* @ApiDoc(
* requirements={
* {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"}
+ * },
+ * parameters={
+ * {"name"="expect", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="id or entry", "description"="Only returns the id instead of the deleted entry's full entity if 'id' is specified. Default to entry"},
* }
* )
* @return JsonResponse
- public function deleteEntriesAction(Entry $entry)
+ public function deleteEntriesAction(Entry $entry, Request $request)
+ $expect = $request->query->get('expect', 'entry');
+ if (!\in_array($expect, ['id', 'entry'], true)) {
+ throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf("expect: 'id' or 'entry' expected, %s given", $expect));
+ }
- // We copy $entry to keep id in returned object
- $e = $entry;
+ $response = $this->sendResponse([
+ 'id' => $entry->getId(),
+ ]);
+ // We clone $entry to keep id in returned object
+ if ('entry' === $expect) {
+ $e = clone $entry;
+ $response = $this->sendResponse($e);
+ }
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// entry deleted, dispatch event about it!
$this->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch(EntryDeletedEvent::NAME, new EntryDeletedEvent($entry));
- return $this->sendResponse($e);
+ return $response;
$this->assertSame(404, $this->client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
- $this->client->request('DELETE', '/api/entries/' . $entry->getId() . '.json');
+ public function testDeleteEntryExpectId()
+ {
+ $em = $this->client->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
+ $entry = new Entry($em->getReference(User::class, 1));
+ $entry->setUrl('');
+ $em->persist($entry);
+ $em->flush();
+ $em->clear();
+ $id = $entry->getId();
+ $this->client->request('DELETE', '/api/entries/' . $id . '.json?expect=id');
$this->assertSame(200, $this->client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
$content = json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertSame($entry->getTitle(), $content['title']);
- $this->assertSame($entry->getUrl(), $content['url']);
- $this->assertSame($entry->getId(), $content['id']);
+ $this->assertSame($id, $content['id']);
+ $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('url', $content);
// We'll try to delete this entry again
- $this->client->request('DELETE', '/api/entries/' . $entry->getId() . '.json');
+ $this->client->request('DELETE', '/api/entries/' . $id . '.json');
$this->assertSame(404, $this->client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());