? existingThumbnail.fileUrl
: null
- // If the thumbnail URL did not change and has a unique filename (introduced in 3.2), avoid thumbnail processing
+ // If the thumbnail URL did not change and has a unique filename (introduced in 3.1), avoid thumbnail processing
const thumbnailUrlChanged = !existingUrl || existingUrl !== downloadUrl || downloadUrl.endsWith(`${video.uuid}.jpg`)
// Do not change the thumbnail filename if the file did not change
function generateVideoFilename (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, isHls: boolean, resolution: number, extname: string) {
const video = extractVideo(videoOrPlaylist)
- // FIXME: use a generated uuid instead, that will break compatibility with PeerTube < 3.2
+ // FIXME: use a generated uuid instead, that will break compatibility with PeerTube < 3.1
// const uuid = uuidv4()
const uuid = video.uuid
const video = extractVideo(videoOrPlaylist)
const extension = '.torrent'
- // FIXME: use a generated uuid instead, that will break compatibility with PeerTube < 3.2
+ // FIXME: use a generated uuid instead, that will break compatibility with PeerTube < 3.1
// const uuid = uuidv4()
const uuid = video.uuid
const attributes = immutableAssign(baseAttributes, { targetUrl: getYoutubeVideoUrl() })
const res = await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, attributes)
expect(res.body.video.name).to.equal('small video - youtube')
- expect(res.body.video.thumbnailPath).to.equal(`/static/thumbnails/${res.body.video.uuid}.jpg`)
- expect(res.body.video.previewPath).to.equal(`/lazy-static/previews/${res.body.video.uuid}.jpg`)
+ expect(res.body.video.thumbnailPath).to.match(new RegExp(`^/static/thumbnails/.+.jpg$`))
+ expect(res.body.video.previewPath).to.match(new RegExp(`^/lazy-static/previews/.+.jpg$`))
await testImage(servers[0].url, 'video_import_thumbnail', res.body.video.thumbnailPath)
await testImage(servers[0].url, 'video_import_preview', res.body.video.previewPath)
const enCaption = videoCaptions.find(caption => caption.language.id === 'en')
- expect(enCaption.captionPath).to.equal(`/lazy-static/video-captions/${res.body.video.uuid}-en.vtt`)
+ expect(enCaption.captionPath).to.match(new RegExp(`^/lazy-static/video-captions/.+-en.vtt$`))
await testCaptionFile(servers[0].url, enCaption.captionPath, `WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
const frCaption = videoCaptions.find(caption => caption.language.id === 'fr')
- expect(frCaption.captionPath).to.equal(`/lazy-static/video-captions/${res.body.video.uuid}-fr.vtt`)
+ expect(frCaption.captionPath).to.match(new RegExp(`^/lazy-static/video-captions/.+-fr.vtt`))
await testCaptionFile(servers[0].url, frCaption.captionPath, `WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: fr