-- | This module uses the stream decoding functions from Michael Snoyman's new
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-stream-decode text-stream-decode>
--- package to define decoding functions and lenses.
+-- package to define decoding functions and lenses. The exported names
+-- conflict with names in @Data.Text.Encoding@ but the module can otherwise be
+-- imported unqualified.
module Pipes.Text.Encoding
-- * The Lens or Codec type
-- $lenses
+ , decode
-- * Viewing the Text in a ByteString
-- $codecs
- , decode
, utf8
, utf8Pure
, utf16LE
> type Lens' a b = forall f . Functor f => (b -> f b) -> (a -> f a)
- is just an alias for an ordinary Prelude type. Thus you use any codec with
- the @view@ / @(^.)@ and @zoom@ functions from those libraries.
+ is just an alias for a Prelude type. Thus you use any particular codec with
+ the @view@ / @(^.)@ , @zoom@ and @over@ functions from either of those libraries;
+ we presuppose neither since we already have access to the types they require.
. Monad m
=> Lens' (Producer ByteString m r)
(Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
{- | 'decode' is just the ordinary @view@ or @(^.)@ of the lens libraries;
- exported here for convience
+ exported here under a name appropriate to the material. All of these are
+ the same:
-> decode utf8 p = decodeUtf8 p = view utf8 p = p ^. utf
+> decode utf8 p = decodeUtf8 p = view utf8 p = p ^. utf8
decode codec a = getConstant (codec Constant a)
+{- $codecs
+ Each Codec-lens looks into a byte stream that is supposed to contain text.
+ The particular \'Codec\' lenses are named in accordance with the expected
+ encoding, 'utf8', 'utf16LE' etc. To turn a Codec into an ordinary function,
+ use @view@ / @(^.)@ -- here also called 'decode':
+> view utf8 :: Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+> decode utf8 Byte.stdin :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
+> Bytes.stdin ^. utf8 :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
+ Uses of a codec with @view@ or @(^.)@ or 'decode' can always be replaced by the specialized
+ decoding functions exported here, e.g.
+> decodeUtf8 :: Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
+> decodeUtf8 Byte.stdin :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
+ The stream of text that a @Codec@ \'sees\' in the stream of bytes begins at its head.
+ At any point of decoding failure, the stream of text ends and reverts to (returns)
+ the original byte stream. Thus if the first bytes are already
+ un-decodable, the whole ByteString producer will be returned, i.e.
+> view utf8 bytestream
+ will just come to the same as
+> return bytestream
+ Where there is no decoding failure, the return value of the text stream will be
+ an empty byte stream followed by its own return value. In all cases you must
+ deal with the fact that it is a /ByteString producer/ that is returned, even if
+ it can be thrown away with @Control.Monad.void@
+> void (Bytes.stdin ^. utf8) :: Producer Text IO ()
+ @zoom@ converts a Text parser into a ByteString parser:
+> zoom utf8 drawChar :: Monad m => StateT (Producer ByteString m r) m (Maybe Char)
+ or, with the type synonymn of @Pipes.Parse@:
+> zoom utf8 drawChar :: Monad m => Parser ByteString m (Maybe Char)
+ Thus we can define ByteString like this:
+> withNextByte :: Parser ByteString m (Maybe Char, Maybe Word8)))
+> withNextByte = do char_ <- zoom utf8 Text.drawChar
+> byte_ <- Bytes.peekByte
+> return (char_, byte_)
+ Though @withNextByte@ is partly defined with a Text parser 'drawChar';
+ but it is a ByteString parser; it will return the first valid utf8-encoded
+ Char in a ByteString, whatever its length,
+ and the first byte of the next character, if they exist. Because
+ we \'draw\' one and \'peek\' at the other, the parser as a whole only
+ advances one Char's length along the bytestring, whatever that length may be.
+ See the slightly more complex example \'decode.hs\' in the
+ <http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/02/pipes-parse-30-lens-based-parsing.html#batteries-included haskellforall>
+ discussion of this type of byte stream parsing.
+ -}
+utf8 :: Codec
+utf8 = mkCodec decodeUtf8 TE.encodeUtf8
+utf8Pure :: Codec
+utf8Pure = mkCodec decodeUtf8Pure TE.encodeUtf8
+utf16LE :: Codec
+utf16LE = mkCodec decodeUtf16LE TE.encodeUtf16LE
+utf16BE :: Codec
+utf16BE = mkCodec decodeUtf16BE TE.encodeUtf16BE
+utf32LE :: Codec
+utf32LE = mkCodec decodeUtf32LE TE.encodeUtf32LE
+utf32BE :: Codec
+utf32BE = mkCodec decodeUtf32BE TE.encodeUtf32BE
decodeStream :: Monad m
=> (B.ByteString -> DecodeResult)
-> Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
mkCodec dec enc = \k p0 -> fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . enc))) (k (dec p0))
-{- $codecs
- Each codec/lens looks into a byte stream that is supposed to contain text.
- The particular \'Codec\' lenses are named in accordance with the expected
- encoding, 'utf8', 'utf16LE' etc. @view@ / @(^.)@ -- here also called 'decode' --
- turns a Codec into a function:
-> view utf8 :: Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
-> decode utf8 Byte.stdin :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
-> Bytes.stdin ^. utf8 :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
- Uses of a codec with @view@ or @(^.)@ or 'decode' can always be replaced by the specialized
- decoding functions exported here, e.g.
-> decodeUtf8 :: Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
-> decodeUtf8 Byte.stdin :: Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString IO r)
- The stream of text a @Codec@ \'sees\' in the stream of bytes begins at its head.
- At any point of decoding failure, the stream of text ends and reverts to (returns)
- the original byte stream. Thus if the first bytes are already
- un-decodable, the whole ByteString producer will be returned, i.e.
-> view utf8 bytestream
- will just come to the same as
-> return bytestream
- Where there is no decoding failure, the return value of the text stream will be
- an empty byte stream followed by its own return value. In all cases you must
- deal with the fact that it is a ByteString producer that is returned, even if
- it can be thrown away with @Control.Monad.void@
-> void (Bytes.stdin ^. utf8) :: Producer Text IO ()
- @zoom@ converts a Text parser into a ByteString parser:
-> zoom utf8 drawChar :: Monad m => StateT (Producer ByteString m r) m (Maybe Char)
-> withNextByte :: Parser ByteString m (Maybe Char, Maybe Word8)))
-> withNextByte = do char_ <- zoom utf8 Text.drawChar
-> byte_ <- Bytes.peekByte
-> return (char_, byte_)
- @withNextByte@ will return the first valid Char in a ByteString,
- and the first byte of the next character, if they exists. Because
- we \'draw\' one and \'peek\' at the other, the parser as a whole only
- advances one Char's length along the bytestring.
- -}
-utf8 :: Codec
-utf8 = mkCodec decodeUtf8 TE.encodeUtf8
-utf8Pure :: Codec
-utf8Pure = mkCodec decodeUtf8Pure TE.encodeUtf8
-utf16LE :: Codec
-utf16LE = mkCodec decodeUtf16LE TE.encodeUtf16LE
-utf16BE :: Codec
-utf16BE = mkCodec decodeUtf16BE TE.encodeUtf16BE
-utf32LE :: Codec
-utf32LE = mkCodec decodeUtf32LE TE.encodeUtf32LE
-utf32BE :: Codec
-utf32BE = mkCodec decodeUtf32BE TE.encodeUtf32BE
{- $ascii
ascii and latin encodings only use a small number of the characters 'Text'