- Process/send records to target
## Authentication
-The [**Google Sheets Setup & Authentication**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FojlvtLwS0-BzGS37R0jEXtwSHqSiO1Uw-7RKQQO-C4) Google Doc provides instructions show how to configure the Google Cloud API credentials to enable Google Drive and Google Sheets APIs, configure Google Cloud to authorize/verify your domain ownership, generate an API key (client_id, client_secret), authenticate and generate a refresh_token, and prepare your tap config.json with the necessary parameters.
-- Enable Googe Drive APIs and Authorization Scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
-- Enable Google Sheets API and Authorization Scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly
-- Tap config.json parameters:
- - client_id: identifies your application
- - client_secret: authenticates your application
- - refresh_token: generates an access token to authorize your session
- - spreadsheet_id: unique identifier for each spreadsheet in Google Drive
- - start_date: absolute minimum start date to check file modified
- - user_agent: tap-name and email address; identifies your application in the Remote API server logs
+You will need a Google developer project to use this tool. After [creating a project](https://console.developers.google.com/projectcreate) (or selecting an existing one) in your Google developers console the authentication can be configured in two different ways:
+- Via an OAuth client which will ask the user to login to its Google user account.
+ Please check the [“Creating application credentials”](https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client/blob/d0110cf4f7aaa93d6f56fc028cd6a1e3d8dd300a/docs/oauth-installed.md#creating-application-credentials) paragraph of the Google Python library to download your Google credentials file.
+- Via a Service account (ideal for server-to-server communication)
+ Please check the [“Creating a service account”](https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client/blob/d0110cf4f7aaa93d6f56fc028cd6a1e3d8dd300a/docs/oauth-server.md#creating-a-service-account) paragraph of the Google Python library to download your Google Service Account key file.
+- Tap `config.json` parameters:
+ - `credentials_file`: the path to a valid Google credentials file (Either an OAuth client secrets file or a Service Account key file)
+ - `spreadsheet_id`: unique identifier for each spreadsheet in Google Drive
+ - `start_date`: absolute minimum start date to check file modified
## Quick Start
- [singer-tools](https://github.com/singer-io/singer-tools)
- [target-stitch](https://github.com/singer-io/target-stitch)
-3. Create your tap's `config.json` file. Include the client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, site_urls (website URL properties in a comma delimited list; do not include the domain-level property in the list), start_date (UTC format), and user_agent (tap name with the api user email address).
+3. Create your tap's `config.json` file. Include the `credentials_file` path to your google secrets file as described in the [Authentication](#authentication) paragraph.
- "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
- "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
- "refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
"spreadsheet_id": "YOUR_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_ID",
- "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "user_agent": "tap-google-sheets <api_user_email@example.com>"
+ "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
- "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
- "refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
+ "credentials_file": "client-secrets.json",
"spreadsheet_id": "YOUR_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_ID",
- "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "user_agent": "tap-google-search-console <api_user_email@example.com>"
+ "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- 'requests==2.22.0',
- 'singer-python==5.9.0'
+ 'singer-python==5.9.0',
+ 'google-api-python-client==1.12.5',
+ 'google-auth==1.23.0',
+ 'google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.2',
'dev': [
LOGGER = singer.get_logger()
- 'client_id',
- 'client_secret',
- 'refresh_token',
+ 'credentials_file',
- 'start_date',
- 'user_agent'
+ 'start_date'
def do_discover(client, spreadsheet_id):
parsed_args = singer.utils.parse_args(REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS)
- with GoogleClient(parsed_args.config['client_id'],
- parsed_args.config['client_secret'],
- parsed_args.config['refresh_token'],
- parsed_args.config['user_agent']) as client:
+ with GoogleClient(parsed_args.config['credentials_file']) as client:
state = {}
if parsed_args.state:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import OrderedDict
import backoff
-import requests
import singer
+import logging
+import pickle
+import json
+import os
from singer import metrics
from singer import utils
+from google.oauth2 import service_account
+from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
+from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
+from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
+import googleapiclient.discovery
-BASE_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com'
-GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI = 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token'
LOGGER = singer.get_logger()
class Server5xxError(Exception):
428: GooglePreconditionRequiredError,
500: GoogleInternalServiceError}
-def get_exception_for_error_code(error_code):
- return ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION_MAPPING.get(error_code, GoogleError)
-def raise_for_error(response):
- try:
- response.raise_for_status()
- except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError) as error:
- try:
- content_length = len(response.content)
- if content_length == 0:
- # There is nothing we can do here since Google has neither sent
- # us a 2xx response nor a response content.
- return
- response = response.json()
- if ('error' in response) or ('errorCode' in response):
- message = '%s: %s' % (response.get('error', str(error)),
- response.get('message', 'Unknown Error'))
- error_code = response.get('error', {}).get('code')
- ex = get_exception_for_error_code(error_code)
- raise ex(message)
- raise GoogleError(error)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise GoogleError(error)
class GoogleClient: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- def __init__(self,
- client_id,
- client_secret,
- refresh_token,
- user_agent=None):
- self.__client_id = client_id
- self.__client_secret = client_secret
- self.__refresh_token = refresh_token
- self.__user_agent = user_agent
- self.__access_token = None
- self.__expires = None
- self.__session = requests.Session()
- self.base_url = None
+ SCOPES = [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly"
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, credentials_file):
+ self.__credentials = self.fetchCredentials(credentials_file)
+ self.__sheets_service = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
+ 'sheets',
+ 'v4',
+ credentials=self.__credentials,
+ cache_discovery=False
+ )
+ self.__drive_service = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
+ 'drive',
+ 'v3',
+ credentials=self.__credentials,
+ cache_discovery=False
+ )
+ def fetchCredentials(self, credentials_file):
+ LOGGER.debug('authenticate with google')
+ data = None
+ # Check a credentials file exist
+ if not os.path.exists(credentials_file):
+ raise Exception("The configured Google credentials file {} doesn't exist".format(credentials_file))
+ # Load credentials json file
+ with open(credentials_file) as json_file:
+ data = json.load(json_file)
+ if data.get('type', '') == 'service_account':
+ return self.fetchServiceAccountCredentials(credentials_file)
+ elif data.get('installed'):
+ return self.fetchInstalledOAuthCredentials(credentials_file)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("""This Google credentials file is not yet recognize.
+ Please use either:
+ - a Service Account (https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client/blob/d0110cf4f7aaa93d6f56fc028cd6a1e3d8dd300a/docs/oauth-server.md)
+ - an installed OAuth client (https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client/blob/d0110cf4f7aaa93d6f56fc028cd6a1e3d8dd300a/docs/oauth-installed.md)"""
+ )
+ def fetchServiceAccountCredentials(self, credentials_file):
+ # The service account credentials file can be used for server-to-server applications
+ return service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
+ credentials_file, scopes=GoogleClient.SCOPES)
+ def fetchInstalledOAuthCredentials(self, credentials_file):
+ creds = None
+ # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
+ # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
+ # time.
+ if os.path.exists('token.pickle'):
+ with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token:
+ creds = pickle.load(token)
+ # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.
+ if not creds or not creds.valid:
+ if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
+ creds.refresh(Request())
+ else:
+ flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
+ credentials_file, GoogleClient.SCOPES)
+ creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
+ # Save the credentials for the next run
+ with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token:
+ pickle.dump(creds, token)
+ return creds
def __enter__(self):
- self.get_access_token()
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
- self.__session.close()
- @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo,
- Server5xxError,
- max_tries=5,
- factor=2)
- def get_access_token(self):
- # The refresh_token never expires and may be used many times to generate each access_token
- # Since the refresh_token does not expire, it is not included in get access_token response
- if self.__access_token is not None and self.__expires > datetime.utcnow():
- return
- headers = {}
- if self.__user_agent:
- headers['User-Agent'] = self.__user_agent
- response = self.__session.post(
- headers=headers,
- data={
- 'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
- 'client_id': self.__client_id,
- 'client_secret': self.__client_secret,
- 'refresh_token': self.__refresh_token,
- })
- if response.status_code >= 500:
- raise Server5xxError()
- if response.status_code != 200:
- raise_for_error(response)
- data = response.json()
- self.__access_token = data['access_token']
- self.__expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])
- LOGGER.info('Authorized, token expires = {}'.format(self.__expires))
+ LOGGER.debug('exiting google client')
# Rate Limit: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/limits
# 100 request per 100 seconds per User
@utils.ratelimit(100, 100)
- def request(self, method, path=None, url=None, api=None, **kwargs):
- self.get_access_token()
- self.base_url = 'https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4'
- if api == 'files':
- self.base_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3'
- if not url and path:
- url = '{}/{}'.format(self.base_url, path)
- # endpoint = stream_name (from sync.py API call)
- if 'endpoint' in kwargs:
- endpoint = kwargs['endpoint']
- del kwargs['endpoint']
+ def request(self, endpoint=None, params={}, **kwargs):
+ formatted_params = {}
+ for (key, value) in params.items():
+ # API parameters interpolation
+ # will raise a KeyError in case a necessary argument is missing
+ formatted_params[key] = value.format(**kwargs)
+ # Call the correct Google API depending on the stream name
+ if endpoint == 'spreadsheet_metadata' or endpoint == 'sheet_metadata':
+ # https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets/get
+ request = self.__sheets_service.spreadsheets().get(**formatted_params)
+ elif endpoint == 'sheets_loaded':
+ # https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets.values/get
+ request = self.__sheets_service.spreadsheets().values().get(**formatted_params)
+ elif endpoint == 'file_metadata':
+ # https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference/files/get
+ request = self.__drive_service.files().get(**formatted_params)
- endpoint = None
- LOGGER.info('{} URL = {}'.format(endpoint, url))
- if 'headers' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['headers'] = {}
- kwargs['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format(self.__access_token)
+ raise Exception('{} not implemented yet!'.format(endpoint))
- if self.__user_agent:
- kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.__user_agent
+ with metrics.http_request_timer(endpoint) as timer:
+ error = None
+ status_code = 400
- if method == 'POST':
- kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ try:
+ response = request.execute()
+ status_code = 200
+ except HttpError as e:
+ status_code = e.resp.status or status_code
+ error = e
- with metrics.http_request_timer(endpoint) as timer:
- response = self.__session.request(method, url, **kwargs)
- timer.tags[metrics.Tag.http_status_code] = response.status_code
+ timer.tags[metrics.Tag.http_status_code] = status_code
- if response.status_code >= 500:
+ if status_code >= 500:
raise Server5xxError()
- #Use retry functionality in backoff to wait and retry if
- #response code equals 429 because rate limit has been exceeded
- if response.status_code == 429:
+ # Use retry functionality in backoff to wait and retry if
+ # response code equals 429 because rate limit has been exceeded
+ if status_code == 429:
raise Server429Error()
- if response.status_code != 200:
- raise_for_error(response)
- # Ensure keys and rows are ordered as received from API
- return response.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- def get(self, path, api, **kwargs):
- return self.request(method='GET', path=path, api=api, **kwargs)
+ if status_code != 200:
+ raise error
- def post(self, path, api, **kwargs):
- return self.request(method='POST', path=path, api=api, **kwargs)
+ return response
stream_name = 'sheet_metadata'
stream_metadata = STREAMS.get(stream_name)
- api = stream_metadata.get('api', 'sheets')
params = stream_metadata.get('params', {})
- sheet_title_encoded = urllib.parse.quote_plus(sheet_title)
- sheet_title_escaped = re.escape(sheet_title)
- querystring = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in \
- params.items()]).replace('{sheet_title}', sheet_title_encoded)
- path = '{}?{}'.format(stream_metadata.get('path').replace('{spreadsheet_id}', \
- spreadsheet_id), querystring)
- sheet_md_results = client.get(path=path, api=api, endpoint=sheet_title_escaped)
+ # GET sheet_metadata
+ sheet_md_results = client.request(endpoint=stream_name,
+ spreadsheet_id=spreadsheet_id,
+ sheet_title=sheet_title,
+ params=params)
# sheet_metadata: 1st `sheets` node in results
sheet_metadata = sheet_md_results.get('sheets')[0]
field_metadata[stream_name] = mdata
if stream_name == 'spreadsheet_metadata':
- api = stream_metadata.get('api', 'sheets')
params = stream_metadata.get('params', {})
- querystring = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in params.items()])
- path = '{}?{}'.format(stream_metadata.get('path').replace('{spreadsheet_id}', \
- spreadsheet_id), querystring)
# GET spreadsheet_metadata, which incl. sheets (basic metadata for each worksheet)
- spreadsheet_md_results = client.get(path=path, params=querystring, api=api, \
- endpoint=stream_name)
+ spreadsheet_md_results = client.request(endpoint=stream_name,
+ spreadsheet_id=spreadsheet_id,
+ params=params)
sheets = spreadsheet_md_results.get('sheets')
if sheets:
# streams: API URL endpoints to be called
# properties:
-# <root node>: Plural stream name for the endpoint
-# path: API endpoint relative path, when added to the base URL, creates the full path,
-# default = stream_name
+# <root node>: Plural stream name which will condition the endpoint called
# key_properties: Primary key fields for identifying an endpoint record.
# replication_method: INCREMENTAL or FULL_TABLE
# replication_keys: bookmark_field(s), typically a date-time, used for filtering the results
# file_metadata: Queries Google Drive API to get file information and see if file has been modified
# Provides audit info about who and when last changed the file.
+# cf https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference/files/get
- "api": "files",
- "path": "files/{spreadsheet_id}",
"key_properties": ["id"],
"replication_method": "INCREMENTAL",
"replication_keys": ["modifiedTime"],
"params": {
+ "fileId": "{spreadsheet_id}",
"fields": "id,name,createdTime,modifiedTime,version,teamDriveId,driveId,lastModifyingUser"
# spreadsheet_metadata: Queries spreadsheet to get basic information on spreadhsheet and sheets
+# cf https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets/get
- "api": "sheets",
- "path": "spreadsheets/{spreadsheet_id}",
"key_properties": ["spreadsheetId"],
"replication_method": "FULL_TABLE",
"params": {
- "includeGridData": "false"
+ "spreadsheetId": "{spreadsheet_id}"
# sheet_metadata: Get Header Row and 1st data row (Rows 1 & 2) from a Sheet on Spreadsheet.
-# This endpoint includes detailed metadata about each cell in the header and first data row
-# incl. data type, formatting, etc.
+# This endpoint includes detailed metadata about each cell in the header and first data row
+# incl. data type, formatting, etc.
+# cf https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets/get
- "api": "sheets",
- "path": "spreadsheets/{spreadsheet_id}",
"key_properties": ["sheetId"],
"replication_method": "FULL_TABLE",
"params": {
+ "spreadsheetId": "{spreadsheet_id}",
"includeGridData": "true",
"ranges": "'{sheet_title}'!1:2"
# sheets_loaded: Queries a batch of Rows for each Sheet in the Spreadsheet.
-# Each query uses the `values` endpoint, to get data-only, w/out the formatting/type metadata.
+# Each query uses the `values` endpoint, to get data-only, w/out the formatting/type metadata.
+# cf https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets.values/get
- "api": "sheets",
- "path": "spreadsheets/{spreadsheet_id}/values/'{sheet_title}'!{range_rows}",
"data_key": "values",
"key_properties": ["spreadsheetId", "sheetId", "loadDate"],
"replication_method": "FULL_TABLE",
"params": {
+ "spreadsheetId": "{spreadsheet_id}",
+ "range": "'{sheet_title}'!{range_rows}",
"dateTimeRenderOption": "SERIAL_NUMBER",
"valueRenderOption": "UNFORMATTED_VALUE",
"majorDimension": "ROWS"
return selected_fields
def get_data(stream_name,
- spreadsheet_id,
- range_rows=None):
- if not range_rows:
- range_rows = ''
- # Replace {placeholder} variables in path
- # Encode stream_name: fixes issue w/ special characters in sheet name
- stream_name_escaped = re.escape(stream_name)
- stream_name_encoded = urllib.parse.quote_plus(stream_name)
- path = endpoint_config.get('path', stream_name).replace(
- '{spreadsheet_id}', spreadsheet_id).replace('{sheet_title}', stream_name_encoded).replace(
- '{range_rows}', range_rows)
+ **kwargs):
params = endpoint_config.get('params', {})
- api = endpoint_config.get('api', 'sheets')
- # Add in querystring parameters and replace {placeholder} variables
- # querystring function ensures parameters are added but not encoded causing API errors
- querystring = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in params.items()]).replace(
- '{sheet_title}', stream_name_encoded)
- LOGGER.info('URL: {}/{}?{}'.format(client.base_url, path, querystring))
- data = {}
+ LOGGER.info('GET {}'.format(stream_name))
time_extracted = utils.now()
- data = client.get(
- path=path,
- api=api,
- params=querystring,
- endpoint=stream_name_escaped)
+ data = client.request(
+ endpoint=stream_name,
+ params=params,
+ **kwargs)
return data, time_extracted
file_metadata_config = STREAMS.get(stream_name)
# GET file_metadata
- LOGGER.info('GET file_meatadata')
+ LOGGER.info('GET file_metadata')
file_metadata, time_extracted = get_data(stream_name=stream_name,
while not is_last_row and from_row < sheet_max_row and to_row <= sheet_max_row:
range_rows = 'A{}:{}{}'.format(from_row, sheet_last_col_letter, to_row)
- # GET sheet_data for a worksheet tab
+ # GET sheets_loaded for a worksheet tab
sheet_data, time_extracted = get_data(
- stream_name=sheet_title,
+ stream_name='sheets_loaded',
+ sheet_title=sheet_title,
# Data is returned as a list of arrays, an array of values for each row