, loaderFn
) where
-import Prelude (Unit(), ($), (>>=), (<$>), (<*>), (<<<), (++), bind, const)
+import Prelude (Unit(), ($), (>>=), (<$>), (<*>), (++), bind, const, id, pure, unit)
+import Control.Apply ((*>))
import Control.Bind (join)
-import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
+import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff(), foreachE)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error(), error)
import Data.Array ((!!))
+import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
+import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
+import Data.Foreign.Class (read)
import Data.Function (Fn2(), mkFn2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
-import Data.Either (either)
-import Data.Foreign (Foreign())
-import Data.Foreign.Class (read)
-import Data.Foreign.Null (runNull)
+import Data.Nullable (toMaybe)
import Data.String.Regex (Regex(), match, noFlags, regex)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import PursLoader.LoaderRef
- ( LoaderRef()
+ ( AsyncCallback()
+ , LoaderRef()
, Loader()
, async
, cacheable
import PursLoader.LoaderUtil (parseQuery)
-import PursLoader.Options (runOptions)
+import PursLoader.Options (Options(..))
import PursLoader.Path (dirname, relative)
+import PursLoader.Plugin as Plugin
type Effects eff = (loader :: Loader | eff)
-type PurescriptWebpackPluginContext eff = { compile :: (Foreign -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit) -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit }
loader :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
loader ref source = do
callback <- async ref
cacheable ref
- let parsed = parseQuery $ query ref
- options = either (const Nothing) (Just <<< runOptions) (read parsed)
- moduleName = join $ match moduleRegex source >>= \as -> as !! 1
- resourceDir = dirname (resourcePath ref)
- modulePath = (\opts -> relative resourceDir opts.bundleOutput) <$> options
- result = (\path name -> "module.exports = require('" ++ path ++ "')['" ++ name ++ "'];") <$> modulePath <*> moduleName
- clearDependencies ref
- addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
- pluginContext.compile (\err -> maybe (callback (Just $ error "Failed to run loader") "")
- (callback (compileError err)) result)
+ pluginContext.compile (compile callback)
- moduleRegex :: Regex
- moduleRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
- pluginContext :: PurescriptWebpackPluginContext eff
+ pluginContext :: Plugin.Context (Effects eff)
pluginContext = (unsafeCoerce ref).purescriptWebpackPluginContext
- compileError :: Foreign -> Maybe Error
- compileError value = either (const $ Just (error "Failed to compile")) ((<$>) error) (runNull <$> read value)
+ compile :: AsyncCallback eff -> Plugin.Compile (Effects eff)
+ compile callback error' { srcMap, ffiMap, graph } = do
+ clearDependencies ref
+ addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
+ either (\err -> callback (Just err) "") id
+ (handle <$> name <*> dependencies <*> exports)
+ where
+ handle :: String -> Array String -> String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
+ handle name' deps res = do
+ addTransitive name'
+ foreachE deps addTransitive
+ callback (toMaybe error') res
+ exports :: Either Error String
+ exports = (\a b -> "module.exports = require('" ++ a ++ "')['" ++ b ++ "'];") <$> path <*> name
+ dependencies :: Either Error (Array String)
+ dependencies = name >>= Plugin.dependenciesOf graph
+ addTransitive :: String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
+ addTransitive dep = addDep (Plugin.get srcMap dep) *> addDep (Plugin.get ffiMap dep)
+ where
+ addDep :: Maybe String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
+ addDep = maybe (pure unit) (addDependency ref)
+ name :: Either Error String
+ name =
+ maybe (Left $ error "Failed to parse module name") Right
+ (join $ match re source >>= \as -> as !! 1)
+ where
+ re :: Regex
+ re = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
+ path :: Either Error String
+ path = (\(Options opts) -> relative resourceDir opts.bundleOutput) <$> options
+ where
+ options :: Either Error Options
+ options =
+ lmap (const $ error "Failed to parse loader query")
+ (read $ parseQuery (query ref))
+ resourceDir :: String
+ resourceDir = dirname (resourcePath ref)
loaderFn :: forall eff. Fn2 LoaderRef String (Eff (Effects eff) Unit)
loaderFn = mkFn2 loader
--- /dev/null
+module PursLoader.Plugin
+ ( Result()
+ , Compile()
+ , Context()
+ , ImmutableMap()
+ , DependencyGraph()
+ , get
+ , dependenciesOf
+ ) where
+import Prelude (Unit())
+import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
+import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error())
+import Data.Either (Either(..))
+import Data.Function (Fn4(), runFn4)
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
+import Data.Nullable (Nullable())
+type Result = { srcMap :: ImmutableMap String String, ffiMap :: ImmutableMap String String, graph :: DependencyGraph }
+type Compile eff = Nullable Error -> Result -> Eff eff Unit
+type Context eff = { compile :: Compile eff -> Eff eff Unit }
+get :: forall key value. ImmutableMap key value -> key -> Maybe value
+get = runFn4 getFn Nothing Just
+dependenciesOf :: DependencyGraph -> String -> Either Error (Array String)
+dependenciesOf = runFn4 dependenciesOfFn Left Right
+foreign import data ImmutableMap :: * -> * -> *
+foreign import data DependencyGraph :: *
+foreign import getFn
+ :: forall key value. Fn4 (Maybe value)
+ (value -> Maybe value)
+ (ImmutableMap key value)
+ key
+ (Maybe value)
+foreign import dependenciesOfFn
+ :: Fn4 (Error -> Either Error (Array String))
+ (Array String -> Either Error (Array String))
+ DependencyGraph
+ String
+ (Either Error (Array String))