import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as Temp
import Generics.SOP (K)
import Squeal.PostgreSQL
-import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Pool
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Test.Hspec
data TestDB a = TestDB
{ tempDB :: Maybe Temp.DB
-- ^ Handle for temporary @postgres@ process
- , pool :: Pool a
+ , pool :: Pool (K Connection a)
-- ^ Pool of 50 connections to the temporary @postgres@
, connectionString :: ByteString
-type Fixtures schema a = (Pool (K Connection schema) -> IO a)
-type Actions schema a = PoolPQ schema IO a
-type SquealContext schema = TestDB (K Connection schema)
-type FixtureContext schema fix = (SquealContext schema, fix)
+type Fixtures db a = (Pool (K Connection db) -> IO a)
+type Actions db a = PQ db db IO a
+type FixtureContext db fix = (TestDB db, fix)
+type Migrations def from to = Path (Migration def) from to
testDBEnv :: String
-- | Start a temporary @postgres@ process and create a pool of connections to it
- :: Migratory p => AlignedList (Migration p) schema0 schema
+ :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
+ => Migrations def schema0 schema
-> Fixtures schema fix
-> IO (FixtureContext schema fix)
setupDB migration fixtures = do
-- | Drop all the connections and shutdown the @postgres@ process
- :: Migratory p => AlignedList (Migration p) schema0 schema
+ :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
+ => Migrations def schema0 schema
-> TestDB a
-> IO ()
teardownDB migration TestDB {..} = do
withConnection connectionString (migrateDown migration)
- destroyAllResources pool
+ destroyConnectionPool pool
maybe (pure ()) (void . Temp.stop) tempDB
-- | Run an 'IO' action with a connection from the pool
-withPool :: TestDB (K Connection schema) -> Actions schema a -> IO a
-withPool testDB = liftBase . flip runPoolPQ (pool testDB)
+withPool :: TestDB db -> Actions db a -> IO a
+withPool testDB = liftBase . usingConnectionPool (pool testDB)
-- | Run an 'DB' transaction, using 'transactionally_'
-withDB :: Actions schema a -> TestDB (K Connection schema) -> IO a
+withDB :: Actions db a -> TestDB db -> IO a
withDB action testDB =
- runPoolPQ (transactionally_ action) (pool testDB)
+ usingConnectionPool (pool testDB) (transactionally_ action)
-- | Flipped version of 'withDB'
-runDB :: TestDB (K Connection schema) -> Actions schema a -> IO a
+runDB :: TestDB db -> Actions db a -> IO a
runDB = flip withDB
-withFixture :: (fix -> Actions schema a) -> FixtureContext schema fix -> IO a
+withFixture :: (fix -> Actions db a) -> FixtureContext db fix -> IO a
withFixture action (db, fix) =
- runPoolPQ (transactionally_ $ action fix) (pool db)
+ usingConnectionPool (pool db) (transactionally_ $ action fix)
-withoutFixture :: Actions schema a -> FixtureContext schema fix -> IO a
+withoutFixture :: Actions db a -> FixtureContext db fix -> IO a
withoutFixture action (db, _) =
- runPoolPQ (transactionally_ action) (pool db)
+ usingConnectionPool (pool db) (transactionally_ action)
-- | Helper for writing tests. Wrapper around 'it' that uses the passed
-- in 'TestDB' to run a db transaction automatically for the test.
-itDB :: String -> Actions schema a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext schema ())
+itDB :: String -> Actions db a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db ())
itDB msg action = it msg $ void . withoutFixture action
-- | Helper for writing tests. Wrapper around 'it' that uses the passed
-- in 'TestDB' to run a db transaction automatically for the test,
-- plus the result of the fixtures.
-itDBF :: String -> (fix -> Actions schema a) -> SpecWith (FixtureContext schema fix)
+itDBF :: String -> (fix -> Actions db a) -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
itDBF msg action = it msg $ void . withFixture action
-itDBF_ :: String -> Actions schema a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext schema fix)
+itDBF_ :: String -> Actions db a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
itDBF_ msg action = it msg $ void . withoutFixture action
-- | Wraps 'describe' with a
-- hook for stopping a db.
- :: Migratory p => AlignedList (Migration p) schema0 schema
- -> Fixtures schema ()
+ :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
+ => Migrations def db0 db
+ -> Fixtures db ()
-> String
- -> SpecWith (FixtureContext schema ())
+ -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db ())
-> Spec
describeDB migrate fixture str =
beforeAll (setupDB migrate fixture) . afterAll (teardownDB migrate . fst) . describe str
-- | Like `decribeDB`, but allow fixtures to pass
-- | a result to all specs
- :: Migratory p => AlignedList (Migration p) schema0 schema
- -> Fixtures schema fix
+ :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
+ => Migrations def db0 db
+ -> Fixtures db fix
-> String
- -> SpecWith (FixtureContext schema fix)
+ -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
-> Spec
describeFixtures migrate fixture str =
beforeAll (setupDB migrate fixture) . afterAll (teardownDB migrate . fst) . describe str