// -------- User clicked the "Save" button when editing a link: Save link to database.
if (isset($_POST['save_edit']))
- if (!tokenOk($_POST['token'])) die('Wrong token.'); // Go away!
- $tags = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ', $_POST['lf_tags'])); // Remove multiple spaces.
- $tags = implode(' ', array_unique(explode(' ', $tags))); // Remove duplicates.
- $linkdate=$_POST['lf_linkdate'];
+ // Go away!
+ if (! tokenOk($_POST['token'])) {
+ die('Wrong token.');
+ }
+ // Remove multiple spaces.
+ $tags = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $_POST['lf_tags']));
+ // Remove duplicates.
+ $tags = implode(' ', array_unique(explode(' ', $tags)));
+ $linkdate = $_POST['lf_linkdate'];
$url = trim($_POST['lf_url']);
- if (!startsWith($url,'http:') && !startsWith($url,'https:') && !startsWith($url,'ftp:') && !startsWith($url,'magnet:') && !startsWith($url,'?') && !startsWith($url,'javascript:'))
- $url = 'http://'.$url;
- $link = array('title'=>trim($_POST['lf_title']),'url'=>$url,'description'=>trim($_POST['lf_description']),'private'=>(isset($_POST['lf_private']) ? 1 : 0),
- 'linkdate'=>$linkdate,'tags'=>str_replace(',',' ',$tags));
- if ($link['title']=='') $link['title']=$link['url']; // If title is empty, use the URL as title.
+ if (! startsWith($url, 'http:') && ! startsWith($url, 'https:')
+ && ! startsWith($url, 'ftp:') && ! startsWith($url, 'magnet:')
+ && ! startsWith($url, '?') && ! startsWith($url, 'javascript:')
+ ) {
+ $url = 'http://' . $url;
+ }
+ $link = array(
+ 'title' => trim($_POST['lf_title']),
+ 'url' => $url,
+ 'description' => trim($_POST['lf_description']),
+ 'private' => (isset($_POST['lf_private']) ? 1 : 0),
+ 'linkdate' => $linkdate,
+ 'tags' => str_replace(',', ' ', $tags)
+ );
+ // If title is empty, use the URL as title.
+ if ($link['title'] == '') {
+ $link['title'] = $link['url'];
+ }
$pluginManager->executeHooks('save_link', $link);
$LINKSDB[$linkdate] = $link;
- $LINKSDB->savedb($GLOBALS['config']['PAGECACHE']); // Save to disk.
+ $LINKSDB->savedb($GLOBALS['config']['PAGECACHE']);
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup:
$returnurl = !empty($_POST['returnurl']) ? escape($_POST['returnurl']): '?';
$location = generateLocation($returnurl, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], array('addlink', 'post', 'edit_link'));
- $location .= '#'.smallHash($_POST['lf_linkdate']); // Scroll to the link which has been edited.
- header('Location: '. $location); // After saving the link, redirect to the page the user was on.
+ // Scroll to the link which has been edited.
+ $location .= '#' . smallHash($_POST['lf_linkdate']);
+ // After saving the link, redirect to the page the user was on.
+ header('Location: '. $location);