
+ if (!builderResult) {
+ throw new Error('No available live audio encoder found')
+ }
- command.outputOption(`-map a:0`)
- command.outputOption(`-c:a:${i} aac`)
+ command.outputOption('-map a:0')
+ addDefaultEncoderParams({ command, encoder: builderResult.encoder, fps, streamNum: i })
+ logger.debug('Apply ffmpeg live audio params from %s.', builderResult.encoder, builderResult)
+ command.outputOption(`${buildStreamSuffix('-c:a', i)} ${builderResult.encoder}`)
+ command.addOutputOptions(builderResult.result.outputOptions)
+ }
return runCommand(command, cleaner)
+function buildStreamSuffix (base: string, streamNum?: number) {
+ if (streamNum !== undefined) {
+ return `${base}:${streamNum}`
+ }
+ return base
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
+ buildStreamSuffix,
// Default options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function addEncoderDefaultParams (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, encoder: 'libx264' | string, fps?: number) {
- if (encoder !== 'libx264') return
- command.outputOption('-level 3.1') // 3.1 is the minimal resource allocation for our highest supported resolution
- .outputOption('-b_strategy 1') // NOTE: b-strategy 1 - heuristic algorithm, 16 is optimal B-frames for it
- .outputOption('-bf 16') // NOTE: Why 16: b-strategy 2 -> B-frames<16
- .outputOption('-pix_fmt yuv420p') // allows import of source material with incompatible pixel formats (e.g. MJPEG video)
- .outputOption('-map_metadata -1') // strip all metadata
- .outputOption('-max_muxing_queue_size 1024') // avoid issues when transcoding some files:
- // Keyframe interval of 2 seconds for faster seeking and resolution switching.
- //
- //
- .outputOption('-g ' + (fps * 2))
+function addDefaultEncoderParams (options: {
+ command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand
+ encoder: 'libx264' | string
+ streamNum?: number
+ fps?: number
+}) {
+ const { command, encoder, fps, streamNum } = options
+ if (encoder === 'libx264') {
+ // 3.1 is the minimal resource allocation for our highest supported resolution
+ command.outputOption('-level 3.1')
+ // NOTE: b-strategy 1 - heuristic algorithm, 16 is optimal B-frames for it
+ .outputOption('-b_strategy 1')
+ // NOTE: Why 16: b-strategy 2 -> B-frames<16
+ .outputOption('-bf 16')
+ // allows import of source material with incompatible pixel formats (e.g. MJPEG video)
+ .outputOption(buildStreamSuffix('-pix_fmt', streamNum) + ' yuv420p')
+ // strip all metadata
+ .outputOption('-map_metadata -1')
+ // avoid issues when transcoding some files:
+ .outputOption(buildStreamSuffix('-max_muxing_queue_size', streamNum) + ' 1024')
+ if (fps) {
+ // Keyframe interval of 2 seconds for faster seeking and resolution switching.
+ //
+ //
+ command.outputOption('-g ' + (fps * 2))
+ }
+ }
function addDefaultLiveHLSParams (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, outPath: string, deleteSegments: boolean) {
if (options.resolution !== undefined) {
// '?x720' or '720x?' for example
- const size = options.isPortraitMode === true ? `${options.resolution}x?` : `?x${options.resolution}`
+ const size = options.isPortraitMode === true
+ ? `${options.resolution}x?`
+ : `?x${options.resolution}`
command = command.size(size)
- if (fps) {
- // Hard FPS limits
- if (fps > VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS.MAX) fps = getClosestFramerateStandard(fps, 'HD_STANDARD')
+ // Hard FPS limits
+ if (fps > VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS.MAX) fps = getClosestFramerateStandard(fps, 'HD_STANDARD')
- command = command.withFPS(fps)
- }
+ command = command.withFPS(fps)
return command
// Transcoding presets
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function getEncoderBuilderResult (options: {
+ streamType: string
+ input: string
+ availableEncoders: AvailableEncoders
+ profile: string
+ videoType: 'vod' | 'live'
+ resolution: number
+ fps?: number
+ streamNum?: number
+}) {
+ const { availableEncoders, input, profile, resolution, streamType, fps, streamNum, videoType } = options
+ const encodersToTry: string[] = VIDEO_TRANSCODING_ENCODERS[streamType]
+ for (const encoder of encodersToTry) {
+ if (!(await checkFFmpegEncoders()).get(encoder) || !availableEncoders[videoType][encoder]) continue
+ const builderProfiles: EncoderProfile<EncoderOptionsBuilder> = availableEncoders[videoType][encoder]
+ let builder = builderProfiles[profile]
+ if (!builder) {
+ logger.debug('Profile %s for encoder %s not available. Fallback to default.', profile, encoder)
+ builder = builderProfiles.default
+ }
+ const result = await builder({ input, resolution: resolution, fps, streamNum })
+ return {
+ result,
+ // If we don't have output options, then copy the input stream
+ encoder: result.copy === true
+ ? 'copy'
+ : encoder
+ }
+ }
+ return null
async function presetVideo (
command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand,
input: string,
const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(input)
let streamsToProcess = [ 'AUDIO', 'VIDEO' ]
- const streamsFound = {
- AUDIO: '',
- VIDEO: ''
- }
if (!parsedAudio.audioStream) {
localCommand = localCommand.noAudio()
streamsToProcess = [ 'VIDEO' ]
- for (const stream of streamsToProcess) {
- const encodersToTry: string[] = VIDEO_TRANSCODING_ENCODERS[stream]
- for (const encoder of encodersToTry) {
- if (!(await checkFFmpegEncoders()).get(encoder)) continue
- const builderProfiles: EncoderProfile<EncoderOptionsBuilder> = transcodeOptions.availableEncoders.vod[encoder]
- let builder = builderProfiles[transcodeOptions.profile]
- if (!builder) {
- logger.debug('Profile %s for encoder %s not available. Fallback to default.', transcodeOptions.profile, encoder)
- builder = builderProfiles.default
- }
- const builderResult = await builder({ input, resolution: transcodeOptions.resolution, fps })
- logger.debug('Apply ffmpeg params from %s.', encoder, builderResult)
+ for (const streamType of streamsToProcess) {
+ const { profile, resolution, availableEncoders } = transcodeOptions
+ const builderResult = await getEncoderBuilderResult({
+ streamType,
+ input,
+ resolution,
+ availableEncoders,
+ profile,
+ fps,
+ videoType: 'vod' as 'vod'
+ })
- localCommand.outputOptions(builderResult.outputOptions)
+ if (!builderResult) {
+ throw new Error('No available encoder found for stream ' + streamType)
+ }
- addEncoderDefaultParams(localCommand, encoder)
+ logger.debug('Apply ffmpeg params from %s.', builderResult.encoder, builderResult)
- streamsFound[stream] = encoder
- break
+ if (streamType === 'VIDEO') {
+ localCommand.videoCodec(builderResult.encoder)
+ } else if (streamType === 'AUDIO') {
+ localCommand.audioCodec(builderResult.encoder)
- if (!streamsFound[stream]) {
- throw new Error('No available encoder found ' + encodersToTry.join(', '))
- }
+ command.addOutputOptions(builderResult.result.outputOptions)
+ addDefaultEncoderParams({ command: localCommand, encoder: builderResult.encoder, fps })
- localCommand.videoCodec(streamsFound.VIDEO)
return localCommand
async function canDoQuickTranscode (path: string): Promise<boolean> {
const probe = await ffprobePromise(path)
- // NOTE: This could be optimized by running ffprobe only once (but it runs fast anyway)
+ return await canDoQuickVideoTranscode(path, probe) &&
+ await canDoQuickAudioTranscode(path, probe)
+async function canDoQuickVideoTranscode (path: string, probe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData): Promise<boolean> {
const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(path, probe)
- const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(path, probe)
const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path, probe)
const bitRate = await getVideoFileBitrate(path, probe)
const resolution = await getVideoFileResolution(path, probe)
if (bitRate > getMaxBitrate(resolution.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)) return false
+ return true
+async function canDoQuickAudioTranscode (path: string, probe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData): Promise<boolean> {
+ const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(path, probe)
// check audio params (if audio stream exists)
if (parsedAudio.audioStream) {
if (parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name'] !== 'aac') return false
+ getVideoStreamFromFile,
+ ffprobePromise,
- canDoQuickTranscode
+ canDoQuickTranscode,
+ canDoQuickVideoTranscode,
+ canDoQuickAudioTranscode
import { PeerTubeSocket } from './peertube-socket'
import { isAbleToUploadVideo } from './user'
import { getHLSDirectory } from './video-paths'
+import { availableEncoders } from './video-transcoding-profiles'
import memoizee = require('memoizee')
const NodeRtmpServer = require('node-media-server/node_rtmp_server')
const deleteSegments = videoLive.saveReplay === false
- ? getLiveTranscodingCommand(rtmpUrl, outPath, allResolutions, fps, deleteSegments)
+ ? await getLiveTranscodingCommand({
+ rtmpUrl,
+ outPath,
+ resolutions:
+ allResolutions,
+ fps,
+ deleteSegments,
+ availableEncoders,
+ profile: 'default'
+ })
: getLiveMuxingCommand(rtmpUrl, outPath, deleteSegments)'Running live muxing/transcoding for %s.', videoUUID)
--- /dev/null
+import { getTargetBitrate } from '../../shared/models/videos'
+import { AvailableEncoders, buildStreamSuffix, EncoderOptionsBuilder } from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
+import { ffprobePromise, getAudioStream, getMaxAudioBitrate, getVideoFileBitrate, getVideoStreamFromFile } from '../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
+import { VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '../initializers/constants'
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Available encoders profiles
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Resources:
+// *
+// *
+const defaultX264VODOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ input, resolution, fps }) => {
+ let targetBitrate = getTargetBitrate(resolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
+ const probe = await ffprobePromise(input)
+ const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(input, probe)
+ if (!videoStream) {
+ return { outputOptions: [ ] }
+ }
+ // Don't transcode to an higher bitrate than the original file
+ const fileBitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(input, probe)
+ targetBitrate = Math.min(targetBitrate, fileBitrate)
+ return {
+ outputOptions: [
+ `-maxrate ${targetBitrate}`, `-bufsize ${targetBitrate * 2}`
+ ]
+ }
+const defaultX264LiveOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ resolution, fps, streamNum }) => {
+ const targetBitrate = getTargetBitrate(resolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
+ return {
+ outputOptions: [
+ `${buildStreamSuffix('-b:v', streamNum)} ${targetBitrate}`,
+ `-maxrate ${targetBitrate}`, `-bufsize ${targetBitrate * 2}`
+ ]
+ }
+const defaultAACOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ input, streamNum }) => {
+ const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(input)
+ // We try to reduce the ceiling bitrate by making rough matches of bitrates
+ // Of course this is far from perfect, but it might save some space in the end
+ const audioCodecName = parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name']
+ const bitrate = getMaxAudioBitrate(audioCodecName, parsedAudio.bitrate)
+ if (bitrate !== undefined && bitrate !== -1) {
+ return { outputOptions: [ buildStreamSuffix('-b:a', streamNum), bitrate + 'k' ] }
+ }
+ return { copy: true, outputOptions: [] }
+const defaultLibFDKAACVODOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = ({ streamNum }) => {
+ return { outputOptions: [ buildStreamSuffix('-q:a', streamNum), '5' ] }
+const availableEncoders: AvailableEncoders = {
+ vod: {
+ libx264: {
+ default: defaultX264VODOptionsBuilder
+ },
+ aac: {
+ default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
+ },
+ libfdk_aac: {
+ default: defaultLibFDKAACVODOptionsBuilder
+ }
+ },
+ live: {
+ libx264: {
+ default: defaultX264LiveOptionsBuilder
+ },
+ aac: {
+ default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export {
+ availableEncoders
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { basename, extname as extnameUtil, join } from 'path'
import { createTorrentAndSetInfoHash } from '@server/helpers/webtorrent'
import { MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoWithAllFiles, MVideoWithFile } from '@server/types/models'
-import { getTargetBitrate, VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos'
+import { VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '../../shared/models/videos/video-streaming-playlist.type'
-import { AvailableEncoders, EncoderOptionsBuilder, transcode, TranscodeOptions, TranscodeOptionsType } from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
-import {
- canDoQuickTranscode,
- getAudioStream,
- getDurationFromVideoFile,
- getMaxAudioBitrate,
- getMetadataFromFile,
- getVideoFileBitrate,
- getVideoFileFPS
-} from '../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
+import { transcode, TranscodeOptions, TranscodeOptionsType } from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
+import { canDoQuickTranscode, getDurationFromVideoFile, getMetadataFromFile, getVideoFileFPS } from '../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import { logger } from '../helpers/logger'
import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config'
-import {
-} from '../initializers/constants'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { updateMasterHLSPlaylist, updateSha256VODSegments } from './hls'
import { generateVideoStreamingPlaylistName, getVideoFilename, getVideoFilePath } from './video-paths'
+import { availableEncoders } from './video-transcoding-profiles'
* Optimize the original video file and replace it. The resolution is not changed.
return video
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Available encoders profiles
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const defaultX264OptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ input, resolution, fps }) => {
- if (!fps) return { outputOptions: [] }
- let targetBitrate = getTargetBitrate(resolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
- // Don't transcode to an higher bitrate than the original file
- const fileBitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(input)
- targetBitrate = Math.min(targetBitrate, fileBitrate)
- return {
- outputOptions: [
- // Constrained Encoding (VBV)
- //
- //
- `-maxrate ${targetBitrate}`, `-bufsize ${targetBitrate * 2}`
- ]
- }
-const defaultAACOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ input }) => {
- const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(input)
- // we try to reduce the ceiling bitrate by making rough matches of bitrates
- // of course this is far from perfect, but it might save some space in the end
- const audioCodecName = parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name']
- const bitrate = getMaxAudioBitrate(audioCodecName, parsedAudio.bitrate)
- if (bitrate !== undefined && bitrate !== -1) {
- return { outputOptions: [ '-b:a', bitrate + 'k' ] }
- }
- return { outputOptions: [] }
-const defaultLibFDKAACOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = () => {
- return { outputOptions: [ '-aq', '5' ] }
-const availableEncoders: AvailableEncoders = {
- vod: {
- libx264: {
- default: defaultX264OptionsBuilder
- },
- aac: {
- default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
- },
- libfdkAAC: {
- default: defaultLibFDKAACOptionsBuilder
- }
- },
- live: {
- libx264: {
- default: defaultX264OptionsBuilder
- },
- aac: {
- default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
- },
- libfdkAAC: {
- default: defaultLibFDKAACOptionsBuilder
- }
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
--- /dev/null
+import { registerTSPaths } from '../helpers/register-ts-paths'
+import { LiveVideo, LiveVideoCreate, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models'
+import * as program from 'commander'
+import {
+ createLive,
+ flushAndRunServer,
+ getLive,
+ killallServers,
+ sendRTMPStream,
+ ServerInfo,
+ setAccessTokensToServers,
+ setDefaultVideoChannel,
+ updateCustomSubConfig
+} from '../../shared/extra-utils'
+type CommandType = 'live-mux' | 'live-transcoding'
+const command = program
+ .name('test')
+ .option('-t, --type <type>', 'live-muxing|live-transcoding')
+ .parse(process.argv)
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.error(err)
+ process.exit(-1)
+ })
+async function run () {
+ const commandType: CommandType = command['type']
+ if (!commandType) {
+ console.error('Miss command type')
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ console.log('Starting server.')
+ const server = await flushAndRunServer(1, {}, [], false)
+ const cleanup = () => {
+ console.log('Killing server')
+ killallServers([ server ])
+ }
+ process.on('exit', cleanup)
+ process.on('SIGINT', cleanup)
+ await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ])
+ await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ])
+ await buildConfig(server, commandType)
+ const attributes: LiveVideoCreate = {
+ name: 'live',
+ saveReplay: true,
+ channelId:,
+ privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC
+ }
+ console.log('Creating live.')
+ const res = await createLive(server.url, server.accessToken, attributes)
+ const liveVideoUUID =
+ const resLive = await getLive(server.url, server.accessToken, liveVideoUUID)
+ const live: LiveVideo = resLive.body
+ console.log('Sending RTMP stream.')
+ const ffmpegCommand = sendRTMPStream(live.rtmpUrl, live.streamKey)
+ ffmpegCommand.on('error', err => {
+ console.error(err)
+ process.exit(-1)
+ })
+ ffmpegCommand.on('end', () => {
+ console.log('ffmpeg ended')
+ process.exit(0)
+ })
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function buildConfig (server: ServerInfo, commandType: CommandType) {
+ await updateCustomSubConfig(server.url, server.accessToken, {
+ instance: {
+ customizations: {
+ javascript: '',
+ css: ''
+ }
+ },
+ live: {
+ enabled: true,
+ allowReplay: true,
+ transcoding: {
+ enabled: commandType === 'live-transcoding'
+ }
+ }
+ })
return randomInt(low, high)
-async function flushAndRunServer (serverNumber: number, configOverride?: Object, args = []) {
+async function flushAndRunServer (serverNumber: number, configOverride?: Object, args = [], silent = true) {
const parallel = parallelTests()
const internalServerNumber = parallel ? randomServer() : serverNumber
- return runServer(server, configOverride, args)
+ return runServer(server, configOverride, args, silent)
-async function runServer (server: ServerInfo, configOverrideArg?: any, args = []) {
+async function runServer (server: ServerInfo, configOverrideArg?: any, args = [], silent?: boolean) {
// These actions are async so we need to be sure that they have both been done
const serverRunString = {
'Server listening': false
// If no, there is maybe one thing not already initialized (client/user credentials generation...)
if (dontContinue === true) return
-'data', onStdout)
+ if (silent === false) {
+ console.log(data.toString())
+ } else {
+'data', onStdout)
+ }
process.on('exit', () => {
try {
// Example outputs:
// 1080p10: 2420 kbps, 1080p30: 3300 kbps, 1080p60: 4620 kbps
// 720p10: 1283 kbps, 720p30: 1750 kbps, 720p60: 2450 kbps
- return baseBitrate + (fps - fpsTranscodingConstants.AVERAGE) * (maxBitrateDifference / maxFpsDifference)
+ return Math.floor(baseBitrate + (fps - fpsTranscodingConstants.AVERAGE) * (maxBitrateDifference / maxFpsDifference))